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Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique in inheritance studies of Plasmodium falciparum
Howard J; Carlton JM; Walliker D; Jensen JB
Effectiveness of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), a technique using 1 10-base primer to amplify random segments of genomic DNA, and some of its possible uses were tested in the A + T-rich genome of Plasmodium falciparum. The best concentrations of MgCl2, 60% G + C primer, and DNA were determined to be 4.0 mM, 0.4 microM, and 90-180 ng/15 microliters reaction, respectively. Use of 30% G + C primers did not allow amplification to occur. Application of RAPD to DNA of parent and progeny clones from a P. falciparum cross showed that polymorphisms identified in the parentals and tracked in the progeny were inherited in a Mendelian fashion and that RAPD-identified polymorphisms could be used as genetic markers. Some of these polymorphic markers were located on more than 1 chromosome, whereas others were specific for a single chromosome. Two of these markers, each located on chromosome 3 of 1 of the parental parasites, were missing from 2 of the 18 progeny, suggesting that deletions, or crossover events had occurred. RAPD markers also identified a higher number of nonparental-type progeny than expected, thus confirming previous observations for high genetic variability in malaria parasites
PMID: 8973403
ISSN: 0022-3395
CID: 66441
Sexual-stage-specific RNA expression of a new Plasmodium falciparum gene detected by in situ hybridisation
Baker DA; Thompson J; Daramola OO; Carlton JM; Targett GA
A gene, Pf77, transcribed in the sexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum was isolated from a genomic expression library with a polyclonal antibody raised to gametocyte proteins. The entire coding region was obtained from a series of overlapping genomic and cDNA clones (from gametocyte RNA). A single open reading frame is present with no introns and no tandem repeat sequences. A Pf77 probe hybridised to a single transcript present in RNA prepared from purified gametocytes and could not be detected in RNA prepared from asexual blood stages. In situ hybridisation studies confirmed that the expression of Pf77 mRNA is sexual-stage-specific and in addition, showed that Pf77 mRNA is present only in female gametocytes during the vertebrate stages of the parasite's development
PMID: 8538689
ISSN: 0166-6851
CID: 66442
Pfcrk-1, a developmentally regulated cdc2-related protein kinase of Plasmodium falciparum
Doerig, C; Doerig, C; Horrocks, P; Coyle, J; Carlton, J; Sultan, A; Arnot, D; Carter, R
A gene encoding a novel cdc2-related protein kinase has been identified in Plasmodium falciparum, using degenerate oligonucleotides designed to hybridise to regions that are conserved in members of the cdc2 gene family. This gene, called Pfcrk-1, is located on chromosome 4. It is most closely related to the p58GTA gene family, members of which are negative regulators of cell growth in vertebrates. Pfcrk-1 is developmentally regulated, as indicated by stage-specific accumulation of mRNA in gametocytes.
PMID: 7637697
ISSN: 0166-6851
CID: 2745272
A rapid technique for the detection of DNA polymorphisms in Plasmodium
Carlton JM; Howard J; Jensen JB; Walliker D
PMID: 7821407
ISSN: 0014-4894
CID: 66443
Conserved location of genes on polymorphic chromosomes of four species of malaria parasites
Janse CJ; Carlton JM; Walliker D; Waters AP
The number of chromosomes and the chromosomal location and linkage of more than 50 probes, mainly of genes, have been established in four species of Plasmodium which infect African murine rodents. We expected that the location and linkage of genes would not be conserved between these species of malaria parasites since extensive inter- and intraspecific size differences of the chromosomes existed and large scale internal rearrangements and chromosome translocations in parasites from laboratory lines had been reported. Our study showed that all four species contained 14 chromosomes, ranging in size between 0.5 and 3.5 Mb, which showed extensive size polymorphisms. The location and linkage of the genes on the polymorphic chromosomes, however, was conserved and nearly identical between these species. These results indicate that size polymorphisms of the chromosomes are more likely due to variation in non-coding (subtelomeric, repeat) sequences and show that a high plasticity of internal regions of chromosomes that may exist does not frequently affect chromosomal location and linkage of genes
PMID: 7739674
ISSN: 0166-6851
CID: 66444
Maternal inheritance of extrachromosomal DNA in malaria parasites
Creasey, A; Mendis, K; Carlton, J; Williamson, D; Wilson, I; Carter, R
Plasmodium falciparum has two extrachromosomal genomes, the mitochondrial 6-kb DNA element and the 35-kb circular DNA. The mitochondrial gene cytochrome b on the 6-kb element has been shown to be inherited uniparentally. In order to ascertain whether the route is maternal or paternal we have examined preparations of male and female gametes of the closely related Plasmodium gallinaceum for the presence of extrachromosomal DNA. DNA from purified preparations of gametes was hybridised to probes for both the 6-kb and 35-kb extrachromosomal genomes. Both probes hybridised to the preparation of Plasmodium gallinaceum female gametes but not to that of the males. We conclude that the extrachromosomal DNAs of malaria parasites are transmitted maternally.
PMID: 7935632
ISSN: 0166-6851
CID: 2745262
Drug response and genetic characterization of Plasmodium falciparum clones recently isolated from a Sudanese village
Bayoumi RA; Creasey AM; Babiker HA; Carlton JM; Sultan AA; Satti G; Sohal AK; Walliker D; Jensen JB; Arnot DE
We have isolated 20 clones of Plasmodium falciparum from isolates from patients attending a village clinic in Sudan during 10 d in October-November 1989. The clones were genetically diverse, having highly variable molecular karyotypes and a wide range of drug responses. Chloroquine-sensitive (50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] in the 4-15 nM range) and chloroquine-resistant clones (IC50 in the 40-95 nM range) co-existed in the population, but no obvious amplification of the P-glycoprotein homologue gene, Pgh1 (previously known as the multi-drug resistance gene, mdr1) marked the chloroquine-resistant clones. Chloroquine resistance was reversible by verapamil in these clones, although they varied in their susceptibility to verapamil alone. These observations indicate that the biochemical characteristics of the Sudanese chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum are similar to those reported from south-east Asian and Latin American isolates, which is consistent with there being a similar molecular basis for this phenomenon
PMID: 8249079
ISSN: 0035-9203
CID: 66445