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New health care law isn't what this doctor ordered [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
[...] I receive $56 to care for him. Because he doesn't have secondary insurance, I sometimes write off the remaining 20%
ISSN: 0734-7456
CID: 119178


Siegel, Marc
ISSN: 0025-7354
CID: 119177

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; Diagnosis rings true, but not the care [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Mercy [Television Program] -- The reality Dr. William L. Risser, director of adolescent medicine at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, says he would consider hepatitis, pancreatitis or pelvic inflammatory disease as the most likely causes of such pain and vomiting in an 11-year-old
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108875

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; The long odds for some 'Bad' habits [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Crazy Heart [Motion Picture] -- Alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver due to the toxic effects of alcohol) occurs in 35% of heavy drinkers, and cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) in 10% to 20%
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108876


Siegel, Marc
ISSN: 0025-7354
CID: 119179

THE UNREAL WORLD; A hepatitis-causing 'vampire' and a hole in a heart [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Private Practice [Television Program] -- The few that are large cause potentially fatal problems in infancy -- leading to severe heart failure (requiring surgical closure) or an increase in pressure in the lungs' blood vessels (requiring lung transplant)
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108877

THE UNREAL WORLD; 'Measures' gets some parts of true story right [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Extraordinary Measures [Motion Picture] -- With potentially fatal illnesses, however, the prospect of one child getting better and one child languishing may be too grim for parents and doctors. [...] the use of a placebo would not be humane.\n
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108878


Siegel, Marc
Vaccine manufacturers are blamed for using outdated technologies, delay in shipments and contaminated batches. The reason they are so targeted is because the American public is nervous about disease, and nervous about anything they put into their bodies to protect against it. And while they are nervous, they may forget to stop criticizing long enough to sing the praises of a manufacturer when a groundbreaking new vaccine comes along. It is time for the world to applaud a drug company's effort. If a manufacturer could win a Nobel, this might be the time
ISSN: 0025-7354
CID: 108879

THE UNREAL WORLD; Not coke, not fungus, not tumor. It's what? [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
House [Television Program] -- [...] antibiotics or steroids are often used in life-threatening conditions even before diagnoses are confirmed, especially when waiting would imperil the patient's life
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108880

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; A few more tests and some bedside reality are needed [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Scrubs [Television Program] -- If so, how long would a doctor have to wait after stopping a patient's heparin before performing an invasive test such as a bronchoscopy, in which a tissue biopsy may be taken? (A biopsy could cause excessive bleeding if the platelets don't clot properly.) Would a bronchoscopy be a routine test to evaluate breathing problems?
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 108881