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The HEAR-VA Pilot Study: Hearing Assistance Provided to Older Adults in the Emergency Department
Chodosh, Joshua; Goldfeld, Keith; Weinstein, Barbara E; Radcliffe, Kate; Burlingame, Madeleine; Dickson, Victoria; Grudzen, Corita; Sherman, Scott; Smilowitz, Jessica; Blustein, Jan
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Poor communication is a barrier to care for people with hearing loss. We assessed the feasibility and potential benefit of providing a simple hearing assistance device during an emergency department (ED) visit, for people who reported difficulty hearing. DESIGN/METHODS:Randomized controlled pilot study. SETTING/METHODS:The ED of New York Harbor Manhattan Veterans Administration Medical Center. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:One hundred and thirty-three Veterans aged 60 and older, presenting to the ED, likely to be discharged to home, who either (1) said that they had difficulty hearing, or (2) scored 10 or greater (range 0-40) on the Hearing Handicap Inventory-Survey (HHI-S). INTERVENTION/METHODS:Subjects were randomized (1:1), and intervention subjects received a personal amplifier (PA; Williams Sound Pocketalker 2.0) for use during their ED visit. MEASUREMENTS/METHODS:Three survey instruments: (1) six-item Hearing and Understanding Questionnaire (HUQ); (2) three-item Care Transitions Measure; and (3) three-item Patient Understanding of Discharge Information. Post-ED visit phone calls to assess ED returns. RESULTS:Of the 133 subjects, 98.3% were male; mean age was 76.4 years (standard deviation (SD) = 9.2). Mean HHI-S score was 19.2 (SD = 8.3). Across all HUQ items, intervention subjects reported better in-ED experience than controls. Seventy-five percent of intervention subjects agreed or strongly agreed that ability to understand what was said was without effort versus 56% for controls. Seventy-five percent of intervention subjects versus 36% of controls said clinicians provided them with an explanation about presenting problems. Three percent of intervention subjects had an ED revisit within 3 days compared with 9.0% controls. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Veterans with hearing difficulties reported improved in-ED experiences with use of PAs, and were less likely to return to the ED within 3 days. PAs may be an important adjunct to older patient ED care but require validation in a larger more definitive randomized controlled trial.
PMID: 33576037
ISSN: 1532-5415
CID: 4780132
Post-Discharge Health Status and Symptoms in Patients with Severe COVID-19
Weerahandi, Himali; Hochman, Katherine A; Simon, Emma; Blaum, Caroline; Chodosh, Joshua; Duan, Emily; Garry, Kira; Kahan, Tamara; Karmen-Tuohy, Savannah L; Karpel, Hannah C; Mendoza, Felicia; Prete, Alexander M; Quintana, Lindsey; Rutishauser, Jennifer; Santos Martinez, Leticia; Shah, Kanan; Sharma, Sneha; Simon, Elias; Stirniman, Ana Z; Horwitz, Leora I
BACKGROUND:Little is known about long-term recovery from severe COVID-19 disease. Here, we characterize overall health, physical health, and mental health of patients 1 month after discharge for severe COVID-19. METHODS:This was a prospective single health system observational cohort study of patients ≥ 18 years hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 disease who required at least 6 l of oxygen during admission, had intact baseline cognitive and functional status, and were discharged alive. Participants were enrolled between 30 and 40 days after discharge. Outcomes were elicited through validated survey instruments: the PROMIS® Dyspnea Characteristics and PROMIS® Global Health-10. RESULTS:A total of 161 patients (40.6% of eligible) were enrolled; 152 (38.3%) completed the survey. Median age was 62 years (interquartile range [IQR], 50-67); 57 (37%) were female. Overall, 113/152 (74%) participants reported shortness of breath within the prior week (median score 3 out of 10 [IQR 0-5]), vs 47/152 (31%) pre-COVID-19 infection (0, IQR 0-1), p < 0.001. Participants also rated their physical health and mental health as worse in their post-COVID state (43.8, standard deviation 9.3; mental health 47.3, SD 9.3) compared to their pre-COVID state, (54.3, SD 9.3; 54.3, SD 7.8, respectively), both p < 0.001. Physical and mental health means in the general US population are 50 (SD 10). A total of 52/148 (35.1%) patients without pre-COVID oxygen requirements needed home oxygen after hospital discharge; 20/148 (13.5%) reported still using oxygen at time of survey. CONCLUSIONS:Patients with severe COVID-19 disease typically experience sequelae affecting their respiratory status, physical health, and mental health for at least several weeks after hospital discharge.
PMID: 33443703
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 4747152
How can we address poor sleep in nursing homes?
Martin, Jennifer L; Chodosh, Joshua
PMID: 33781360
ISSN: 1741-203x
CID: 4830582
Implementation of Telemental Health (TMH) psychological services for rural veterans at the VA New York Harbor Healthcare System
Chen, Cory K; Palfrey, Amy; Shreck, Erica; Silvestri, Brittney; Wash, Lauren; Nehrig, Nicole; Baer, Alyssa L; Schneider, Jennifer A; Ashkenazi, Sagiv; Sherman, Scott E; Chodosh, Joshua
Meeting the mental health needs of our current veteran population is one of the primary challenges facing the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA). Particularly for veterans residing in rural areas, the lack of providers, high provider turnover, and the burden of traveling long distances to VHA facilities may contribute to difficulties accessing mental health care. Telemental Health (TMH) services help bridge the geographic gap between mental health providers and veterans who need mental health services. The VHA TMH Hub initiative has attempted to leverage changes in technology-facilitated care by developing a model in which a facility "hub" could expand mental health resources to remote "spoke" clinics and veterans' residences. This paper describes the implementation of the VA New York Harbor Health care System (VA NYH) TMH Hub, which was one of 6 programs funded by the VHA Office of Rural Health (ORH) in September 2016. We will describe the structure of the program, services provided, veterans served, and our efforts to integrate quality improvement, research, and clinical training into the operations of the program. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
PMID: 30742470
ISSN: 1939-148x
CID: 3684642
An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Patient and Caregiver Perspectives of Ambulatory Kidney Palliative Care
Bristol, Alycia A; Chaudhry, Sobaata; Assis, Dana; Wright, Rebecca; Moriyama, Derek; Harwood, Katherine; Brody, Abraham A; Charytan, David M; Chodosh, Joshua; Scherer, Jennifer S
OBJECTIVES/UNASSIGNED:The ideal clinical model to deliver palliative care to patients with advanced kidney disease is currently unknown. Internationally, ambulatory kidney palliative care clinics have emerged with positive outcomes, yet there is limited data from the United States (US). In this exploratory study we report perceptions of a US-based ambulatory kidney palliative care clinic from the perspective of patient and caregiver attendees. The objective of this study was to inform further improvement of our clinical program. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Semi-structured interviews were conducted to elicit the patient and caregiver experience. Eleven interviews (8 patients with chronic kidney disease stage IV or V and 3 caregivers) were analyzed using qualitative description design. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:We identified 2 themes: "Communication addressing the emotional and physical aspects of disease" and "Filling gaps in care"; Subthemes include perceived value in symptom management, assistance with coping with disease, engagement in advance care planning, program satisfaction and patient activation. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Qualitative analysis showed that attendees of an ambulatory kidney palliative care clinic found the clinic enhanced the management of their kidney disease and provided services that filled current gaps in their care. Shared experiences highlight the significant challenges of life with kidney disease and the possible benefits of palliative care for this population. Further study to determine the optimal model of care for kidney palliative care is needed. Inclusion of the patient and caregiver perspective will be essential in this development.
PMID: 33438435
ISSN: 1938-2715
CID: 4746812
Barriers to Vaccination Among People with Parkinson's Disease and Implications for COVID-19
Phanhdone, Tiffany; Drummond, Patrick; Meisel, Talia; Friede, Naomi; Di Rocco, Alessandro; Chodosh, Joshua; Fleisher, Jori
BACKGROUND:Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) are at higher risk of vaccine-preventable respiratory infections. However, advanced, homebound individuals may have less access to vaccinations. In light of COVID-19, understanding barriers to vaccination in PD may inform strategies to increase vaccine uptake. OBJECTIVE:To identify influenza and pneumococcal vaccination rates, including barriers and facilitators to vaccination, among homebound and ambulatory individuals with PD and related disorders. METHODS:Cross-sectional US-based study among individuals with PD, aged > 65 years, stratified as homebound or ambulatory. Participants completed semi-structured interviews on vaccination rates and barriers, and healthcare utilization. RESULTS:Among 143 participants, 9.8% had missed all influenza vaccinations in the past 5 years, and 32.2% lacked any pneumococcal vaccination, with no between-group differences. Homebound participants (n = 41) reported difficulty traveling to clinic (p < 0.01) as a vaccination barrier, and despite similar outpatient visit frequencies, had more frequent emergency department visits (31.7% vs. 9.8%, p < 0.01) and hospitalizations (14.6% vs. 2.9%, p = 0.03). Vaccine hesitancy was reported in 35% of participants, vaccine refusal in 19%, and 13.3% reported unvaccinated household members, with no between-group differences. Nearly 13% thought providers recommended against vaccines for PD patients, and 31.5% were unsure of vaccine recommendations in PD. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Among a sample of homebound and ambulatory people with PD, many lack age-appropriate immunizations despite ample healthcare utilization. Many participants were unsure whether healthcare providers recommend vaccinations for people with PD. In light of COVID-19, neurologist reinforcement that vaccinations are indicated, safe, and recommended may be beneficial.
PMID: 33935103
ISSN: 1877-718x
CID: 4865872
Conservative kidney management practice patterns in The United States: A ckdopps analysis [Meeting Abstract]
Scherer, J S; Muenz, D G; Bieber, B; Stengel, B; Masud, T; Robinson, B M; Pecoits-Filho, R; Goldfeld, K S; Chodosh, J; Charytan, D M
Background: Conservative kidney management (CKM) of kidney failure is an important treatment option for many patients. However, its availability in the United States (US) is not well described. We describe CKM resources and provider practice patterns in US Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) clinics.
Method(s): Cross sectional analysis of provider surveys (n=22) from unique clinics in the US from the CKD Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (CKDopps) collected between 2014-2017.
Result(s): Only eight (36%) providers reported involving palliative care in planning for and educating patients about kidney failure. A majority (59%) were extremely comfortable discussing CKM and nearly 100% typically discussed CKM as a treatment option. Nearly all (95%) reported their clinics had the ability to routinely deliver CKM, but only one had a CKM protocol or guideline, and none offered a specific CKM clinic. Most providers said their clinics used the word conservative to describe CKM, with 24% choosing palliative or supportive terminology. Regardless of involvement of PC, most providers estimated that 5% of their patients with or approaching kidney failure were managed with CKM. Patient preference, functional status, frailty, and comorbidities were the most important factors influencing provider decisions in contemplating the suitability of CKM for patients. (Figure 1)
Conclusion(s): Most providers report feeling comfortable discussing CKM, yet almost no clinics report resources or dedicated infrastructure for CKM delivery. Despite reported high frequency of discussing CKM, few patients were described as choosing this treatment pathway. Factors that influence consideration of CKM are consistent with elements that generally influence well-informed geriatric and end-of-life care. Efforts to improve assessment of those elements may allow for more informed recommendations of CKM
ISSN: 1533-3450
CID: 5179742
What did you say?: Assessing a virtualgoscetotrain RAS who recruit older adults to clinical trials [Meeting Abstract]
Fisher, H; Altshuler, L; Langford, A; Chodosh, J; Zabar, S
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES 1: Interpersonal /Communication Skill: 1) Identify communication skills needed to recruit older adults LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2: 2) Assess feasibility of GOSCEs to enhance recruitment skills in RAs. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Convenience sample of 18 (5 male, 13 female) Research Assistants (RAs) at an urban hospital who recruit older adults for clinical trials. DESCRIPTION: Increasing older adults' participation in clinical trials is urgently needed. We developed a remote, three station simulation (Group Objective Structured Clinical Exam - GOSCE) to teach RAs communication skills. This 2-hour course included a discussion of challenges in recruiting older adults; skills practice with Standardized Participants (SPs); and a debrief to review experiences, highlight best practices. After discussion, RAs rotated (3 per group) through the stations, each with SP and faculty observer who provided immediate feedback. Thus, learners had opportunities for active and observational learning.Scenarios were: 1) an older white woman with hearing impairment; 2) an older white woman and family member together; and 3) an older Black man mistrustful due to history of racism in medical research. SPs completed behaviorally anchored checklists (11 communication skills across all cases, and 5-7 case-specific questions). Learners completed a 36- item survey of self-assessed change in skill after the workshop; insights on recruitment practice; and educational value. EVALUATION: The communication checklist across all cases included: relationship development (5 items, mean of 58% well done (range: 50-75%), patient education (3 items, 44% (42-58%)), patient satisfaction (2 items, 54% (50-58%)), and information gathering (1 item, 92%). Seventeen RAs completed the survey, 100% felt the workshop provided valuable feedback and taught relevant material, 88% would participate again and 52%reported that the workshop improved their recruitment skills. All RAs reported encountering situations similar to hearing impairment and family member cases, and the majority rated the cases as high in educational value. Just 45% reported experiencing a case similar to the Black male case, and 100% rate it as high in educational value. Key points identified by RAs included the value of building a trusting relationship with potential subjects, recognizing possible barriers to communication early on and addressing these directly in a supportive and respectful style. DISCUSSION / REFLECTION / LESSONS LEARNED: Remote GOSCEs are a feasible mechanism for training RAs in subject recruitment focused on the unique needs of older adults. Responses to the RA survey suggest that GOSCEs are feasible for training RAs in simulated clinical scenarios with which participants are familiar and unfamiliar. SP assessment of RAs identified areas for further reinforcement to improve recruitment skills. This innovation is a feasible, high yield strategy for training research staff. It is highly adaptable to the specific recruitment needs and skills of a clinical trials and will add to the literature on educating RAs
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 4984862
Disparities in access to care and research participation in advanced Parkinson's disease: Differences between a home visit study and outpatient clinic population [Meeting Abstract]
Fleisher, J E; Klostermann, E C; Myrick, E B; Hess, S P; Lee, J; Ouyang, B; Hall, D A; Chodosh, J
Objective: To describe sociodemographic differences between individuals with advanced Parkinson's Disease (PD) still receiving care in an outpatient clinic vs. those enrolled in an interdisciplinary home visit study.
Background(s): Individuals with PD from underrepresented minority backgrounds face disparities in access to expert neurologic care. Such disparities also persist in PD research participation, sometimes attributed to mistrust and stigma. As minority patients become homebound, they are further estranged from care and research representation. We launched an interdisciplinary home visit study to extend continuity of care to homebound individuals with advanced PD. Here, we seek to identify sociodemographic differences between home visit (HV) participants and the outpatient (OP) clinic population from which they were recruited to determine whether disparities in care and research enrollment among minority patients persist with this patient-centered, care-focused intervention. Design/Methods: Cross-sectional study comparing individuals with advanced PD-Hoehn & Yahr stage >3-drawn from a single movement disorders center between 2017- 2019. We conducted a chart review for demographic information and used t-tests or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests as appropriate to assess population differences.
Result(s): The HV population is significantly older (n = 58 HV, 1015 OP; mean age 78.4 (SD 7.5) vs. 75.0 (SD 9.2), respectively, p = 0.002) and includes nearly twice the percentage of minority patients (26.3% non-Caucasian vs. 14.7% non-Caucasian in OP, p = 0.02). As expected, HV had worse PD severity, with 62.1% stage 4 and 17.2% stage 5, vs. 28.6% and 11.0% of OP, respectively (p <0.0001).
Conclusion(s): The proportion of minority patients with advanced PD enrolled in a home-based study is significantly greater than that receiving care in the OP setting from which they originated. This suggests that social determinants of health may contribute to advanced PD patients from underrepresented minorities becoming lost to follow-up earlier than white patients. We are actively comparing our homebound population with matched controls from a longitudinal national registry to determine the generalizability of this finding. Our results suggest that despite their advanced age, disease, and homebound status, this population is amenable to research participation. Ultimately, continued access to care poses a large but surmountable hurdle to research participation for minority patients
ISSN: 1531-8249
CID: 4803492
Post-discharge health status and symptoms in patients with severe COVID-19
Weerahandi, Himali; Hochman, Katherine A; Simon, Emma; Blaum, Caroline; Chodosh, Joshua; Duan, Emily; Garry, Kira; Kahan, Tamara; Karmen-Tuohy, Savannah; Karpel, Hannah; Mendoza, Felicia; Prete, Alexander M; Quintana, Lindsey; Rutishauser, Jennifer; Santos Martinez, Leticia; Shah, Kanan; Sharma, Sneha; Simon, Elias; Stirniman, Ana; Horwitz, Leora
BACKGROUND:Little is known about long-term recovery from severe COVID-19 disease. Here, we characterize overall health, physical health and mental health of patients one month after discharge for severe COVID-19. METHODS:This was a prospective single health system observational cohort study of patients ≥18 years hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 disease who required at least 6 liters of oxygen during admission, had intact baseline cognitive and functional status and were discharged alive. Participants were enrolled between 30 and 40 days after discharge. Outcomes were elicited through validated survey instruments: the PROMIS Dyspnea Characteristics and PROMIS Global Health-10. RESULTS:A total of 161 patients (40.6% of eligible) were enrolled; 152 (38.3%) completed the survey. Median age was 62 years (interquartile range [IQR], 50-67); 57 (37%) were female. Overall, 113/152 (74%) participants reported shortness of breath within the prior week (median score 3 out of 10 [IQR 0-5]), vs. 47/152 (31%) pre-COVID-19 infection (0, IQR 0-1), p<0.001. Participants also rated their physical health and mental health as worse in their post-COVID state (43.8, standard deviation 9.3; mental health 47.3, SD 9.3) compared to their pre-COVID state, (54.3, SD 9.3; 54.3, SD 7.8, respectively), both p <0.001. A total of 52/148 (35.1%) patients without pre-COVID oxygen requirements needed home oxygen after hospital discharge; 20/148 (13.5%) reported still using oxygen at time of survey. CONCLUSIONS:Patients with severe COVID-19 disease typically experience sequelae affecting their respiratory status, physical health and mental health for at least several weeks after hospital discharge.
PMID: 32817973
ISSN: n/a
CID: 4567202