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Fewer Dislocations After Total Hip Arthroplasty With Robotic Assistance or Fluoroscopic Guidance

Di Gangi, Catherine; Prinos, Alana; Buehring, Weston; Meere, Patrick A; Meftah, Morteza; Hepinstall, Matthew S
BACKGROUND:Computer navigation and robotic assistance may reduce total hip arthroplasty (THA) dislocations by improving the accuracy and precision of component positioning. We investigated dislocation rates for THAs using conventional techniques, robotic assistance, and computer navigation, while controlling for surgical approach, dual mobility (DM) use, and fluoroscopic guidance. METHODS:We reviewed 11,740 primary THAs performed between June 2016 and December 2022, including 5,873 conventional, 1,293 with robotic-arm assistance, and 4,574 with navigation. The approach was posterior in 6,580 (56.0%), anterior in 4,342 (37.0%), and lateral in 818 (7.0%). A DM was used in 10.4%. Fluoroscopy was used in 3,653 cases and only with the anterior approach. Multivariate analyses yielded odds ratios (OR) for dislocation and revision. Additional regression analyses for dislocation were performed for approach and DM. RESULTS:Raw dislocation rates were as follows: conventional 1.2%, robotic 0.4%, navigation 0.9%, anterior with fluoroscopy 0.4%, anterior without fluoroscopy 2.3%, posterior 1.3%, and lateral 0.5%. Upon multivariate analysis, use of robotics was found to be associated with significantly reduced dislocation risk compared to conventional (OR: 0.3), as did anterior (OR: 0.6) compared to posterior approach; navigation and lateral approach were not found to be associated with a significant reduction in risk. For the anterior approach, multivariate analysis demonstrated that fluoroscopy significantly reduced dislocation risk (OR: 0.1), while DM, robotics, and navigation were not significant. For the posterior approach, the dislocation risk was lower with robotics than with conventional (OR: 0.2); the use of navigation or DM did not demonstrate a significant reduction in risk. CONCLUSIONS:The use of robotics was associated with a reduction in dislocations for this cohort overall. Further, fluoroscopy in the anterior approach and robotic assistance in the posterior approach were both associated with decreased dislocation risk. The role of imageless computer navigation and DM implants requires further study.
PMID: 39002766
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 5687242

Variability in Alignment and Bone Resections in Robotically Balanced Total Knee Arthroplasties

Hepinstall, Matthew S; Di Gangi, Catherine; Oakley, Christian; Sybert, Michael; Meere, Patrick A; Meftah, Morteza
Image-based robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty (RA-TKA) allows three-dimensional surgical planning informed by osseous anatomy, with intraoperative adjustment based on a dynamic assessment of ligament laxity and gap balance. The aim of this study was to identify ranges of implant alignment and bone resections with RA-TKA. We retrospectively reviewed 484 primary RA-TKA cases, stratified by preoperative coronal alignment. Demographics and intraoperative data were collected and compared using Chi-square and ANOVA tests. Planned limb, femoral, and tibial alignment became increasingly varus in a progressive order from valgus to neutral to the highest in varus knees (p < 0.001). Planned external transverse rotation relative to the TEA was lowest in the valgus cohort; relative to the PCA, whereas the varus cohort was highest (p < 0.001, both). Planned resections of the lateral distal femur and of the medial posterior femur were greater in the varus group compared to neutral and valgus (p < 0.001). There were significant differences between cohorts in planned tibia resections, laterally and medially. Varus knees demonstrated higher variability, while valgus and neutral had more metrics with low variability. This study demonstrated trends in intraoperative planned alignment and resection metrics across various preoperative coronal knee alignments. These findings contribute to the understanding of RA-TKA and may inform surgical decision-making.
PMID: 39199803
ISSN: 2306-5354
CID: 5729842

Robot-Assisted Total Hip Arthroplasty Demonstrates Improved 90-Day Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes

Prinos, Alana; Buehring, Weston; Di Gangi, Catherine; Meere, Patrick; Meftah, Morteza; Hepinstall, Matthew
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:The utilization of technology, including robotics and computer navigation, in total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been steadily increasing; however, conflicting data exists regarding its effect on short-term clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Therefore, this study sought to explore the association between different surgical technologies and postoperative outcomes following THA. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We retrospectively reviewed 9892 primary THA cases performed by 62 surgeons from a single institution from September 2017 to November 2022. Three cohorts were created based on the utilization of technology: conventional (no technology), navigation, or robotics. Patient demographics, clinical outcomes, and patient-reported outcome measures were collected over the first 90 days following surgery. This data was compared using analysis of variance and multivariate logistic regressions. In total, 4275 conventional, 4510 navigation, and 1107 robotic cases were included in our analyses. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:< .001) compared to no technology use in THA. Hip dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, Joint Replacement and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Pain Interference scores showed the greatest improvement in the robotic cohort at both 6 weeks and 3 months following surgery. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:The present study demonstrates favorable clinical and patient-reported outcomes in the first 90 days following surgery for patients undergoing robot-assisted THA compared to conventional and navigation-assisted THA.
PMID: 39071820
ISSN: 2352-3441
CID: 5731272

Functional knee apparatus for the evaluation of ligamentous tensions on contact loads

Wirekoh, Jackson; Parody, Nicholas; Meere, Patrick A
BACKGROUND:Soft tissue balancing is integral in providing stability following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Although intraoperative contact load sensors are providing insights into the effects of soft tissue balancing, there is still a lack of understanding of the relationship between the knee's ligamentous tensions and joint surface contact loads. This study reports on the development of a multifunctional testing apparatus that can quantify the effects of ligamentous tension on joint contact loads in a controlled repeatable environment. METHODS:The functional knee apparatus was constructed to act as an anatomical substitute for the benchtop assessment of intraoperative soft tissue balancing. The system was calibrated through reproduction of results from a cadaveric study that employed intraoperative load sensors. Experimentation was then conducted to quantify the effects of tensile pretension variation on measured contact loads throughout the full range of flexion. RESULTS:A linear relationship between the ligamentous tensions and contact loads was observed, with ligaments contributing to 74-80% of the measured contact loads. Ligamentous tensions could be approximated from measured contact loads to within ± 23 N. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The proposed apparatus can prove to be a valuable tool in the continued exploration of currently undocumented effects (e.g. surgical alteration) in soft tissue balancing. In addition to quantifying the relationship between ligamentous tensions and joint contact loads, soft tissue loading conditions where bicondylar contact was lost (i.e. known sign of kinematic instability) were identified. As a corollary, this system may be able to provide insights on soft tissue balancing standards predictive of patient outcomes.
PMID: 36257178
ISSN: 1873-5800
CID: 5360432

Technology Applications for Arthroplasty: Moving the Field Forward?

Schwab, Pierre-Emmanuel; Fitz, Wolfgang; Meere, Patrick; Mayman, David; Lawrie, Charles; Engstrom, Stephen; Barrack, Robert; Lonner, Jess H; Sodhi, Nipun; Mont, Michael A; Zadzilka, Jayson; Stulberg, Bernard; Iorio, Richard
Total joint arthroplasty (TJA) is one of the most performed and successful surgeries in the United States for advanced degenerative and inflammatory arthritis with most patients reporting excellent outcomes. However, a large number of patients are still dissatisfied following TJA. To improve outcomes, new technologies such as patient-specific instrumentation and custom implants; smart implant trials; radiologic, computer, and portable accelerometer-based navigation systems; and robotics have been developed. Their overall goals are to avoid the drawbacks of conventional arthroplasty surgery, to simplify the procedures, to improve the accuracy of surgical techniques, to improve outcomes, and to decrease costs. This chapter provides an overview of the current technologies and their applications in TJA.
PMID: 32017728
ISSN: 0065-6895
CID: 4300072

Tramadol in Knee Osteoarthritis: Does Preoperative Use Affect Patient-Reported Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty?

Driesman, Adam; Kaplan, Daniel; Feng, James E; Waren, Daniel P; Vigdorchik, Jonathan; Meere, Patrick; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Slover, James; Macaulay, William
BACKGROUND:The 2013 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons evidence-based guidelines recommend against the use of preoperative narcotics in the management of symptomatic osteoarthritic knees; however, the guidelines strongly recommend tramadol in this patient population. To our knowledge, no study to date has evaluated outcomes in patients who use tramadol exclusively as compared with narcotics naive patients. METHODS:This is a retrospective study of prospectively collected data for patients who underwent unilateral primary total knee arthroplasty between January 2017 and March 2018. PRO scores were obtained using a novel electronic patient rehabilitation application, which pushed PRO surveys via email and mobile devices within 1 month prior to surgery and 3 months postoperatively. RESULTS:One hundred and thirty-six patients were opiate naïve, while 63 had obtained narcotics before the index operation. Of those, 21 patients received tramadol. The average preoperative Knee Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores were 50.4, 49.95, and 48.01 for the naïve, tramadol, and narcotic populations, respectively, (P = .60). The tramadol cohort had the least gain in 3 months postoperative Knee Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores, improving on average 12.5 points in comparison to the 19.1 and 20.1 improvements seen in the narcotic and naïve cohorts, respectively (P = .09). This difference was statistically significant when comparing the naïve and tramadol populations alone in post hoc analysis (P = .016). CONCLUSIONS:When comparing patients who took tramadol preoperatively to patients who were opiate naïve, patients that used tramadol trended toward significantly less improvement in functional outcomes in the short-term postoperative period.
PMID: 31076193
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 4002032

Relationship between surgical balancing and outcome measures in total knees

Chu, Lauren M; Meere, Patrick A; Oh, Cheongeun; Walker, Peter S
Background/UNASSIGNED:The purpose of the study was to investigate the accuracy of balancing which could be achieved at total knee surgery and its relation to functional outcomes. Methods/UNASSIGNED:During surgery, the forces on the medial and lateral plateaus were measured at 10-15 degrees flexion in 101 patients, using an instrumented tibial trial, with equal forces being targeted. Of the initial 101 cases, 71 cases completed all follow-up visits to 1 year. At each follow-up visit, the function was measured using the Knee Society Scoring System, and varus and valgus laxity angles were measured. Results/UNASSIGNED:The mean medial/(medial + lateral) compartmental force ratio was 0.52, with a standard deviation of 0.09. The total contact force was 217 Newtons, with a standard deviation of 72 Newtons. No correlations were found between the functional scores and the compartmental force ratio or total contact force. However, the mean varus and valgus laxity angles, 2.8 and 2.3 degrees, respectively, were very close to the angles of normal intact knees. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:The likely reason for the lack of correlation of function was that the large majority of the balancing ratios were within the range 0.4-0.6 but with a wide spread of functional scores typical of total knee study groups. However, the normal varus and valgus angles achieved at follow-up indicated that equal balancing in early flexion was a reasonable surgical target. Using instrumented tibial trials enabled accurate and consistent balancing values to be achieved, as well as normal varus and valgus laxity angles, which may be important in obtaining optimal outcomes.
PMID: 31286044
ISSN: 2352-3441
CID: 3976452

Relationship Between Ligament Forces and Contact Forces in Balancing at Total Knee Surgery

Sanz-Pena, Inigo; Zapata, Gabriela E; Verstraete, Matthias A; Meere, Patrick A; Walker, Peter S
BACKGROUND:Spacer blocks, tensors, or instrumented tibial trials are current methods of balancing the knee during surgery but there are no current techniques for measuring ligament forces. Our goal was to study the relationship between the collateral ligament forces and the condylar contact forces to determine whether there was equivalence. METHODS:A test rig was constructed modeling an artificial knee joint with collateral ligaments. The ligament forces as well as the lateral and medial tibial contact forces were measured during flexion for different positions of the femoral component on the femur, producing a set of forces for the simulated conditions. A regression analysis was used to study the correlation between the ligament and contact forces. RESULTS:The combined medial and lateral ligament and contact forces showed a linear relation with a correlation coefficient of 0.98. For the medial and lateral sides separately, the correlations were 0.85 and 0.88, respectively, with more than 80% of points within a ±25% deviation from the linear relations. This deviation from the linear correlation is linked to differences in medial-lateral femoral-tibial contact point locations at different flexion angles. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Within balancing accuracies generally achieved at surgery, the collateral ligament forces were linearly correlated to the condylar contact forces. These forces can also be equally correlated to the distraction forces as well as the moments at which condylar liftoff would occur from varus-valgus moments. This indicated a unification of the different balancing parameters, and hence such quantitative methods can be used interchangeably.
PMID: 30890388
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 3735062

Payer type does not impact patient-reported outcomes after primary total knee arthroplasty

Feng, James E; Gabor, Jonathan A; Anoushiravani, Afshin A; Long, William J; Vigdorchik, Jonathan M; Meere, Patrick A; Iorio, Richard; Schwarzkopf, Ran; Macaulay, William
Background/UNASSIGNED:There is a paucity of literature assessing whether payer type has an impact on postoperative patient-reported outcomes (PROs) after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate TKA PROs among patients with commercial and Medicare insurance. Methods/UNASSIGNED:We conducted a single-center, retrospective review of patients operated between January 2017 and March 2018. Knee Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Junior (KOOS-Jr) and Veterans RAND 12 Health Survey (VR-12) Physical Component (VR-12 PCS) and Mental Component (VR-12 MCS) PRO scores were collected prospectively at baseline and 12 weeks postoperatively via an electronic patient rehabilitation application. Univariable and multivariable linear regressions were utilized to assess the effects of patient insurance type on PRO. Results/UNASSIGNED:> .05). Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:After adjusting for patient-specific variables, PROs are similar at baseline and 12 weeks postoperatively between commercial and Medicare cohorts. For TKA candidates with similar baseline demographics, surgeons can expect similar perioperative PROs regardless of insurance type.
PMID: 31020034
ISSN: 2352-3441
CID: 3821722

Motor-sparing spinal anesthesiatoallow active balancing during total knee arthroplasty [Meeting Abstract]

Atchabahian, A; Marks, R; Cuff, G; Cuevas, R; Meere, P
Background and Aims: Successful total knee replacement (TKA) is dependent on balancing peak load at the medial and lateral tibiofemoral joint interfaces. This can be achieved using a sterile sensor system intra-operatively. On the request of one surgeon at our institution, we explored the feasibility and safety of spinal anesthesia with limited motor blockade. Methods: 25 patients were enrolled in an IRB-approved non-randomized pilot study. For spinal anesthesia, a solution consisting of 1 mL of 5 mg/mL isobaric bupivacaine with 1.5 mL sterile saline solution containing 7.5 mcg of sufentanil was administered. During surgery, after components were cemented, patients were awakened and asked to move their leg in order to measure pressure balance. If an imbalance was noted, the surgeon would make adjustments intraoperatively. Results: During the intraoperativewake-up test, 15 patients successfully flexed and extended at the knee on command, while 10 were too weak for meaningful testing. As we reduced the local anesthetic volume to 0.8 mL in patients shorter than 160 cm, that issue was eliminated. One patient had neutral recollection of the test on follow up. No patient had pain or other side effect. Conclusions: A spinal anesthetic using sufentanil in combination with lowdose local anesthetic appears feasible and safe to provide surgical anesthesia for TKA. By performing a motor-sparing spinal anesthetic with an intraoperativewake up test, we can allow surgeons to test active pressure balance to improve the accuracy of the pressure balancing technique. A randomized study is in preparation to determine whether long-term surgical result is improved
ISSN: 1532-8651
CID: 3356082