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Leveraging Healthcare to Promote Responsive Parenting: Impacts of the Video Interaction Project on Parenting Stress

Cates, Carolyn Brockmeyer; Weisleder, Adriana; Dreyer, Benard P; Johnson, Samantha Berkule; Vlahovicova, Kristina; Ledesma, Jennifer; Mendelsohn, Alan L
We sought to determine impacts of a pediatric primary care intervention, the Video Interaction Project, on 3-year trajectories of parenting stress related to parent-child interactions in low socioeconomic status (SES) families. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted, with random assignment to one of two interventions (Video Interaction Project [VIP]; Building Blocks [BB]) or control (C). As part of VIP, dyads attended one-on-one sessions with an interventionist who facilitated interactions in play and shared reading through review of videotaped parent-child interactions made on primary care visit days; learning materials and parenting pamphlets were also provided to facilitate parent-child interactions at home. Parenting stress related to parent-child interactions was assessed for VIP and Control groups at 6, 14, 24, and 36 months using the Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction subscale of the Parenting Stress Index- Short Form, with 378 dyads (84%) assessed at least once. Group differences emerged at 6 months with VIP associated with lower parenting stress at 3 of 4 ages considered cross-sectionally and an 17.7% reduction in parenting stress overall during the study period based on multi-level modeling. No age by group interaction was observed, indicating persistence of early VIP impacts. Results indicated that VIP, a preventive intervention targeting parent-child interactions, is associated with decreased parenting stress. Results therefore support the expansion of pediatric interventions such as VIP as part of a broad public health strategy to address poverty-related disparities in school-readiness.
PMID: 27134514
ISSN: 1062-1024
CID: 2179512

Promotion of Positive Parenting and Prevention of Socioemotional Disparities

Weisleder, Adriana; Cates, Carolyn Brockmeyer; Dreyer, Benard P; Berkule Johnson, Samantha; Huberman, Harris S; Seery, Anne M; Canfield, Caitlin F; Mendelsohn, Alan L
OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to determine what effects pediatric primary care interventions, focused on promotion of positive parenting through reading aloud and play, have on the socioemotional development of toddlers from low-income, primarily immigrant households. METHODS: This randomized controlled trial included random assignment to 1 of 2 interventions (Video Interaction Project [VIP] or Building Blocks [BB]) or to a control group. Mother-newborn dyads were enrolled postpartum in an urban public hospital. In VIP, dyads met with an interventionist on days of well-child visits; the interventionist facilitated interactions in play and shared reading through provision of learning materials and review of videotaped parent-child interactions. In BB, parents were mailed parenting pamphlets and learning materials. This article analyzes socioemotional outcomes from 14 to 36 months for children in VIP and BB versus control. RESULTS: A total of 463 dyads (69%) contributed data. Children in VIP scored higher than control on imitation/play and attention, and lower on separation distress, hyperactivity, and externalizing problems, with effect sizes approximately 0.25 SD for the sample as a whole and approximately 0.50 SD for families with additional psychosocial risks . Children in BB made greater gains in imitation/play compared with control. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the efficacy of VIP, a preventive intervention targeting parent-child interactions, for enhancing socioemotional outcomes in low-income toddlers. Given the low cost and potential for scalability of primary care interventions, findings support expansion of pediatric-based parenting programs such as VIP for the primary prevention of socioemotional problems before school entry.
PMID: 26817934
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 1929662

A Low-Literacy Asthma Action Plan to Improve Provider Asthma Counseling: A Randomized Study

Yin, H Shonna; Gupta, Ruchi S; Tomopoulos, Suzy; Mendelsohn, Alan L; Egan, Maureen; van Schaick, Linda; Wolf, Michael S; Sanchez, Dayana C; Warren, Christopher; Encalada, Karen; Dreyer, Benard P
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The use of written asthma action plans (WAAPs) has been associated with reduced asthma-related morbidity, but there are concerns about their complexity. We developed a health literacy-informed, pictogram- and photograph-based WAAP and examined whether providers who used it, with no training, would have better asthma counseling quality compared with those who used a standard plan. METHODS: Physicians at 2 academic centers randomized to use a low-literacy or standard action plan (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology) to counsel the hypothetical parent of child with moderate persistent asthma (regimen: Flovent 110 mug 2 puffs twice daily, Singulair 5 mg daily, Albuterol 2 puffs every 4 hours as needed). Two blinded raters independently reviewed counseling transcriptions. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: medication instructions presented with times of day (eg, morning and night vs number of times per day) and inhaler color; spacer use recommended; need for everyday medications, even when sick, addressed; and explicit symptoms used. RESULTS: 119 providers were randomly assigned (61 low literacy, 58 standard). Providers who used the low-literacy plan were more likely to use times of day (eg, Flovent morning and night, 96.7% vs 51.7%, P < .001; odds ratio [OR] = 27.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.1-123.4), recommend spacer use (eg, Albuterol, 83.6% vs 43.1%, P < .001; OR = 6.7; 95% CI, 2.9-15.8), address need for daily medications when sick (93.4% vs 34.5%, P < .001; OR = 27.1; 95% CI, 8.6-85.4), use explicit symptoms (eg, "ribs show when breathing," 54.1% vs 3.4%, P < .001; OR = 33.0; 95% CI, 7.4-147.5). Few mentioned inhaler color. Mean (SD) counseling time was similar (3.9 [2.5] vs 3.8 [2.6] minutes, P = .8). CONCLUSIONS: Use of a low-literacy WAAP improves the quality of asthma counseling by helping providers target key issues by using recommended clear communication principles.
PMID: 26634774
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 1863622

Improving Knowledge about Children's Environmental Health in Northwest China

Niu, Jingping; Qu, Qingshan; Li, Juansheng; Liu, Xingrong; Zhang, Benzhong; Li, Zhilan; Ding, Guowu; Sun, Yingbiao; Shi, Yanrong; Wan, Yaxiong; Hu, Xiaobin; Chen, Lung-Chi; Mendelsohn, Alan; Chen, Yu; Trasande, Leonardo
The main purpose of this study was to identify policy maker opinions and attitudes towards children's environmental health (CEH), potential barriers to child-specific protective legislation and implementation in northwest China, and evaluate knowledge and attitudes about CEH before and after an educational conference. We conducted seventy-two interviews with regional officials, researchers and non-governmental organization representatives from five provinces, and surveyed participants (forty-seven) before and after an educational conference in northwest China about CEH. Interviews identified general consensus among participants of the adverse effects of air pollution on children, yet few participants knew of policies to protect them. Barriers identified included limited funding and enforcement, weak regional governments and absence of child-specific policy-making. After the conference, substantially greater self-efficacy was identified for lead, mercury, air pollution and polychlorinated biphenyls (+0.57-0.72 on a 1-5 Likert scale, p = 0.002-0.013), and the scientific knowledge for the role of environment in children's health (+0.58, p = 0.015), and health care provider control (+0.52, p = 0.025) were rated more strongly. We conclude that policy makers in Northwest China appreciate that children are uniquely vulnerable, though additional regulations are needed to account for that vulnerability. Further research should examine effectiveness of the intervention on a larger scale and scope, and evaluate the usefulness of such interventions in translating research into improved care/reduced exposure to environmental hazards.
PMID: 26712775
ISSN: 1660-4601
CID: 1894472

Primary Care Parenting Intervention and Its Effects on the Use of Physical Punishment Among Low-Income Parents of Toddlers

Canfield, Caitlin F; Weisleder, Adriana; Cates, Carolyn B; Huberman, Harris S; Dreyer, Benard P; Legano, Lori A; Johnson, Samantha Berkule; Seery, Anne; Mendelsohn, Alan L
OBJECTIVES: As part of a large randomized controlled trial, the authors assessed the impact of 2 early primary care parenting interventions-the Video Interaction Project (VIP) and Building Blocks (BB)-on the use of physical punishment among low-income parents of toddlers. They also determined whether the impact was mediated through increases in responsive parenting and decreases in maternal psychosocial risk. METHODS: Four hundred thirty-eight mother-child dyads (161 VIP, 113 BB, 164 Control) were assessed when the children were 14 and/or 24 months old. Mothers were asked about their use of physical punishment and their responsive parenting behaviors, depressive symptoms, and parenting stress. RESULTS: The VIP was associated with lower physical punishment scores at 24 months, as compared to BB and controls. In addition, fewer VIP parents reported ever using physical punishment as a disciplinary strategy. Significant indirect effects were found for both responsive parenting and maternal psychosocial risk, indicating that the VIP affects these behaviors and risk factors, and that this is an important pathway through which the VIP affects the parents' use of physical punishment. CONCLUSION: The results support the efficacy of the VIP and the role of pediatric primary care, in reducing the use of physical punishment among low-income families by enhancing parent-child relationships. In this way, the findings support the potential of the VIP to improve developmental outcomes for at-risk children.
PMID: 26375804
ISSN: 1536-7312
CID: 1779312

Home Reading Environment and Brain Activation in Preschool Children Listening to Stories

Hutton, John S; Horowitz-Kraus, Tzipi; Mendelsohn, Alan L; DeWitt, Tom; Holland, Scott K
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Parent-child reading is widely advocated to promote cognitive development, including in recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics to begin this practice at birth. Although parent-child reading has been shown in behavioral studies to improve oral language and print concepts, quantifiable effects on the brain have not been previously studied. Our study used blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the relationship between home reading environment and brain activity during a story listening task in a sample of preschool-age children. We hypothesized that while listening to stories, children with greater home reading exposure would exhibit higher activation of left-sided brain regions involved with semantic processing (extraction of meaning). METHODS: Nineteen 3- to 5-year-old children were selected from a longitudinal study of normal brain development. All completed blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging using an age-appropriate story listening task, where narrative alternated with tones. We performed a series of whole-brain regression analyses applying composite, subscale, and individual reading-related items from the validated StimQ-P measure of home cognitive environment as explanatory variables for neural activation. RESULTS: Higher reading exposure (StimQ-P Reading subscale score) was positively correlated (P < .05, corrected) with neural activation in the left-sided parietal-temporal-occipital association cortex, a "hub" region supporting semantic language processing, controlling for household income. CONCLUSIONS: In preschool children listening to stories, greater home reading exposure is positively associated with activation of brain areas supporting mental imagery and narrative comprehension, controlling for household income. These neural biomarkers may help inform eco-bio-developmental models of emergent literacy.
PMID: 26260716
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 1721672

Unit of Measurement Used and Parent Medication Dosing Errors

Yin, H Shonna; Dreyer, Benard P; Ugboaja, Donna C; Sanchez, Dayana C; Paul, Ian M; Moreira, Hannah A; Rodriguez, Luis; Mendelsohn, Alan L
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Adopting the milliliter as the preferred unit of measurement has been suggested as a strategy to improve the clarity of medication instructions; teaspoon and tablespoon units may inadvertently endorse nonstandard kitchen spoon use. We examined the association between unit used and parent medication errors and whether nonstandard instruments mediate this relationship.METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a larger study of provider communication and medication errors. English- or Spanish-speaking parents (n = 287) whose children were prescribed liquid medications in 2 emergency departments were enrolled. Medication error defined as: error in knowledge of prescribed dose, error in observed dose measurement (compared to intended or prescribed dose); >20% deviation threshold for error. Multiple logistic regression performed adjusting for parent age, language, country, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, health literacy (Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults); child age, chronic disease; site.RESULTS: Medication errors were common: 39.4% of parents made an error in measurement of the intended dose, 41.1% made an error in the prescribed dose. Furthermore, 16.7% used a nonstandard instrument. Compared with parents who used milliliter-only, parents who used teaspoon or tablespoon units had twice the odds of making an error with the intended (42.5% vs 27.6%, P = .02; adjusted odds ratio=2.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-4.4) and prescribed (45.1% vs 31.4%, P = .04; adjusted odds ratio=1.9; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-3.5) dose; associations greater for parents with low health literacy and non-English speakers. Nonstandard instrument use partially mediated teaspoon and tablespoon-associated measurement errors.CONCLUSIONS: Findings support a milliliter-only standard to reduce medication errors.
PMID: 25022742
ISSN: 0031-4005
CID: 1073512

The Effect of Intravenous Golimumab on Health-related Quality of Life in Rheumatoid Arthritis: 24-week Results of the Phase III GO-FURTHER Trial

Bingham, Clifton O 3rd; Weinblatt, Michael; Han, Chenglong; Gathany, Timothy A; Kim, Lilianne; Lo, Kim Hung; Baker, Dan; Mendelsohn, Alan; Westhovens, Rene
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of intravenous (IV) golimumab 2 mg/kg + methotrexate (MTX) on patient-reported measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) despite prior MTX therapy. METHODS: In this randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III trial, adults with RA were randomly assigned to receive IV placebo (n = 197) or golimumab 2 mg/kg (n = 395) infusions at Week 0, Week 4, and every 8 weeks thereafter. All patients continued stable oral MTX (15-25 mg/wk). HRQOL assessments included Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI; physical function), Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire physical/mental component summary (SF-36 PCS/MCS) scores, EQ-5D assessment of current health state, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-Fatigue) questionnaire, and disease effect on productivity [10-cm visual analog scale (VAS)]. RESULTS: Mean HAQ-DI improvements from baseline were significantly greater with golimumab + MTX than placebo + MTX at Week 14 and Week 24 (p < 0.001). Significantly greater improvements in all 8 individual SF-36 subscores and both the SF-36 PCS and MCS scores (p < 0.001) also accompanied golimumab + MTX therapy. Improved EQ-5D and EQ-5D VAS (p < 0.001) and FACIT-Fatigue (p < 0.001) scores were also observed for golimumab + MTX-treated patients at Week 12, Week 16, and Week 24, and greater proportions of golimumab + MTX-treated patients had clinically meaningful improvements in these measures. Greater reductions in disease effect on productivity were observed with golimumab + MTX versus placebo + MTX at Week 24 (p < 0.001). Improvements in physical function, HRQOL, fatigue, and productivity significantly correlated with disease activity improvement. CONCLUSION: In active RA, IV golimumab + MTX significantly improved physical function, HRQOL, fatigue, and productivity using multiple measurement tools; all correlated with improvements in disease activity (NCT00973479, EudraCT 2008-006064-11).
PMID: 24786931
ISSN: 0315-162x
CID: 951182

Reducing maternal depressive symptoms through promotion of parenting in pediatric primary care

Berkule, Samantha B; Cates, Carolyn Brockmeyer; Dreyer, Benard P; Huberman, Harris S; Arevalo, Jenny; Burtchen, Nina; Weisleder, Adriana; Mendelsohn, Alan L
We studied associations between 2 pediatric primary care interventions promoting parental responsiveness and maternal depressive symptoms among low-income mothers. This randomized controlled trial included 2 interventions (Video Interaction Project [VIP], Building Blocks [BB]) and a control group. VIP is a relationship-based intervention, using video-recordings of mother-child dyads to reinforce interactional strengths. BB communicates with parents via parenting newsletters, learning materials, and questionnaires. At mean (SD) child age 6.9 (1.2) months, depressive symptoms were assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), parental responsiveness was assessed with StimQ-I. A total of 407 dyads were assessed. Rates of mild depressive symptoms were lower for VIP (20.6%) and BB (21.1%) than Controls (32.1%, P = .04). Moderate depressive symptoms were lower for VIP (4.0%) compared to Controls (9.7%, P = .031). Mean PHQ-9 scores differed across 3 groups (F = 3.8, P = .02): VIP mothers scored lower than controls (P = .02 by Tukey HSD). Parent-child interactions partially mediated VIP-associated reductions in depressive symptoms (indirect effect -.17, 95% confidence interval -.36, -.03).
PMID: 24707022
ISSN: 0009-9228
CID: 889452

Liquid medication dosing errors in children: role of provider counseling strategies

Yin, H Shonna; Dreyer, Benard P; Moreira, Hannah A; van Schaick, Linda; Rodriguez, Luis; Boettger, Susanne; Mendelsohn, Alan L
OBJECTIVE: To examine the degree to which recommended provider counseling strategies, including advanced communication techniques and dosing instrument provision, are associated with reductions in parent liquid medication dosing errors. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data on provider communication and dosing instrument provision from a study of a health literacy intervention to reduce medication errors. Parents whose children (<9 years) were seen in 2 urban public hospital pediatric emergency departments (EDs) and were prescribed daily dose liquid medications self-reported whether they received counseling about their child's medication, including advanced strategies (teachback, drawings/pictures, demonstration, showback) and receipt of a dosing instrument. The primary dependent variable was observed dosing error (>20% deviation from prescribed). Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed, controlling for parent age, language, country, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, health literacy (Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults); child age, chronic disease status; and site. RESULTS: Of 287 parents, 41.1% made dosing errors. Advanced counseling and instrument provision in the ED were reported by 33.1% and 19.2%, respectively; 15.0% reported both. Advanced counseling and instrument provision in the ED were associated with decreased errors (30.5 vs 46.4%, P = .01; 21.8 vs 45.7%, P = .001). In adjusted analyses, ED advanced counseling in combination with instrument provision was associated with a decreased odds of error compared to receiving neither (adjusted odds ratio 0.3; 95% confidence interval 0.1-0.7); advanced counseling alone and instrument alone were not significantly associated with odds of error. CONCLUSIONS: Provider use of advanced counseling strategies and dosing instrument provision may be especially effective in reducing errors when used together.
PMID: 24767779
ISSN: 1876-2867
CID: 929972