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[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2017

When your kid is the bully

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714642

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2015

Managing meltdowns in older children

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714652

Practical skills to design and conduct a rigorous qualitative study in medical education

Chapter by: Colson, Eve R; Christy, Cynthia; Beck, Gary L; Kind, Terry; Hanson, Janice L; Paul, Caroline R; Forbes, Karen; Bannister, Susan
in: Excellence in medical student education in pediatrics by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2015
pp. 10-
CID: 4716582

MedEdPortal 1.0 : a workshop for disseminating educational scholarship

Chapter by: Phillipi, Carrie A; Rocha, Mary EM; Powers, Makia E; Scotten, Mitzi; Khidir, Amal; Paul, Caroline R; Trainor, Jennifer; Beck, Gary L; Hanson, Janice L
in: Excellence in medical student education in pediatrics by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2015
pp. 17-
CID: 4716592

Finding opportunities in qualitative research : framing your medical education research question

Chapter by: Kind, Terry; Colson, Eve; Richards, Daniel G; Hanson, Janice L; Tewksbury, Linda R; Paul, Caroline R; Forbes, Karen; Beck, Gary L; Christy, Cynthia; Bannister, Susan L
in: Excellence in medical student education in pediatrics by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2015
pp. 18-19
CID: 4716602

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2014

Teens and malls

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714662

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2014

Away from home for the first time (Giveaway)

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714672

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2014

Cold season 2014

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714682

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2014

High chair safety

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714692

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2014

Tips for talking with kids

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714702