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ACR Appropriateness Criteria(R) Ovarian Cancer Screening
Pandharipande, Pari V; Lowry, Kathryn P; Reinhold, Caroline; Atri, Mostafa; Benson, Carol B; Bhosale, Priyadarshani R; Green, Edward D; Kang, Stella K; Lakhman, Yulia; Maturen, Katherine E; Nicola, Refky; Salazar, Gloria M; Shipp, Thomas D; Simpson, Lynn; Sussman, Betsy L; Uyeda, Jennifer; Wall, Darci J; Whitcomb, Bradford; Zelop, Carolyn M; Glanc, Phyllis
There has been much interest in the identification of a successful ovarian cancer screening test, in particular, one that can detect ovarian cancer at an early stage and improve survival. We reviewed the currently available data from randomized and observational trials that examine the role of imaging for ovarian cancer screening in average-risk and high-risk women. We found insufficient evidence to recommend ovarian cancer screening, when considering the imaging modality (pelvic ultrasound) and population (average-risk postmenopausal women) for which there is the greatest available published evidence; randomized controlled trials have not demonstrated a mortality benefit in this setting. Screening high-risk women using pelvic ultrasound may be appropriate in some clinical situations; however, related data are limited because large, randomized trials have not been performed in this setting. The American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria are evidence-based guidelines for specific clinical conditions that are reviewed annually by a multidisciplinary expert panel. The guideline development and revision include an extensive analysis of current medical literature from peer reviewed journals and the application of well-established methodologies (RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method and Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation or GRADE) to rate the appropriateness of imaging and treatment procedures for specific clinical scenarios. In those instances where evidence is lacking or equivocal, expert opinion may supplement the available evidence to recommend imaging or treatment.
PMID: 29101987
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2772182
Risk-stratified versus Non-Risk-stratified Diagnostic Testing for Management of Suspected Acute Biliary Obstruction: Comparative Effectiveness, Costs, and the Role of MR Cholangiopancreatography
Kang, Stella K; Hoffman, David; Ferket, Bart; Kim, Michelle I; Braithwaite, R Scott
Purpose To analyze the cost effectiveness of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) risk stratification guidelines versus magnetic resonance (MR) cholangiopancreatography-based treatment of patients with possible choledocholithiasis. Materials and Methods A decision-analytic model was constructed to compare cost and effectiveness of three diagnostic strategies for gallstone disease with possible choledocholithiasis: noncontrast MR cholangiopancreatography, contrast material-enhanced MR imaging/MR cholangiopancreatography, and ASGE risk stratification guidelines for diagnostic evaluation recommending endoscopy (high risk), MR cholangiopancreatography (intermediate risk), or no test (low risk). Analysis was performed from a U.S. health system perspective over 1-year and lifetime horizons. The model accounted for benign and malignant causes of biliary obstruction and procedural complications. Cost information was based on Medicare reimbursements. Sensitivity analysis assessed the impact of parameter variability on model results. Results Noncontrast MR cholangiopancreatography was most cost-effective in 45-55-year-old patients (less than $100 000 per quality-adjusted life-year [QALY] gained), while contrast-enhanced MR imaging was favored in younger adults. Risk-stratified testing was less costly than MR cholangiopancreatography, with long-term savings of $1870 and $2068 versus noncontrast and contrast-enhanced MR cholangiopancreatography, respectively, but was also less effective (-0.1814, -0.1831 QALY, respectively). The lifetime incremental cost per QALY for noncontrast MR cholangiopancreatography was $10 311. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging was favored with pretest probabilities of biliary stricture or malignancy 0%-73% for patients aged 20-44 years. For patients older than 55 years, ASGE guidelines maximized QALYs at the lowest cost. Conclusion Although adults older than 55 years of age are optimally evaluated by using ASGE guidelines, younger patients suspected of having acute biliary obstruction likely benefit from MR cholangiopancreatography rather than risk-stratified diagnostic imaging because of improved detection of choledocholithiasis and alternative causes of biliary obstruction. (c) RSNA, 2017 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
PMID: 28301778
ISSN: 1527-1315
CID: 2490102
Comparative performance of non-contrast MRI with HASTE vs. contrast-enhanced MRI/3D-MRCP for possible choledocholithiasis in hospitalized patients
Kang, Stella K; Heacock, Laura; Doshi, Ankur M; Ream, Justin R; Sun, Jeffrey; Babb, James S
PURPOSE: To compare the performance of non-contrast MRI with half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) vs. contrast-enhanced MRI/3D-MRCP for assessment of suspected choledocholithiasis in hospitalized patients. METHODS AND MATERIALS: 123 contrast-enhanced abdominal MRI/MRCP scans in the hospital setting for possible choledocholithiasis were retrospectively evaluated. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, intraoperative cholangiogram or documented clinical resolution served as the reference standard. Readers first evaluated the biliary tree using coronal and axial HASTE and other non-contrast sequences, and later reviewed the entire exam with post-contrast sequences and 3D-MRCP. Test performance for the image sets was compared for choledocholithiasis, acute hepatitis, cholangitis, and acute cholecystitis. Reader agreement, MRCP image quality, and confidence levels were also assessed. Clinical predictors of age and fever were tested for association with perceived need for contrast in biliary assessment. RESULTS: There were 27 cases of choledocholithiasis, 31 cases of acute hepatitis, 37 cases of acute cholecystitis, and 3 clinically diagnosed cases of acute cholangitis. Both the abbreviated and full contrast-enhanced/MRCP image sets resulted in high accuracy for choledocholithiasis (91.1-94.3% vs. 91.9-92.7%). There was no difference in sensitivity or specificity for either reader for any diagnosis between image sets (p > 0.40). 1 reader showed improved confidence (p < 0.001) with inclusion of MRCP and contrast-enhanced images, but neither confidence nor MRCP quality scores were associated with diagnostic accuracy. Patient age and fever did not predict the need for contrast-enhanced images. CONCLUSION: In hospitalized patients with suspected choledocholithiasis, performance of non-contrast abdominal MRI with HASTE is similar to contrast-enhanced MRI with 3D-MRCP, offering potential for decreased scanning time and improved patient tolerability.
PMID: 28154911
ISSN: 2366-0058
CID: 2437032
3D printed renal cancer models derived from MRI data: application in pre-surgical planning
Wake, Nicole; Rude, Temitope; Kang, Stella K; Stifelman, Michael D; Borin, James F; Sodickson, Daniel K; Huang, William C; Chandarana, Hersh
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether patient-specific 3D printed renal tumor models change pre-operative planning decisions made by urological surgeons in preparation for complex renal mass surgical procedures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From our ongoing IRB approved study on renal neoplasms, ten renal mass cases were retrospectively selected based on Nephrometry Score greater than 5 (range 6-10). A 3D post-contrast fat-suppressed gradient-echo T1-weighted sequence was used to generate 3D printed models. The cases were evaluated by three experienced urologic oncology surgeons in a randomized fashion using (1) imaging data on PACS alone and (2) 3D printed model in addition to the imaging data. A questionnaire regarding surgical approach and planning was administered. The presumed pre-operative approaches with and without the model were compared. Any change between the presumed approaches and the actual surgical intervention was recorded. RESULTS: There was a change in planned approach with the 3D printed model for all ten cases with the largest impact seen regarding decisions on transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach and clamping, with changes seen in 30%-50% of cases. Mean parenchymal volume loss for the operated kidney was 21.4%. Volume losses >20% were associated with increased ischemia times and surgeons tended to report a different approach with the use of the 3D model compared to that with imaging alone in these cases. The 3D printed models helped increase confidence regarding the chosen operative procedure in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-operative physical 3D models created from MRI data may influence surgical planning for complex kidney cancer.
PMID: 28062895
ISSN: 2366-0058
CID: 2386992
Agrawal, Nidhi; Abbott, Collette E; Liu, Cheng; Kang, Stella; Tipton, Laura; Patel, Kepal; Persky, Mark; King, Lizabeth; Deng, Fang-Ming; Bannan, Michael; Ogilvie, Jennifer B; Heller, Keith; Hodak, Steven P
BACKGROUND: Encapsulated non-invasive follicular variant papillary thyroid cancer (ENIFVPTC) has recently been re-termed noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP). This designation specifically omits the word "cancer" to encourage conservative management since patients with NIFTP tumors have been shown to derive no benefit from completion thyroidectomy or adjuvant radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy. METHODS: IRB approved retrospective study of consecutive cases of tumors from 2007 to 2015 that met pathologic criteria for NIFTP. The Conservative Management (CM) group included patients managed with lobectomy alone or appropriately indicated total thyroidectomy. Those included in the Aggressive Management (AM) group received either completion thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine or both. RESULTS: From 100 consecutive cases of ENIFVPTC reviewed, 40 NIFTP were included for the final analysis. Of these, 10 (27%) patients treated with initial lobectomy received completion thyroidectomy and 6 of 37 (16%) also received post-surgical adjuvant RAI. The mean per-patient cost of care in the AM group was $17629+/-2865 nearly twice the $8637+/- 309 costs in the CM group, and was largely driven by the cost of completion thyroidectomy and RAI. CONCLUSIONS: The term NIFTP has been recently promulgated to identify a type of thyroid neoplasm, formerly identified as a low-grade cancer, for which initial surgery represents adequate treatment. We believe that since the new NIFTP nomenclature intentionally omits the word "cancer" the clinical indolence of these tumors will be better appreciated, and cost savings will result from a more conservative and appropriate clinical management.
PMID: 28095037
ISSN: 1530-891x
CID: 2413802
Residents' Introduction to Comparative Effectiveness Research and Big Data Analytics
Kang, Stella K; Lee, Christoph I; Pandharipande, Pari V; Sanelli, Pina C; Recht, Michael P
PMID: 28139415
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2425062
The utility of quantitative ADC values for differentiating high-risk from low-risk prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Shaish, Hiram; Kang, Stella K; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to perform a meta-analysis of studies investigating the diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in separating high-risk from low-risk prostate cancer (PCa). METHODS: MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched in December 2015 for studies reporting diagnostic performance of ADC values for discriminating high-risk from low-risk PCa and providing sufficient data to construct 2 x 2 contingency tables. Diagnostic performance was quantitatively pooled using a bivariate random-effects model including subgroup analysis and assessment of study heterogeneity and methodological quality. RESULTS: 13 studies were included, providing 1107 tumor foci in 705 patients. Heterogeneity among studies was moderate (tau2 = 0.222). Overall sensitivity was 76.9% (95% CI 68.6-83.6%); overall specificity was 77.0% (95% CI 69.9-82.8%); and summary AUC was 0.67. Inverse correlation between sensitivity and specificity (rho = -0.58) indicated interstudy heterogeneity was partly due to variation in threshold for test positivity. Primary biases were readers' knowledge of Gleason score during ADC measurement, lack of prespecified ADC thresholds, and lack of prostatectomy as reference in some studies. Higher sensitivity was seen in studies published within the past 2 years and studies not using b value of at least 2000; higher specificity was associated with involvement of one, rather than two, readers measuring ADC. Field strength, coil selection, and advanced diffusion metrics did not significantly impact diagnostic performance. CONCLUSION: ADC values show moderate accuracy in separating high-risk from low-risk PCa, although important biases may overestimate performance and unexplained sources of heterogeneity likely exist. Further studies using a standardized methodology and addressing identified weaknesses may help guide the use of ADC values for clinical decision-making.
PMID: 27562768
ISSN: 2366-0058
CID: 2221672
Exome and Genome Sequencing and Parallels in Radiology: Searching for Patient-Centered Management of Incidental and Secondary Findings
Kang, Stella K; Spector-Bagdady, Kayte; Caplan, Arthur L; Braithwaite, R Scott
Incidental and secondary findings have become an important by-product of diagnostic testing, and their ramifications affect clinical care, research, and policy. Given parallels in the reporting and management of such findings on diagnostic imaging, radiologists may draw from ongoing discussions in medical genetics to rethink more patient-centered approaches to analogous clinical, ethical, and medicolegal dilemmas. Low-risk incidental findings in particular may be drivers of unnecessary testing, invasive procedures, and overtreatment, with associated financial, psychological, and clinical consequences. As radiologists act in patients' best interests by strengthening standardized guidelines on how each finding merits further diagnostic testing or treatment, perhaps the greatest challenge for producing such guidelines is for low-risk incidental findings, for which adverse consequences are unlikely but associated with substantial uncertainty because of the lack of strong evidence on which to base the recommendations. More uniform recommendations for managing low-risk radiologic incidental findings should therefore aim to provide reasonable options that apply across a spectrum of patient preferences. These will require evaluation through research and will ultimately influence the quality of care. Specific areas for exploration may include (1) better gauging of patient attitudes and preferences regarding low-risk incidental findings, (2) using patient preferences to inform more uniform recommendations for low-risk findings that apply across a spectrum of preferences and help guide shared decision making, and (3) when patients endorse a strong preference not to discover low-risk incidental findings, how it might be possible for professional standards to curtail their generation in specific circumstances.
PMID: 27595197
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2238492
Tumor Anatomy Scoring and Renal Function for Nephron-Sparing Treatment Selection in Patients With Small Renal Masses: A Microsimulation-Based Decision Analysis
Kang, Stella K; Huang, William C; Skolnik, Edward Y; Gervais, Debra A; Braithwaite, R Scott; Pandharipande, Pari V
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to compare the effectiveness of a treatment algorithm for small renal tumors incorporating the nephrometry score, a renal tumor anatomy scoring system developed by urologists, with the current standard of uniformly recommended partial nephrectomy in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed a state-transition microsimulation model to project life expectancy (LE) in hypothetic patients with baseline mild or moderate CKD undergoing treatment of small renal masses. Our model incorporated the nephrometry score, which is predictive of postsurgical renal function loss. The two tested strategies were uniform treatment with partial nephrectomy and selective treatment based on nephrometry score and CKD stage, including percutaneous ablation for CKD stages 2 or 3a and intermediate-to-high nephrometry score or stage 3b CKD and any nephrometry score; otherwise, partial nephrectomy was assumed for other CKD stages and nephrometry scores. The model accounted for benign and malignant lesions, renal function decline, recurrence, and metastatic disease rates specific to each treatment, mortality by CKD stage, and comorbidities. Sensitivity analysis tested the stability of results when varying key parameters. RESULTS: Selective treatment with partial nephrectomy resulted in an average LE benefit of 0.48 year (95% interpercentile range, 0.42-0.54 year) in 65-year-old men and 0.37 year (95% interpercentile range, 0.30-0.43 year) in 65-year-old women relative to nondiscriminatory surgery, due to worsening CKD and cardiovascular mortality associated with partial nephrectomy. Model results were most sensitive to the rate of renal function decline and CKD-related mortality. CONCLUSION: Nephron-sparing treatment selection for small renal masses based on nephrometry score may improve LE in patients with mild or moderate CKD.
PMID: 27305103
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 2145162
Designing Radiology Outcomes Studies-Essential Principles
Kang, Stella K; Mushlin, Alvin I
Health outcomes research is essential to align radiology with current standards of high-value patient care, through the assessment of end results of diagnostic tests, interventions, or policy on patient health. To bridge studies of diagnostic test accuracy and health outcomes research, key considerations include: (1) how to determine when a diagnostic test merits evaluation of impact on outcomes, (2) when study of intermediate/surrogate outcomes can be useful, (3) how to consider the possible harms as well as potential benefits of a test, and (4) how to integrate evidence of an imaging test's efficacy/effectiveness with clinical data to assess outcomes. Due to challenges in conducting studies of long-term outcomes consequent to imaging use, intermediate health outcomes may capture a test's impact on successful diagnosis and therapy, and can provide readily measurable, incremental insights into the role of imaging in health-care delivery and efficiency. In an era marked by recognition of quality and value of care, outcomes research will provide essential evidence to inform radiologists' guidance of imaging use toward improved patient care, creation of clinical guidelines, and policy decisions.
PMID: 27066756
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 2078292