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Ancient mtDNA genetic variants modulate mtDNA transcription and replication

Suissa, Sarit; Wang, Zhibo; Poole, Jason; Wittkopp, Sharine; Feder, Jeanette; Shutt, Timothy E; Wallace, Douglas C; Shadel, Gerald S; Mishmar, Dan
Although the functional consequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic backgrounds (haplotypes, haplogroups) have been demonstrated by both disease association studies and cell culture experiments, it is not clear which of the mutations within the haplogroup carry functional implications and which are "evolutionary silent hitchhikers". We set forth to study the functionality of haplogroup-defining mutations within the mtDNA transcription/replication regulatory region by in vitro transcription, hypothesizing that haplogroup-defining mutations occurring within regulatory motifs of mtDNA could affect these processes. We thus screened >2500 complete human mtDNAs representing all major populations worldwide for natural variation in experimentally established protein binding sites and regulatory regions comprising a total of 241 bp in each mtDNA. Our screen revealed 77/241 sites showing point mutations that could be divided into non-fixed (57/77, 74%) and haplogroup/sub-haplogroup-defining changes (i.e., population fixed changes, 20/77, 26%). The variant defining Caucasian haplogroup J (C295T) increased the binding of TFAM (Electro Mobility Shift Assay) and the capacity of in vitro L-strand transcription, especially of a shorter transcript that maps immediately upstream of conserved sequence block 1 (CSB1), a region associated with RNA priming of mtDNA replication. Consistent with this finding, cybrids (i.e., cells sharing the same nuclear genetic background but differing in their mtDNA backgrounds) harboring haplogroup J mtDNA had a >2 fold increase in mtDNA copy number, as compared to cybrids containing haplogroup H, with no apparent differences in steady state levels of mtDNA-encoded transcripts. Hence, a haplogroup J regulatory region mutation affects mtDNA replication or stability, which may partially account for the phenotypic impact of this haplogroup. Our analysis thus demonstrates, for the first time, the functional impact of particular mtDNA haplogroup-defining control region mutations, paving the path towards assessing the functionality of both fixed and un-fixed genetic variants in the mitochondrial genome.
PMID: 19424428
ISSN: 1553-7404
CID: 4952302

Structure-activity relationships at monoamine transporters and muscarinic receptors for N-substituted-3alpha-(3'-chloro-, 4'-chloro-, and 4',4''-dichloro-substituted-diphenyl)methoxytropanes

Newman, A H; Robarge, M J; Howard, I M; Wittkopp, S L; George, C; Kopajtic, T; Izenwasser, S; Katz, J L
The design, synthesis, and evaluation of 3alpha-(diphenylmethoxy)tropane (benztropine) analogues have provided potent and selective probes for the dopamine transporter. Structure-activity relationships (SARs) have been developed that contrast with those described for cocaine, despite significant structural similarity. Furthermore, behavioral evaluation of many of the benztropine analogues in animal models of cocaine abuse has suggested that these two classes of tropane-based dopamine uptake inhibitors have distinct pharmacological profiles. In general, the benztropine analogues do not demonstrate efficacious locomotor stimulation in mice, do not fully substitute for a cocaine discriminative stimulus, and are not appreciably self-administered in rhesus monkeys. These compounds are generally more potent than cocaine as dopamine uptake inhibitors in vitro, although their actions in vivo are not consistent with this action. These observations suggest that differing binding profiles at the serotonin and norepinephrine transporters as well as at muscarinic receptors might have significant impact on the pharmacological actions of these compounds. In addition, by varying the structures of the parent compounds and thereby modifying their physical properties, pharmacokinetics as well as pharmacodynamics will be directly affected. Therefore, in an attempt to systematically evaluate the impact of chemical modification on these actions, a series of N-substituted (H, CH3, allyl, benzyl, propylphenyl, and butylphenyl) analogues of 3'-chloro-, 4'-chloro-, and 4,4''-dichloro-3alpha-(diphenylmethoxy)tropanes were synthesized. These compounds were evaluated for displacement, in rat tissue, of [3H]WIN 35,428 from the dopamine transporter, [3H]citalopram from the serotonin transporter, [3H]nisoxetine from the norepinephrine transporter, and [3H]pirenzepine from muscarinic m1 receptors. SARs were developed and compared to a series of N-substituted-3alpha-(bis-4'-fluorophenyl)methoxytropanes. The present SARs followed previously reported studies with the single exception of the N-butylphenyl substituent, which did not provide the high affinity binding in any of these three sets of analogues, as it did in the 4',4''-difluoro series. X-ray crystallographic analyses of the three parent ligands (1a, 2a, and 3a) were compared to that of 3alpha-(bis-4'-fluorophenyl)methoxytropane which provided supportive evidence toward the proposal that the combination of steric bulk in both the 3-position and the N-substituent, in this class of compounds, is not optimal for binding at the dopamine transporter. These studies provide binding profile data that can now be used to correlate with future behavioral analyses of these compounds and may provide insight into the kind of binding profile that might be targeted as a potential treatment for cocaine abuse.
PMID: 11170654
ISSN: 0022-2623
CID: 5606302