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Neuropharmacology in adult drosophila: Studies of drug tolerance [Meeting Abstract]

Manev, H; Dimitrijevic, N; Simoncelli, E
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 367422

Random cascades on wavelet trees and their use in analyzing and modeling natural images

Wainwright, Martin J.; Simoncelli, Eero P.; Willsky, Alan S.
We develop a new class of non-Gaussian multiscale stochastic processes defined by random cascades on trees of wavelet or other multiresolution coefficients. These cascades reproduce a rich semi-parametric class of random variables known as Gaussian scale mixtures. We demonstrate that this model class can accurately capture the remarkably regular and non-Gaussian features of natural images in a parsimonious fashion, involving only a small set of parameters. In addition, this model structure leads to efficient algorithms for image processing. In particular, we develop a Newton-like algorithm for MAP estimation that exploits very fast algorithms for linear-Gaussian estimation on trees, and hence is efficient. On the basis of this MAP estimator, we develop and illustrate a denoising technique that is based on a global prior model, and preserves the structure of natural images (e.g., edges). © 2000 SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 2872852

Studies of alcohol and nicotine tolerance in adult fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) in-vivo [Meeting Abstract]

Maney, H; Dimitrijevic, N; Simoncelli, E
ISSN: 0022-3042
CID: 367432

Scale mixtures of Graussians and the statistics of natural images

Chapter by: Wainwright, Martin J.; Simoncelli, Eero P.
in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems by
[S.l.] : Neural information processing systems foundation, 2000
pp. 855-861
ISBN: 9780262194501
CID: 2872862

Mechanisms of visual motion detection

Schrater, P R; Knill, D C; Simoncelli, E P
Visual motion is processed by neurons in primary visual cortex that are sensitive to spatial orientation and speed. Many models of local velocity computation are based on a second stage that pools the outputs of first-stage neurons selective for different orientations, but the nature of this pooling remains controversial. In a human psychophysical detection experiment, we found near-perfect summation of image energy when it was distributed uniformly across all orientations, but poor summation when it was concentrated in specific orientation bands. The data are consistent with a model that integrates uniformly over all orientations, even when this strategy is sub-optimal
PMID: 10607396
ISSN: 1097-6256
CID: 143572

Image denoising using a local Gaussian scale mixture model in the wavelet domain

Strela, V.; Portilla, J.; Simoncelli, E.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 367442

Image denoising via adjustment of wavelet coefficient magnitude correlation

Chapter by: Portilla, J.; Simoncelli, Eero P
in: Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.00CH37101) by
Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2000
pp. 277-280
ISBN: 0-7803-6297-7
CID: 371992

Random cascades of Gaussian scale mixtures and their use in modeling natural images with application to denoising

Chapter by: Wainwright, M.J.; Simoncelli, Eero P; Willsky, A.S.
in: Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.00CH37101) by
Piscataway NJ : IEEE, 2000
pp. 260-263
ISBN: 0-7803-6297-7
CID: 372002

Color channels decorrelation by ICA transformation in the wavelet domain for color texture analysis and synthesis

Chapter by: Yufeng Liang; Simoncelli, Eero P; Zhibin Lei
in: Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2000 (Cat. No.PR00662) by
Los Alamitos CA : IEEE, 2000
pp. 606-611
ISBN: 0-7695-0662-3
CID: 372012

Explaining adaptation in V1 neurons with a statistically optimized normalization model [Meeting Abstract]

Wainwright, MJ; Simoncelli, EP
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 367462