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The potential impact and cost of focusing HIV prevention on young women and men: A modeling analysis in western Kenya
Alsallaq, Ramzi A; Buttolph, Jasmine; Cleland, Charles M; Hallett, Timothy; Inwani, Irene; Agot, Kawango; Kurth, Ann E
OBJECTIVE:We compared the impact and costs of HIV prevention strategies focusing on youth (15-24 year-old persons) versus on adults (15+ year-old persons), in a high-HIV burden context of a large generalized epidemic. DESIGN/METHODS:Compartmental age-structured mathematical model of HIV transmission in Nyanza, Kenya. INTERVENTIONS/METHODS:The interventions focused on youth were high coverage HIV testing (80% of youth), treatment at diagnosis (TasP, i.e., immediate start of antiretroviral therapy [ART]) and 10% increased condom usage for HIV-positive diagnosed youth, male circumcision for HIV-negative young men, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for high-risk HIV-negative females (ages 20-24 years), and cash transfer for in-school HIV-negative girls (ages 15-19 years). Permutations of these were compared to adult-focused HIV testing coverage with condoms and TasP. RESULTS:The youth-focused strategy with ART treatment at diagnosis and condom use without adding interventions for HIV-negative youth performed better than the adult-focused strategy with adult testing reaching 50-60% coverage and TasP/condoms. Over the long term, the youth-focused strategy approached the performance of 70% adult testing and TasP/condoms. When high coverage male circumcision also is added to the youth-focused strategy, the combined intervention outperformed the adult-focused strategy with 70% testing, for at least 35 years by averting 94,000 more infections, averting 5.0 million more disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and saving US$46.0 million over this period. The addition of prevention interventions beyond circumcision to the youth-focused strategy would be more beneficial if HIV care costs are high, or when program delivery costs are relatively high for programs encompassing HIV testing coverage exceeding 70%, TasP and condoms to HIV-infected adults compared to combination prevention programs among youth. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:For at least the next three decades, focusing in high burden settings on high coverage HIV testing, ART treatment upon diagnosis, condoms and male circumcision among youth may outperform adult-focused ART treatment upon diagnosis programs, unless the adult testing coverage in these programs reaches very high levels (>70% of all adults reached) at similar program costs. Our results indicate the potential importance of age-targeting for HIV prevention in the current era of 'test and start, ending AIDS' goals to ameliorate the HIV epidemic globally.
PMID: 28403211
ISSN: 1932-6203
CID: 4259002
Chronic hepatitis C infection and the pro-inflammatory effects of injection drug use
Markowitz, Martin; Deren, Sherry; Cleland, Charles; La Mar, Melissa; Silva, Evelyn; Batista, Pedro; St Bernard, Leslie; Gettie, Natanya; Rodriguez, Kristina; Evering, Teresa H; Lee, Haekyung; Mehandru, Saurabh
BACKGROUND: Chronic inflammation, as defined by persistent immune activation (IA) is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. People who inject drugs (PWIDs) have evidence of persistent IA. Here, in a cohort of HCV+ and HCV- infection drug users (IDU), we sought to dissect out the contribution of chronic hepatitis C infection (HCV, common in PWID) from the effects of drug injection itself. METHODS: Four groups of study volunteers were recruited- Group1- active PWID, Group 2- individuals who ceased injecting for 1-2 months, Group 3- individuals who ceased injecting for 3-4 months, and Group 4- healthy volunteers. Soluble and cell associated markers of immune activation were quantified. ( RESULTS: HCV viremic PWID have elevated levels of IA when compared to healthy volunteers. Cessation of IDU results in a decline in IA in the absence of HCV viremia, while HCV-viremic, former IDUs continue to harbor elevated levels of IA as defined by sCD14, TNF-alpha and the presence of CD38+HLA-DR+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CONCLUSIONS: IA, a well-defined surrogate of poor clinical outcome, elevated in PWID can regress to normal levels in former IDUs who are HCV-aviremic. Therefore, enhanced harm reduction efforts should incorporate aggressive treatment of HCV infection.
PMID: 27521361
ISSN: 1537-6613
CID: 2232852
Self-reported use of novel psychoactive substances among attendees of electronic dance music venues
Palamar, Joseph J; Acosta, Patricia; Sherman, Scott; Ompad, Danielle C; Cleland, Charles M
BACKGROUND: Novel psychoactive substances (NPSs) continue to emerge in the United States and worldwide. Few epidemiological studies have examined the prevalence and correlates of use. OBJECTIVE: We examined the extent of NPS use in a high-risk population-attendees of electronic dance music (EDM) parties at nightclubs and festivals. METHODS: We surveyed 682 adults (age 18-25) entering EDM events at nightclubs and festivals in New York City (NYC) in 2015. A variation of time-space sampling was used. We examined the prevalence of self-reported use of 196 NPS and correlates of any NPS use. RESULTS: Over a third (35.1%) of participants reported lifetime use of any NPS. Self-reported use of synthetic cannabinoids was most prevalent (16.3%), followed by psychedelic phenethylamines (14.7%; 2C series: 10.3%, 2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine [NBOMe] series: 9.0%, Dox series: 3.5%), synthetic cathinones ("bath salts", 6.9%), other psychedelics (6.6%), tryptamines (5.1%), and dissociatives (4.3%). 2C-I was the most prevalent 2C series drug (5.1%); methylone was the most prevalent synthetic cathinone (3.3%), 2-MeO-ketamine was the most prevalent dissociative (3.7%), and 1P-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (2.9%) was the most prevalent non-phenethylamine psychedelic. Risk factors for NPS use included Ecstasy/MDMA/Molly, LSD, and ketamine use; identifying as bisexual (compared to heterosexual), reporting higher frequency of nightclub/festival attendance, and being surveyed outside of a festival (compared to those surveyed outside of nightclubs). DISCUSSION: NPS use is prevalent in the nightclub and festival scenes in NYC. Since individuals in these scenes-especially frequent attendees-are at high risk for use, prevention and harm reduction services need to be geared toward this population.
PMID: 27315522
ISSN: 1097-9891
CID: 2142482
Explaining Racial/Ethnic Dietary Patterns in Relation to Type 2 Diabetes: An Analysis of NHANES 2007-2012
Nowlin, Sarah Y; Cleland, Charles M; Vadiveloo, Maya; D'Eramo Melkus, Gail; Parekh, Niyati; Hagan, Holly
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to examine sociodemographic and health behavior factors associated with dietary intake as measured by the healthy eating index (HEI-2010) for persons with and without diabetes (T2D). DESIGN: A secondary data analysis of three NHANES data cycles spanning 2007-2012. Multiple linear regression assessed racial/ethnic differences in HEI-2010 scores in those without T2D, with T2D, and with undiagnosed T2D. PARTICIPANTS: The sample included non-pregnant adults aged >/=20 years who had two days of reliable dietary recall data. OUTCOME MEASURES: Total scores for the HEI-2010. RESULTS: For those without T2D, there was a significant association between race/ethnicity and HEI score, with non-Hispanic Blacks achieving significantly lower scores than their non-Hispanic White counterparts. Differences in HEI-2010 score were also associated with age, sex, smoking status and time spent in the United States. Racial/ethnic differences in dietary patterns were present, but not significant in those with undiagnosed or diagnosed T2D. CONCLUSIONS: Racial/ethnic disparities in dietary patterns are present in individuals without T2D, but differences are not statistically significant in those with undiagnosed or diagnosed T2D. Non-Hispanic Blacks without T2D received significantly lower HEI-2010 scores than non-Hispanic Whites. Further research is necessary to determine whether or not similarities in dietary intake across racial/ethnic groups with T2D will be reflected in diabetes-related health outcomes in this population.
PMID: 27773980
ISSN: 1049-510x
CID: 2286872
Discordant reporting of nonmedical opioid use in a nationally representative sample of US high school seniors
Palamar, Joseph J; Shearston, Jenni A; Cleland, Charles M
BACKGROUND: Nonmedical opioid use has become a major public health concern due to increases in treatment admissions, overdoses, and deaths. Use has also been linked to heroin initiation. Reliable data on nonmedical opioid use are needed to continue to inform prevention. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and correlates of discordant self-report of nonmedical use of opioids in a national sample. METHODS: Utilizing a nationally representative sample of 31,149 American high school seniors in the Monitoring the Future study (2009-2013), discordant responses between self-reported 12-month nonmedical opioid use and self-reported 12-month nonmedical Vicodin and OxyContin use (reporting Vicodin/OxyContin use, but not reporting "opioid" use) were assessed. We also used multivariable logistic regression to determine the characteristics of students who were most likely to provide a discordant response. RESULTS: 37.1% of those reporting nonmedical Vicodin use and 28.2% of those reporting nonmedical OxyContin use did not report overall nonmedical opioid use. Prevalence of nonmedical opioid use (8.3%) would increase when factoring in Vicodin, OxyContin, or both, by 2.8%, 1.3%, and 3.3%, respectively. Females were more likely to provide a discordant response to Vicodin and highly religious students were more likely to provide a discordant response regarding OxyContin use. Those who reported cocaine or nonmedical tranquilizer use were at consistently low odds for discordant responses. Nonmedical amphetamine users were at low odds for providing a discordant Vicodin response. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of nonmedical opioid use may be underreported on some surveys, particularly among specific subpopulations. Further research on the effect of question order and skip-patterns (e.g., "gate" questions) is needed. Reliable data on nonmedical opioid use are needed to continue to accurately inform prevention.
PMID: 27315427
ISSN: 1097-9891
CID: 2142492
Feasibility of a Computer-Based Intervention Addressing Barriers to HIV Testing Among Young Patients Who Decline Tests at Triage
Aronson, Ian David; Cleland, Charles M; Perlman, David C; Rajan, Sonali; Sun, Wendy; Bania, Theodore C
Young people face greatly increased human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk and high rates of undiagnosed HIV, yet are unlikely to test. Many also have limited or inconsistent access to health care, including HIV testing and prevention education, and prior research has documented that youth lack knowledge necessary to understand the HIV test process and to interpret test results. Computer-based interventions have been used to increase HIV test rates and knowledge among emergency department (ED) patients, including those who decline tests offered at triage. However, patients aged 18-24 years have been less likely to test, even after completing an intervention, compared to older patients in the same ED setting. The current pilot study sought to examine the feasibility and acceptability of a new tablet-based video intervention designed to address established barriers to testing among ED patients aged 18-24 years. In particular, we examined whether young ED patients would: agree to receive the intervention; complete it quickly enough to avoid disrupting clinical workflows; accept HIV tests offered by the intervention; demonstrate increased postintervention knowledge; and report they found the intervention acceptable. Over 4 weeks, we recruited 100 patients aged 18-24 in a high-volume urban ED; all of them declined HIV tests offered at triage. Almost all (98%) completed the intervention (mean time <9 mins), 30% accepted HIV tests offered by the tablets. Knowledge was significantly higher after than before the intervention (t = -6.67, p < .001) and patients reported generally high acceptability. Additional research appears warranted to increase postintervention HIV testing.
PMID: 27565191
ISSN: 1087-0415
CID: 2232222
Accuracy of body weight perception and obesity among Chinese Americans
Liu, Shan; Fu, Mei R; Hu, Sophia H; Wang, Vincent Y; Crupi, Robert; Qiu, Jeanna M; Cleland, Chuck; D'Eramo Melkus, Gail
BACKGROUND: Accuracy of body weight perception is an individual's perception of their body weight in comparison with actual body weight and is associated with weight-related behaviors. Chinese Americans have increased risk for obesity but no studies have examined accuracy of body weight perception. METHODS: This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study, which was conducted in a community health center in New York. Study subjects were all Chinese-American adults. Demographic information, accuracy of perception of body weight, anthropometric measures (weight, height, body mass index [BMI], waist circumference [WC], hip circumference [HC], weight to height ratio, weight to hip ratio), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and obesity-related diseases (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke) were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 162 Chinese Americans were recruited. 52 subjects (32%) did not perceive body weight correctly: 32 subjects had underestimation and 20 subjects had overestimation of body weight. Significant differences were found among subjects in the three groups of different accuracy of body weight perception in terms of gender (p=0.003), age (p=0.003), education years (p=0.047), WC (p<0.001), HC (p=0.001), weight/height ratio (p=0.001), and BMI (p<0.001). Accuracy of perception of body weight significantly predicted WC (p<0.001), HC (p<0.001), weight to height ratio (p=0.001), BMI (p<0.001) and weight (<0.001) even after controlling for all demographic factors. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study identified that around one-third of Chinese Americans did not perceive their body weight correctly. Intervention studies for obesity management in Chinese Americans should address gender difference, target on older subjects, and focus on educating the normal values and significances of WC, HC and HbA1C among Chinese Americans.
PMID: 25937164
ISSN: 1871-403x
CID: 2273392
Underreporting of ecstasy use among high school seniors in the US
Palamar, Joseph J; Keyes, Katherine; Cleland, Charles M
BACKGROUND: National surveys suggest ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA]) use has decreased substantially among adolescents in the US since 2001; however, the recent phenomenon of "Molly" (ecstasy marketed as "pure MDMA") may be leading to underreporting of use as not all users are aware that "Molly" is a form of ecstasy. METHODS: We examined 2014 data from Monitoring the Future, a nationally representative survey of high school seniors in the US (N=6250, modal age: 18). Three randomly distributed survey forms asked about ecstasy use, and one included "Molly" in the definition. Self-reported lifetime, 12-month, and 30-day ecstasy use were compared to determine whether including "Molly" in the definition was associated with higher prevalence or frequency of use. RESULTS: The form including "Molly" in the definition had significantly higher prevalence than the two (combined) forms that did not. Lifetime use (8.0% vs. 5.5%) and 12-month use (5.1% vs. 3.6%) were significantly higher with "Molly" in the definition. Lifetime prevalence remained higher with "Molly" in the definition when controlling for correlates of ecstasy use; however, 12-month use did not. Differences in prevalence were associated with lifetime occasions of use, with lower concordance between forms at lower levels of lifetime occasions (e.g., 1-2 times). Survey form was not related to number of times used among more frequent users. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of ecstasy use appears to be underestimated when "Molly" is not included in the definition of ecstasy/MDMA. Surveys should include "Molly" in the definition of ecstasy to more adequately assess prevalence of use.
PMID: 27296977
ISSN: 1879-0046
CID: 2142822
Accuracy of the Audio Computer Assisted Self Interview version of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ACASI ASSIST) for identifying unhealthy substance use and substance use disorders in primary care patients
Kumar, Pritika C; Cleland, Charles M; Gourevitch, Marc N; Rotrosen, John; Strauss, Shiela; Russell, Linnea; McNeely, Jennifer
BACKGROUND: An Audio Computer-assisted Self Interview (ACASI) version of the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) could reduce barriers to substance use screening and assessment in primary care settings. This study evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of an ACASI ASSIST for identification of unhealthy substance use and substance use disorders (SUD). METHODS: 399 adult patients were consecutively recruited from an urban safety-net primary care clinic. ACASI ASSIST scores for tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine were compared against reference standard measures to assess the instrument's diagnostic accuracy for identifying unhealthy use and SUD, first using empirically-derived optimal cutoffs, and second using the currently recommended ASSIST cutoffs. RESULTS: For identifying any unhealthy use, at the empirically-derived cutoffs the ACASI ASSIST had 93.6% sensitivity and 85.8% specificity (AUC=0.90) for tobacco, 85.9% sensitivity and 60.3% specificity (AUC=0.73), for alcohol in men, 100% sensitivity and 62.4% specificity (AUC=0.81) for alcohol in women, 94.6% sensitivity and 81.6% specificity (AUC=0.88) for marijuana, and 86.1% sensitivity, 84.0% specificity (AUC=0.85) for cocaine. For SUD, sensitivity ranged from 79% (for alcohol in males), to 100% (for tobacco), and specificity was 83% or higher (AUCs ranged 0.83-0.91). For substances other than tobacco, empirically-derived cutoff scores were lower than the standard cutoffs, and resulted in higher sensitivity and lower specificity for identifying unhealthy substance use. CONCLUSIONS: The ACASI ASSIST is a valid measure of unhealthy use and SUD for substances that are commonly used by primary care patients, and could facilitate effective and efficient screening for substance use in medical settings.
PMID: 27344194
ISSN: 1879-0046
CID: 2167262
An Example of Exposure Heterogeneity When Pooling Epidemiologic Studies for Meta-Analysis of Antiretroviral Medication Adherence [Meeting Abstract]
Mackesy-Amiti, Mary-Ellen; Strand, Lauren; Nance, Robin; Chandler, Redonna; Cunningham, William; Riley, Elise; Mehta, Shruti; Altice, Frederick; Wechsberg, Wendee; Cunningham, Chinazo; Cleland, Charles; Metsch, Lisa; Feaster, Daniel; del Rio, Carlos; Beckwith, Curt; Kurth, Ann; Kuo, Irene; Kruszka, Bridget; Springer, Sandra
ISSN: 1099-1557
CID: 2385732