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Effect of loss of P2Y(2) receptor gene expression on nucleotide regulation of murine epithelial Cl(-) transport
Cressman, V L; Lazarowski, E; Homolya, L; Boucher, R C; Koller, B H; Grubb, B R
Extracellular nucleotides are believed to be important regulators of ion transport in epithelial tissues as a result of their ability to activate cell surface receptors. Although numerous receptors that bind nucleotides have been identified, the complexity of this receptor family, combined with the lack of pharmacological agents specific for these receptors, has made the assignment of particular receptors and ligands to physiological responses difficult. Because ATP and UTP appear equipotent and equieffective in regulating ion transport in many epithelia, we tested the hypothesis that the P2Y(2) receptor (P2Y(2)-R) subtype mediates these responses in mouse epithelia, with gene targeting techniques. Mice with the P2Y(2)-R locus targeted and inactivated (P2Y(2)-R(-/-)) were generated, airways (trachea), gallbladder, and intestines (jejunum) excised, and Cl(-) secretory responses to luminal nucleotide additions measured in Ussing chambers. Comparison of P2Y(2)-R(+/+) with P2Y(2)-R(-/-) mice revealed that P2Y(2)-R mediated most (>85-95%) nucleotide-stimulated Cl(-) secretion in trachea, about 50% of nucleotide responses in the gallbladder, and none of the responses in the jejunum. Dose-effect relationships for nucleotides in tissues from P2Y(2)-R(-/-) mice suggest that the P2Y(6)-R regulates ion transport in gallbladder and to a lesser extent trachea, whereas P2Y(4) and/or unidentified receptor(s) regulate ion transport in jejunum. We conclude that the P2Y(2) receptor is the dominant P2Y purinoceptor that regulates airway epithelial ion transport, whereas other P2Y receptor subtypes are relatively more important in other nonrespiratory epithelia
PMID: 10473606
ISSN: 0021-9258
CID: 125601
Mammary tumor formation in p53- and BRCA1-deficient mice
Cressman, V L; Backlund, D C; Hicks, E M; Gowen, L C; Godfrey, V; Koller, B H
The inheritance of a mutant copy of the BRCA1 gene greatly increases a woman's lifetime risk for ovarian and breast cancer. While a homologous gene has been identified in mouse, mice carrying mutations in this gene do not display a detectable increase in tumor formation. To determine whether mutations in p53 might increase the incidence of tumors associated with the loss of BRCA1 function in mice, we have generated mice carrying mutations at both of these loci. We report here that the presence of a mutant Brca1 allele does not alter survival of either p53-/- or p53+/- mice. Although the tumor spectrum was not dramatically altered, an increased incidence of mammary tumors was observed in the Brca1+/-p53-/- mice. Four mammary tumors were seen in the Brca1+/-p53-/- group whereas only one such tumor was seen among the p53-/- control group. In addition, although the presence of a mutant Brca1 allele did not alter the survival rate or the incidence of most tumor types in the p53+/- mice, 5 of the 23 tumors isolated from the Brca1+/-p53+/- mice treated with ionizing radiation were of mammary epithelial origin, and 3 of these had lost expression of the wild-type Brca1 gene. In contrast, no such tumors were observed in the irradiated p53+/- controls. Although the number of mammary tumors observed in these animals is small, these results are suggestive of a role for BRCA1 in mammary tumor formation after exposure to specific DNA damaging agents
PMID: 9950212
ISSN: 1044-9523
CID: 125659
The relationship of chronic mucin secretion to airway disease in normal and CFTR-deficient mice
Cressman, V L; Hicks, E M; Funkhouser, W K; Backlund, D C; Koller, B H
In the cystic fibrosis (CF) patient, lung function decreases throughout life as a result of continuous cycles of infection, particularly with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of the disease in humans has not been established. However, it has been suggested that abnormal, tenacious mucus, resulting perhaps from improper hydration from loss of Cl- secretion via the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, impairs clearance of bacteria from the CF airway and provides an environment favorable to bacterial growth. If this hypothesis is correct, it could explain the absence of respiratory disease in CFTR-deficient mice, since mice have only a single submucosal gland and display few goblet cells in their lower airways, even when exposed to bacteria. To test this hypothesis further, we induced allergic airway disease in CFTR-deficient mice. We found that induction of allergic airway disease in mice, unlike bacterial infection, results in an inflammatory response characterized by goblet cell hyperplasia, increased mucin gene expression, and increased production of mucus. However, we also found that disease progression and resolution is identical in Cftr-/- mice and control animals. Furthermore, we show that the presence of mucus in the Cftr-/- airway does not lead to chronic airway disease, even upon direct inoculation with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. Therefore, factors in addition to the absence of high levels of mucus secretion protect the mouse from the airway disease seen in human CF patients
PMID: 9843919
ISSN: 1044-1549
CID: 125658