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Normal values of left atrial volume in pediatric age group using a validated allometric model

Bhatla, Puneet; Nielsen, James C; Ko, Helen H; Doucette, John; Lytrivi, Irene D; Srivastava, Shubhika
BACKGROUND: Left atrial volume (LAV) increase is an indicator of diastolic dysfunction and a surrogate marker of significant left to right shunts. Normalization of LAV is currently performed by indexing to body surface area(1) (BSA(1)). The indexed LAV thus derived does not account for the nonlinear relationship of physiologic variables to BSA and has not been tested for independence to body size. Our objective was to identify a valid allometric model for indexing LAV and use it to develop Z-scores in children. METHODS AND RESULTS: LAV was measured in 300 normal subjects by echocardiography using the biplane area length method. LAV/BSA(1) had a residual relationship to BSA (r=0.52, P<0.0001). The allometric exponent (AE) derived for the entire cohort (1.27) using the least squares regression analysis also failed to eliminate the residual relationship to BSA (r=-0.15, P=0.01). Dividing the cohort in two groups with a BSA cut-off of 1 m(2) provided the best-fit allometric model. The AE for each group was 1.48 and 1.08 for BSA1 m(2), respectively, and was validated against an independent sample. The mean indexed LAV+/-SD for BSA1 m(2) is 31.5+/-5.5 mL and 26.0+/-4.2 mL, respectively, and was used to derive Z-scores. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the fallacy of using "per-BSA(1) standards" for normalization of LAV in pediatrics. LAV/BSA(1.48) for children with BSA1 m(2) is accurate and can be used to derive Z-scores.
PMID: 23074344
ISSN: 1941-9651
CID: 556352

Normal values for left ventricular volume in infants and young children by the echocardiographic subxiphoid five-sixth area by length (bullet) method

Lytrivi, Irene D; Bhatla, Puneet; Ko, H Helen; Yau, Jen; Geiger, Miwa K; Walsh, Rowan; Parness, Ira A; Srivastava, Shubhika; Nielsen, James C
BACKGROUND: Left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) can be estimated by the formula (5/6) x area x length, or the "bullet" method. The aim of this study was to determine the range of normal LVEDV values in infants and young children (aged 0-3 years) by the subxiphoid bullet method. METHODS: Echocardiograms from 100 normal subjects aged
PMID: 21281912
ISSN: 0894-7317
CID: 174704

The accuracy of echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular size in children by the 5/6 area x length (bullet) method

Nielsen, James C; Lytrivi, Irene D; Ko, H Helen; Yau, Jen; Bhatla, Puneet; Parness, Ira A; Srivastava, Shubhika
INTRODUCTION: Left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) calculation is important in decision making in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). This study examined the accuracy of LVEDV calculation by the formula: 5/6 x area x length ("bullet" method), by comparing echocardiographic (ECHO) LVEDV against cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). METHODS: ECHO and CMR data from 72 consecutive subjects with CHD < or =10 years of age were retrospectively reviewed. Exclusion criteria included: >3 months between examinations; unavailable or poor-quality images. Subxiphoid short- and long-axis echocardiographic images were analyzed. Bullet LVEDV was compared to CMR volumes. RESULTS: Seventeen subjects (median age 5.5 years, range 1-10 years) comprised the study group. ECHO and CMR LVEDV showed an excellent correlation (r = 0.97) and a good agreement with a mean difference (limits of agreement) of -1.0 mL (-13.9 to 11.9 mL). CONCLUSIONS: Subxiphoid echocardiographic bullet method of measuring LVEDV shows a good agreement with CMR obtained LV size in young children.
PMID: 20412269
ISSN: 0742-2822
CID: 174705