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Pertussis infection in fully vaccinated children in day-care centers, Israel

Srugo, I; Benilevi, D; Madeb, R; Shapiro, S; Shohat, T; Somekh, E; Rimmar, Y; Gershtein, V; Gershtein, R; Marva, E; Lahat, N
We tested 46 fully vaccinated children in two day-care centers in Israel who were exposed to a fatal case of pertussis infection. Only two of five children who tested positive for Bordetella pertussis met the World Health Organization's case definition for pertussis. Vaccinated children may be asymptomatic reservoirs for infection.
PMID: 10998384
ISSN: 1080-6040
CID: 1500002

Need for diagnostic screening of Herpes simplex virus in patients with nongonococcal urethritis

Madeb, R; Nativ, O; Benilevi, D; Feldman, P A; Halachmi, S; Srugo, I
The prevalence of various microorganisms known to cause nongonococcal urethritis, including herpes simplex virus (HSV), was evaluated. The findings suggest that HSV can be a significant etiological agent in nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) and that the necessary laboratory investigations should be performed for all patients with clinical symptoms of NGU.
PMID: 10880323
ISSN: 1058-4838
CID: 1500022

Numb chin syndrome as the presenting symptom of metastatic prostate carcinoma [Case Report]

Halachmi, S; Madeb, R; Madjar, S; Wald, M; River, Y; Nativ, O
We report a case of the numb chin syndrome as the presenting symptom in a patient with metastatic prostate carcinoma. The numb chin syndrome is characterized by facial numbness along the distribution of the mental branch of the trigeminal nerve. Most cases of this syndrome that are not dental in origin have been associated with diffuse metastatic disease, particularly with underlying lymphoproliferative and breast cancer. Although axial and vertebral bone metastases are common in patients with carcinoma of the prostate, mental nerve involvement is rare. We present a case of the numb chin syndrome as the initial clinical manifestation in a patient with metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma.
PMID: 10754168
ISSN: 0090-4295
CID: 1500032