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Stretch-induced spinal accessory nerve palsy [Case Report]

Logigian, E L; McInnes, J M; Berger, A R; Busis, N A; Lehrich, J R; Shahani, B T
Left spinal accessory nerve palsy occurred in a young man when he quickly turned his head to the right while his shoulders were pulled down by heavy hand-held objects. Electrophysiologic studies demonstrated partial axonotmesis of the spinal accessory nerve branches innervating the sternocleidomastoid and upper and middle trapezius and complete axonotmesis of spinal accessory branches to the lower trapezius. There was a separate, although functionally minor, cervical plexus innervation of the lower trapezius.
PMID: 3343990
ISSN: 0148-639x
CID: 4261672

Lumbrical sparing in carpal tunnel syndrome: anatomic, physiologic, and diagnostic implications

Logigian, E L; Busis, N A; Berger, A R; Bruyninckx, F; Khalil, N; Shahani, B T; Young, R R
Motor axons supplying lumbrical muscles are less severely affected than axons supplying thenar muscles in the carpal tunnel syndrome; sometimes lumbrical motor fibers are less affected than digit 2 sensory fibers. This pattern is consistent with compression of both the anterior and posterior aspects of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel because nerve fibers responsible for thenar, lumbrical, and digit 2 functions lie in an anterior-posterior gradient within the distal median nerve. Recognition of lumbrical sparing supports the electrodiagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome when the distal latency to thenar muscles or the palm-to-wrist mixed median nerve conduction velocity is normal.
PMID: 3627450
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4261682

Cervical root stimulation in the diagnosis of radiculopathy

Berger, A R; Busis, N A; Logigian, E L; Wierzbicka, M; Shahani, B T
Cervical root stimulation (CRS) was compared with conventional EMG, nerve conduction, and late response studies in 34 patients with possible cervical radiculopathy. Cervical roots were stimulated by monopolar needles inserted into paraspinal muscles, recording compound muscle action potentials in biceps, triceps, and abductor digiti minimi muscles. In 18 patients with clinical evidence of radiculopathy, EMG was abnormal in 11 (61%), but CRS was abnormal in all 18. Of 16 patients with symptoms but no signs of radiculopathy, EMG was abnormal in 5 (31%) and CRS was abnormal in 9 (56%).
PMID: 3808317
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4261702

Electrophysiologic assessment of a median nerve injury in the palm [Case Report]

Busis, N A; Logigian, E L; Shahani, B T
In median nerve lesions of the hand, electrophysiologic evaluation of the second lumbrical muscle can help to differentiate between lesions of the common digital nerves and the proper digital nerves, as illustrated by this case report. Median nerve conduction studies to the second lumbrical muscle can be performed by placing an active recording electrode just radial to the midpoint of the third metacarpal and stimulating the median nerve at the wrist or elbow.
PMID: 3702910
ISSN: 0148-639x
CID: 4261692

Periodic leg movements of sleep (nocturnal myoclonus): an electrophysiological study

Wechsler, L R; Stakes, J W; Shahani, B T; Busis, N A
Six patients with periodic leg movements of sleep (PLMS) were studied electrophysiologically. All patients had normal results on routine nerve conduction studies and electromyography. In 5 patients the blink reflex consisted of three components, and in 1 patient it consisted of four components, with two components being normal. The second component of their blink reflex did not habituate. Other abnormalities included long-latency responses in the extremities in 2 patients, release of H-reflexes from flexor hallucis brevis muscle in 2 patients, and an Hmax/Mmax ratio of 98% in 2 patients. One patient's median nerve somatosensory-evoked response had a markedly enlarged P22 wave. These electrophysiological abnormalities suggest a disorder of the central nervous system producing increased excitability of segmental reflexes. To produce increased excitability of both brainstem and spinal cord reflexes, the disorder must be operative at the pontine level or rostral to it. Since long-latency components of blink reflexes occurred in all our patients, this may be a helpful diagnostic test when PLMS is suspected.
PMID: 3963759
ISSN: 0364-5134
CID: 4261732

A discrete lesion of ventral hypothalamus and optic chiasm that disturbed the daily temperature rhythm [Case Report]

Schwartz, W J; Busis, N A; Hedley-Whyte, E T
A patient with a discrete metastasis in the ventral hypothalamus and optic chiasm is reported, who developed an abnormal daily rhythm of oral temperature without alteration of the 24-h mean temperature. This region, its afferents, and its efferents appear to be important in the neural regulation of human circadian rhythmicity.
PMID: 3950658
ISSN: 0340-5354
CID: 4261722

Familial syringomyelia [Case Report]

Busis, N A; Hochberg, F H
A woman with syringobulbia and syringomyelia and her sister with syringomyelia are described. The diagnosis was confirmed radiologically and surgically in the first sister and no other definite abnormalities of her craniocervical junction were found.
PMID: 4045487
ISSN: 0022-3050
CID: 4261742

Intraneuronal accumulation of myeloma proteins [Case Report]

Borges, L F; Busis, N A
We studied a patient with multiple myeloma who had immunologically identified myeloma light chain proteins within neurons projecting beyond the blood-brain barrier, but not within intrinsic neurons of the spinal cord, brain stem, and cerebral cortex. There was a possibility that these myeloma light chain proteins or their immunologically recognizable fragments were transported intra-axonally by human peripheral nerves. Myeloma light chain proteins were also identified within cerebellar Purkinje's neurons. This labeling may have been secondary to transport from cerebrospinal fluid.
PMID: 3925934
ISSN: 0003-9942
CID: 4261712

Peripheral neuropathy, high serum IgM, and paraproteinemia in mother and son [Case Report]

Busis NA; Halperin JJ; Stefansson K; Kwiatkowski DJ; Sagar SM; Schiff SR; Logigian EL
A mother and son had peripheral neuropathy, abnormal elevation of serum IgM, and paraproteinemia. These patients may have a familial disorder of immune regulation with antibody-mediated neuropathy or a familial neuropathy with a secondary immune response
PMID: 2986046
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 65105

Three cholinergic neuroblastoma hybrid cell lines that form few synapses on myotubes are deficient in acetylcholine receptor aggregation molecules and large dense core vesicles

Busis, N A; Daniels, M P; Bauer, H C; Pudimat, P A; Sonderegger, P; Schaffner, A E; Nirenberg, M
Three neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cell lines that synthesize and release acetylcholine but that form few or no synapses with cultured skeletal muscle cells lack two characteristics of neuroblastoma or hybrid cell lines that do form many synapses with myotubes: large dense core vesicles and the ability to increase the number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor clusters on co-cultured myotube membranes. Functional synapse formation on myotubes was increased by co-culturing myotubes and cells from one of the defective lines with neuroblastoma cells that induce myotube acetylcholine receptor aggregation but which synthesize little or no acetylcholine.
PMID: 6529617
ISSN: 0006-8993
CID: 4261752