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Glomerular sclerosis in adults with nephrotic syndrome

Matalon, R; Katz, L; Gallo, G; Waldo, E; Cabaluna, C; Eisinger, R P
PMID: 4621259
ISSN: 0003-4819
CID: 76974

Hemodialysis using femoral vessel cannulation

Nidus BD; Matalon R; Katz LA; Cabaluna C; Tan C; Eisinger RP
PMID: 4431552
ISSN: 1660-8151
CID: 28284

Functional aortic insufficiency. A feature of renal failure

Matalon, R; Moussalli, A R; Nidus, B D; Katz, L A; Eisinger, R P
PMID: 5127143
ISSN: 0028-4793
CID: 28286

The use of gentamicin in peritoneal dialysis. II. Microbiologic and clinical results

Hyams, P J; Smithivas, T; Matalon, R; Katz, L; Simberkoff, M S; Rahal, J J Jr
PMID: 4942337
ISSN: 0022-1899
CID: 38264