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APC/CCDC20 controls the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of p21 during early mitosis [Meeting Abstract]

Amador, V; Gonzalez-Santamaria, P; Pagano, M
ISSN: 1742-464x
CID: 69260

Modification of Cul1 regulates its association with proteasomal subunits

Bloom, Joanna; Peschiaroli, Angelo; Demartino, George; Pagano, Michele
ABSTRACT : BACKGROUND : Ubiquitylation targets proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome. Some yeast and plant ubiquitin ligases, including the highly conserved SCF (Skp1/Cul1/F-box protein) complex, have been shown to associate with proteasomes. We sought to characterize interactions between SCF complexes and proteasomes in mammalian cells. RESULTS : We found that the binding of SCF complexes to proteasomes is conserved in higher eukaryotes. The Cul1 subunit associated with both sub-complexes of the proteasome, and high molecular weight forms of Cul1 bound to the 19S proteasome. Cul1 is ubiquitylated in vivo. Ubiquitylation of Cul1 promotes its binding to the S5a subunit of the 19S sub-complex without affecting Cul1 stability. CONCLUSION : The association of ubiquitylating enzymes with proteasomes may be an additional means to target ubiquitylated substrates for degradation
PMID: 16759355
ISSN: 1747-1028
CID: 72425

Stabilizers and destabilizers controlling cell cycle oscillators

Guardavaccaro, Daniele; Pagano, Michele
Various destabilizing factors of the ubiquitin system contribute to the synchrony and unidirectionality of the cell cycle clock by finely tuning the activity of various CDKs. The recent findings of hierarchical and connected waves of cyclin stabilizers highlight the complexity of this network
PMID: 16600864
ISSN: 1097-2765
CID: 64207

Cell Division, a new open access online forum for and from the cell cycle community

Kaldis, Philipp; Pagano, Michele
ABSTRACT : Cell Division is a new, open access, peer-reviewed online journal that publishes cutting-edge articles, commentaries and reviews on all exciting aspects of cell cycle control in eukaryotes. A major goal of this new journal is to publish timely and significant studies on the aberrations of the cell cycle network that occur in cancer and other diseases
PMID: 16759411
ISSN: 1747-1028
CID: 66922

Structural basis of the Cks1-dependent recognition of p27(Kip1) by the SCF(Skp2) ubiquitin ligase

Hao, Bing; Zheng, Ning; Schulman, Brenda A; Wu, Geng; Miller, Julie J; Pagano, Michele; Pavletich, Nikola P
The ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of the Cdk2 inhibitor p27(Kip1) plays a central role in cell cycle progression, and enhanced degradation of p27(Kip1) is associated with many common cancers. Proteolysis of p27(Kip1) is triggered by Thr187 phosphorylation, which leads to the binding of the SCF(Skp2) (Skp1-Cul1-Rbx1-Skp2) ubiquitin ligase complex. Unlike other known SCF substrates, p27(Kip1) ubiquitination also requires the accessory protein Cks1. The crystal structure of the Skp1-Skp2-Cks1 complex bound to a p27(Kip1) phosphopeptide shows that Cks1 binds to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain and C-terminal tail of Skp2, whereas p27(Kip1) binds to both Cks1 and Skp2. The phosphorylated Thr187 side chain of p27(Kip1) is recognized by a Cks1 phosphate binding site, whereas the side chain of an invariant Glu185 inserts into the interface between Skp2 and Cks1, interacting with both. The structure and biochemical data support the proposed model that Cdk2-cyclin A contributes to the recruitment of p27(Kip1) to the SCF(Skp2)-Cks1 complex
PMID: 16209941
ISSN: 1097-2765
CID: 64214

The acidic tail domain of human Cdc34 is required for p27Kip1 ubiquitination and complementation of a cdc34 temperature sensitive yeast strain

Block, Karen; Appikonda, Srikanth; Lin, Horng-Ru; Bloom, Joanna; Pagano, Michele; Yew, P Renee
Human Cdc34 is an ubiquitin conjugating enzyme or E2 that ubiquitinates substrates including p27(Kip1), IkappaBalpha, Wee1, and MyoD. Cdc34 possesses a core catalytic domain encoding the active site cysteine and an acidic tail domain within the carboxyl terminal 36 amino acids. Studies suggest that Cdc34 is phosphorylated in mammalian cells at 5 potential residues within the tail domain. In order to study the biological significance of the Cdc34 acidic tail domain and the possible significance of phosphorylation within this region, we tested the ability of human Cdc34 mutants to complement the cdc34-2 temperature sensitive (ts) strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our studies indicated that complementation of the cdc34-2 ts strain was critically dependent upon the carboxyl-terminal 36 amino acids of human Cdc34, but did not require phosphorylation of human Cdc34 residues S203, S222, S231, T233, and S236. Further studies demonstrated that although a Cdc34 mutant bearing a deletion of the C-terminal 36 amino acids (Cdc34 1-200) was efficiently charged with ubiquitin by E1, it was severely reduced for the ability to ubiquitinate p27(Kip1) in vitro compared to wildtype Cdc34. Both in vivo and in vitro binding studies indicated that Cdc34 1-200 bound to the E3-SCF components, Cul1 and Roc1, at levels comparable to the wildtype Cdc34. These studies suggest that the 36 amino acid acidic tail domain of human Cdc34 is critical for its ability to transfer ubiquitin to a substrate and is dispensable for the association of Cdc34 with Cul1 and Roc1. We postulate that the tail domain of Cdc34 may be important for its efficient dissociation from Cul1 and Roc1, an essential requirement for ubiquitination by the budding yeast Cdc34p, or it may be required more directly for ubiquitin transfer to the substrate
PMID: 16123592
ISSN: 1551-4005
CID: 64216

Involvement of the SCF complex in the control of Cdh1 degradation in S-phase

Benmaamar, Ramla; Pagano, Michele
The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a multisubunit ubiquitin ligase that acts as a key regulator in the progression through mitosis (when mostly in complex with Cdc20) and as a stabilizer of the G1 phase (when in complex with Cdh1). Cdh1 is an activator of APC/C, and it has previously been reported that it is capable of mediating its own degradation during Go and G1. Herein, we show that the SCF complex (Skp1/Cul1/F-box protein/Roc1) intervenes in the surveillance of Cdh1 cellular abundance in S-phase
PMID: 16123585
ISSN: 1551-4005
CID: 64217

Cdk1: the dominant sibling of Cdk2 [Comment]

Bashir, Tarig; Pagano, Michele
PMID: 16056272
ISSN: 1465-7392
CID: 64218

Skp2, the FoxO1 hunter

Dehan, Elinor; Pagano, Michele
Skp2 is an oncoprotein that mediates the degradation of several negative regulators of the cell cycle to promote cell proliferation. A recent report by Huang and colleagues reveals that Skp2 directs the ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of FoxO1, a member of the FoxO family of transcription factors. Since FoxO proteins possess tumor suppressor functions, this new finding suggests a new mechanism by which Skp2 may favor tumorigenesis
PMID: 15766658
ISSN: 1535-6108
CID: 51787

Experimental tests to definitively determine ubiquitylation of a substrate

Bloom, Joanna; Pagano, Michele
Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is a major pathway of protein degradation that regulates numerous cellular processes. An understanding of the circumstances that contribute to the ubiquitylation of a specific protein can yield vast insight into its regulation. This article examines multiple procedures that explain whether a protein is ubiquitylated and suggests methods to investigate the factors that specifically target the substrate for ubiquitylation, as well as the site of ubiquitin conjugation
PMID: 16338361
ISSN: 0076-6879
CID: 64215