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Functional connectivity of the default mode, dorsal attention and fronto-parietal executive control networks in glial tumor patients
Tordjman, Mickael; Madelin, Guillaume; Gupta, Pradeep Kumar; Cordova, Christine; Kurz, Sylvia C; Orringer, Daniel; Golfinos, John; Kondziolka, Douglas; Ge, Yulin; Wang, Ruoyu Luie; Lazar, Mariana; Jain, Rajan
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) is an emerging tool to explore the functional connectivity of different brain regions. We aimed to assess the disruption of functional connectivity of the Default Mode Network (DMN), Dorsal Attention Network(DAN) and Fronto-Parietal Network (FPN) in patients with glial tumors. METHODS:rsfMRI data acquired on 3T-MR of treatment-naive glioma patients prospectively recruited (2015-2019) and matched controls from the 1000 functional-connectomes-project were analyzed using the CONN functional toolbox. Seed-Based Connectivity Analysis (SBCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA, with 10 to 100 components) were performed to study reliably the three networks of interest. RESULTS:). For the FPN, increased connectivity was noted in the precuneus, posterior cingulate gyrus, and frontal cortex. No difference in the connectivity of the networks of interest was demonstrated between low- and high-grade gliomas, as well as when stratified by their IDH1-R132H (isocitrate dehydrogenase) mutation status. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Altered functional connectivity is reliably found with SBCA and ICA in the DMN, DAN, and FPN in glioma patients, possibly explained by decreased connectivity between the cerebral hemispheres across the corpus callosum due to disruption of the connections.
PMID: 33528739
ISSN: 1573-7373
CID: 4789692
Quantitative Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping Reveals Altered Cortical Myelin Profile in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Sui, Yu Veronica; Bertisch, Hilary; Lee, Hong-Hsi; Storey, Pippa; Babb, James S; Goff, Donald C; Samsonov, Alexey; Lazar, Mariana
Myelin abnormalities have been reported in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) in white matter. However, in vivo examinations of cortical myeloarchitecture in SSD, especially those using quantitative measures, are limited. Here, we employed macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) obtained from quantitative magnetization transfer imaging to characterize intracortical myelin organization in 30 SSD patients versus 34 healthy control (HC) participants. We constructed cortical myelin profiles by extracting MPF values at various cortical depths and quantified their shape using a nonlinearity index (NLI). To delineate the association of illness duration with myelin changes, SSD patients were further divided into 3 duration groups. Between-group comparisons revealed reduced NLI in the SSD group with the longest illness duration (>5.5Â years) compared with HC predominantly in bilateral prefrontal areas. Within the SSD group, cortical NLI decreased with disease duration and was positively associated with a measure of spatial working memory capacity as well as with cortical thickness (CT). Layer-specific analyses suggested that NLI decreases in the long-duration SSD group may arise in part from significantly increased MPF values in the midcortical layers. The current study reveals cortical myelin profile changes in SSD with illness progression, which may reflect an abnormal compensatory mechanism of the disorder.
PMID: 34296161
ISSN: 2632-7376
CID: 4948622
Increased Intracortical Myelin in Cognitively Preserved Patients With Psychotic Spectrum Disorders [Meeting Abstract]
Sui, Yu; Bertisch, Hilary; Goff, Donald; Samsonov, Alexey; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4918832
IVIM Modeling Shows Increased Perfusion and Free Water in Psychotic Spectrum Disorders Relate to Illness Duration and Cognitive Function [Meeting Abstract]
McKenna, Faye; Sui, Yu Veronica; Bertisch, Hillary; Goff, Donald; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4918822
White Matter Microstructural Changes in Psychotic Spectrum Disorder are Associated With Cognitive Function and Symptoms [Meeting Abstract]
McKenna, Faye; Sui, Yu Veronica; Bertisch, Hillary; Goff, Donald; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4918802
Diffusion kurtosis imaging of gray matter in young adults with autism spectrum disorder
McKenna, Faye; Miles, Laura; Donaldson, Jeffrey; Castellanos, F Xavier; Lazar, Mariana
Prior ex vivo histological postmortem studies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have shown gray matter microstructural abnormalities, however, in vivo examination of gray matter microstructure in ASD has remained scarce due to the relative lack of non-invasive methods to assess it. The aim of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of employing diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) to describe gray matter abnormalities in ASD in vivo. DKI data were examined for 16 male participants with a diagnosis of ASD and IQ>80 and 17 age- and IQ-matched male typically developing (TD) young adults 18-25Â years old. Mean (MK), axial (AK), radial (RK) kurtosis and mean diffusivity (MD) metrics were calculated for lobar and sub-lobar regions of interest. Significantly decreased MK, RK, and MD were found in ASD compared to TD participants in the frontal and temporal lobes and several sub-lobar regions previously associated with ASD pathology. In ASD participants, decreased kurtosis in gray matter ROIs correlated with increased repetitive and restricted behaviors and poor social interaction symptoms. Decreased kurtosis in ASD may reflect a pathology associated with a less restrictive microstructural environment such as decreased neuronal density and size, atypically sized cortical columns, or limited dendritic arborizations.
PMID: 33293640
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 4718662
Reduced Microstructural Lateralization in Males with Chronic Schizophrenia: A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study
McKenna, Faye; Babb, James; Miles, Laura; Goff, Donald; Lazar, Mariana
Decreased brain lateralization is considered a trait marker of schizophrenia. Whereas reductions in both functional and macrostructural gray matter laterality in schizophrenia are well established, the investigation of gray matter microstructural lateralization has so far been limited to a small number of ex vivo studies, which limits the understanding of neurobiological substrates involved and development of adequate treatments. The aim of the current study was to assess in vivo gray matter microstructure lateralization patterns in schizophrenia by employing the diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI)-derived mean kurtosis (MK) metric. MK was calculated for 18 right-handed males with chronic schizophrenia and 19 age-matched healthy control participants in 46 bilateral gray matter regions of interest (ROI). Microstructural laterality indexes (μLIs) were calculated for each subject and ROI, and group comparisons were conducted across regions. The relationship between μLI values and performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was also evaluated. We found that compared with healthy controls, males with chronic schizophrenia had significantly decreased μLI across cortical and subcortical gray matter regions, which was correlated with poorer performance on the WCST. Our results suggest the ability of DKI-derived MK to capture gray matter microstructural lateralization pathology in vivo.
PMID: 31819950
ISSN: 1460-2199
CID: 4238782
Association Between Gray Matter Microstructure, Cortical Thinning, Illness Duration and Executive Functioning in Psychotic Spectrum Disorders [Meeting Abstract]
McKenna, Faye; Sui, Yu; Bertisch, Hillary; Goff, Donald; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4560782
Putamen Inflammation and its Association With Working Memory Impairments in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders [Meeting Abstract]
Gupta, Pradeep Kumar; Gonen, Oded; Goff, Donald; Bertisch, Hilary; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4560832
Changes in Cortical Myelination and Water Volume Fraction With Illness Duration in Schizophrenia [Meeting Abstract]
Sui, Yu; Bertisch, Hilary; Goff, Donald; Samsonov, Alexey; Lazar, Mariana
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 4560792