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E-cigarette use, opinion about harmfulness and addiction among university students in Bratislava, Slovakia
Babjaková, Jana; Rimárová, Kvetoslava; Weitzman, Michael; BuÅ¡ová, Milena; JurkoviÄová, Jana; Dorko, Erik; Argalášová, Ľubica
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:The study aimed to investigate the use of electronic cigarettes (EC) among medical students, their knowledge and beliefs (opinion about harmfulness and addiction potential) on ECs, perceptions of the risk, as well as to assess the type of education and cessation training they received during their study at Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. METHODS:This cross-sectional, anonymous online e-mailed survey was conducted among medical students via the Study Department by sending e-mails containing the survey link. Participants completed the online questionnaire adapted from the American Survey on Tobacco and Alternative Tobacco Products. It included questions about the personal use of EC, perceptions about the harms and their role in disease causation, education and cessation training, and practices related to conventional cigarettes (CC), EC, and alternative tobacco products (ATP). The e-mailed questionnaire filled in 577 medical students (71.9% women) from Comenius University in Bratislava, the average age was 23 ± 2 years. The sample comprised 486 (84.2%) Slovak and 91 (15.8%) foreign students. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. RESULTS:There were 385 (66.7%) non-smokers, 111 (19.3%) ex-smokers and 81 (14%) current smokers in the study sample. EC currently use 13.5% of medical students, with a statistically significant intersexual difference (22.2% males vs. 10.12% females; OR = 2.53, 95% CI: 1.55-4.13), more foreign students than Slovak students (24.2% vs. 11.52%; OR = 2.44, 95% CI: 1.41-4.26), more smokers of conventional cigarettes than non-smokers (46.9% vs. 8.06%; OR = 10.07, 95% CI: 5.85-17.34). EC seems to be less harmful to 59.97% of students, mostly in the age group ≤ 24 (61.76% vs. 51.49%; OR = 1.46, 95% CI: 1.03-2.07), 41.25% of students consider EC to be less addictive, 55.6% think they do not get enough education on EC during their medical study. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The results overall show the high consumption of tobacco products and the lack of knowledge and awareness among medical students, future health care providers. In health promotion and disease prevention, they should serve as a model for their patients and for the general public as well. Our study emphasizes the need for intervention in this field at medical faculties and for support of further monitoring in Slovakia and other countries and draws attention to the ongoing lack of EC regulation.
PMID: 35841226
ISSN: 1210-7778
CID: 5269622
The Nose Knows: Sniffing out the Unique Immunological Risk of Alternative Tobacco Products [Letter]
Karey, Emma; Hess, Jade; Farrell, Kayla; Rebuli, Meghan E; Shearston, Jenni A; Lee, Lily; Reed, Taylor A; Eazor, James; Edid, Alec; Shetty, Anuradha; Khan, Sarah; Gibbon, Grace; Jaspers, Ilona; Weitzman, Michael; Gordon, Terry
PMID: 35361069
ISSN: 1535-4989
CID: 5201332
Prenatal tobacco and postbirth second-hand smoke exposure and dental caries in children
Dearing, Bianca A; Katz, Ralph V; Weitzman, Michael
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure has been identified as a risk factor for several childhood health problems including dental caries. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of postbirth SHS exposure and dental caries and to determine whether the association is independent of prenatal tobacco exposure, sugar consumption and dental utilization. METHODS:NHANES 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 were used to examine the research question in 1733 children, 4-11Â years old with full primary or mixed dentition and serum cotinine levels below 10Â ng/mL. Weighted multivariable logistic regression models were developed to examine the independent association between SHS exposure and the prevalence of (i) any dental caries experience and (ii) any decayed teeth. RESULTS:Children exposed to postbirth SHS differed from children not exposed regarding decayed teeth prevalence in the total sample (ORÂ =Â 1.80, 95% CI: 1.20, 2.71) and mixed dentition (ORÂ =Â 1.86, 95% CI: 1.20, 2.90) after confounder adjustment. However, no association was found in the primary dentition or between SHS exposure and total caries experience. CONCLUSIONS:The findings partially show that postbirth SHS is associated with dental caries in children. However, the inconsistencies in findings across the three samples and between the two outcome measures, dental caries experience and decayed teeth prevalence raise questions regarding the validity of the hypothesis. Further, the findings suggest that postbirth SHS is likely a marker for true causes of dental caries and the association is likely confounded with other factors associated with dental caries.
PMID: 33846993
ISSN: 1600-0528
CID: 4845842
Supragingival microbiome alternations as a consequence of smoking different tobacco types and its relation to dental caries
Al-Marzooq, Farah; Al Kawas, Sausan; Rahman, Betul; Shearston, Jenni A; Saad, Hiba; Benzina, Dalenda; Weitzman, Michael
This study aimed to assess the effect of smoking different tobacco types on the supragingival microbiome and its relation to dental caries. Forty supragingival plaque samples were collected from smokers of a single tobacco type and non-smokers seeking treatment at the University Dental Hospital Sharjah, UAE. DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) was determined for all participants who were divided into two groups: no-low caries (NC-LC: DMFT = 0-4; n = 18) and moderate-high caries (MC-HC: DMFT = 5-20; n = 22). 16S rRNA gene was sequenced using third-generation sequencing with Nanopore technology. Microbiome composition and diversity were compared. Caries was most common among cigarette smokers. Supragingival microbiota were significantly altered among smokers of different tobacco types. In cigarette smokers, cariogenic bacteria from genus Streptococcus (including S. mutans) were significantly more among subjects with NC-LC, while Lactobacilli (including L. fermentum) were more among subjects with MC-HC. In medwakh smokers, several periodontopathogens were significantly elevated in subjects with NC-LC, while other pathogenic bacteria (as Klebsiella pneumoniae) were more in those with MC-HC. Cigarette and alternative tobacco smoking had a significant impact on the supragingival microbiome. Indeed, further studies are required to unravel the consequences of oral dysbiosis triggered by smoking. This could pave the way for microbiota-based interventional measures for restoring a healthy oral microbiome which could be a promising strategy to prevent dental caries.
PMID: 35190583
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5172072
Exhalation of alternative tobacco product aerosols differs from cigarette smoke-and may lead to alternative health risks
Karey, Emma; Reed, Taylor; Katsigeorgis, Maria; Farrell, Kayla; Hess, Jade; Gibbon, Grace; Weitzman, Michael; Gordon, Terry
BACKGROUND:Variation in alternative tobacco product (ATP) constituents, heating potential, and consumer behaviors have made it difficult to characterize their health risks. To date, most toxicity studies of ATPs have used established cigarette endpoints to inform study design. Furthermore, to assess where ATPs fall on the tobacco harm continuum, with cigarettes representing maximum potential risk, studies have tended to compare the relative biological responses to ATPs against those due to cigarettes. OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:1) To characterize the exhalation profiles of two popular ATPs: electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and hookah waterpipes (hookah) and 2) to determine if ATP exhalation patterns were representative of cigarette exhalation patterns. METHODS:Exhalation patterns were recorded (mouth only, nose only, or both mouth and nose) among individuals observed in the New York City tri-state area using a recognizable tobacco product (cigarette, e-cigarette, or hookah). Cigarette smokers and e-cigarette vapers were observed on city streets; water-pipe smokers were observed inside Manhattan hookah bars. RESULTS:E-cigarette vapers practiced exclusive nasal exhalation at far higher rates than did cigarette smokers (19.5% vs 4.9%). Among vapers, e-cigarette device type was also significantly associated with exhalation profile. Overall, cigarette smokers exhaled from their nose approximately half to one-third as often as ATP users (hookah and e-cigarettes, respectively). CONCLUSIONS:Nasal exhalation of tobacco emissions appears to be a shared characteristic across several types of ATPs. It is therefore plausible that ATP-specific consumer behaviors may foster unique upper respiratory health consequences that have not been observed in smokers. Thus, product-specific behaviors should inform the prioritization of biological endpoints used in studies evaluating ATP toxicity and health effects.
PMID: 35250322
ISSN: 1179-173x
CID: 5220892
The interrelationship and accumulation of cardiometabolic risk factors amongst young adults in the United Arab Emirates: The UAE Healthy Future Study
Mezhal, Fatima; Oulhaj, Abderrahim; Abdulle, Abdishakur; AlJunaibi, Abdulla; Alnaeemi, Abdulla; Ahmad, Amar; Leinberger-Jabari, Andrea; Al Dhaheri, Ayesha S; Tuzcu, E Murat; AlZaabi, Eiman; Al-Maskari, Fatma; Alanouti, Fatme; Alameri, Fayza; Alsafar, Habiba; Alblooshi, Hamad; Alkaabi, Juma; Wareth, Laila Abdel; Aljaber, Mai; Kazim, Marina; Weitzman, Micheal; Al-Houqani, Mohammad; Ali, Mohammad Hag; Oumeziane, Naima; El-Shahawy, Omar; Al-Rifai, Rami H; Scherman, Scott; Shah, Syed M; Loney, Tom; Almahmeed, Wael; Idaghdour, Youssef; Ahmed, Luai A; Ali, Raghib
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Similar to other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), people who develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) typically have more than one risk factor. The clustering of cardiovascular risk factors begins in youth, early adulthood, and middle age. The presence of multiple risk factors simultaneously has been shown to increase the risk for atherosclerosis development in young and middle-aged adults and risk of CVD in middle age. OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to address the interrelationship of CVD risk factors and their accumulation in a large sample of young adults in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). METHODS:Baseline data was drawn from the UAE Healthy Future Study (UAEHFS), a volunteer-based multicenter study that recruits Emirati nationals. Data of participants aged 18 to 40Â years was used for cross-sectional analysis. Demographic and health information was collected through self-reported questionnaires. Anthropometric data and blood pressure were measured, and blood samples were collected. RESULTS:A total of 5126 participants were included in the analysis. Comorbidity analyses showed that dyslipidemia and obesity co-existed with other cardiometabolic risk factors (CRFs) more than 70% and 50% of the time, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the risk factors with age and gender showed that all risk factors were highly associated with each other. The strongest relationship was found with obesity; it was associated with four-fold increase in the odds of having central obesity [adjusted OR 4.70 (95% CI (4.04-5.46)], and almost three-fold increase odds of having abnormal glycemic status [AOR 2.98 (95% (CI 2.49-3.55))], hypertension (AOR 3.03 (95% CI (2.61-3.52))] and dyslipidemia [AOR 2.71 (95% CI (2.32-3.15)]. Forty percent of the population accumulated more than 2 risk factors, and the burden increased with age. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:In this young population, cardiometabolic risk factors are highly prevalent and are associated with each other, therefore creating a heavy burden of risk factors. This forecasts an increase in the burden of CVD in the UAE. The robust longitudinal design of the UAEHFS will enable researchers to understand how risk factors cluster before disease develops. This knowledge will offer a novel approach to design group-specific preventive measures for CVD development.
PMID: 34838113
ISSN: 1758-5996
CID: 5065312
E-Cigarette Use, Systemic Inflammation, and Depression
Farrell, Kayla Rae; Karey, Emma; Xu, Shu; Gibbon, Grace; Gordon, Terry; Weitzman, Michael
BACKGROUND:E-cigarette use (vaping) is an emerging public health problem. Depression has been found to be associated with e-cigarette use, and vaping and depression are each associated with elevated systemic inflammation. To date, the role of inflammation in the relationship between vaping and depression has not been explored. OBJECTIVE:To assess the independent associations between e-cigarette use, depression, and inflammation, and to investigate whether the likelihood of depression among current e-cigarette users is associated with systemic inflammation. METHODS:= 4961). Systemic inflammation was defined as serum C-reactive protein (CRP) ≥ 8.0 mg/L. Depressed individuals were characterized by a score ≥ 10 on the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Current e-cigarette users were defined as individuals who vaped at least once in the past 30 days and these individuals were stratified by use: exclusive users (reported smoking less than 100 combustible cigarettes in their lifetime), dual users (reported current use of electronic and combustible cigarettes), and e-cigarette users who were previous smokers. Bivariate analyses were used to assess independent associations between vaping, depression, and inflammation; and weighted logistic regression analyses adjusting for BMI, sex, and economic status were used to determine the odds ratios (ORs) for depression by e-cigarette category stratified by differential CRP levels. RESULTS:-values > 0.05). CONCLUSION:While a pattern of greater ORs for depression among e-cigarette users with elevated CRP provides provocative findings that might suggest a potential role of inflammation in the association between vaping and depression, we failed to find evidence that inflammation clearly moderates this association. While it is possible that depression among e-cigarette users may be influenced by systemic inflammation, a reproduction of the current study is necessary among a larger cohort to elucidate the effect of inflammation on depression among e-cigarette users.
PMID: 34639705
ISSN: 1660-4601
CID: 5039542
Social Influences on Child Health [Editorial]
Weitzman, Michael
PMID: 34210762
ISSN: 1526-3347
CID: 4965092
Publisher Correction: The impact of smoking different tobacco types on the subgingival microbiome and periodontal health: a pilot study
Al Kawas, Sausan; Al-Marzooq, Farah; Rahman, Betul; Shearston, Jenni A; Saad, Hiba; Benzina, Dalenda; Weitzman, Michael
PMID: 33941839
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 4872282
The impact of smoking different tobacco types on the subgingival microbiome and periodontal health: a pilot study
Al Kawas, Sausan; Al-Marzooq, Farah; Rahman, Betul; Shearston, Jenni A; Saad, Hiba; Benzina, Dalenda; Weitzman, Michael
Smoking is a risk factor for periodontal disease, and a cause of oral microbiome dysbiosis. While this has been evaluated for traditional cigarette smoking, there is limited research on the effect of other tobacco types on the oral microbiome. This study investigates subgingival microbiome composition in smokers of different tobacco types and their effect on periodontal health. Subgingival plaques were collected from 40 individuals, including smokers of either cigarettes, medwakh, or shisha, and non-smokers seeking dental treatment at the University Dental Hospital in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. The entire (~ 1500 bp) 16S rRNA bacterial gene was fully amplified and sequenced using Oxford Nanopore technology. Subjects were compared for the relative abundance and diversity of subgingival microbiota, considering smoking and periodontal condition. The relative abundances of several pathogens were significantly higher among smokers, such as Prevotella denticola and Treponema sp. OMZ 838 in medwakh smokers, Streptococcus mutans and Veillonella dispar in cigarette smokers, Streptococcus sanguinis and Tannerella forsythia in shisha smokers. Subgingival microbiome of smokers was altered even in subjects with no or mild periodontitis, probably making them more prone to severe periodontal diseases. Microbiome profiling can be a useful tool for periodontal risk assessment. Further studies are recommended to investigate the impact of tobacco cessation on periodontal disease progression and oral microbiome.
PMID: 33441919
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 4771482