Does the erythrocyte sedimentation rate correlate with levels of known plasma proteins?
Honig, S; Bartfeld, H
In order to determine if the ESR correlated with concentrations in plasma of fibrinogen, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta, and gamma globulins, a prospective study of 61 hospitalized patients was undertaken. The correlation coefficient between the ESR and fibrinogen (r=0.4320), alpha-1 globulins 0=0.3763), alpha-2 globulins (r=0.5874), beta globulins (r=0.2156) and gamma globulins (r=0.2169) were determined. The multiple coefficient of correlation was 0.750, and the proportion of variance for all substances measures accounted for only 56% of the ESR. The data suggest that serum substances that were not measured in this study had a significant influence on the ESR.
PMID: 24194463
ISSN: 0360-3997
CID: 614482