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Understanding ParentCorps' essential elements for building adult capacity to support young children's health and development

Chapter by: Dawson-McClure, Spring; Rhule, Dana; Hamer, Kai-ama; Calzada, Esther; Kolawole, Bukky; Mondesir, Michelle; Rosenblatt, Katherine; Brotman, Laurie
in: Family-school partnerships during the early school years: Advancing science to influence practice by Bierman, Karen L [Ed]; Sheridan, Susan M [Ed]
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG; Switzerland, 2022
pp. 53-72
ISBN: 978-3-030-74616-2
CID: 5381102

Silent Expectations: An exploration of women pre-Kindergarten teachers' mental health and wellness during Covid-19 and beyond

Rodriguez, Vanessa; Rojas, Natalia M; Rabadi-Raol, Ayesha; Souto-Manning, Mariana V; Brotman, Laurie M
PMID: 34955598
ISSN: 0885-2006
CID: 5107992

Behavioral Economics and Parent Participation in an Evidence-Based Parenting Program at Scale

Hill, Zoelene; Spiegel, Michelle; Gennetian, Lisa; Hamer, Kai-Ama; Brotman, Laurie; Dawson-McClure, Spring
Evidence-based and culturally relevant parenting programs strengthen adults' capacity to support children's health and development. Optimizing parent participation in programs implemented at scale is a prevailing challenge. Our collaborative team of program developers, implementers, and researchers applied insights from the field of behavioral economics (BE) to support parent participation in ParentCorps-a family-centered program delivered as an enhancement to pre-kindergarten-as it scaled in a large urban school district. We designed a bundle of BE-infused parent outreach materials and successfully showed their feasibility in site-level randomized pilot implementation. The site-level study did not show a statistically significant impact on family attendance. A sub-study with a family-level randomization design showed that varying the delivery time of BE-infused digital outreach significantly increased the likelihood of families attending the parenting program. Lessons on the potential value of a BE-infused approach to support outreach and engagement in parenting programs are discussed in the context of scaling up efforts.
PMID: 34014490
ISSN: 1573-6695
CID: 5062962

Sleep, Classroom Behavior, and Achievement Among Children of Color in Historically Disinvested Neighborhoods

Ursache, Alexandra; Robbins, Rebecca; Chung, Alicia; Dawson-McClure, Spring; Kamboukos, Dimitra; Calzada, Esther J; Jean-Louis, Girardin; Brotman, Laurie Miller
Children of color are more likely to have poor sleep health than White children, placing them at risk for behavioral problems in the classroom and lower academic performance. Few studies, however, have utilized standardized measures of both classroom behavior and achievement. This study examined whether children's sleep (parent and teacher report) in first grade concurrently related to independent observations of classroom behavior and longitudinally predicted achievement test scores in second grade in a sample of primarily Black (86%) children (n = 572; age = 6.8) living in historically disinvested neighborhoods. Higher teacher-reported child sleepiness was associated with lower adaptive behaviors and higher problem behaviors in the classroom, and predicted lower achievement. Parent-reported bedtime resistance and disordered breathing also predicted lower achievement.
PMID: 34041742
ISSN: 1467-8624
CID: 4940582

Crisis Response, Racial Equity Capacity Building: Lessons from one Research-Practice Partnerships

Dawson-McClure, Spring; Gujaratna, Shanika; Hamer, Kai-ama; Brotman, Laurie
ISSN: 1054-8289
CID: 5690952

Scaling Early Childhood Evidence-Based Interventions through RPPs

Brotman, Laurie; Dawson-McClure, Spring; Rhule, Dana; Rosenblatt, Katherine; Hamer, Kai-ama; Kamboukos, Dimitra; Boyd, Michelle; Mondesir, Michelle; Chau, Isabel; Lashua-Shriftman, Erin; Rodriguez, Vanessa; Barajas-Gonzalez, R. Gabriela; Huang, Keng-Yen
ISSN: 1054-8289
CID: 5688682

Early Emotion Knowledge and Later Academic Achievement Among Children of Color in Historically Disinvested Neighborhoods

Ursache, Alexandra; Kiely Gouley, Kathleen; Dawson-McClure, Spring; Barajas-Gonzalez, R Gabriela; Calzada, Esther J; Goldfeld, Keith S; Brotman, Laurie M
This study examined longitudinal relations between emotion knowledge (EK) in pre-kindergarten (pre-K; Mage  = 4.8 years) and math and reading achievement 1 and 3 years later in a sample of 1,050 primarily Black children (over half from immigrant families) living in historically disinvested neighborhoods. Participants were part of a follow-up study of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Controlling for pre-academic skills, other social-emotional skills, sociodemographic characteristics, and school intervention status, higher EK at the end of pre-K predicted higher math and reading achievement test scores in kindergarten and second grade. Moderation analyses suggest that relations were attenuated among children from immigrant families. Findings suggest the importance of enriching pre-K programs for children of color with EK-promotive interventions and strategies.
PMID: 32865229
ISSN: 1467-8624
CID: 4578012

The association of peer behavioral regulation with motor-cognitive readiness skills in preschool

Rojas, Natalia; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Morris, Pamela; Kamboukos, Dimitra; Dawson-Mcclure, Spring; Brotman, Laurie
An increasing number of young children nationally participate in preschool education, yet very little is known about the influence of peers' behavioral regulation, such as maintaining focus on a task in the face of distractions and inhibiting a dominant response (attentionimpulse control), and remembering instructions (engagement) on children's motor-cognitive readiness skills (i.e., peer effects). This study determined whether peer effects are present in this earliest sector of schooling. Research has shown that a child's own behavioral regulation is associated with his or her academic outcomes. However, not much is known about how children are affected by classmates with poor behavioural regulation. This study begins to fill the gaps in our understanding of preschool peer effects in the form of peers' behavioral regulation relative to children's motor-cognitive readiness skills. It addresses two research questions: (1) Is the average level and amount of variation of peers' behavioral regulation skills (i.e., engagement and attentionimpulse control) in a classroom associated with growth in children's motor-cognitive readiness outcomes in preschool (motor, content knowledge, and language)? (2) Do these associations differ for children with high and low initial levels of behavioral regulation? The analytic sample is drawn from a cluster (school) randomized controlled trial testing a family-centered, school-based intervention (N=1050 children in 99 classrooms drawn from 10 high-poverty schools). Results indicated that classroom-level peer engagement skills made a unique contribution to children's growth of motor skills during the preschool academic year. Furthermore, children with higher engagement skills at the beginning of the preschool year had higher motor-cognitive readiness skills (motor, content knowledge, and language) at the end of the year when they were in classrooms with peers with high engagement skills. This study extends previous work with older children and indicates that after adjusting for an assortment of demographic, preschool program-related factors, and motor-cognitive readiness at entry into preschool, peers' engagement skills may make a unique contribution to children's motor-cognitive readiness skills during the preschool academic year.
ISSN: 0885-2006
CID: 4219792

With Awareness Comes Competency: The Five Awarenesses of Teaching as a Framework for Understanding Teacher Social-Emotional Competency and Well-being

Rodriguez, Vanessa; Lynneth Solis, S.; Mascio, Bryan; Kiely Gouley, Kathleen; Jennings, Patricia A.; Brotman, Laurie M.
ISSN: 1040-9289
CID: 4590412


Chung, A.; Chanko, N.; Blanc, J.; Donley, T.; Robbins, R.; Brotman, L.; Jean-Louis, G.
ISSN: 0161-8105
CID: 4562352