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Relationship between nurse staffing during labor and cesarean birth rates in U.S. hospitals

Lyndon, Audrey; Simpson, Kathleen Rice; Landstrom, Gay L; Gay, Caryl L; Fletcher, Jason; Spetz, Joanne
BACKGROUND:Cesarean birth increases risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Examine the relationship between labor and delivery staffing and hospital cesarean and vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) rates. METHODS:Survey of U.S. labor nurses in 2018 and 2019 on adherence to AWHONN nurse staffing standards with data linked to American Hospital Association Survey data, patient discharge data, and cesarean birth and VBAC rates. FINDINGS/RESULTS:In total, 2,786 nurses from 193 hospitals in 23 states were included. Mean cesarean rate was 27.3% (SD 5.9, range 11.7%-47.2%); median VBAC rate 11.1% (IQR 1.78%-20.2%; range 0%-40.1%). There was relatively high adherence to staffing standards (mean, 3.12 of possible 1-4 score). After adjusting for hospital characteristics, nurse staffing was an independent predictor of hospital-level cesarean and VBAC rates (IRR 0.89, 95% CI 0.84-0.95 and IRR 1.58, 95% CI 1.25-1.99, respectively). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Better nurse staffing predicted lower cesarean birth rates and higher VBAC rates. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Hospitals should be accountable for providing adequate nurse staffing during childbirth.
PMID: 39879687
ISSN: 1528-3968
CID: 5781622

Creating effective teams and valuing patient-centered care to change culture and improve equity on labor and delivery: a qualitative study

White Vangompel, Emily; Verma, Shelly; Wator, Caroline; Carlock, Francesca; Lyndon, Audrey; Borders, Ann; Holl, Jane
BACKGROUND:Efforts to reduce cesarean birth overuse have had varied success. De-implementation strategies that incorporate change to organizational characteristics (i.e. culture) can improve adoption and sustainability. This study aimed to identify culture change strategies used by hospitals that achieved significant and sustained cesarean reduction and eliminated racial disparities in cesarean birth. METHODS:Hospitals in California and Florida that (1) engaged in quality initiatives to reduce cesarean births; (2) demonstrated at least a 5% cesarean birth reduction; and (3) sustained the reduction for 18 months after participation were invited to participate. Hospitals that reduced also cesarean racial disparity were prioritized for recruitment. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were performed with leaders, obstetricians, family physicians, midwives, and nurses providing intrapartum care. Reflexive thematic analysis and values coding were used. RESULTS:35 participants from 6 hospitals (3 in California, 3 in Florida) participated in interviews or focus groups. Nurse-focused strategies included: leadership demonstrating support for proactive labor support (e.g., Spinning Babies, comfort measures, nursing time at bedside); enhanced communication through inter-disciplinary team huddles; clear delineation of roles; and a chain of command that assured nurses could advocate for their patients freely and without retribution. Physician-focused strategies included regular and publicly visible feedback delivered by trusted messengers, drawing attention to successful vaginal births, and highlighting the contributions of labor support. A theme of hiring/retaining for "fit" was articulated at all hospitals, most notably, the hospital that eliminated their cesarean birth racial disparity, where "fit" was conceptualized as empathy, humanism, and a desire to meet community needs. CONCLUSIONS:This study identified specific de-implementation strategies for hospitals to change implementation context, namely culture, to achieve and sustain reduction of cesarean birth. Hospitals looking to sustain culture change should adapt strategies to align with existing clinician values, change attitudes through sharing successful vaginal births, and modify beliefs through education from trusted messengers. Strategies to reduce racial disparities should emphasize designing teams that are aware of and prioritize community needs, including hiring staff from the local community, and partnering with community-based organizations.
PMID: 39716247
ISSN: 1472-6963
CID: 5779412

Changing the conversation: impact of guidelines designed to optimize interprofessional facilitation of simulation-based team training

Ju, Mindy; Bochatay, Naike; Werne, Alexander; Essakow, Jenna; Tsang, Lisa; Nottingham, Mary; Franzon, Deborah; Lyndon, Audrey; van Schaik, Sandrijn
BACKGROUND:Interprofessional simulation-based team training (ISBTT) is commonly used to optimize interprofessional teamwork in healthcare. The literature documents the benefits of ISBTT, yet effective interprofessional collaboration continues to be challenged by complex hierarchies and power dynamics. Explicitly addressing these issues during ISBTT may help participants acquire skills to navigate such challenges, but guidelines on how to do this are limited. METHODS:We applied an educational design research approach to develop and pilot structured facilitator guidelines that explicitly address power and hierarchy with interprofessional teams. We conducted this work in a previously established ISBTT program at our institution, between September 2020 and December 2021. We first reviewed the literature to identify relevant educational theories and developed design principles. We subsequently designed, revised, and tested guidelines. We used qualitative thematic and content analysis of facilitator interviews and video-recording of IBSTT sessions to evaluate the effects of the guidelines on the pre- and debriefs. RESULTS:Qualitative content analysis showed that structured guidelines shifted debriefing participation and content. Debriefings changed from physician-led discussions with a strong focus on medical content to conversations with more equal participation by nurses and physicians and more emphasis on teamwork and communication. The thematic analysis further showed how the conversation during debriefing changed and how interprofessional learning improved after the implementation of the guidelines. While power and hierarchy were more frequently discussed, for many facilitators these topics remained challenging to address. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:We successfully created and implemented guidelines for ISBTT facilitators to explicitly address hierarchy and power. Future work will explore how this approach to ISBTT impacts interprofessional collaboration in clinical practice.
PMID: 39394595
ISSN: 2059-0628
CID: 5751652

Risk and Protective Factors for Preterm Birth Among Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Groups in California

Jelliffe-Pawlowski, Laura L; Baer, Rebecca J; Oltman, Scott; McKenzie-Sampson, Safyer; Afulani, Patience; Amsalu, Ribka; Bell, April J; Blebu, Bridgette; Blackman, Kacie C A; Chambers, Christina D; Costello, Jean; Fuchs, Jonathan; Garay, Odessa; Karvonen, Kayla L; Kuppermann, Miriam; Lyndon, Audrey; McCulloch, Charles E; Ong, Giannina; Ponting, Carolyn; Rand, Larry; Rogers, Elizabeth E; Ryckman, Kelli K; Spellen, Solaire; Subramaniam, Akila; Swander, Louie; Taylor, Kelly D; Williams, Schyneida; Tabb, Karen M
IMPORTANCE/UNASSIGNED:Preterm birth (PTB) (gestational age <37 weeks) is a major cause of infant mortality and morbidity in the US and is marked by racial and ethnic and socioeconomic inequities. Further research is needed to elucidate the association of risk and protective factors with trends in PTB rates and with related inequities. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To describe the association of PTB rates with inequities as well as related risk and protective factors over the past decade in a US population-based cohort. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS/UNASSIGNED:This retrospective cohort study of singleton live births in California from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2022, was conducted using vital statistics records and hospital records. The cohort included births with a gestational age of 22 to 44 weeks. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES/UNASSIGNED:Preterm birth rates by racial and ethnic group and by public and nonpublic insurance (considered as a proxy for socioeconomic status) were studied across years. Log-linear regression (relative risks with 95% CIs) was used to evaluate risk and protective factors within groups. Associations of PTB rates with risk and protective factors were assessed. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:This study included 5 431 018 singleton live births to individuals who identified as American Indian or Alaska Native (0.3%), Asian (14.2%), Black (4.9%), Hispanic (47.8%), or White (27.0%). A total of 43.1% of births were to individuals with public health insurance. From 2011 to 2022, the overall PTB rate increased from 6.8% to 7.5% (change [SE], 10.6% [0.6%]; z score of 18.5; P < .001). Differences in PTB rates and associated changes were observed for racial and ethnic groups and insurance groups. For example, 2022 PTB rates ranged from 5.8% among White individuals with nonpublic insurance to 11.3% among Black individuals with public health insurance. From 2011 to 2022, PTB rates decreased from 9.1% to 8.8% (change [SE], -3.5% [4.2]; z score of -0.8; P = .42) among Black individuals with nonpublic insurance, whereas they increased from 6.4% to 9.5% (change [SE], 49.8% [16.0%]; z score of 3.1; P = .002) among American Indian or Alaska Native individuals with nonpublic insurance. Increases in some risk factors (eg, preexisting diabetes, sexually transmitted infections, mental health conditions) were observed in most groups, and decreases in some protective factors (eg, participation in the California Women, Infants, and Children program) (P for trend < .001 from 2011 to 2021) were observed mostly in low-income groups. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:In this cohort study of singleton live births in California, PTB rates increased in many groups. Persistent racial and ethnic and socioeconomic inequities were also observed. Changes in risk and protective factors provided clues to patterns of PTB. These data point to an urgent need to address factors associated with PTB at both the individual and population levels.
PMID: 39331393
ISSN: 2574-3805
CID: 5706612

What do patients and families observe about pediatric safety?: A thematic analysis of real-time narratives

Studenmund, Christine; Lyndon, Audrey; Stotts, James R; Peralta-Neel, Caroline; Sharma, Anjana E; Bardach, Naomi S
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Data on inpatient safety are documented by hospital staff through incident reporting (IR) systems. Safety observations from families or patients are rarely captured. The Family Input for Quality and Safety (FIQS) study created a mobile health tool for pediatric patients and their families to anonymously report safety observations in real time during hospitalization. The study objectives were to describe these observations and identify domains salient to safety. METHODS:In this observational study, we analyzed pediatric patient safety reports from June 2017 to April 2018. Participants were: English-speaking family members and hospitalized patients ≥13 years old. The analysis had two stages: 1) assessment of whether narratives met established safety event criteria and whether there were companion IRs; 2) thematic analysis to identify domains. RESULTS:Of 248 enrolled participants, 58 submitted 120 narrative reports. Of the narratives, 68 (57%) met safety event criteria, while only one (0.8%) corresponded to a staff-reported IR. 25% of narratives shared positive feedback about patient safety efforts; 75% shared constructive feedback. We identified domains particularly salient to safety: 1) patients and families as safety actors; 2) emotional safety; 3) system-centered care; and 4) shared safety domains, including medication, communication, and environment of care. Some domains capture data that is otherwise difficult to obtain (#1-3), while others fit within standard healthcare safety domains (#4). CONCLUSIONS:Patients and families observe and report salient safety events that can fill gaps in IR data. Healthcare leaders should consider incorporating patient and family observations-collected with an option for anonymity and eliciting both positive and constructive comments.
PMID: 38741257
ISSN: 1553-5606
CID: 5662742

Assessing the relationship between census tract rurality and severe maternal morbidity in California (1997-2018)

Berkowitz, Rachel L; Kan, Peiyi; Gao, Xing; Hailu, Elleni M; Board, Christine; Lyndon, Audrey; Mujahid, Mahasin; Carmichael, Suzan L
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Recent studies have demonstrated an increased risk of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) for people living in rural versus urban counties. Studies have not considered rurality at the more nuanced subcounty census-tract level. This study assessed the relationship between census-tract-level rurality and SMM for birthing people in California. METHODS:We used linked vital statistics and hospital discharge records for births between 1997 and 2018 in California. SMM was defined by at least 1 of 21 potentially fatal conditions and lifesaving procedures. Rural-Urban Commuting Area codes were used to characterize census tract rurality dichotomously (2-category) and at 4 levels (4-category). Covariates included sociocultural-demographic, pregnancy-related, and neighborhood-level factors. We ran a series of mixed-effects logistic regression models with tract-level clustering, reporting risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We used the STROBE reporting guidelines. FINDINGS/RESULTS:Of 10,091,415 births, 1.1% had SMM. Overall, 94.3% of participants resided in urban/metropolitan and 5.7% in rural tracts (3.9% micropolitan, 0.9% small town, 0.8% rural). In 2-category models, the risk of SMM was 10% higher for birthing people in rural versus urban tracts (95% CI: 6%, 13%). In 4-category models, the risk of SMM was 16% higher in micropolitan versus metropolitan tracts (95% CI: 12%, 21%). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The observed rurality and SMM relationship was driven by living in a micropolitan versus metropolitan tract. Increased risk may result from resource access inequities within suburban areas. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering rurality at a subcounty level to understand locality-related inequities in the risk of SMM.
PMID: 38054697
ISSN: 1748-0361
CID: 5591082

Information Seeking Behavior and Strategies to Increase Milk Supply Among Breastfeeding Mothers in the United States

Ryan, Rachel A; Bihuniak, Jessica Dauz; Lyndon, Audrey; Hepworth, Allison Doub
PMID: 38488105
ISSN: 1556-8342
CID: 5662702

Trends and Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity Indicator Categories During Childbirth Hospitalization in California from 1997-2017

El Ayadi, Alison M; Lyndon, Audrey; Kan, Peiyi; Mujahid, Mahasin S; Main, Elliott K; Carmichael, Suzan
Objective Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is increasing and characterized by substantial racial and ethnic disparities. Analyzing trends and disparities across time by etiologic or organ system groups instead of an aggregated index may inform specific, actionable pathways to equitable care. We explored trends and racial and ethnic disparities in seven SMM categories at childbirth hospitalization. Study Design We analyzed California birth cohort data on all live and stillbirths ≥20 weeks gestation from 1997-2017 (n=10,580,096) using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's SMM index. Cases were categorized into seven non-mutually exclusive indicator categories (cardiac, renal, respiratory, hemorrhage, sepsis, other obstetric, and other medical SMM). We compared prevalence and trends in SMM indicator categories overall and by racial and ethnic group using logistic and linear regression. Results SMM occurred in 1.16% of births and non-transfusion SMM in 0.54%. Hemorrhage SMM occurred most frequently (27 per 10,000 births), followed by other obstetric (11), respiratory (7), and sepsis, cardiac, and renal SMM (5). Hemorrhage, renal, respiratory, and sepsis SMM increased over time for all racial and ethnic groups. The largest disparities were for Black individuals, including over three-fold increased odds of other medical SMM. Renal and sepsis morbidity had the largest relative increases over time (717% and 544%). Sepsis and hemorrhage SMM had the largest absolute changes over time (17 per 10,000 increase). Disparities increased over time for respiratory SMM among Black, US-born Hispanic, and non-US-born Hispanic individuals and for sepsis SMM among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals. Disparities decreased over time for sepsis SMM among Black individuals yet remained substantial. Conclusion Our research further supports the critical need to address SMM and disparities as a significant public health priority in the United States and suggests that examining SMM subgroups may reveal helpful nuance for understanding trends, disparities and potential needs for intervention.
PMID: 38057087
ISSN: 1098-8785
CID: 5591072

A Qualitative Study of Breastfeeding Experiences Among Mothers Who Used Galactagogues to Increase Their Milk Supply

Ryan, Rachel A; Hepworth, Allison Doub; Bihuniak, Jessica Dauz; Lyndon, Audrey
OBJECTIVE:To qualitatively describe breastfeeding experiences among mothers who used galactagogues to increase their milk supply. DESIGN:One-time, semistructured phone interviews. SETTING:US. PARTICIPANTS:Breastfeeding mothers (n = 19) who reported ever consuming foods, beverages, or herbal supplements to increase their milk supply in a cross-sectional online survey were purposefully sampled to participate in this qualitative study. Participants were diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, education, income, infant age (0-18 months), and prior breastfeeding experience (32% first-time breastfeeding). PHENOMENON OF INTEREST:Reasons for trying to increase milk supply, sources of information about increasing milk supply, and strategies tried to increase milk supply. ANALYSIS:Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. RESULTS:Participants expressed determination and commitment to breastfeeding but unexpectedly struggled to breastfeed and increase their milk supply. They sought information from multiple sources and used individualized approaches to address milk supply concerns on the basis of recommendations from others, as well as the perceived convenience, cost, palatability, and safety of potential strategies. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS:Results suggest a need to expand breastfeeding education and support so that lactating parents anticipate common breastfeeding challenges and are aware of evidence-based strategies for increasing their milk supply.
PMID: 38159094
ISSN: 1878-2620
CID: 5755472

A Qualitative Study of Breastfeeding Experiences Among Mothers Who Used Galactagogues to Increase Their Milk Supply

Ryan, Rachel A.; Hepworth, Allison Doub; Bihuniak, Jessica Dauz; Lyndon, Audrey
Objective: To qualitatively describe breastfeeding experiences among mothers who used galactagogues to increase their milk supply. Design: One-time, semistructured phone interviews. Setting: US. Participants: Breastfeeding mothers (n = 19) who reported ever consuming foods, beverages, or herbal supplements to increase their milk supply in a cross-sectional online survey were purposefully sampled to participate in this qualitative study. Participants were diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, education, income, infant age (0"“18 months), and prior breastfeeding experience (32% first-time breastfeeding). Phenomenon of Interest: Reasons for trying to increase milk supply, sources of information about increasing milk supply, and strategies tried to increase milk supply. Analysis: Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Participants expressed determination and commitment to breastfeeding but unexpectedly struggled to breastfeed and increase their milk supply. They sought information from multiple sources and used individualized approaches to address milk supply concerns on the basis of recommendations from others, as well as the perceived convenience, cost, palatability, and safety of potential strategies. Conclusions and Implications: Results suggest a need to expand breastfeeding education and support so that lactating parents anticipate common breastfeeding challenges and are aware of evidence-based strategies for increasing their milk supply.
ISSN: 1499-4046
CID: 5630382