III. New developments: 2. Virtual MR endoscopy in the central nervous system
Shigematsu, Y; Korogi, Y; Hirai, T; Okuda, T; Sugahara, T; Liang, L; Ge, Y; Takahashi, M
Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) data acquisition and postprocessing technologies have been playing a important role in widening the potential applications of 3D display. The authors described new applications of a virtual endoscopic algorithm for 3D display of high resolution MR images: (a) intracranial intravascular virtual MR endoscopy using the 3D fast imaging with steady state precession (FISP) sequence, and (b) virtual MR endoscopy of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces using the constructive interference in steady state (CISS) three-dimensional Fourier transform (3DFT) sequence. The virtual endoscopic images were displayed with use of a commercially available perspective volume-rendering algorithm. Our initial experience showed that virtual MR endoscopy can be performed to observe the intracranial arteries and CSF spaces from the viewpoints within themselves. Although the clinical use of the intracranial virtual MR endoscopy has not been established yet, the images obtained are very attractive and further investigations in this field will be expected
PMID: 9562055
ISSN: 1053-1807
CID: 86631