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Quantitative and qualitative changes in phonemic word fluency: A longitudinal study of aphasia [Meeting Abstract]

Sarno, MT; Postman, WA; Cho, YS
ISSN: 0093-934x
CID: 55383


Chapter by: Sarno, Martha Taylor
in: Encyclopedia of the human brain by Ramachandran, V [Eds]
San Diego, Calif. : Academic Press, 2002
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 0122272102
CID: 1472312

Neurogenic disorders of speech and language

Chapter by: Sarno MT
in: Physical rehabilitation: assessment and treatment by O'Sullivan SB; et al [Eds]
Philadelphia : F. A. Davis Company, 2001
pp. 1001-1024
ISBN: 0803605331
CID: 2763


Chapter by: Sarno, Martha Taylor
in: Beyond aphasia : therapies for living with communication disability by Pound, Carole [Eds]
Bicester : Speechmark, 2001
pp. x-xi
ISBN: 9780863883477
CID: 1472052

Acquired aphasia in children after surgical resection of left-thalamic tumors [Case Report]

Nass, R; Boyce, L; Leventhal, F; Levine, B; Allen, J; Maxfield, C; Salsberg, D; Sarno, M; George, A
Five children (three males, two females; four right-, one left-handed; age range 6 to 14 years) who developed aphasia after gross-total excision of left predominantly thalamic tumors are reported. Three patients had Broca aphasia, one had mixed transcortical aphasia, and one patient had conduction aphasia. In the months after surgery, three children improved while receiving radiation and/or chemotherapy, although none recovered completely. Two patients with malignant tumors developed worsening aphasia when the tumor recurred, and later died. Two of three patients tested had visuospatial difficulties in addition to language deficits. Attention and executive functioning were affected in three of three patients tested. Memory, verbal and/or visual functioning, were affected in four of four patients tested. Both patients who were tested showed transient right hemineglect. Two of two patients tested were probably apraxic. The wide range of deficits in these children highlights the importance of the thalamus and other subcortical structures in developing cognition.
PMID: 11034450
ISSN: 0012-1622
CID: 3834782

Aphasia: Rehabilitation and recovery from loss

Chapter by: Sarno, Martha Taylor
in: After stroke: Enhancing quality of life by Sife, Wallace [Eds]
The Haworth Press, Inc Binghamton NY USThe Haworth Press, Inc Binghamton NY US, 1998
pp. 83-91
ISBN: 078900321x
CID: 2551

Acquired aphasia

Sarno, Martha Taylor
San Diego : Academic Press, 1998
Extent: xviii, 670 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN: 9780126193220
CID: 1478992

Recovery and rehabilitation in aphasia

Chapter by: Sarno, Martha Taylor
in: Acquired aphasia by Sarno, Martha Taylor [Eds]
San Diego : Academic Press, 1998
pp. 595-619
ISBN: 9780126193220
CID: 1479002

Quality of life in aphasia in the first post-stroke year [Meeting Abstract]

Sarno, MT
The term quality of life (QOL) is used by both scientists and lay persons and is defined in many different ways. One of the major challenges in measuring QOL results from the fact that it is a latent trait not subject to direct observation or countable phenomena. Specific attention to QOL in the stroke survivor has been rare. This paper reviews the literature, identities some of the issues, and reports a study of QOL in 59 consecutively admitted post-stroke aphasic patients who were treated in a comprehensive rehabilitation medicine programme and followed from three to twelve months post onset. The results suggest that improved QOL in aphasic persons of all types in the first poststroke year relates to the intensity and duration of aphasia rehabilitation services which addresses language, communication strategies, copying skills, and psychosocial issues.
ISSN: 0268-7038
CID: 1471502

A horticultural therapy program for individuals with acquired aphasia

Sarno, M. T.; Chambers, N.
A horticultural therapy programme in New York, USA, designed for individuals with acquired aphasia, a communication impairment characterized by difficulty in speaking and understanding speech, is described. Nineteen patients ranging in age from 49 to 90 years of age (mean 73.9) participated in the project. The programme consisted of structured activities designed to provide a well-rounded introduction to plant care as a leisure time or avocational activity. More than half of the patients reported that they began to care for plants which were acquired in the project at home. Some participants became volunteers in the greenhouse. Those who participated were observed to increase their verbal behaviour and social interaction, and their family members reported a noticeable increase in patient gratification
ISSN: 0192-4788
CID: 98790