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Prefrontal transthalamic uncertainty processing drives flexible switching

Lam, Norman H; Mukherjee, Arghya; Wimmer, Ralf D; Nassar, Matthew R; Chen, Zhe Sage; Halassa, Michael M
Making adaptive decisions in complex environments requires appropriately identifying sources of error1,2. The frontal cortex is critical for adaptive decisions, but its neurons show mixed selectivity to task features3 and their uncertainty estimates4, raising the question of how errors are attributed to their most likely causes. Here, by recording neural responses from tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) performing a hierarchical decision task with rule reversals, we find that the mediodorsal thalamus independently represents cueing and rule uncertainty. This enables the relevant thalamic population to drive prefrontal reconfiguration following a reversal by appropriately attributing errors to an environmental change. Mechanistic dissection of behavioural switching revealed a transthalamic pathway for cingulate cortical error monitoring5,6 to reconfigure prefrontal executive control7. Overall, our work highlights a potential role for the thalamus in demixing cortical signals while providing a low-dimensional pathway for cortico-cortical communication.
PMID: 39537928
ISSN: 1476-4687
CID: 5753342

Closed-loop neural interfaces for pain: Where do we stand?

Wang, Jing; Chen, Zhe Sage
Advances in closed-loop neural interfaces and neuromodulation have offered a potentially effective and non-addictive treatment for chronic pain. These interfaces link neural sensors with device outputs to provide temporally precise stimulation. We discuss challenges and trends of state-of-the-art neural interfaces for treating pain in animal models and human pilot trials.
PMID: 39413730
ISSN: 2666-3791
CID: 5711692

Identifying behavioral links to neural dynamics of multifiber photometry recordings in a mouse social behavior network

Chen, Yibo; Chien, Jonathan; Dai, Bing; Lin, Dayu; Chen, Zhe Sage
Distributed hypothalamic-midbrain neural circuits help orchestrate complex behavioral responses during social interactions. Given rapid advances in optical imaging, it is a fundamental question how population-averaged neural activity measured by multi-fiber photometry (MFP) for calcium fluorescence signals correlates with social behaviors is a fundamental question. This paper aims to investigate the correspondence between MFP data and social behaviors. 
Approach: We propose a state-space analysis framework to characterize mouse MFP data based on dynamic latent variable models, which include a continuous-state linear dynamical system (LDS) and a discrete-state hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM). We validate these models on extensive MFP recordings during aggressive and mating behaviors in male-male and male-female interactions, respectively. 
Main Results: Our results show that these models are capable of capturing both temporal behavioral structure and associated neural states, and produce interpretable latent states. Our approach is also validated in computer simulations in the presence of known ground truth.
Significance: Overall, these analysis approaches provide a state-space framework to examine neural dynamics underlying social behaviors and reveals mechanistic insights into the relevant networks. 
PMID: 38861996
ISSN: 1741-2552
CID: 5668992

Large-scale foundation models and generative AI for BigData neuroscience

Wang, Ran; Chen, Zhe Sage
Recent advances in machine learning have led to revolutionary breakthroughs in computer games, image and natural language understanding, and scientific discovery. Foundation models and large-scale language models (LLMs) have recently achieved human-like intelligence thanks to BigData. With the help of self-supervised learning (SSL) and transfer learning, these models may potentially reshape the landscapes of neuroscience research and make a significant impact on the future. Here we present a mini-review on recent advances in foundation models and generative AI models as well as their applications in neuroscience, including natural language and speech, semantic memory, brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), and data augmentation. We argue that this paradigm-shift framework will open new avenues for many neuroscience research directions and discuss the accompanying challenges and opportunities.
PMID: 38897235
ISSN: 1872-8111
CID: 5672162

Pixel-wise programmability enables dynamic high-SNR cameras for high-speed microscopy

Zhang, Jie; Newman, Jonathan; Wang, Zeguan; Qian, Yong; Feliciano-Ramos, Pedro; Guo, Wei; Honda, Takato; Chen, Zhe Sage; Linghu, Changyang; Etienne-Cummings, Ralph; Fossum, Eric; Boyden, Edward; Wilson, Matthew
High-speed wide-field fluorescence microscopy has the potential to capture biological processes with exceptional spatiotemporal resolution. However, conventional cameras suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio at high frame rates, limiting their ability to detect faint fluorescent events. Here, we introduce an image sensor where each pixel has individually programmable sampling speed and phase, so that pixels can be arranged to simultaneously sample at high speed with a high signal-to-noise ratio. In high-speed voltage imaging experiments, our image sensor significantly increases the output signal-to-noise ratio compared to a low-noise scientific CMOS camera (~2-3 folds). This signal-to-noise ratio gain enables the detection of weak neuronal action potentials and subthreshold activities missed by the standard scientific CMOS cameras. Our camera with flexible pixel exposure configurations offers versatile sampling strategies to improve signal quality in various experimental conditions.
PMID: 38802338
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5663342

Identifying behavioral links to neural dynamics of multifiber photometry recordings in a mouse social behavior network

Chen, Yibo; Chien, Jonathan; Dai, Bing; Lin, Dayu; Chen, Zhe Sage
Distributed hypothalamic-midbrain neural circuits orchestrate complex behavioral responses during social interactions. How population-averaged neural activity measured by multi-fiber photometry (MFP) for calcium fluorescence signals correlates with social behaviors is a fundamental question. We propose a state-space analysis framework to characterize mouse MFP data based on dynamic latent variable models, which include continuous-state linear dynamical system (LDS) and discrete-state hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM). We validate these models on extensive MFP recordings during aggressive and mating behaviors in male-male and male-female interactions, respectively. Our results show that these models are capable of capturing both temporal behavioral structure and associated neural states. Overall, these analysis approaches provide an unbiased strategy to examine neural dynamics underlying social behaviors and reveals mechanistic insights into the relevant networks.
PMID: 38234793
CID: 5631482

Aberrant resting-state functional connectivity of the globus pallidus interna in first-episode schizophrenia

Qi, Wei; Wen, Zhenfu; Chen, Jingyun; Capichioni, Gillian; Ando, Fumika; Chen, Zhe Sage; Wang, Jijun; Yoncheva, Yuliya; Castellanos, Francisco X; Milad, Mohammed; Goff, Donald C
BACKGROUND:The striatal-pallidal pathway plays an important role in cognitive control and modulation of behaviors. Globus pallidus interna (GPi), as a primary output structure, is crucial in modulating excitation and inhibition. Studies of GPi in psychiatric illnesses are lacking given the technical challenges of examining this small and functionally diverse subcortical structure. METHODS:71 medication-naïve first episode schizophrenia (FES) participants and 73 healthy controls (HC) were recruited at the Shanghai Mental Health Center. Clinical symptoms and imaging data were collected at baseline and, in a subset of patients, 8 weeks after initiating treatment. Resting-state functional connectivity of sub-regions of the GP were assessed using a novel mask that combines two atlases to create 8 ROIs in the GP. RESULTS: = 0.486, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Our results implicate striatal-pallidal-thalamic pathways in antipsychotic efficacy. If replicated, these findings may reflect failure of neurodevelopmental processes in adolescence and early adulthood that decrease functional connectivity as an index of failure of the limbic/associative GPi to appropriately inhibit irrelevant signals in psychosis.
PMID: 37716202
ISSN: 1573-2509
CID: 5593342

Neural dynamics in the limbic system during male social behaviors

Guo, Zhichao; Yin, Luping; Diaz, Veronica; Dai, Bing; Osakada, Takuya; Lischinsky, Julieta E; Chien, Jonathan; Yamaguchi, Takashi; Urtecho, Ashley; Tong, Xiaoyu; Chen, Zhe S; Lin, Dayu
Sexual and aggressive behaviors are vital for species survival and individual reproductive success. Although many limbic regions have been found relevant to these behaviors, how social cues are represented across regions and how the network activity generates each behavior remains elusive. To answer these questions, we utilize multi-fiber photometry (MFP) to simultaneously record Ca2+ signals of estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1)-expressing cells from 13 limbic regions in male mice during mating and fighting. We find that conspecific sensory information and social action signals are widely distributed in the limbic system and can be decoded from the network activity. Cross-region correlation analysis reveals striking increases in the network functional connectivity during the social action initiation phase, whereas late copulation is accompanied by a "dissociated" network state. Based on the response patterns, we propose a mating-biased network (MBN) and an aggression-biased network (ABN) for mediating male sexual and aggressive behaviors, respectively.
PMID: 37586365
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 5606582

Spiking Recurrent Neural Networks Represent Task-Relevant Neural Sequences in Rule-Dependent Computation

Xue, Xiaohe; Wimmer, Ralf D; Halassa, Michael M; Chen, Zhe Sage
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Prefrontal cortical neurons play essential roles in performing rule-dependent tasks and working memory-based decision making. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Motivated by PFG recordings of task-performing mice, we developed an excitatory-inhibitory spiking recurrent neural network (SRNN) to perform a rule-dependent two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task. We imposed several important biological constraints onto the SRNN, and adapted spike frequency adaptation (SFA) and SuperSpike gradient methods to train the SRNN efficiently. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:The trained SRNN produced emergent rule-specific tunings in single-unit representations, showing rule-dependent population dynamics that resembled experimentally observed data. Under varying test conditions, we manipulated the SRNN parameters or configuration in computer simulations, and we investigated the impacts of rule-coding error, delay duration, recurrent weight connectivity and sparsity, and excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance on both task performance and neural representations. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:Overall, our modeling study provides a computational framework to understand neuronal representations at a fine timescale during working memory and cognitive control, and provides new experimentally testable hypotheses in future experiments.
PMID: 37771569
ISSN: 1866-9956
CID: 5725422

Oxytocin promotes prefrontal population activity via the PVN-PFC pathway to regulate pain

Liu, Yaling; Li, Anna; Bair-Marshall, Chloe; Xu, Helen; Jee, Hyun Jung; Zhu, Elaine; Sun, Mengqi; Zhang, Qiaosheng; Lefevre, Arthur; Chen, Zhe Sage; Grinevich, Valery; Froemke, Robert C; Wang, Jing
Neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) can provide top-down regulation of sensory-affective experiences such as pain. Bottom-up modulation of sensory coding in the PFC, however, remains poorly understood. Here, we examined how oxytocin (OT) signaling from the hypothalamus regulates nociceptive coding in the PFC. In vivo time-lapse endoscopic calcium imaging in freely behaving rats showed that OT selectively enhanced population activity in the prelimbic PFC in response to nociceptive inputs. This population response resulted from the reduction of evoked GABAergic inhibition and manifested as elevated functional connectivity involving pain-responsive neurons. Direct inputs from OT-releasing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus are crucial to maintaining this prefrontal nociceptive response. Activation of the prelimbic PFC by OT or direct optogenetic stimulation of oxytocinergic PVN projections reduced acute and chronic pain. These results suggest that oxytocinergic signaling in the PVN-PFC circuit constitutes a key mechanism to regulate cortical sensory processing.
PMID: 37023755
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 5463882