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A noninvasive diagnostic approach for molecular monitoring of face transplant recipients [Meeting Abstract]

Snopkowski, C; Rabbani, P; Yang, H; Berman, Z; Diep, G; Li, C; Muthukumar, T; Ding, R; Ceradini, D; Suthanthiran, M
Purpose: Skin biopsies are currently the gold standard for evaluating the inflammatory status of face allografts. However, "tape stripping" is emerging as a noninvasive technique to monitor autoimmune/auto inflammatory skin diseases. This technique, highly suitable for serial sampling and combined with high sensitive PCR assays, could revolutionize molecular monitoring the face allograft status. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that isolation of total RNA and gene expression profiling are feasible using skin samples collected using tape strips.
Method(s): Tape strips (CuDerm Corporation, Texas) were used to obtain RNA from two face transplant recipients. Each tape strip is comprised of 10 discs. Allograft skin area was marked, cleaned with alcohol, and 8 samples (8 tape strips) were obtained. Each disc (10 discs from one sample) was immersed in 1ml RLT buffer with 100ul beta-mercaptoethanol. RNA was isolated from the tape strip skin samples using the RNeasy mini kit. We quantified total RNA using A260/A280 ratio, reverse transcribed RNA into cDNA and pre-amplified cDNA using oligonucleotide primer pairs for a custom panel of mRNAs. We measured absolute levels of mRNA for Keratin 15, MIP1alpha, and MIP1beta, as well as 18S rRNA by preamplification enhanced real time quantitative PCR assays (RT-qPCR assays) using Quant Studio 6. We designed gene specific Taqman primers and probes to amplify and detect gene of interest and a customized BAK amplicon to develop a standard curve for absolute quantification of transcript copies per microgram of total RNA.
Result(s): Median quantity of total RNA from the tape strips was 64.48ng. Individual and the median number of total RNA, individual and the median number of the reference gene 18S rRNA, and individual and median number of mRNA copies of Keratin 15, MIP1alpha, and MIP1beta are shown in Figure 1.
Conclusion(s): We have demonstrated the feasibility of isolating total RNA from tape strips and quantifying transcript abundance. Further refinement of this technology is ongoing in our laboratory. Tape strip based molecular monitoring of face transplant recipients may offer a noninvasive substitute for allograft biopsies
ISSN: 1600-6143
CID: 5180092

Amniotic fluid-derived multipotent stromal cells drive diabetic wound healing through modulation of macrophages

Subhan, Bibi S; Kwong, Jennifer; Kuhn, Joseph F; Monas, Arie; Sharma, Sonali; Rabbani, Piul S
BACKGROUND:Cutaneous wounds in patients with diabetes exhibit impaired healing due to physiological impediments and conventional care options are severely limited. Multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) have been touted as a powerful new therapy for diabetic tissue repair owing to their trophic activity and low immunogenicity. However, variations in sources and access are limiting factors for broader adaptation and study of MSC-based therapies. Amniotic fluid presents a relatively unexplored source of MSCs and one with wide availability. Here, we investigate the potential of amniotic fluid-derived multipotent stromal cells (AFMSCs) to restore molecular integrity to diabetic wounds, amend pathology and promote wound healing. METHOD/METHODS:diabetic mouse skin, and splinted them open to allow for humanized wound modeling. Immediately after wounding, we applied AFMSCs topically to the sites of injuries on diabetic mice, while media application only, defined as vehicle, served as controls. Post-treatment, we compared healing time and molecular and cellular events of AFMSC-treated, vehicle-treated, untreated diabetic, and non-diabetic wounds. A priori statistical analyses measures determined significance of the data. RESULT/RESULTS:Average time to wound closure was approximately 19 days in AFMSC-treated diabetic wounds. This was significantly lower than the vehicle-treated diabetic wounds, which required on average 27.5 days to heal (p < 0.01), and most similar to time of closure in wild type untreated wounds (an average of around 18 days). In addition, AFMSC treatment induced changes in the profiles of macrophage polarizing cytokines, resulting in a change in macrophage composition in the diabetic wound bed. We found no evidence of AFMSC engraftment or biotherapy induced immune response. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Treatment of diabetic wounds using amniotic fluid-derived MSCs encourages cutaneous tissue repair through affecting inflammatory cell behavior in the wound site. Since vehicle-treated diabetic wounds did not demonstrate accelerated healing, we determined that AFMSCs were therapeutic through their paracrine activities. Future studies should be aimed towards validating our observations through further examination of the paracrine potential of AFMSCs. In addition, investigations concerning safety and efficacy of this therapy in clinical trials should be pursued.
PMID: 33407615
ISSN: 1479-5876
CID: 4747562

Exosome Topical Therapy Delivered In Bioinspired Synthetic Protein Hydrogel Enhances Cutaneous Healing Of Diabetic Wounds [Meeting Abstract]

Troncoso, Juan F. Cortes; Kuhn, Joseph F.; Katyal, Priya; Subhan, Bibi; De La Cruz, Iraines; Meleties, Michael; Montclare, Jin K.; Rabbani, Piul S.
ISSN: 1067-1927
CID: 4893122

Keratinocyte-Macrophage Crosstalk by the Nrf2/Ccl2/EGF Signaling Axis Orchestrates Tissue Repair

Villarreal-Ponce, Alvaro; Tiruneh, Melat Worku; Lee, Jasmine; Guerrero-Juarez, Christian F; Kuhn, Joseph; David, Joshua A; Dammeyer, Kristen; Mc Kell, Renee; Kwong, Jennifer; Rabbani, Piul S; Nie, Qing; Ceradini, Daniel J
Unveiling the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue regeneration provides new opportunities to develop treatments for diabetic ulcers and other chronic skin lesions. Here, we show that Ccl2 secretion by epidermal keratinocytes is directly orchestrated by Nrf2, a prominent transcriptional regulator of tissue regeneration that is activated early after cutaneous injury. Through a unique feedback mechanism, we find that Ccl2 from epidermal keratinocytes not only drives chemotaxis of macrophages into the wound but also triggers macrophage expression of EGF, which in turn activates basal epidermal keratinocyte proliferation. Notably, we find dysfunctional activation of Nrf2 in epidermal keratinocytes of diabetic mice after wounding, which partly explains regenerative impairments associated with diabetes. These findings provide mechanistic insight into the critical relationship between keratinocyte and macrophage signaling during tissue repair, providing the basis for continued investigation of the therapeutic value of Nrf2.
PMID: 33238115
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 4680802

Nrf2-activating Therapy Accelerates Wound Healing in a Model of Cutaneous Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Kuhn, Joseph; Sultan, Darren L; Waqas, Bukhtawar; Ellison, Trevor; Kwong, Jennifer; Kim, Camille; Hassan, Absara; Rabbani, Piul S; Ceradini, Daniel J
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) stems from venous hypertension, extravasation of blood, and iron-rich skin deposits. The latter is central to ulcer development through generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) that drive persistent local inflammation and the development of lipodermatosclerosis. The ability to study CVI cutaneous inflammation is fundamental to advancing therapies. To address this end, a novel protocol was adapted to investigate cutaneous wound healing in iron-induced inflammation.
PMID: 33299679
ISSN: 2169-7574
CID: 4709092

Noninvasive Monitoring of Allograft Rejection Using a Novel Epidermal Sampling Technique

Rabbani, Piul S; Rifkin, William J; Kadle, Rohini L; Rao, Nakul; Diaz-Siso, J Rodrigo; Abdou, Salma A; Rodriguez, Eduardo D; Ceradini, Daniel J
Despite promising short- and long-term results to date in vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA), acute rejection remains the most common major complication in recipients. Currently, diagnosis of acute rejection relies on clinical inspection correlated with histopathological analysis. However, disagreement exists regarding the value of full-thickness skin and mucosal biopsies and histopathology remains semiquantitative, subject to sampling bias, and prone to intra- and inter-observer variabilities. Additionally, biopsies may cause infection, scarring, and/or potentially incite rejection through immune activation after injury. Noninvasive methods to diagnose rejection represent a critical unmet need for the emerging field of VCA. Here, we propose a novel technique utilizing skin stripping of the epidermis and subsequent molecular analysis to detect known markers of acute rejection. Using a small animal VCA model, we sought to validate our epidermal sampling technique as a noninvasive diagnostic test for acute rejection.
PMID: 31592385
ISSN: 2169-7574
CID: 4129532

Dysregulation of Nrf2/Keap1 Redox Pathway in Diabetes Affects Multipotency of Stromal Cells

Rabbani, Piul S; Soares, Marc A; Hameedi, Sophia G; Kadle, Rohini L; Mubasher, Adnan; Kowzun, Maria; Ceradini, Daniel J
The molecular and cellular level reaches of the metabolic dysregulations that characterize diabetes are yet to be fully discovered. As mechanisms underlying management of reactive oxygen species (ROS) gain interest as crucial factors in cell integrity, questions arise about the role of redox cues in regulation and maintenance of bone marrow-derived multipotent stromal cells (BMSCs) that contribute to wound healing, particularly in diabetes. Through comparison of BMSCs from wild type and diabetic mice, with a known redox and metabolic disorder, we found that the cytoprotective Nrf2/Keap1 pathway is dysregulated and functionally insufficient in diabetic BMSCs. Nrf2 is basally active, but in chronic ROS we found irregular inhibition of Nrf2 by Keap1, altered metabolism and limited BMSC multipotency. Forced upregulation of Nrf2-directed transcription, through knockdown of Keap1, restores redox homeostasis. Normalized Nrf2/Keap1 signaling restores multipotent cell properties in diabetic BMSCs through Sox2 expression. These restored BMSCs can resume their role in regenerative tissue repair and promote healing of diabetic wounds. Knowledge of diabetes and hyperglycemia-induced deficits in BMSC regulation, and strategies to reverse them offers translational promise. Our study establishes Nrf2/Keap1 as a cytoprotective pathway, as well as a metabolic rheostat that affects cell maintenance and differentiation switches in BMSCs.
PMID: 30352880
ISSN: 1939-327x
CID: 3384652

Hedgehog stimulates hair follicle neogenesis by creating inductive dermis during murine skin wound healing

Lim, Chae Ho; Sun, Qi; Ratti, Karan; Lee, Soung-Hoon; Zheng, Ying; Takeo, Makoto; Lee, Wendy; Rabbani, Piul; Plikus, Maksim V; Cain, Jason E; Wang, David H; Watkins, D Neil; Millar, Sarah; Taketo, M Mark; Myung, Peggy; Cotsarelis, George; Ito, Mayumi
Mammalian wounds typically heal by fibrotic repair without hair follicle (HF) regeneration. Fibrosis and regeneration are currently considered the opposite end of wound healing. This study sought to determine if scar could be remodeled to promote healing with HF regeneration. Here, we identify that activation of the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway reinstalls a regenerative dermal niche, called dermal papilla, which is required and sufficient for HF neogenesis (HFN). Epidermal Shh overexpression or constitutive Smoothened dermal activation results in extensive HFN in wounds that otherwise end in scarring. While long-term Wnt activation is associated with fibrosis, Shh signal activation in Wnt active cells promotes the dermal papilla fate in scarring wounds. These studies demonstrate that mechanisms of scarring and regeneration are not distant from one another and that wound repair can be redirected to promote regeneration following injury by modifying a key dermal signal.
PMID: 30464171
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 3467842

In Vivo Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species in a Murine Wound Model

Rabbani, Piul S; Abdou, Salma A; Sultan, Darren L; Kwong, Jennifer; Duckworth, April; Ceradini, Daniel J
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a hallmark of inflammatory processes, but in excess, oxidative stress is widely implicated in various pathologies such as cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes. We have previously shown that dysfunction of the Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2)/ Kelch-like erythroid cell-derived protein 1 (Keap1) signaling pathway leads to extreme ROS imbalance during cutaneous wound healing in diabetes. Since ROS levels are an important indicator of progression of wound healing, specific and accurate quantification techniques are valuable. Several in vitro assays to measure ROS in cells and tissues have been described; however, they only provide a single cumulative measurement per sample. More recently, the development of protein-based indicators and imaging modalities have allowed for unique spatiotemporal analyses. L-012 (C13H8ClN4NaO2) is a luminol derivative that can be used for both in vivo and in vitro chemiluminescent detection of ROS generated by NAPDH oxidase. L-012 emits a stronger signal than other fluorescent probes and has been shown to be both sensitive and reliable for detecting ROS. The time lapse applicability of L-012-facilitated imaging provides valuable information about inflammatory processes while reducing the need for sacrifice and overall reducing the number of study animals. Here, we describe a protocol utilizing L-012-facilitated in vivo imaging to quantify oxidative stress in a model of excisional wound healing using diabetic mice with locally dysfunctional Nrf2/Keap1.
PMID: 30507922
ISSN: 1940-087x
CID: 3520222

Ex vivo allotransplantation engineering: Delivery of mesenchymal stem cells prolongs rejection-free allograft survival

Soares, Marc A; Massie, Jonathan P; Rifkin, William J; Rao, Nakul; Duckworth, April M; Park, Chin; Kadle, Rohini L; David, Joshua A; Rabbani, Piul S; Ceradini, Daniel J
Current pharmacologic regimens in transplantation prevent allograft rejection through systemic recipient immunosuppression but are associated with severe morbidity and mortality. The ultimate goal of transplantation is the prevention of allograft rejection while maintaining recipient immunocompetence. We hypothesized that allografts could be engineered ex vivo (after allotransplant procurement but before transplantation) by using mesenchymal stem cell-based therapy to generate localized immunomodulation without affecting systemic recipient immunocompetence. To this end, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and activated them toward an immunomodulatory fate by priming in inflammatory or hypoxic microenvironments. Using an established rat hindlimb model for allotransplantation, we were able to significantly prolong rejection-free allograft survival with a single perioperative ex vivo infusion of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells through the allograft vasculature, in the absence of long-term pharmacologic immunosuppression. Critically, transplanted rats rejected a second, nonengineered skin graft from the same donor species to the contralateral limb at a later date, demonstrating that recipient systemic immunocompetence remained intact. This study represents a novel approach in transplant immunology and highlights the significant therapeutic opportunity of the ex vivo period in transplant engineering.
PMID: 29359512
ISSN: 1600-6143
CID: 2979132