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Closed-loop modulation of remote hippocampal representations with neurofeedback
Coulter, Michael E; Gillespie, Anna K; Chu, Joshua; Denovellis, Eric L; Nguyen, Trevor T K; Liu, Daniel F; Wadhwani, Katherine; Sharma, Baibhav; Wang, Kevin; Deng, Xinyi; Eden, Uri T; Kemere, Caleb; Frank, Loren M
Humans can remember specific events without acting on them and can influence which memories are retrieved based on internal goals. However, current animal models of memory typically present sensory cues to trigger retrieval and assess retrieval based on action 1-5 . As a result, it is difficult to determine whether measured patterns of neural activity relate to the cue(s), the retrieved memory, or the behavior. We therefore asked whether we could develop a paradigm to isolate retrieval-related neural activity in animals without retrieval cues or the requirement of a behavioral report. To do this, we focused on hippocampal "place cells." These cells primarily emit spiking patterns that represent the animal's current location (local representations), but they can also generate representations of previously visited locations distant from the animal's current location (remote representations) 6-13 . It is not known whether animals can deliberately engage specific remote representations, and if so, whether this engagement would occur during specific brain states. So, we used a closed-loop neurofeedback system to reward expression of remote representations that corresponded to uncued, experimenter-selected locations, and found that rats could increase the prevalence of these specific remote representations over time; thus, demonstrating memory retrieval modulated by internal goals in an animal model. These representations occurred predominately during periods of immobility but outside of hippocampal sharp-wave ripple (SWR) 13-15 events. This paradigm enables future direct studies of memory retrieval mechanisms in the healthy brain and in models of neurological disorders.
PMID: 38766135
CID: 5670932
Retuning of hippocampal representations during sleep
Maboudi, Kourosh; Giri, Bapun; Miyawaki, Hiroyuki; Kemere, Caleb; Diba, Kamran
Hippocampal representations that underlie spatial memory undergo continuous refinement following formation1. Here, to track the spatial tuning of neurons dynamically during offline states, we used a new Bayesian learning approach based on the spike-triggered average decoded position in ensemble recordings from freely moving rats. Measuring these tunings, we found spatial representations within hippocampal sharp-wave ripples that were stable for hours during sleep and were strongly aligned with place fields initially observed during maze exploration. These representations were explained by a combination of factors that included preconfigured structure before maze exposure and representations that emerged during θ-oscillations and awake sharp-wave ripples while on the maze, revealing the contribution of these events in forming ensembles. Strikingly, the ripple representations during sleep predicted the future place fields of neurons during re-exposure to the maze, even when those fields deviated from previous place preferences. By contrast, we observed tunings with poor alignment to maze place fields during sleep and rest before maze exposure and in the later stages of sleep. In sum, the new decoding approach allowed us to infer and characterize the stability and retuning of place fields during offline periods, revealing the rapid emergence of representations following new exploration and the role of sleep in the representational dynamics of the hippocampus.
PMID: 38720085
ISSN: 1476-4687
CID: 5670922
Spyglass: a framework for reproducible and shareable neuroscience research
Lee, Kyu Hyun; Denovellis, Eric L; Ly, Ryan; Magland, Jeremy; Soules, Jeff; Comrie, Alison E; Gramling, Daniel P; Guidera, Jennifer A; Nevers, Rhino; Adenekan, Philip; Brozdowski, Chris; Bray, Samuel R; Monroe, Emily; Bak, Ji Hyun; Coulter, Michael E; Sun, Xulu; Broyles, Emrey; Shin, Donghoon; Chiang, Sharon; Holobetz, Cristofer; Tritt, Andrew; Rübel, Oliver; Nguyen, Thinh; Yatsenko, Dimitri; Chu, Joshua; Kemere, Caleb; Garcia, Samuel; Buccino, Alessio; Frank, Loren M
Scientific progress depends on reliable and reproducible results. Progress can also be accelerated when data are shared and re-analyzed to address new questions. Current approaches to storing and analyzing neural data typically involve bespoke formats and software that make replication, as well as the subsequent reuse of data, difficult if not impossible. To address these challenges, we created Spyglass, an open-source software framework that enables reproducible analyses and sharing of data and both intermediate and final results within and across labs. Spyglass uses the Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) standard and includes pipelines for several core analyses in neuroscience, including spectral filtering, spike sorting, pose tracking, and neural decoding. It can be easily extended to apply both existing and newly developed pipelines to datasets from multiple sources. We demonstrate these features in the context of a cross-laboratory replication by applying advanced state space decoding algorithms to publicly available data. New users can try out Spyglass on a Jupyter Hub hosted by HHMI and 2i2c:
PMID: 38328074
CID: 5670892
Foraging Under Uncertainty Follows the Marginal Value Theorem with Bayesian Updating of Environment Representations
Webb, James; Steffan, Paul; Hayden, Benjamin Y; Lee, Daeyeol; Kemere, Caleb; McGinley, Matthew
Foraging theory has been a remarkably successful approach to understanding the behavior of animals in many contexts. In patch-based foraging contexts, the marginal value theorem (MVT) shows that the optimal strategy is to leave a patch when the marginal rate of return declines to the average for the environment. However, the MVT is only valid in deterministic environments whose statistics are known to the forager; naturalistic environments seldom meet these strict requirements. As a result, the strategies used by foragers in naturalistic environments must be empirically investigated. We developed a novel behavioral task and a corresponding computational framework for studying patch-leaving decisions in head-fixed and freely moving mice. We varied between-patch travel time, as well as within-patch reward depletion rate, both deterministically and stochastically. We found that mice adopt patch residence times in a manner consistent with the MVT and not explainable by simple ethologically motivated heuristic strategies. Critically, behavior was best accounted for by a modified form of the MVT wherein environment representations were updated based on local variations in reward timing, captured by a Bayesian estimator and dynamic prior. Thus, we show that mice can strategically attend to, learn from, and exploit task structure on multiple timescales simultaneously, thereby efficiently foraging in volatile environments. The results provide a foundation for applying the systems neuroscience toolkit in freely moving and head-fixed mice to understand the neural basis of foraging under uncertainty.
PMID: 38585964
CID: 5670912
Extended Poisson Gaussian-Process Latent Variable Model for Unsupervised Neural Decoding
Luo, Della Daiyi; Giri, Bapun; Diba, Kamran; Kemere, Caleb
Dimension reduction on neural activity paves a way for unsupervised neural decoding by dissociating the measurement of internal neural state repetition from the measurement of external variable tuning. With assumptions only on the smoothness of latent dynamics and of internal tuning curves, the Poisson Gaussian-process latent variable model (P-GPLVM) (Wu et al., 2017) is a powerful tool to discover the low-dimensional latent structure for high-dimensional spike trains. However, when given novel neural data, the original model lacks a method to infer their latent trajectories in the learned latent space, limiting its ability for estimating the internal state repetition. Here, we extend the P-GPLVM to enable the latent variable inference of new data constrained by previously learned smoothness and mapping information. We also describe a principled approach for the constrained latent variable inference for temporally-compressed patterns of activity, such as those found in population burst events (PBEs) during hippocampal sharp-wave ripples, as well as metrics for assessing whether the inferred new latent variables are congruent with a previously learned manifold in the latent space. Applying these approaches to hippocampal ensemble recordings during active maze exploration, we replicate the result that P-GPLVM learns a latent space encoding the animal's position. We further demonstrate that this latent space can differentiate one maze context from another. By inferring the latent variables of new neural data during running, certain internal neural states are observed to repeat, which is in accordance with the similarity of experiences encoded by its nearby neural trajectories in the training data manifold. Finally, repetition of internal neural states can be estimated for neural activity during PBEs as well, allowing the identification for replay events of versatile behaviors and more general experiences. Thus, our extension of the P-GPLVM framework for unsupervised analysis of neural activity can be used to answer critical questions related to scientific discovery.
PMID: 38496669
CID: 5670902
The neural basis of mental navigation in rats
Coulter, Michael E; Kemere, Caleb
A brain-machine interface demonstrates volitional control of hippocampal activity.
PMID: 37917674
ISSN: 1095-9203
CID: 5670882
In vivo lensless microscopy via a phase mask generating diffraction patterns with high-contrast contours
Adams, Jesse K; Yan, Dong; Wu, Jimin; Boominathan, Vivek; Gao, Sibo; Rodriguez, Alex V; Kim, Soonyoung; Carns, Jennifer; Richards-Kortum, Rebecca; Kemere, Caleb; Veeraraghavan, Ashok; Robinson, Jacob T
The simple and compact optics of lensless microscopes and the associated computational algorithms allow for large fields of view and the refocusing of the captured images. However, existing lensless techniques cannot accurately reconstruct the typical low-contrast images of optically dense biological tissue. Here we show that lensless imaging of tissue in vivo can be achieved via an optical phase mask designed to create a point spread function consisting of high-contrast contours with a broad spectrum of spatial frequencies. We built a prototype lensless microscope incorporating the 'contour' phase mask and used it to image calcium dynamics in the cortex of live mice (over a field of view of about 16 mm2) and in freely moving Hydra vulgaris, as well as microvasculature in the oral mucosa of volunteers. The low cost, small form factor and computational refocusing capability of in vivo lensless microscopy may open it up to clinical uses, especially for imaging difficult-to-reach areas of the body.
PMID: 35256759
ISSN: 2157-846x
CID: 5670872
Evaluation of Aerosol Particle Leak and Standard Surgical Mask Fit With 3 Elastomeric Harness Designs
Ingabire, Jeannette; McKenney, Hannah; Sebesta, Charles; Badhiwala, Krishna; Kemere, Caleb; Kapur, Sahil; Robinson, Jacob T
This comparative effectiveness study evaluates aerosol particle leak and standard surgical mask fit with 3 elastomeric harness designs tested on mannequin heads and human participants using US Occupational Safety and Health Administration N95 fit factor requirements.
PMID: 35099550
ISSN: 2574-3805
CID: 5670862
A framework to identify structured behavioral patterns within rodent spatial trajectories
Donnarumma, Francesco; Prevete, Roberto; Maisto, Domenico; Fuscone, Simone; Irvine, Emily M; van der Meer, Matthijs A A; Kemere, Caleb; Pezzulo, Giovanni
Animal behavior is highly structured. Yet, structured behavioral patterns-or "statistical ethograms"-are not immediately apparent from the full spatiotemporal data that behavioral scientists usually collect. Here, we introduce a framework to quantitatively characterize rodent behavior during spatial (e.g., maze) navigation, in terms of movement building blocks or motor primitives. The hypothesis that we pursue is that rodent behavior is characterized by a small number of motor primitives, which are combined over time to produce open-ended movements. We assume motor primitives to be organized in terms of two sparsity principles: each movement is controlled using a limited subset of motor primitives (sparse superposition) and each primitive is active only for time-limited, time-contiguous portions of movements (sparse activity). We formalize this hypothesis using a sparse dictionary learning method, which we use to extract motor primitives from rodent position and velocity data collected during spatial navigation, and successively to reconstruct past trajectories and predict novel ones. Three main results validate our approach. First, rodent behavioral trajectories are robustly reconstructed from incomplete data, performing better than approaches based on standard dimensionality reduction methods, such as principal component analysis, or single sparsity. Second, the motor primitives extracted during one experimental session generalize and afford the accurate reconstruction of rodent behavior across successive experimental sessions in the same or in modified mazes. Third, in our approach the number of motor primitives associated with each maze correlates with independent measures of maze complexity, hence showing that our formalism is sensitive to essential aspects of task structure. The framework introduced here can be used by behavioral scientists and neuroscientists as an aid for behavioral and neural data analysis. Indeed, the extracted motor primitives enable the quantitative characterization of the complexity and similarity between different mazes and behavioral patterns across multiple trials (i.e., habit formation). We provide example uses of this computational framework, showing how it can be used to identify behavioural effects of maze complexity, analyze stereotyped behavior, classify behavioral choices and predict place and grid cell displacement in novel environments.
PMID: 33432100
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5670822
Editorial: Towards the Next Generation of Deep Brain Stimulation Therapies: Technological Advancements, Computational Methods, and New Targets [Editorial]
Santaniello, Sabato; McConnell, George C; Gale, John T; Faghih, Rose T; Kemere, Caleb; Hilliard, Justin D; Han, Martin
PMID: 34489638
ISSN: 1662-4548
CID: 5670832