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Sharing best practices for educational programs on venture creation and commercialization

Eidlisz, Jordan; Hill-Whilton, Zachary; Vizgan, Gabriel; Cobos, Daniel; Chitale, Sadhana; Gillespie, Colleen; Dib, Nabil; Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle
PMID: 38632442
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 5734502

Longitudinal data support university-based biomedical entrepreneurship education programs

Vizgan, Gabriel; Hill-Whilton, Zachary; Achuonjei, Joy; Schweickart, Tucker; Chitale, Sadhana; Gillespie, Colleen; Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle
PMID: 36922690
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 5443502

The Biomedical Entrepreneurship Skills Development Program for the Advancement of Research Translation: Foundations of Biomedical Startups course, metrics, and impact

Schweickart, Tucker; Hill-Whilton, Zachary; Chitale, Sadhana; Cobos, Daniel; Gilon-Yanai, Michal; Achuonjei, Joy; Vizgan, Gabriel; Gillespie, Colleen; Gold-Von Simson, Gabrielle
Background/Objective: A growing number of biomedical doctoral graduates are entering the biotechnology and industry workforce, though most lack training in business practice. Entrepreneurs can benefit from venture creation and commercialization training that is largely absent from standard biomedical educational curricula. The NYU Biomedical Entrepreneurship Educational Program (BEEP) seeks to fill this training gap to prepare and motivate biomedical entrepreneurs to develop an entrepreneurial skill set, thus accelerating the pace of innovation in technology and business ventures. Methods: The NYU BEEP Model was developed and implemented with funding from NIDDK and NCATS. The program consists of a core introductory course, topic-based interdisciplinary workshops, venture challenges, on-line modules, and mentorship from experts. Here, we evaluate the efficacy of the core, introductory course, Foundations of Biomedical Startups, through the use of pre/post-course surveys and free-response answers. Results: After 2 years, 153 participants (26% doctoral students, 23% post-doctoral PhDs, 20% faculty, 16% research staff, 15% other) have completed the course. Evaluation data show self-assessed knowledge gain in all domains. The percentage of students rating themselves as either competent or on the way to being an expert in all areas was significantly higher post-course (P < 0.05). In each content area, the percentages of participants rating themselves as very interested increased post-course. 95% of those surveyed reported the course met its objectives, and 95% reported a higher likelihood of pursuing commercialization of discoveries post-course. Conclusion: NYU BEEP can serve as a model to develop similar curricula/programs to enhance entrepreneurial activity of early-stage researchers.
ISSN: 2059-8661
CID: 5446842

So you want to start a biotech company

Chitale, Sadhana; Lawler, Colm; Klausner, Arthur
PMID: 35149833
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 5156982

Cultivating a New Generation of Biomedical Entrepreneurs

Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle; Gilon-Yanai, Michal; Gillespie, Colleen; Chitale, Sadhana; Achuonjei, Joy; Cobos, Daniel
In recent years, scientific and technological advances have brought great innovation within the life sciences industry, introducing the need for entrepreneurship training for medical and engineering graduates. With this in mind, Michal Gilon-Yanai, Dr Robert Schneider and their collaborators developed an academic program designed to provide students and faculty members with the skills they need to become successful entrepreneurs. The team of collaborators includes Dr Gabrielle Gold-von Simson, an expert in implementing academic programs, and Dr Colleen Gillespie, who specialises in education, evaluation and dissemination science. Their pioneering program trains students on how to bring new biomedical technologies to the market.
PMID: 34194817
ISSN: 2059-898x
CID: 4926842

Understanding the basics of patenting

Chitale, Sadhana; Lawler, Colm; Macfarlane, Scott
PMID: 32132682
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 4662752

The alphabet soup of agreements

Chitale, Sadhana; Lawler, Colm; Macfarlane, Scott
PMID: 29509739
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 4662742

Closing the deal

Chitale, Sadhana; Lawler, Colm; Macfarlane, Scott
PMID: 27926711
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 4662732

Licensing lessons learned: if I knew then what I know now

Chitale, Sadhana; Lawler, Colm; Macfarlane, Scott
PMID: 23563432
ISSN: 1546-1696
CID: 4662722

A cell-penetrating peptide derived from mammalian cell uptake protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Lu, Sangwei; Tager, Leah A; Chitale, Sadhana; Riley, Lee W
A Mycobacterium tuberculosis membrane protein called Mycobacterium cell entry protein (Mce1A) was previously shown to mediate the uptake of nonpathogenic Escherichia coli and latex beads by nonphagocytic mammalian cells. Here we characterize further the in vitro invasive activity of Mce1A using colloidal gold nanoparticles and fluorescent latex microspheres. Mce1A-coated colloidal gold particles induced plasma membrane invagination and entered membrane-bound compartments inside HeLa cells. Few of the protein-coated particles were also found in the cytosol compartment. Cytochalasin D and nocodazole inhibited the uptake by HeLa cells, indicating that rearrangement of both microtubules and microfilaments was necessary for the uptake. The functional domain of Mce1A for invasion was narrowed to a highly basic 22-amino acid sequence termed Inv3. A synthetic Inv3 peptide stimulated uptake of colloidal gold particles as well as latex microspheres by HeLa cells. A chimeric protein composed of Inv3 sequence at the N terminus of beta-galactosidase appeared to stain the nuclear membrane, suggesting that it entered the HeLa cell cytoplasm. These observations suggest that the cell uptake activity of Mce1A is confined to a small peptide domain located in the core region of the protein. Inv3 could be used to ferry any protein in fusion with it into mammalian cells and may serve as a potent nonviral delivery system.
PMID: 16620748
ISSN: 0003-2697
CID: 4662712