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Neuroinflammatory reactive astrocyte formation correlates with adverse outcomes in perinatal white matter injury
Renz, Patricia; Steinfort, Marel; Haesler, Valérie; Tscherrig, Vera; Huang, Eric J; Chavali, Manideep; Liddelow, Shane; Rowitch, David H; Surbek, Daniel; Schoeberlein, Andreina; Brosius Lutz, Amanda
Perinatal white matter injury (WMI) is the leading cause of long-term neurological morbidity in infants born preterm. Neuroinflammation during a critical window of early brain development plays a key role in WMI disease pathogenesis. The mechanisms linking inflammation with the long-term myelination failure that characterizes WMI, however, remain unknown. Here, we investigate the role of astrocyte reactivity in WMI. In an experimental mouse model of WMI, we demonstrate that WMI disease outcomes are improved in mutant mice lacking secretion of inflammatory molecules TNF-α, IL-1α, and C1q known, in addition to other roles, to induce the formation of a neuroinflammatory reactive astrocyte substate. We show that astrocytes express molecular signatures of the neuroinflammatory reactive astrocyte substate in both our WMI mouse model and human tissue affected by WMI, and that this gene expression pattern is dampened in injured mutant mice. Our data provide evidence that a neuroinflammatory reactive astrocyte substate correlates with adverse WMI disease outcomes, thus highlighting the need for further investigation of these cells as potential causal players in WMI pathology.
PMID: 38924630
ISSN: 1098-1136
CID: 5723372
Reactive Astrocytes and Emerging Roles in Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders
Liddelow, Shane A; Olsen, Michelle L; Sofroniew, Michael V
In addition to their many functions in the healthy central nervous system (CNS), astrocytes respond to CNS damage and disease through a process called "reactivity." Recent evidence reveals that astrocyte reactivity is a heterogeneous spectrum of potential changes that occur in a context-specific manner. These changes are determined by diverse signaling events and vary not only with the nature and severity of different CNS insults but also with location in the CNS, genetic predispositions, age, and potentially also with "molecular memory" of previous reactivity events. Astrocyte reactivity can be associated with both essential beneficial functions as well as with harmful effects. The available information is rapidly expanding and much has been learned about molecular diversity of astrocyte reactivity. Emerging functional associations point toward central roles for astrocyte reactivity in determining the outcome in CNS disorders.
PMID: 38316554
ISSN: 1943-0264
CID: 5632792
The silence of the reactive astrocytes
Limone, Francesco; Liddelow, Shane
PMID: 38424325
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5691622
Proteomic profiling of interferon-responsive reactive astrocytes in rodent and human
Prakash, Priya; Erdjument-Bromage, Hediye; O'Dea, Michael R; Munson, Christy N; Labib, David; Fossati, Valentina; Neubert, Thomas A; Liddelow, Shane A
Astrocytes are a heterogeneous population of central nervous system glial cells that respond to pathological insults and injury by undergoing a transformation called "reactivity." Reactive astrocytes exhibit distinct and context-dependent cellular, molecular, and functional state changes that can either support or disturb tissue homeostasis. We recently identified a reactive astrocyte sub-state defined by interferon-responsive genes like Igtp, Ifit3, Mx1, and others, called interferon-responsive reactive astrocytes (IRRAs). To further this transcriptomic definition of IRRAs, we wanted to define the proteomic changes that occur in this reactive sub-state. We induced IRRAs in immunopanned rodent astrocytes and human iPSC-differentiated astrocytes using TNF, IL1α, C1Q, and IFNβ and characterized their proteomic profile (both cellular and secreted) using unbiased quantitative proteomics. We identified 2335 unique cellular proteins, including IFIT2/3, IFITM3, OASL1/2, MX1/2/3, and STAT1. We also report that rodent and human IRRAs secrete PAI1, a serine protease inhibitor which may influence reactive states and functions of nearby cells. Finally, we evaluated how IRRAs are distinct from neurotoxic reactive astrocytes (NRAs). While NRAs are described by expression of the complement protein C3, it was not upregulated in IRRAs. Instead, we found ~90 proteins unique to IRRAs not identified in NRAs, including OAS1A, IFIT3, and MX1. Interferon signaling in astrocytes is critical for the antiviral immune response and for regulating synaptic plasticity and glutamate transport mechanisms. How IRRAs contribute to these functions is unknown. This study provides the basis for future experiments to define the functional roles of IRRAs in the context of neurodegenerative disorders.
PMID: 38031883
ISSN: 1098-1136
CID: 5616902
Author Correction: Longitudinal scRNA-seq analysis in mouse and human informs optimization of rapid mouse astrocyte differentiation protocols
Frazel, Paul W; Labib, David; Fisher, Theodore; Brosh, Ran; Pirjanian, Nicolette; Marchildon, Anne; Boeke, Jef D; Fossati, Valentina; Liddelow, Shane A
PMID: 37996532
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5608832
Longitudinal scRNA-seq analysis in mouse and human informs optimization of rapid mouse astrocyte differentiation protocols
Frazel, Paul W; Labib, David; Fisher, Theodore; Brosh, Ran; Pirjanian, Nicolette; Marchildon, Anne; Boeke, Jef D; Fossati, Valentina; Liddelow, Shane A
Macroglia (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) are required for normal development and function of the central nervous system, yet many questions remain about their emergence during the development of the brain and spinal cord. Here we used single-cell/single-nucleus RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq/snRNA-seq) to analyze over 298,000 cells and nuclei during macroglia differentiation from mouse embryonic and human-induced pluripotent stem cells. We computationally identify candidate genes involved in the fate specification of glia in both species and report heterogeneous expression of astrocyte surface markers across differentiating cells. We then used our transcriptomic data to optimize a previous mouse astrocyte differentiation protocol, decreasing the overall protocol length and complexity. Finally, we used multi-omic, dual single-nuclei (sn)RNA-seq/snATAC-seq analysis to uncover potential genomic regulatory sites mediating glial differentiation. These datasets will enable future optimization of glial differentiation protocols and provide insight into human glial differentiation.
PMID: 37697111
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5593902
Determinants of motor neuron functional subtypes important for locomotor speed
D'Elia, Kristen P; Hameedy, Hanna; Goldblatt, Dena; Frazel, Paul; Kriese, Mercer; Zhu, Yunlu; Hamling, Kyla R; Kawakami, Koichi; Liddelow, Shane A; Schoppik, David; Dasen, Jeremy S
Locomotion requires precise control of the strength and speed of muscle contraction and is achieved by recruiting functionally distinct subtypes of motor neurons (MNs). MNs are essential to movement and differentially susceptible in disease, but little is known about how MNs acquire functional subtype-specific features during development. Using single-cell RNA profiling in embryonic and larval zebrafish, we identify novel and conserved molecular signatures for MN functional subtypes and identify genes expressed in both early post-mitotic and mature MNs. Assessing MN development in genetic mutants, we define a molecular program essential for MN functional subtype specification. Two evolutionarily conserved transcription factors, Prdm16 and Mecom, are both functional subtype-specific determinants integral for fast MN development. Loss of prdm16 or mecom causes fast MNs to develop transcriptional profiles and innervation similar to slow MNs. These results reveal the molecular diversity of vertebrate axial MNs and demonstrate that functional subtypes are specified through intrinsic transcriptional codes.
PMID: 37676768
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 5607632
Functional roles of reactive astrocytes in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
Patani, Rickie; Hardingham, Giles E; Liddelow, Shane A
Despite advances in uncovering the mechanisms that underlie neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative disease, therapies that prevent neuronal loss remain elusive. Targeting of disease-defining markers in conditions such as Alzheimer disease (amyloid-β and tau) or Parkinson disease (α-synuclein) has been met with limited success, suggesting that these proteins do not act in isolation but form part of a pathological network. This network could involve phenotypic alteration of multiple cell types in the CNS, including astrocytes, which have a major neurosupportive, homeostatic role in the healthy CNS but adopt reactive states under acute or chronic adverse conditions. Transcriptomic studies in human patients and disease models have revealed the co-existence of many putative reactive sub-states of astrocytes. Inter-disease and even intra-disease heterogeneity of reactive astrocytic sub-states are well established, but the extent to which specific sub-states are shared across different diseases is unclear. In this Review, we highlight how single-cell and single-nuclei RNA sequencing and other 'omics' technologies can enable the functional characterization of defined reactive astrocyte states in various pathological scenarios. We provide an integrated perspective, advocating cross-modal validation of key findings to define functionally important sub-states of astrocytes and their triggers as tractable therapeutic targets with cross-disease relevance.
PMID: 37308616
ISSN: 1759-4766
CID: 5538362
APOE and immunity: Research highlights
Kloske, Courtney M; Barnum, Christopher J; Batista, Andre F; Bradshaw, Elizabeth M; Brickman, Adam M; Bu, Guojun; Dennison, Jessica; Gearon, Mary D; Goate, Alison M; Haass, Christian; Heneka, Michael T; Hu, William T; Huggins, Lenique K L; Jones, Nahdia S; Koldamova, Radosveta; Lemere, Cynthia A; Liddelow, Shane A; Marcora, Edoardo; Marsh, Samuel E; Nielsen, Henrietta M; Petersen, Kellen K; Petersen, Melissa; Piña-Escudero, Stefanie D; Qiu, Wei Qiao; Quiroz, Yakeel T; Reiman, Eric; Sexton, Claire; Tansey, Malú Gámez; Tcw, Julia; Teunissen, Charlotte E; Tijms, Betty M; van der Kant, Rik; Wallings, Rebecca; Weninger, Stacie C; Wharton, Whitney; Wilcock, Donna M; Wishard, Tyler James; Worley, Susan L; Zetterberg, Henrik; Carrillo, Maria C
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:At the Alzheimer's Association's APOE and Immunity virtual conference, held in October 2021, leading neuroscience experts shared recent research advances on and inspiring insights into the various roles that both the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) and facets of immunity play in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. METHODS:The meeting brought together more than 1200 registered attendees from 62 different countries, representing the realms of academia and industry. RESULTS:During the 4-day meeting, presenters illuminated aspects of the cross-talk between APOE and immunity, with a focus on the roles of microglia, triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2), and components of inflammation (e.g., tumor necrosis factor α [TNFα]). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:This manuscript emphasizes the importance of diversity in current and future research and presents an integrated view of innate immune functions in Alzheimer's disease as well as related promising directions in drug development.
PMID: 36975090
ISSN: 1552-5279
CID: 5463162
Microglial INPP5D limits plaque formation and glial reactivity in the PSAPP mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Castranio, Emilie L; Hasel, Philip; Haure-Mirande, Jean-Vianney; Ramirez Jimenez, Angie V; Hamilton, B Wade; Kim, Rachel D; Glabe, Charles G; Wang, Minghui; Zhang, Bin; Gandy, Sam; Liddelow, Shane A; Ehrlich, Michelle E
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:The inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D (INPP5D) gene encodes a dual-specificity phosphatase that can dephosphorylate both phospholipids and phosphoproteins. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in INPP5D impact risk for developing late onset sporadic Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). METHODS:mice with either tamoxifen (TAM) or corn oil (CO) to induce recombination. RESULTS:deposits and plaque-associated microglia in Inpp5d knockdown mice were increased compared to controls. Spatial transcriptomics identified a plaque-specific expression profile that was extensively altered by Inpp5d knockdown. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:These results demonstrate that conditional Inpp5d downregulation in the PSAPP mouse increases plaque burden and recruitment of microglia to plaques. Spatial transcriptomics highlighted an extended gene expression signature associated with plaques and identified CST7 (cystatin F) as a novel marker of plaques. HIGHLIGHTS/CONCLUSIONS:Inpp5d knockdown increases plaque burden and plaque-associated microglia number. Spatial transcriptomics identifies an expanded plaque-specific gene expression profile. Plaque-induced gene expression is altered by Inpp5d knockdown in microglia. Our plaque-associated gene signature overlaps with human Alzheimer's disease gene networks.
PMID: 36448627
ISSN: 1552-5279
CID: 5383642