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Rectal stercoral ulcer perforation [Case Report]
Baltazar, Gerard; Sahinoglu, Serkan; Betler, Michael; Huynh, Michael; Chendrasekhar, Akella
PMID: 23265105
ISSN: 1555-9823
CID: 3726682
Discovery of a case of Waugh's syndrome during a mission to Haiti
Baltazar, Gerard; Sahyoun, Cyril; Sime, Jacklin; Bitar, Marlon; Bitar, Jerry; Rao, A C
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:A rarely reported entity, Waugh's syndrome is the association between intestinal malrotation and intussusception. We present a case of Waugh's syndrome encountered during a medical mission to a resource poor country. PRESENTATION OF CASE/METHODS:A 3-month-old female presented with septic shock and acute bowel obstruction secondary to intussusception and malrotation. She required aggressive resuscitation and emergent laparotomy, bowel resection, Ladd procedure and temporary ileostomy. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:First described in 1911, Waugh's syndrome has been rarely reported in the literature. We summarize a total of 54 cases of Waugh's syndrome that are reported in the literature to date. The complicated but successful care of this patient reflects the severe outcome of any inadequate treatment of Waugh's syndrome and illustrates the importance of medical volunteers in developing countries. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:As the relationship between malrotation and intussusception may be more frequent than recorded, surgeons must be aware that non-operative management of intussusception may be inadequate therapy.
PMID: 22288034
ISSN: 2210-2612
CID: 3726742
Reconciling nuclear microsatellite and mitochondrial marker estimates of population structure: breeding population structure of Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxatilis)
Brown, K M; Baltazar, G A; Hamilton, M B
Comparative analyses of nuclear and organelle genetic markers may help delineate evolutionarily significant units or management units, although population differentiation estimates from multiple genomes can also conflict. Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) are long-lived, highly migratory anadromous fish recently recovered from a severe decline in population size. Previous studies with protein, nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers produced discordant results, and it remains uncertain if the multiple tributaries within Chesapeake Bay constitute distinct management units. Here, 196 young-of-the-year (YOY) striped bass were sampled from Maryland's Choptank, Potomac and Nanticoke Rivers and the north end of Chesapeake Bay in 1999 and from Virginia's Mataponi and Rappahannock Rivers in 2001. A total of 10 microsatellite loci exhibited between two and 27 alleles per locus with observed heterozygosities between 0.255 and 0.893. The 10-locus estimate of R(ST) among the six tributaries was -0.0065 (95% confidence interval -0.0198 to 0.0018). All R(ST) and all but one theta estimates for pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero. Reanalysis of Chesapeake Bay striped bass mtDNA data from two previous studies estimated population differentiation between theta=-0.002 and 0.160, values generally similar to mtDNA population differentiation predicted from microsatellite R(ST) after adjusting for reduced effective population size and uniparental inheritance in organelle genomes. Based on mtDNA differentiation, breeding sex ratios or gene flow may have been slightly male biased in some years. The results reconcile conflicting past studies based on different types of genetic markers, supporting a single Chesapeake Bay management unit encompassing a panmictic striped bass breeding population.
PMID: 15829986
ISSN: 0018-067x
CID: 3726732
Isolation and characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci in the anadromous marine fish Morone saxatilis
Brown, KM; Baltazar, GA; Weinstein, BN; Hamilton, MB
ISSN: 1471-8278
CID: 3971942