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Dosimetric Feasibility of Utilizing the ViewRay Magnetic Resonance Guided Linac System for Image-guided Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

Redler, Gage; Stevens, Tynan; Cammin, Jochen; Malin, Martha; Green, Olga; Mutic, Sasa; Pitroda, Sean; Aydogan, Bulent
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Spine stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) achieves favorable outcomes compared to conventional radiotherapy doses/fractionation. The spinal cord is the principal dose-limiting organ-at-risk (OAR), and safe treatment requires precise immobilization/localization. Therefore, image guidance is paramount to successful spine SBRT. Conventional X-ray imaging and alignment to surrogate bony anatomy may be inadequate, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) directly visualizes the dose-limiting cord. This work assessed the dosimetric capability of the ViewRay (ViewRay Inc. Oakwood Village, OH) magnetic resonance (MR) guided linac (MR-Linac) for spine SBRT. METHODS:Eight spine SBRT patients without orthopedic hardware who were previously treated on a TrueBeam using volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) were re-planned using MR-Linac fixed-field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Phantom measurements using film, ionization chamber, and a commercial diode-array assessed feasibility. Plans included a variety of prescriptions (30-50 Gy in 3-10 fractions). RESULTS:: 20.0±2.6Gy vs. 24.5±2.0Gy, p=0.0996). Delivery time increased but was acceptable (14.39±1.26min vs. 9.57±1.19min). Ionization chamber measurements agreed with planned dose to within 2.5%. Film and diode measurements demonstrated accurate/precise delivery of dose gradients between the target and the cord. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Spine SBRT with the MR-Linac is feasible as verified via re-planning eight clinical cases followed by delivery verification in phantoms using film, diodes, and an ionization chamber. Real-time visualization of the dose-limiting cord during spine SBRT may enable cord-based gating, reduced margins, alternate dose schemas, and/or adaptive therapy.
PMID: 31938646
ISSN: 2168-8184
CID: 4264402

Patient immobilization equipment [Meeting Abstract]

Malin, M
Modern radiation therapy requires reproducible patient positioning and limited intra-fraction motion. The patient immobilization equipment that enables this is the theme for the 2019 Exhibit Hall Guided Tours in Radiation Therapy. This year's Guided Tours will begin with an overview of current immobilization equipment from the tour leader. Following the tour leader's presentation, participants in the guided tours will split into groups led by a tour guide and visit participating vendors who will demonstrate their immobilization equipment. Each vendor will present educational materials about patient immobilization to the guided tour participants. Outline: The tour leader's introduction will cover the following aspects of immobilization equipment: 1. Site-specific options for patient immobilization 2. Dosimetric effects of immobilization equipment 3. Impact of intra-fraction motion monitoring on immobilization requirements Learning Objectives: 1. Describe various options for patient immobilization 2. Understand the dosimetric effect of immobilization equipment on the patient 3. Describe immobilization requirements for different sites and procedures
ISSN: 0094-2405
CID: 4044332

VMAT-based total body irradiation treatment plans with eclipse scripting for field configuration: A dosimetric evaluation [Meeting Abstract]

Teruel, J; Taneja, S; Galavis, P; Osterman, K; Malin, M; Gerber, N; Hitchen, C; Barbee, D
Purpose: Radiation induced interstitial pneumonitis and late renal dysfunction are major concerns for patients undergoing total body irradiation (TBI). The purpose of this work is to evaluate the dosimetry of VMAT-based TBI plans generated using Varian Eclipse scripting.
Method(s): Three full-body CT datasets (two patients, one anthropomorphic CIRS phantom) were used. An in-house Eclipse script was developed to generate optimized field arrangements using the body contour, user origin, and couch longitudinal travel. Plans consisted of a lower-body AP/PA portion and an upper-body VMAT portion (8 full arcs with 4-isocenters). Treatment plans to 1320 cGy (165 cGy x 8fx) were generated with dose directives: [PTV V100% >=90- 95%; Total lung Dmean <900 cGy; Kidneys Dmean <1100 cGy]. All plans used 6MV photons and were calculated using the AAA algorithm. Upperbody VMAT plan dosimetry was evaluated 'in-phantom' placing 12 OSLDs in different key locations (lung, kidneys, bone, and soft tissue). Additionally, dosimetric verification was performed for the three plans using Varian portal dosimetry, PerFraction(SNC) and ArcCheck(SNC) with a global gamma criterion of 2%/2 mm.
Result(s): Planning objectives were met for the three treatment plans with the following averages: PTV V100% = 94.02%, total lung Dmean = 872.9 cGy, and kidneys Dmean = 1075.8 cGy. The dose deviation between Eclipse and the OSLDs (relative to the prescribed dose) averaged 0.98%, with each individual dose deviation within +/-4%. Dose ranged between 52.5 cGy (lung) and 187.5 cGy (bone) for OSLD measurements. The average passing rate for all 24 fields (8 per plan) was 98.0%, 99.76% and 98.6% for portal dosimetry, PerFraction and ArcCheck respectively. The lowest passing rate of any individual field was 95.4%, 99.0% and 91.8% for portal dosimetry, PerFraction and ArcCheck respectively.
Conclusion(s): Eclipse scripting can assist in creating robust multi-isocentric VMATbased TBI treatment plans to block lungs and kidneys without compromising target coverage. Dosimetric accuracy and deliverability was confirmed using in-phantom OSLD dosimetry, Varian portal dosimetry, PerFraction and Arc-Check verification
ISSN: 0094-2405
CID: 4044312

Patient immobilization equipment [Meeting Abstract]

Malin, M
Modern radiation therapy requires reproducible patient positioning and limited intra-fraction motion. The patient immobilization equipment that enables this is the theme for the 2019 Exhibit Hall Guided Tours in Radiation Therapy. This year's Guided Tours will begin with an overview of current immobilization equipment from the tour leader. Following the tour leader's presentation, participants in the guided tours will split into groups led by a tour guide and visit participating vendors who will demonstrate their immobilization equipment. Each vendor will present educational materials about patient immobilization to the guided tour participants. Outline: The tour leader's introduction will cover the following aspects of immobilization equipment: 1. Site-specific options for patient immobilization 2. Dosimetric effects of immobilization equipment 3. Impact of intra-fraction motion monitoring on immobilization requirements
ISSN: 0094-2405
CID: 4044122

How Good Is Your Ruler - to Verify the Pixel to Mm Conversion Factor of EPID On Varian Edge Using An Instrument and An Algorithm with Subpixel Accuracy [Meeting Abstract]

Qu, T.; Malin, M.
ISSN: 0094-2405
CID: 4195122

Resolution and Accuracy of BB Detection in Commercial and In-House Winston-Lutz Analysis Algorithms [Meeting Abstract]

Malin, M.; Partouche, J.; Qu, T.
ISSN: 0094-2405
CID: 4195132

Robust VMAT-based Total Body Irradiation (TBI) Treatment Planning Assisted by Eclipse Scripting [Meeting Abstract]

Teruel, J. R.; Taneja, S.; McCarthy, A.; Galavis, P.; Malin, M.; Osterman, S.; Gerber, N. K.; Barbee, D.; Hitchen, C.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4112052

Single-institution report of setup margins of voluntary deep-inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) whole breast radiotherapy implemented with real-time surface imaging

Xiao, Annie; Crosby, Jennie; Malin, Martha; Kang, Hyejoo; Washington, Maxine; Hasan, Yasmin; Chmura, Steven J; Al-Hallaq, Hania A
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:We calculated setup margins for whole breast radiotherapy during voluntary deep-inspiration breath-hold (vDIBH) using real-time surface imaging (SI). METHODS AND MATERIALS/METHODS:Patients (n = 58) with a 27-to-31 split between right- and left-sided cancers were analyzed. Treatment beams were gated using AlignRT by registering the whole breast region-of-interest to the surface generated from the simulation CT scan. AlignRT recorded (three-dimensional) 3D displacements and the beam-on-state every 0.3 s. Means and standard deviations of the displacements during vDIBH for each fraction were used to calculate setup margins. Intra-DIBH stability and the intrafraction reproducibility were estimated from the medians of the 5th to 95th percentile range of the translations in each breath-hold and fraction, respectively. RESULTS:A total of 7269 breath-holds were detected over 1305 fractions in which a median dose of 200 cGy was delivered. Each fraction was monitored for 5.95 ± 2.44 min. Calculated setup margins were 4.8 mm (A/P), 4.9 mm (S/I), and 6.4 mm (L/R). The intra-DIBH stability and the intrafraction reproducibility were ≤0.7 mm and ≤2.2 mm, respectively. The isotropic margin according to SI (9.2 mm) was comparable to other institutions' calculations that relied on x-ray imaging and/or spirometry for patients with left-sided cancer (9.8-11.0 mm). Likewise, intra-DIBH variability and intrafraction reproducibility of breast surface measured with SI agreed with spirometry-based positioning to within 1.2 and 0.36 mm, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrated that intra-DIBH variability, intrafraction reproducibility, and setup margins are similar to those reported by peer studies who utilized spirometry-based positioning.
PMID: 29935001
ISSN: 1526-9914
CID: 3988952

Initial experience using superflab as intravaginal packing during interstitial brachytherapy for advanced gynecologic cancer

Kharouta, Michael; Malin, Martha; Son, Christina; Al-Hallaq, Hania; Hasan, Yasmin
Purpose/UNASSIGNED:Interstitial brachytherapy implemented for locally advanced gynecologic cancer can result in toxicity due to the proximity of organs at risk (OAR). We report our experience using superflab bolus as vaginal packing to displace OAR during interstitial brachytherapy. Material and methods/UNASSIGNED:including external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). 5-6 Gy per fraction was delivered biologically effective dose (BID) over 2-3 days in 1-2 implants. Toxicities were evaluated post-treatment, 1 month, and 3 months. Results/UNASSIGNED:= 0.4). Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Our initial experience with superflab as vaginal packing demonstrates technical feasibility and dosimetric improvement for OAR.
PMID: 30038641
ISSN: 1689-832x
CID: 3988962

Development and characterization of an interferometer for calorimeter-based absorbed dose to water measurements in a medical linear accelerator

Flores-Martinez, Everardo; Malin, Martha J; DeWerd, Larry A
The quantity of relevance for external beam radiotherapy is absorbed dose to water (ADW). An interferometer was built, characterized, and tested to measure ADW within the dose range of interest for external beam radiotherapy using the temperature dependence of the refractive index of water. The interferometer was used to measure radiation-induced phase shifts of a laser beam passing through a (10 × 10 × 10) cm3 water-filled glass phantom, irradiated with a 6 MV photon beam from a medical linear accelerator. The field size was (7 × 7) cm2 and the dose was measured at a depth of 5 cm in the water phantom. The intensity of the interference pattern was measured with a photodiode and was used to calculate the time-dependent phase shift curve. The system was thermally insulated to achieve temperature drifts of less than 1.5 mK/min. Data were acquired 60 s before and after the irradiation. The radiation-induced phase shifts were calculated by taking the difference in the pre- and post-irradiation drifts extrapolated to the midpoint of the irradiation. For 200, 300, and 400 monitor units, the measured doses were 1.6 ± 0.3, 2.6 ± 0.3, and 3.1 ± 0.3 Gy, respectively. Measurements agreed within the uncertainty with dose calculations performed with a treatment planning system. The estimated type-A, k = 1 uncertainty in the measured doses was 0.3 Gy which is an order of magnitude lower than previously published interferometer-based ADW measurements.
PMID: 27910378
ISSN: 1089-7623
CID: 3191362