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DNA Methylation Classes of Stage II and III Primary Melanomas and Their Clinical and Prognostic Significance

Conway, Kathleen; Edmiston, Sharon N; Vondras, Amanda; Reiner, Allison; Corcoran, David L; Shen, Ronglai; Parrish, Eloise A; Hao, Honglin; Lin, Lan; Kenney, Jessica M; Ilelaboye, Gbemisola; Kostrzewa, Caroline E; Kuan, Pei Fen; Busam, Klaus J; Lezcano, Cecilia; Lee, Tim K; Hernando, Eva; Googe, Paul B; Ollila, David W; Moschos, Stergios; Gorlov, Ivan; Amos, Christopher I; Ernstoff, Marc S; Cust, Anne E; Wilmott, James S; Scolyer, Richard A; Mann, Graham J; Vergara, Ismael A; Ko, Jennifer; Rees, Judy R; Yan, Shaofeng; Nagore, Eduardo; Bosenberg, Marcus; Rothberg, Bonnie Gould; Osman, Iman; Lee, Jeffrey E; Saenger, Yvonne; Bogner, Paul; Thompson, Cheryl L; Gerstenblith, Meg; Holmen, Sheri L; Funchain, Pauline; Brunsgaard, Elise; Depcik-Smith, Natalie D; Luo, Li; Boyce, Tawny; Orlow, Irene; Begg, Colin B; Berwick, Marianne; Thomas, Nancy E; ,
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Patients with stage II and III cutaneous primary melanoma vary considerably in their risk of melanoma-related death. We explore the ability of methylation profiling to distinguish primary melanoma methylation classes and their associations with clinicopathologic characteristics and survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:InterMEL is a retrospective case-control study that assembled primary cutaneous melanomas from American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition stage II and III patients diagnosed between 1998 and 2015 in the United States and Australia. Cases are patients who died of melanoma within 5 years from original diagnosis. Controls survived longer than 5 years without evidence of melanoma recurrence or relapse. Methylation classes, distinguished by consensus clustering of 850K methylation data, were evaluated for their clinicopathologic characteristics, 5-year survival status, and differentially methylated gene sets. RESULTS:= .007). CIMP and IM had a 2-fold higher likelihood of 5-year death from melanoma than LM (CIMP odds ratio [OR], 2.16 [95% CI, 1.18 to 3.96]; IM OR, 2.00 [95% CI, 1.12 to 3.58]) in a multivariable model adjusted for age, sex, log Breslow thickness, ulceration, mitotic index, and N stage. Despite more extensive CpG island hypermethylation in CIMP, CIMP and IM shared similar patterns of differential methylation and gene set enrichment compared with LM. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Melanoma MethylClasses may provide clinical value in predicting 5-year death from melanoma among patients with primary melanoma independent of other clinicopathologic factors.
PMID: 39509669
ISSN: 2473-4284
CID: 5752052

Tyrosine Protein Kinase SYK-Related Gene Signature in Baseline Immune Cells Associated with Adjuvant Immunotherapy-Induced Immune-Related Adverse Events in Melanoma

Monson, Kelsey R; Ferguson, Robert; Handzlik, Joanna E; Xiong, Jiahan; Dagayev, Sasha; Morales, Leah; Chat, Vylyny; Bunis, Anabelle; Sreenivasaiah, Chaitra; Dolfi, Sonia; Tenney, Daniel J; Shao, Yongzhao; Osman, Iman; Weber, Jeffrey S; Kirchhoff, Tomas
PURPOSE/UNASSIGNED:Immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) shows benefits in adjuvant (AT) and neoadjuvant melanoma treatments. However, ICI frequently induces severe immune-related adverse events (irAE). Unlike metastatic disease, in which irAEs are a clinical trade-off for treatment that improves survival, the toxicity burden from ICI in the AT setting is a substantial clinical problem urging for irAE-predictive biomarkers. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN/UNASSIGNED:We assessed postsurgical, pre-ICI treatment peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from clinical trial patients (CheckMate 915) treated with AT nivolumab (n = 130) or ipilimumab/nivolumab (COMBO, n = 82). Performing RNA sequencing differential gene expression analysis, we tested baseline differences associated with severe (grades 3-5) irAEs and constructed an irAE-predictive model using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator-regularized logistic regression. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:The analysis of predicted protein-protein interactions among differentially expressed genes in peripheral CD4+ cells revealed significant enrichment of the spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) pathway, associated with severe irAEs in COMBO-treated patients. This gene expression signature predicted severe-irAE COMBO patients (χ2P value = 0.001) with 73% accuracy and was independent of disease recurrence (P = 0.79). The irAE-predictive model incorporating this gene expression signature demonstrated 82% accuracy (χ2P value = 8.91E-06). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:We identified baseline gene expression differences in key immune pathways of peripheral blood T cells from COMBO-treated patients with grades 3 to 5 irAEs and defined a SYK-related gene signature correctly identifying ∼60% of COMBO-treated patients with grades 3 to 5 irAEs. This finding aligns with our previous work linking anti-CTLA4 irAEs with a germline variant associated with high SYK expression. This gene signature may serve as a baseline biomarker of severe grade 3 to 5 irAE risk, which is especially important in AT treatment.
PMID: 39115425
ISSN: 1557-3265
CID: 5705462

The stress response regulator HSF1 modulates natural killer cell anti-tumour immunity

Hockemeyer, Kathryn; Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Chen, Xufeng; Ivashkiv, Olha; Sirenko, Maria; Zhou, Hua; Gambi, Giovanni; Battistello, Elena; Avrampou, Kleopatra; Sun, Zhengxi; Guillamot, Maria; Chiriboga, Luis; Jour, George; Dolgalev, Igor; Corrigan, Kate; Bhatt, Kamala; Osman, Iman; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Kourtis, Nikos; Aifantis, Iannis
Diverse cellular insults converge on activation of the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which regulates the proteotoxic stress response to maintain protein homoeostasis. HSF1 regulates numerous gene programmes beyond the proteotoxic stress response in a cell-type- and context-specific manner to promote malignancy. However, the role(s) of HSF1 in immune populations of the tumour microenvironment remain elusive. Here, we leverage an in vivo model of HSF1 activation and single-cell transcriptomic tumour profiling to show that augmented HSF1 activity in natural killer (NK) cells impairs cytotoxicity, cytokine production and subsequent anti-tumour immunity. Mechanistically, HSF1 directly binds and regulates the expression of key mediators of NK cell effector function. This work demonstrates that HSF1 regulates the immune response under the stress conditions of the tumour microenvironment. These findings have important implications for enhancing the efficacy of adoptive NK cell therapies and for designing combinatorial strategies including modulators of NK cell-mediated tumour killing.
PMID: 39223375
ISSN: 1476-4679
CID: 5687692

MicroRNA-615-3p decreases apo B expression in human liver cells

Ansari, Abulaish; Yadav, Pradeep Kumar; Valmiki, Swati; Laine, Antoine; Rimbert, Antoine; Islam, Shahidul; Osman, Iman; Najafi-Shoustari, S Hani; Hussain, M Mahmood
Plasma lipids are mainly carried in apolipoprotein B (apoB) containing lipoproteins. High levels of these lipoproteins are associated with several metabolic diseases and lowering their plasma levels are associated with reduced incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. MicroRNAs (miRs) are small non-coding RNAs that reduce protein expression of their target mRNAs and are potential therapeutic agents. Here, we identified a novel miR-615-3p that interacts with human 3'-UTR of apoB mRNA, induces post-transcriptional mRNA degradation, and reduces cellular and secreted apoB100 in human hepatoma Huh-7 cells. Reducing cellular miR-615-3p levels by CRISPR-sgRNA increased cellular and secreted apoB100 indicating endogenous miR regulates apoB expression. Overexpression of miR-615-3p along with or without palmitic acid treatment decreased cellular and media apoB and increased cellular triglyceride levels without inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress. These studies have identified miR-615-3p as a negative regulator of apoB expression in human liver derived cells. It is likely that there are more miRs that regulate apoB-containing lipoprotein assembly and secretion. Discovery of additional miRs may uncover novel mechanisms that control lipoprotein assembly and secretion.
PMID: 39332527
ISSN: 1539-7262
CID: 5705482

Jeffrey S Weber, MD, PhD (1952-2024): in memoriam to discovery, friendship and family [Editorial]

Luke, Jason John; Hamid, Omid; Fox, Bernard A; Ascierto, Paolo A; Osman, Iman; Mule, James J; Romero, Pedro J; Lotze, Michael T
PMID: 39260827
ISSN: 2051-1426
CID: 5690432

Tumor-Intrinsic Galectin-3 Suppresses Melanoma Metastasis

Mohammed, Norhan B B; Lau, Lee Seng; Souchak, Joseph; Qiu, Shi; Ahluwalia, Manmeet S; Osman, Iman; Dimitroff, Charles J
Melanoma poses a poor prognosis with high mortality rates upon metastasis. Exploring the molecular mechanisms governing melanoma progression paves the way for developing novel approaches to control melanoma metastasis and ultimately enhance patient survival rates. Extracellular galectin-3 (Gal-3) has emerged as a pleiotropic promoter of melanoma metastasis, exerting varying activities depending on its interacting partner. However, whether intracellular Gal-3 promotes melanoma aggressive behavior remains unknown. In this study, we explored Gal-3 expression in human melanoma tissues as well as in murine melanoma models to examine its causal role in metastatic behavior. We found that Gal-3 expression is downregulated in metastatic melanoma tissues compared with its levels in primary melanomas. Enforced silencing of Gal-3 in melanoma cells promoted migration, invasion, colony formation, in vivo xenograft growth, and metastasis and activated canonical oncogenic signaling pathways. Moreover, loss of Gal-3 in melanoma cells resulted in upregulated the expression of the prometastatic transcription factor NFAT1 and its downstream metastasis-associated proteins, matrix metalloproteinase 3, and IL-8. Overall, our findings implicate melanoma intracellular Gal-3 as a major determinant of its metastatic behavior and reveal a negative regulatory role for Gal-3 on the expression of NFAT1 in melanoma cells.
PMID: 38458429
ISSN: 1523-1747
CID: 5679922

CRISPR-inhibition screen for lncRNAs linked to melanoma growth and metastasis

Petroulia, Stavroula; Hockemeyer, Kathryn; Tiwari, Shashank; Berico, Pietro; Shamloo, Sama; Banijamali, Seyedeh Elnaz; Vega-Saenz de Miera, Eleazar; Gong, Yixiao; Thandapani, Palaniraja; Wang, Eric; Schulz, Michael; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Osman, Iman; Aifantis, Ioannis; Imig, Jochen
UNLABELLED:Melanoma being one of the most common and deadliest skin cancers, has been rising since the past decade. Patients at advanced stages of the disease have very poor prognoses, as opposed to at the earlier stages. Nowadays the standard-of-care of advanced melanoma is resection followed by immune checkpoint inhibition based immunotherapy. However, a substantial proportion of patients either do not respond or develop resistances. This underscores a need for novel approaches and therapeutic targets as well as a better understanding of the mechanisms of melanoma pathogenesis. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) comprise a poorly characterized class of functional players and promising targets in promoting malignancy. Certain lncRNAs have been identified to play integral roles in melanoma progression and drug resistances, however systematic screens to uncover novel functional lncRNAs are scarce. Here, we profile differentially expressed lncRNAs in patient derived short-term metastatic cultures and BRAF-MEK-inhibition resistant cells. We conduct a focused growth-related CRISPR-inhibition screen of overexpressed lncRNAs, validate and functionally characterize lncRNA hits with respect to cellular growth, invasive capacities and apoptosis in vitro as well as the transcriptomic impact of our lead candidate the novel lncRNA XLOC_030781. In sum, we extend the current knowledge of ncRNAs and their potential relevance on melanoma. SIGNIFICANCE/UNASSIGNED:Previously considered as transcriptional noise, lncRNAs have emerged as novel players in regulating many cellular aspects in health and disease including melanoma. However, the number and as well as the extent of functional significance of most lncRNAs remains elusive. We provide a comprehensive strategy to identify functionally relevant lncRNAs in melanoma by combining expression profiling with CRISPR-inhibition growths screens lowering the experimental effort. We also provide a larger resource of differentially expressed lncRNAs with potential implications in melanoma growth and invasion. Our results broaden the characterized of lncRNAs as potential targets for future therapeutic applications.
PMID: 39211068
ISSN: 2692-8205
CID: 5705472

Social Isolation Changes and Long-Term Outcomes Among Older Adults

Lyu, Chen; Siu, Katherine; Xu, Ian; Osman, Iman; Zhong, Judy
IMPORTANCE/UNASSIGNED:While the association between cross-sectional measures of social isolation and adverse health outcomes is well established, less is known about the association between changes in social isolation and health outcomes. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To assess changes of social isolation and mortality, physical function, cognitive function, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and stroke. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS/UNASSIGNED:In a cohort design, social isolation changes in 4 years and subsequent risk of mortality and other outcomes were assessed using the 13 649 eligible Health and Retirement Study (HRS) respondents from the 2006 to 2020 waves. Data were analyzed from October 11, 2023, to April 26, 2024. EXPOSURE/UNASSIGNED:The main exposure was the change in social isolation measured by the Steptoe 5-item Social Isolation Index from the initial assessment to a second assessment conducted 4 years later. Participants were classified into decreased isolation, stable, or increased isolation groups, stratified by their baseline isolation status. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES/UNASSIGNED:The primary outcomes were mortality, self-reported dependencies in activities of daily living, Alzheimer disease and Alzheimer disease-related dementia, CVD, and stroke. Dementia, CVD, and stroke were assessed using HRS-linked Medicare records. Incidence rates (IRs) of each group were estimated and a Cox proportional hazards regression model was used, with inverse-probability treatment weighting to adjust for confounders. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Among 13 649 participants (mean [SD] age at baseline, 65.3 [9.5] years; 8011 [58.7%] women) isolated at baseline, those with increased isolation had higher mortality (n = 693; IR = 68.19; 95% CI, 60.89-76.36 per 1000 person-years) than those who were stable (n = 1796; IR = 44.02; 95% CI, 40.47-47.88 person-years) or had decreased isolation (n = 2067; IR = 37.77; 95% CI, 34.73-41.09 person-years) isolation. Increased isolation was associated with higher risks of mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR], 1.29; 95% CI, 1.09-1.51), disability (AHR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.09-1.67), and dementia (AHR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.02-1.93) compared with stable isolation. Similar findings were observed among socially nonisolated participants at baseline. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:In this cohort study, increased isolation was associated with elevated risks of mortality, disability, and dementia, irrespective of baseline isolation status. These results underscore the importance of interventions targeting the prevention of increased isolation among older adults to mitigate its adverse effects on mortality, as well as physical and cognitive function decline.
PMID: 39046736
ISSN: 2574-3805
CID: 5699622

Gut microbiome is associated with recurrence-free survival in patients with resected Stage IIIB-D or Stage IV melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Usyk, Mykhaylo; Hayes, Richard B; Knight, Rob; Gonzalez, Antonio; Li, Huilin; Osman, Iman; Weber, Jeffrey S; Ahn, Jiyoung
The gut microbiome (GMB) has been associated with outcomes of immune checkpoint blockade therapy in melanoma, but there is limited consensus on the specific taxa involved, particularly across different geographic regions. We analyzed pre-treatment stool samples from 674 melanoma patients participating in a phase-III trial of adjuvant nivolumab plus ipilimumab versus nivolumab, across three continents and five regions. Longitudinal analysis revealed that GMB was largely unchanged following treatment, offering promise for lasting GMB-based interventions. In region-specific and cross-region meta-analyses, we identified pre-treatment taxonomic markers associated with recurrence, including Eubacterium, Ruminococcus, Firmicutes, and Clostridium. Recurrence prediction by these markers was best achieved across regions by matching participants on GMB compositional similarity between the intra-regional discovery and external validation sets. AUCs for prediction ranged from 0.83-0.94 (depending on the initial discovery region) for patients closely matched on GMB composition (e.g., JSD ≤0.11). This evidence indicates that taxonomic markers for prediction of recurrence are generalizable across regions, for individuals of similar GMB composition.
PMID: 38659744
ISSN: 2692-8205
CID: 5738492

Integrated in vivo functional screens and multi-omics analyses identify α-2,3-sialylation as essential for melanoma maintenance

Agrawal, Praveen; Chen, Shuhui; de Pablos, Ana; Jame-Chenarboo, Faezeh; Miera Saenz de Vega, Eleazar; Darvishian, Farbod; Osman, Iman; Lujambio, Amaia; Mahal, Lara K; Hernando, Eva
Glycosylation is a hallmark of cancer biology, and altered glycosylation influences multiple facets of melanoma growth and progression. To identify glycosyltransferases, glycans, and glycoproteins essential for melanoma maintenance, we conducted an in vivo growth screen with a pooled shRNA library of glycosyltransferases, lectin microarray profiling of benign nevi and melanoma patient samples, and mass spectrometry-based glycoproteomics. We found that α-2,3 sialyltransferases ST3GAL1 and ST3GAL2 and corresponding α-2,3-linked sialosides are upregulated in melanoma compared to nevi and are essential for melanoma growth in vivo and in vitro. Glycoproteomics revealed that glycoprotein targets of ST3GAL1 and ST3GAL2 are enriched in transmembrane proteins involved in growth signaling, including the amino acid transporter Solute Carrier Family 3 Member 2 (SLC3A2/CD98hc). CD98hc suppression mimicked the effect of ST3GAL1 and ST3GAL2 silencing, inhibiting melanoma cell proliferation. We found that both CD98hc protein stability and its pro-survival effect in melanoma are dependent upon α-2,3 sialylation mediated by ST3GAL1 and ST3GAL2. In summary, our studies reveal that α-2,3-sialosides functionally contribute to melanoma maintenance, supporting ST3GAL1 and ST3GAL2 as novel therapeutic targets in these tumors.
PMID: 38559078
ISSN: 2692-8205
CID: 5728982