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A randomized trial of Ustekinumab, a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease

Sandborn, William J; Feagan, Brian G; Fedorak, Richard N; Scherl, Ellen; Fleisher, Mark R; Katz, Seymour; Johanns, Jewel; Blank, Marion; Rutgeerts, Paul
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 are inflammatory cytokines implicated in Crohn's disease pathophysiology. Ustekinumab is a monoclonal antibody against the p40 subunit of interleukin-12/23. METHODS: We performed a double-blind, cross-over trial of the clinical effects of ustekinumab in 104 patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (population 1). Patients were given subcutaneous placebo at weeks 0-3, then ustekinumab at weeks 8-11; subcutaneous ustekinumab at weeks 0-3, then placebo at weeks 8-11; intravenous placebo at week 0, then ustekinumab at week 8; or intravenous ustekinumab at week 0, then placebo at week 8. Furthermore, an open-label trial evaluated the effects of 4 weekly subcutaneous injections or 1 intravenous infusion of ustekinumab in 27 patients who were primary or secondary nonresponders to infliximab (population 2). RESULTS: In population 1, clinical response rates for the combined groups given ustekinumab and placebo were 53% and 30% (P = .02), respectively at weeks 4 and 6, and 49% and 40% (P = .34), respectively at week 8. In a subgroup of 49 patients who were previously given infliximab (neither primary nor secondary nonresponders), clinical response to ustekinumab was significantly greater than the group given placebo (P < .05) through week 8. In population 2, the clinical responses at week 8 to subcutaneous and intravenous ustekinumab were 43% and 54%, respectively. There was no increase in the number of adverse or serious adverse events in patients given ustekinumab through week 8 compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Ustekinumab induced a clinical response in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease, especially in patients previously given infliximab
PMID: 18706417
ISSN: 1528-0012
CID: 114395

Small bowel adenocarcinoma in Crohn's disease

Feldstein, Richard C; Sood, Shivani; Katz, Seymour
Small bowel neoplastic disease is a rare but dreaded occurrence in Crohn's disease (CD) and the diagnosis is often disguised by nonspecific and varied presenting symptoms mimicking active or obstructive CD. As such, the diagnosis is all too often delayed, typically detected at a late stage, and with a poor prognosis. CD has become a well-recognized risk factor for the development of small bowel adenocarcinoma. The data, however, are limited and based on case reports, retrospective studies, and review of the literature
PMID: 18275076
ISSN: 1536-4844
CID: 93296

Inflammatory bowel disease of the elderly: a wake-up call

Katz, Seymour; Feldstein, Richard
As the baby-boomer generation enters the ranks of the elderly (defined as patients over 60 years of age), the increased burden of managing older inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients requires recognition of the impact of comorbid disease, polypharmacy, and surgical candidacy criteria. There is a surprisingly positive response to newer therapies and surgery, provided that a distinction is made between 'fit elderly' and 'frail elderly' patients. The former group should not be denied access to the newer biologics, clinical trials, or surgical alternatives on the basis of age alone. There is a need for clinicians caring for elderly IBD patients to be cognizant of the multiple and often disguised conditions contributing to disease management as well as the importance for careful allocation of health resources
PMID: 21990970
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 138716

A new look at a mainstay ulcerative colitis therapy

Sninsky, Charles A; Safdi, Michael; Katz, Seymour
PMID: 21904481
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 140500

Previous history of steroid use does not preclude treatment with mesalazine in ulcerative colitis [Meeting Abstract]

Katz, S; Yacyshyn, BR; Ramsey, DL; Lichtenstein, GR
ISSN: 0017-5749
CID: 76171

Bowman-Birk inhibitor concentrate: a novel therapeutic agent for patients with active ulcerative colitis

Lichtenstein, Gary R; Deren, Julius J; Katz, Seymour; Lewis, James D; Kennedy, Ann R; Ware, Jeffrey H
Bowman-Birk inhibitor concentrate (BBIC), a soy extract with high protease inhibitor activity, is efficacious in the treatment of colitis in mice and has been used in numerous clinical trials. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed to investigate the safety and possible benefits of BBIC in patients with active ulcerative colitis. The Sutherland Disease Activity Index (SDAI) was used to assess disease activity, response (Index decrease > or = 3), and remission (Index < or = 1 with no rectal bleeding) in patients receiving 12 weeks of therapy. The Index scores of patients receiving BBIC decreased more than those of the patients receiving placebo (P = 0.067). Beneficial trends were observed in the rates of remission (P = 0.082) and clinical response (P = 0.22). No severe adverse events were observed. This trial suggests a potential benefit over placebo for both achieving clinical response and induction of remission in patients with active ulcerative colitis without apparent toxicity
PMID: 17551835
ISSN: 0163-2116
CID: 114398

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis and Crohn's disease granulomas

Toracchio, Sonia; El-Zimaity, Hala M T; Urmacher, Carlos; Katz, Seymour; Graham, David Y
OBJECTIVE: Chronic infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) has been proposed as a cause of Crohn's disease. Although numerous investigators have examined the link between M. paratuberculosis and Crohn's disease, the evidence remains controversial. The aim of this study was to examine intestinal granuloma from Crohn's patients for M. paratuberculosis using a semi-nested M. paratuberculosis-specific IS900 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Paraffin-embedded ileal or colonic tissues of patients with Crohn's disease were analyzed. Microdissection of this tissue into 'granulomas' and 'not granulomas' was performed. On the basis of sequences reported in GenBank alignments, we designed primer sets specific for M. paratuberculosis. The presence of the M. paratuberculosis was examined by semi-nested IS900-specific PCR with human beta-actin gene as a control for DNA quality. RESULTS: Biopsies from 20 Crohn's patients were examined. Human beta-actin gene was amplified in all samples. M. paratuberculosis DNA was detected in the microdissected granuloma in 1 (5%) patient with Crohn's disease and in none of the 'not granuloma' tissues. CONCLUSIONS: M. paratuberculosis DNA can rarely be detected within Crohn's granuloma. These results do not support M. paratuberculosis as the primary etiology of Crohn's disease
PMID: 18609156
ISSN: 1502-7708
CID: 114396

"Mind the Gap": an unmet need for new therapy in IBD

Katz, Seymour
Most physicians believe that the drugs they prescribe will work in their patients and thus have made little preparation for alternative strategies in the event of failure. In the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), achieving a remission rate of 20% to 30% or a response rate of 50% to 60% is highly acceptable. This review focuses primarily on placebo-controlled trials that evaluated 'usual' treatments for IBD in terms of induction and maintenance of remission, and identifies the 'gaps' (ie, the percentage of patients lacking any benefit) in currently available treatments for IBD. Approximately, 40% to 60% of patients will not benefit from the available treatments, indicating a considerable unmet need for new, more effective therapies
PMID: 17881924
ISSN: 0192-0790
CID: 75412

Cheilitis granomatosa: Crohn's disease of the lip? [Letter]

Wiesen, Ari; David, Oustecky; Katz, Seymour
PMID: 17881936
ISSN: 0192-0790
CID: 114397

Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease (GDCD): A case of dramatic response to selective granulocyte-monocyte apheresis (GMA) [Meeting Abstract]

Sood, S; Savetsky, IL; Erber, JA; Erber, WF; Katz, S
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 74155