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Anti-MAG IgM antibodies in patients with neuropathy and IgM M proteins: detection by ELISA

Nobile-Orazio, E; Vietorisz, T; Messito, M J; Sherman, W H; Latov, N
In some patients with plasma cell dyscrasia and neuropathy, there are IgM M proteins that react with the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). We used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system to detect anti-MAG IgM antibodies. Reactivity with human MAG by ELISA correlated with demonstration of anti-MAG IgM antibodies by the "immunoblot" technique. Human MAG was more effective than bovine MAG as antigen, and there was no significant reactivity with mouse MAG. The ELISA system is a simple and convenient method for detecting anti-MAG IgM antibodies.
PMID: 6191246
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2724092

Measurement of myelin basic protein and of anti-basic protein antibodies by ELISA utilizing biotinylated antibodies

Spatz, L; Whitman, L; Messito, M J; Nilaver, G; Ginsberg, S; Latov, N
Immunoglobulins were conjugated to peroxidase by the biotin-avidin method and used in ELISA systems for measuring myelin basic protein (MBP) and anti-MBP antibodies. To measure concentration of MBP, microplate wells were coated with affinity purified rabbit anti-MBP antibodies and incubated with varying concentrations of MBP. Bound antigen was measured by incubating with biotinylated anti-MBP antibodies and avidin-peroxidase. As little as 0.2 ng/ml of MBP could be measured by this assay. To measure anti-MBP antibodies, microplate wells were coated with human MBP and incubated with varying concentrations of affinity purified rabbit anti-human MBP antibodies. Binding was measured by incubating with either peroxidase-conjugated anti-rabbit antibodies or biotinylated anti-rabbit antibodies and avidin peroxidase. The two methods were equally sensitive. The avidin-biotin method for enzyme conjugation promises to be a useful and versatile tool for ELISA systems.
PMID: 6194103
ISSN: 0090-0877
CID: 2724102