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miR-33 Silencing Reprograms the Immune Cell Landscape in Atherosclerotic Plaques

Afonso, Milessa Silva; Sharma, Monika; Schlegel, Martin Paul; van Solingen, Coen; Koelwyn, Graeme J; Shanley, Lianne C; Beckett, Lauren; Peled, Daniel; Rahman, Karishma; Giannarelli, Chiara; Li, Huilin; Brown, Emily J; Khodadadi-Jamayran, Alireza; Fisher, Edward A; Moore, Kathryn J
Rationale: MicroRNA-33 post-transcriptionally represses genes involved in lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis. Targeted inhibition of miR-33 increases plasma HDL cholesterol and promotes atherosclerosis regression, in part, by enhancing reverse cholesterol transport and dampening plaque inflammation. However, how miR-33 reshapes the immune microenvironment of plaques remains poorly understood. Objective: To define how miR-33 inhibition alters the dynamic balance and transcriptional landscape of immune cells in atherosclerotic plaques. Methods and Results: We used single cell RNA-sequencing of aortic CD45+ cells, combined with immunohistologic, morphometric and flow cytometric analyses to define the changes in plaque immune cell composition, gene expression and function following miR-33 inhibition. We report that anti-miR-33 treatment of Ldlr-/- mice with advanced atherosclerosis reduced plaque burden and altered the plaque immune cell landscape by shifting the balance of pro- and anti-atherosclerotic macrophage and T cell subsets. By quantifying the kinetic processes that determine plaque macrophage burden, we found that anti-miR-33 reduced levels of circulating monocytes and splenic myeloid progenitors, decreased macrophage proliferation and retention, and promoted macrophage attrition by apoptosis and efferocytotic clearance. scRNA-sequencing of aortic arch plaques showed that anti-miR-33 reduced the frequency of MHCIIhi "inflammatory" and Trem2hi "metabolic" macrophages, but not tissue resident macrophages. Furthermore, anti-miR-33 led to derepression of distinct miR-33 target genes in the different macrophage subsets: in resident and Trem2hi macrophages, anti-miR-33 relieved repression of miR-33 target genes involved in lipid metabolism (e.g., Abca1, Ncoa1, Ncoa2, Crot), whereas in MHCIIhi macrophages, anti-miR-33 upregulated target genes involved in chromatin remodeling and transcriptional regulation. Anti-miR-33 also reduced the accumulation of aortic CD8+ T cells and CD4+ Th1 cells, and increased levels of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in plaques, consistent with an immune-dampening effect on plaque inflammation. Conclusions: Our results provide insight into the immune mechanisms and cellular players that execute anti-miR-33's atheroprotective actions in the plaque.
PMID: 33593073
ISSN: 1524-4571
CID: 4786732

MicroRNA-33 Inhibits Adaptive Thermogenesis and Adipose Tissue Beiging

Afonso, Milessa Silva; Verma, Narendra; van Solingen, Coen; Cyr, Yannick; Sharma, Monika; Perie, Luce; Corr, Emma M; Schlegel, Martin; Shanley, Lianne C; Peled, Daniel; Yoo, Jenny Y; Schmidt, Ann Marie; Mueller, Elisabetta; Moore, Kathryn J
OBJECTIVE:in vitro and in vivo. Treatment of mice with inhibitors of miR-33 increased expression of these miR-33 target genes in brown and subcutaneous white adipose tissue, upregulating expression of UCP1, and rendering mice resistant to cold challenge. CONCLUSIONS:Collectively, our findings demonstrate that miR-33 targets key genes involved in BAT activation and white adipose beiging and expand our understanding of how miR-33 coordinately regulates pathways involved in metabolic homeostasis.
PMID: 33657886
ISSN: 1524-4636
CID: 4800362

High-Throughput Screening Identifies MicroRNAs Regulating Human PCSK9 and Hepatic Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Expression

van Solingen, Coen; Oldebeken, Scott R; Salerno, Alessandro G; Wanschel, Amarylis C B A; Moore, Kathryn J
Investigations into the regulatory mechanisms controlling cholesterol homeostasis have proven fruitful in identifying low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-lowering therapies to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. A major advance was the discovery of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), a secreted protein that binds the LDL receptor (LDLR) on the cell surface and internalizes it for degradation, thereby blunting its ability to take up circulating LDL. The discovery that loss-of-function mutations in PCSK9 lead to lower plasma levels of LDL cholesterol and protection from cardiovascular disease led to the therapeutic development of PCSK9 inhibitors at an unprecedented pace. However, there remain many gaps in our understanding of PCSK9 regulation and biology, including its posttranscriptional control by microRNAs. Using a high-throughput region(3'-UTR) of human microRNA library screen, we identified microRNAs targeting the 3' untranslated region of human PCSK9. The top 35 hits were confirmed by large-format PCSK9 3'-UTR luciferase assays, and 10 microRNAs were then selected for further validation in hepatic cells, including effects on PCSK9 secretion and LDLR cell surface expression. These studies identified seven novel microRNAs that reduce PCSK9 expression, including miR-221-5p, miR-342-5p, miR-363-5p, miR-609, miR-765, and miR-3165. Interestingly, several of these microRNAs were also found to target other genes involved in LDLR regulation and potently upregulate LDLR cell surface expression in hepatic cells. Together, these data enhance our understanding of post-transcriptional regulators of PCSK9 and their potential for therapeutic manipulation of hepatic LDLR expression.
PMID: 34322524
ISSN: 2297-055x
CID: 4949862

Myocardial infarction accelerates breast cancer via innate immune reprogramming

Koelwyn, Graeme J; Newman, Alexandra A C; Afonso, Milessa S; van Solingen, Coen; Corr, Emma M; Brown, Emily J; Albers, Kathleen B; Yamaguchi, Naoko; Narke, Deven; Schlegel, Martin; Sharma, Monika; Shanley, Lianne C; Barrett, Tessa J; Rahman, Karishma; Mezzano, Valeria; Fisher, Edward A; Park, David S; Newman, Jonathan D; Quail, Daniela F; Nelson, Erik R; Caan, Bette J; Jones, Lee W; Moore, Kathryn J
Disruption of systemic homeostasis by either chronic or acute stressors, such as obesity1 or surgery2, alters cancer pathogenesis. Patients with cancer, particularly those with breast cancer, can be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to treatment toxicity and changes in lifestyle behaviors3-5. While elevated risk and incidence of cardiovascular events in breast cancer is well established, whether such events impact cancer pathogenesis is not known. Here we show that myocardial infarction (MI) accelerates breast cancer outgrowth and cancer-specific mortality in mice and humans. In mouse models of breast cancer, MI epigenetically reprogrammed Ly6Chi monocytes in the bone marrow reservoir to an immunosuppressive phenotype that was maintained at the transcriptional level in monocytes in both the circulation and tumor. In parallel, MI increased circulating Ly6Chi monocyte levels and recruitment to tumors and depletion of these cells abrogated MI-induced tumor growth. Furthermore, patients with early-stage breast cancer who experienced cardiovascular events after cancer diagnosis had increased risk of recurrence and cancer-specific death. These preclinical and clinical results demonstrate that MI induces alterations in systemic homeostasis, triggering cross-disease communication that accelerates breast cancer.
PMID: 32661390
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 4528032

Regulatory T Cells License Macrophage Pro-Resolving Functions During Atherosclerosis Regression

Sharma, Monika; Schlegel, Martin Paul; Afonso, Milessa Silva; Brown, Emily J; Rahman, Karishma; Weinstock, Ada; Sansbury, Brian; Corr, Emma M; van Solingen, Coen; Koelwyn, Graeme; Shanley, Lianne C; Beckett, Lauren; Peled, Daniel; Lafaille, Juan J; Spite, Matthew; Loke, P'ng; Fisher, Edward A; Moore, Kathryn J
Rationale: Regression of atherosclerosis is an important clinical goal, however the pathways that mediate the resolution of atherosclerotic inflammation and reversal of plaques are poorly understood. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been shown to be atheroprotective, yet the numbers of these immunosuppressive cells decrease with disease progression, and whether they contribute to atherosclerosis regression is not known. Objective: We investigated the roles of Tregs in the resolution of atherosclerotic inflammation, tissue remodeling and plaque contraction during atherosclerosis regression. Methods and Results: Using multiple independent mouse models of atherosclerosis regression, we demonstrate that an increase in plaque Tregs is a common signature of regressing plaques. Single cell RNA-sequencing of plaque immune cells from revealed that Tregs from regressing plaques shared some similarity with splenic Tregs, but were distinct from skin and colon Tregs supporting recent findings of tissue-dependent Treg heterogeneity. Unlike Tregs from progressing plaques that expressed markers of natural Tregs derived from the thymus, Tregs in regressing plaques lacked Nrp1 and Helios expression, suggesting that they are induced in the periphery during lipid lowering therapy. To test whether Tregs are required for resolution of atherosclerotic inflammation and plaque regression, Tregs were depleted using CD25 monoclonal antibody in atherosclerotic mice during apolipoprotein B anti-sense oligonucleotide-mediated lipid lowering. Morphometric analyses revealed that Treg depletion blocked plaque remodeling and contraction, and impaired hallmarks of inflammation resolution including dampening of the Th1 response, alternative activation of macrophages, efferocytosis, and upregulation of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators. Conclusions: Our data establish essential roles for Tregs in resolving atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and provide mechanistic insight into the pathways governing plaque remodeling and regression of disease.
PMID: 32336197
ISSN: 1524-4571
CID: 4411712

Inhibition of MicroRNA-33 Reprograms the Transcriptional Landscape and Kinetic Processes of Immune Cells to Promote Atherosclerotic Plaque Regression [Meeting Abstract]

Afonso, Milessa S; Sharma, Monika; Schlegel, Paul Martin; Khodadadi-Jamayran, Alireza; van Solingen, Coen; Shanley, Lianne; Koelwyn, Graeme J; Beckett, Lauren; Peled, Daniel; Rahman, Karishma; Ouimet, Mireille; Fisher, Edward A; Moore, Kathryn J
ISSN: 1524-4636
CID: 4533672

LDL Receptor Pathway Regulation by miR-224 and miR-520d

Salerno, Alessandro G; van Solingen, Coen; Scotti, Elena; Wanschel, Amarylis C B A; Afonso, Milessa S; Oldebeken, Scott R; Spiro, Westley; Tontonoz, Peter; Rayner, Katey J; Moore, Kathryn J
MicroRNAs (miRNA) have emerged as important post-transcriptional regulators of metabolic pathways that contribute to cellular and systemic lipoprotein homeostasis. Here, we identify two conserved miRNAs, miR-224, and miR-520d, which target gene networks regulating hepatic expression of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) and LDL clearance. In silico prediction of miR-224 and miR-520d target gene networks showed that they each repress multiple genes impacting the expression of the LDLR, including the chaperone molecules PCSK9 and IDOL that limit LDLR expression at the cell surface and the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis HMGCR, which is the target of LDL-lowering statin drugs. Using gain- and loss-of-function studies, we tested the role of miR-224 and miR-520d in the regulation of those predicted targets and their impact on LDLR expression. We show that overexpression of miR-224 or miR-520d dose-dependently reduced the activity of PCSK9, IDOL, and HMGCR 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR)-luciferase reporter constructs and that this repression was abrogated by mutation of the putative miR-224 or miR-520d response elements in the PCSK9, IDOL, and HMGCR 3'-UTRs. Compared to a control miRNA, overexpression of miR-224 or miR-520d in hepatocytes inhibited PCSK9, IDOL, and HMGCR mRNA and protein levels and decreased PCSK9 secretion. Furthermore, miR-224 and miR-520d repression of PCSK9, IDOL, and HMGCR was associated with an increase in LDLR protein levels and cell surface expression, as well as enhanced LDL binding. Notably, the effects of miR-224 and miR-520d were additive to the effects of statins in upregulating LDLR expression. Finally, we show that overexpression of miR-224 in the livers of Ldlr+/- mice using lipid nanoparticle-mediated delivery resulted in a 15% decrease in plasma levels of LDL cholesterol, compared to a control miRNA. Together, these findings identify roles for miR-224 and miR-520d in the posttranscriptional control of LDLR expression and function.
PMID: 32528976
ISSN: 2297-055x
CID: 4478612

Long non-coding RNAs regulating macrophage functions in homeostasis and disease

Scacalossi, Kaitlyn R; van Solingen, Coen; Moore, Kathryn J
Non-coding RNAs, once considered "genomic junk", are now known to play central roles in the dynamic control of transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene expression. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are an expansive class of transcripts broadly described as greater than 200 nucleotides in length. While most lncRNAs are species-specific, their lack of conservation does not imbue a lack of function. LncRNAs have been found to regulate numerous diverse biological functions, including those central to macrophage differentiation and activation. Through their ability to form RNA-DNA, RNA-protein and RNA-RNA interactions, lncRNAs have been implicated in the regulation of myeloid lineage determination, and innate and adaptive immune functions, among others. In this review, we discuss recent advances, current challenges and future opportunities in understanding the roles of lncRNAs in macrophage functions in homeostasis and disease.
PMID: 29548902
ISSN: 1879-3649
CID: 3001332

The long noncoding RNA CHROME regulates cholesterol homeostasis in primate

Hennessy, Elizabeth J; van Solingen, Coen; Scacalossi, Kaitlyn R; Ouimet, Mireille; Afonso, Milessa S; Prins, Jurrien; Koelwyn, Graeme J; Sharma, Monika; Ramkhelawon, Bhama; Carpenter, Susan; Busch, Albert; Chernogubova, Ekaterina; Matic, Ljubica Perisic; Hedin, Ulf; Maegdefessel, Lars; Caffrey, Brian E; Hussein, Maryem A; Ricci, Emiliano P; Temel, Ryan E; Garabedian, Michael J; Berger, Jeffrey S; Vickers, Kasey C; Kanke, Matthew; Sethupathy, Praveen; Teupser, Daniel; Holdt, Lesca M; Moore, Kathryn J
The human genome encodes thousands of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), the majority of which are poorly conserved and uncharacterized. Here we identify a primate-specific lncRNA (CHROME), elevated in the plasma and atherosclerotic plaques of individuals with coronary artery disease, that regulates cellular and systemic cholesterol homeostasis. LncRNA CHROME expression is influenced by dietary and cellular cholesterol via the sterol-activated liver X receptor transcription factors, which control genes mediating responses to cholesterol overload. Using gain- and loss-of-function approaches, we show that CHROME promotes cholesterol efflux and HDL biogenesis by curbing the actions of a set of functionally related microRNAs that repress genes in those pathways. CHROME knockdown in human hepatocytes and macrophages increases levels of miR-27b, miR-33a, miR-33b and miR-128, thereby reducing expression of their overlapping target gene networks and associated biologic functions. In particular, cells lacking CHROME show reduced expression of ABCA1, which regulates cholesterol efflux and nascent HDL particle formation. Collectively, our findings identify CHROME as a central component of the non-coding RNA circuitry controlling cholesterol homeostasis in humans.
PMID: 31410392
ISSN: 2522-5812
CID: 4679482

Netrin-1 Alters Adipose Tissue Macrophage Fate and Function in Obesity

Sharma, Monika; Schlegel, Martin; Brown, Emily J; Sansbury, Brian E; Weinstock, Ada; Afonso, Milessa S; Corr, Emma M; van Solingen, Coen; Shanley, Lianne C; Peled, Daniel; Ramasamy, Ravichandran; Schmidt, Ann Marie; Spite, Matthew; Fisher, Edward A; Moore, Kathryn J
Macrophages accumulate prominently in the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) of obese humans and high fat diet (HFD) fed mice, and this is linked to insulin resistance and type II diabetes. While the mechanisms regulating macrophage recruitment in obesity have been delineated, the signals directing macrophage persistence in VAT are poorly understood. We previously showed that the neuroimmune guidance cue netrin-1 is expressed in the VAT of obese mice and humans, where it promotes macrophage accumulation. To better understand the source of netrin-1 and its effects on adipose tissue macrophage (ATM) fate and function in obesity, we generated mice with myeloid-specific deletion of netrin-1 (Ntn1fl/flLysMCre+/-; Ntn1Δmac). Interestingly, Ntn1Δmac mice showed a modest decrease in HFD-induced adiposity and adipocyte size, in the absence of changes in food intake or leptin, that was accompanied by an increase in markers of adipocyte beiging (Prdm16, UCP-1). Using single cell RNA-seq, combined with conventional histological and flow cytometry techniques, we show that myeloid-specific deletion of netrin-1 caused a 50% attrition of ATMs in HFD-fed mice, particularly of the resident macrophage subset, and altered the phenotype of residual ATMs to enhance lipid handling. Pseudotime analysis of single cell transcriptomes showed that in the absence of netrin-1, macrophages in the obese VAT underwent a phenotypic switch with the majority of ATMs activating a program of genes specialized in lipid handling, including fatty acid uptake and intracellular transport, lipid droplet formation and lipolysis, and regulation of lipid localization. Furthermore, Ntn1Δmac macrophages had reduced expression of genes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism, and targeted LCMS/MS metabololipidomics analysis revealed decreases in proinflammatory eicosanoids (5-HETE, 6-trans LTB4, TXB2, PGD2) in the obese VAT. Collectively, our data show that targeted deletion of netrin-1 in macrophages reprograms the ATM phenotype in obesity, leading to reduced adipose inflammation, and improved lipid handling and metabolic function.
PMID: 31428465
ISSN: 2084-6835
CID: 4046682