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Saccade subtypes: Eyes on the prize

Bellegarda, Celine; Schoppik, David
Current models of eye movement control propose that motor neurons responsible for moving the eyes contribute to all eye movements, regardless of context. A recent study in larval zebrafish has instead identified specialized neural circuits, including subtypes of motor neurons, for two different types of fast eye movement, one for exploration and the other for hunting.
PMID: 39904313
ISSN: 1879-0445
CID: 5783892

Zebrafish as a model to understand extraocular motor neuron diversity

Bellegarda, Celine; Auer, Franziska; Schoppik, David
Motor neurons have highly diverse anatomical, functional and molecular features, and differ significantly in their susceptibility in disease. Extraocular motor neurons, residing in the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens cranial nuclei (nIII, nIV and nVI), control eye movements. Recent work has begun to clarify the developmental mechanisms by which functional diversity among extraocular motor neurons arises. However, we know little about the role and consequences of extraocular motor neuron diversity in eye movement control. Here, we highlight recent work investigating the anatomical, functional and molecular features of extraocular motor neurons. Further, we frame hypotheses where studying ocular motor circuits in the larval zebrafish is poised to illuminate the consequences of motor neuron diversity for behavior.
PMID: 39740266
ISSN: 1873-6882
CID: 5805502

Sensation is dispensable for the maturation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex

Leary, Paige; Bellegarda, Celine; Quainoo, Cheryl; Goldblatt, Dena; Rosti, Başak; Schoppik, David
Vertebrates stabilize gaze using a neural circuit that transforms sensed instability into compensatory counterrotation of the eyes. Sensory feedback tunes this vestibulo-ocular reflex throughout life. We studied the functional development of vestibulo-ocular reflex circuit components in the larval zebrafish, with and without sensation. Blind fish stabilize gaze normally, and neural responses to body tilts mature before behavior. In contrast, synapses between motor neurons and the eye muscles mature with a time course similar to behavioral maturation. Larvae without vestibular sensory experience, but with mature neuromuscular junctions, had a strong vestibulo-ocular reflex. Development of the neuromuscular junction, and not sensory experience, therefore determines the rate of maturation of an ancient behavior.
PMID: 39745953
ISSN: 1095-9203
CID: 5779602

Motor neurons are dispensable for the assembly of a sensorimotor circuit for gaze stabilization

Goldblatt, Dena; Rosti, Basak; Hamling, Kyla Rose; Leary, Paige; Panchal, Harsh; Li, Marlyn; Gelnaw, Hannah; Huang, Stephanie; Quainoo, Cheryl; Schoppik, David
Sensorimotor reflex circuits engage distinct neuronal subtypes, defined by precise connectivity, to transform sensation into compensatory behavior. Whether and how motor neuron populations specify the subtype fate and/or sensory connectivity of their pre-motor partners remains controversial. Here, we discovered that motor neurons are dispensable for proper connectivity in the vestibular reflex circuit that stabilizes gaze. We first measured activity following vestibular sensation in pre-motor projection neurons after constitutive loss of their extraocular motor neuron partners. We observed normal responses and topography indicative of unchanged functional connectivity between sensory neurons and projection neurons. Next, we show that projection neurons remain anatomically and molecularly poised to connect appropriately with their downstream partners. Lastly, we show that the transcriptional signatures that typify projection neurons develop independently of motor partners. Our findings comprehensively overturn a long-standing model: that connectivity in the circuit for gaze stabilization is retrogradely determined by motor partner-derived signals. By defining the contribution of motor neurons to specification of an archetypal sensorimotor circuit, our work speaks to comparable processes in the spinal cord and advances our understanding of principles of neural development.
PMID: 39565353
ISSN: 2050-084x
CID: 5758562

Evolutionarily conserved brainstem architecture enables gravity-guided vertical navigation

Zhu, Yunlu; Gelnaw, Hannah; Auer, Franziska; Hamling, Kyla R; Ehrlich, David E; Schoppik, David
The sensation of gravity anchors our perception of the environment and is important for navigation. However, the neural circuits that transform gravity into commands for navigation are undefined. We first determined that larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) navigate vertically by maintaining a consistent heading across a series of upward climb or downward dive bouts. Gravity-blind mutant fish swim with more variable heading and excessive veering, leading to less effective vertical navigation. After targeted photoablation of ascending vestibular neurons and spinal projecting midbrain neurons, but not vestibulospinal neurons, vertical navigation was impaired. These data define a sensorimotor circuit that uses evolutionarily conserved brainstem architecture to transform gravitational signals into persistent heading for vertical navigation. The work lays a foundation to understand how vestibular inputs allow animals to move effectively through their environment.
PMID: 39531487
ISSN: 1545-7885
CID: 5752912

The vestibulospinal nucleus is a locus of balance development

Hamling, Kyla R; Harmon, Katherine; Kimura, Yukiko; Higashijima, Shin-Ichi; Schoppik, David
Mature vertebrates maintain posture using vestibulospinal neurons that transform sensed in-stability into reflexive commands to spinal motor circuits. Postural stability improves across development. However, due to the complexity of terrestrial locomotion, vestibulospinal con-tributions to postural refinement in early life remain unexplored. Here we leveraged the relative simplicity of underwater locomotion to quantify the postural consequences of losing vestibulospinal neurons during development in larval zebrafish of undifferentiated sex. By comparing posture at two timepoints, we discovered that later lesions of vestibulospinal neu-rons led to greater instability. Analysis of thousands of individual swim bouts revealed that lesions disrupted movement timing and corrective reflexes without impacting swim kinemat-ics, and that this effect was particularly strong in older larvae. Using a generative model of swimming, we showed how these disruptions could account for the increased postural variability at both timepoints. Finally, late lesions disrupted the fin/trunk coordination observed in older larvae, linking vestibulospinal neurons to postural control schemes used to navigate in depth. Since later lesions were considerably more disruptive to postural sta-bility, we conclude that vestibulospinal contributions to balance increase as larvae mature. Vestibulospinal neurons are highly conserved across vertebrates; we therefore propose that they are a substrate for developmental improvements to postural control.Significance Statement Many animals experience balance improvements during early life. Mature vertebrates use vestibulospinal neurons to transform sensed instability into postural corrections. To under-stand if/how these neurons shape postural development, we ablated them at two develop-mentally important timepoints in larval zebrafish. Loss of vestibulospinal neurons disrupted specific stabilizing behaviors (swim timing, tilt correction, and fin/body coordination) more profoundly in older fish. We conclude that postural development happens in part by changes to vestibulospinal neurons - a significant step towards understanding how developing brains gain the ability to balance.
PMID: 38777599
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 5654762

Astrocyte growth is driven by the Tre1/S1pr1 phospholipid-binding G protein-coupled receptor

Chen, Jiakun; Stork, Tobias; Kang, Yunsik; Nardone, Katherine A M; Auer, Franziska; Farrell, Ryan J; Jay, Taylor R; Heo, Dongeun; Sheehan, Amy; Paton, Cameron; Nagel, Katherine I; Schoppik, David; Monk, Kelly R; Freeman, Marc R
Astrocytes play crucial roles in regulating neural circuit function by forming a dense network of synapse-associated membrane specializations, but signaling pathways regulating astrocyte morphogenesis remain poorly defined. Here, we show the Drosophila lipid-binding G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Tre1 is required for astrocytes to establish their intricate morphology in vivo. The lipid phosphate phosphatases Wunen/Wunen2 also regulate astrocyte morphology and, via Tre1, mediate astrocyte-astrocyte competition for growth-promoting lipids. Loss of s1pr1, the functional analog of Tre1 in zebrafish, disrupts astrocyte process elaboration, and live imaging and pharmacology demonstrate that S1pr1 balances proper astrocyte process extension/retraction dynamics during growth. Loss of Tre1 in flies or S1pr1 in zebrafish results in defects in simple assays of motor behavior. Tre1 and S1pr1 are thus potent evolutionarily conserved regulators of the elaboration of astrocyte morphological complexity and, ultimately, astrocyte control of behavior.
PMID: 38096817
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 5588882

Determinants of motor neuron functional subtypes important for locomotor speed

D'Elia, Kristen P; Hameedy, Hanna; Goldblatt, Dena; Frazel, Paul; Kriese, Mercer; Zhu, Yunlu; Hamling, Kyla R; Kawakami, Koichi; Liddelow, Shane A; Schoppik, David; Dasen, Jeremy S
Locomotion requires precise control of the strength and speed of muscle contraction and is achieved by recruiting functionally distinct subtypes of motor neurons (MNs). MNs are essential to movement and differentially susceptible in disease, but little is known about how MNs acquire functional subtype-specific features during development. Using single-cell RNA profiling in embryonic and larval zebrafish, we identify novel and conserved molecular signatures for MN functional subtypes and identify genes expressed in both early post-mitotic and mature MNs. Assessing MN development in genetic mutants, we define a molecular program essential for MN functional subtype specification. Two evolutionarily conserved transcription factors, Prdm16 and Mecom, are both functional subtype-specific determinants integral for fast MN development. Loss of prdm16 or mecom causes fast MNs to develop transcriptional profiles and innervation similar to slow MNs. These results reveal the molecular diversity of vertebrate axial MNs and demonstrate that functional subtypes are specified through intrinsic transcriptional codes.
PMID: 37676768
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 5607632

SAMPL is a high-throughput solution to study unconstrained vertical behavior in small animals

Zhu, Yunlu; Auer, Franziska; Gelnaw, Hannah; Davis, Samantha N; Hamling, Kyla R; May, Christina E; Ahamed, Hassan; Ringstad, Niels; Nagel, Katherine I; Schoppik, David
Balance and movement are impaired in many neurological disorders. Recent advances in behavioral monitoring provide unprecedented access to posture and locomotor kinematics but without the throughput and scalability necessary to screen candidate genes/potential therapeutics. Here, we present a scalable apparatus to measure posture and locomotion (SAMPL). SAMPL includes extensible hardware and open-source software with real-time processing and can acquire data from D. melanogaster, C. elegans, and D. rerio as they move vertically. Using SAMPL, we define how zebrafish balance as they navigate vertically and discover small but systematic variations among kinematic parameters between genetic backgrounds. We demonstrate SAMPL's ability to resolve differences in posture and navigation as a function of effect size and data gathered, providing key data for screens. SAMPL is therefore both a tool to model balance and locomotor disorders and an exemplar of how to scale apparatus to support screens.
PMID: 37267107
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 5543482

The Nature and Origin of Synaptic Inputs to Vestibulospinal Neurons in the Larval Zebrafish

Hamling, Kyla R; Harmon, Katherine; Schoppik, David
Vestibulospinal neurons integrate sensed imbalance to regulate postural reflexes. As an evolutionarily conserved neural population, understanding their synaptic and circuit-level properties can offer insight into vertebrate antigravity reflexes. Motivated by recent work, we set out to verify and extend the characterization of vestibulospinal neurons in the larval zebrafish. Using current-clamp recordings together with stimulation, we observed that larval zebrafish vestibulospinal neurons are silent at rest, yet capable of sustained spiking following depolarization. Neurons responded systematically to a vestibular stimulus (translation in the dark); responses were abolished after chronic or acute loss of the utricular otolith. Voltage-clamp recordings at rest revealed strong excitatory inputs with a characteristic multimodal distribution of amplitudes, as well as strong inhibitory inputs. Excitatory inputs within a particular mode (amplitude range) routinely violated refractory period criteria and exhibited complex sensory tuning, suggesting a nonunitary origin. Next, using a unilateral loss-of-function approach, we characterized the source of vestibular inputs to vestibulospinal neurons from each ear. We observed systematic loss of high-amplitude excitatory inputs after utricular lesions ipsilateral, but not contralateral, to the recorded vestibulospinal neuron. In contrast, while some neurons had decreased inhibitory inputs after either ipsilateral or contralateral lesions, there were no systematic changes across the population of recorded neurons. We conclude that imbalance sensed by the utricular otolith shapes the responses of larval zebrafish vestibulospinal neurons through both excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Our findings expand our understanding of how a vertebrate model, the larval zebrafish, might use vestibulospinal input to stabilize posture. More broadly, when compared with recordings in other vertebrates, our data speak to conserved origins of vestibulospinal synaptic input.
PMID: 37268420
ISSN: 2373-2822
CID: 5541592