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Neurotrophin survival signaling mechanisms

Chao, Moses V; Lee, Francis S
PMID: 15665417
ISSN: 1387-2877
CID: 55906

A critical role for the stalk domain of p75 neurotrophin receptor during alpha-secretase cleavage [Meeting Abstract]

Zampieri, N; Chao, MV
ISSN: 1059-1524
CID: 50420

Ternary complex with Trk, p75, and an ankyrin-rich membrane spanning protein

Chang, Mi-Sook; Arevalo, Juan Carlos; Chao, Moses V
Neurotrophins play many critical roles in regulating neuronal plasticity, survival, and differentiation in the nervous system. Neurotrophins recognize two different receptors, the Trk receptor tyrosine kinase and the p75 neurotrophin receptor, which are associated closely. Several adaptor proteins are associated with each receptor. An ankyrin-rich membrane spanning protein (ARMS), originally identified as a substrate for protein kinase D (Kidins220) and as a p75 interacting protein, serves as a novel downstream target of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases. Kidins220/ARMS is co-expressed frequently with Trk and p75 and represents the only membrane-associated protein known to interact with both receptors. We report here that a ternary complex can be formed between Trk, p75, and Kidins220/ARMS. The extracellular domains of the TrkA and the p75 receptors are necessary for their association, whereas the juxtamembrane region of p75 was responsible for the interaction with Kidins220/ARMS. Interestingly, increasing the level of Kidins220/ARMS expression resulted in a decreased association of TrkA with p75. These findings thus suggest that Kidins220/ARMS plays an important role in regulating interactions between Trk and p75 neurotrophin receptors
PMID: 15378608
ISSN: 0360-4012
CID: 46461

Transactivation of Trk neurotrophin receptors by G-protein-coupled receptor ligands occurs on intracellular membranes

Rajagopal, Rithwick; Chen, Zhe-Yu; Lee, Francis S; Chao, Moses V
Neurotrophins, such as NGF and BDNF, activate Trk receptor tyrosine kinases through receptor dimerization at the cell surface followed by autophosphorylation and intracellular signaling. It has been shown that activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases can also occur via a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) mechanism, without involvement of neurotrophins. Two GPCR ligands, adenosine and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), can activate Trk receptor activity to increase the survival of neural cells through stimulation of Akt activity. To investigate the mechanism of Trk receptor transactivation, we have examined the localization of Trk receptors in PC12 cells and primary neurons after treatment with adenosine agonists and PACAP. In contrast to neurotrophin treatment, Trk receptors were sensitive to transcriptional and translational inhibitors, and they were found predominantly in intracellular locations particularly associated with Golgi membranes. Biotinylation and immunostaining experiments confirm that most of the transactivated Trk receptors are found in intracellular membranes. These results indicate that there are alternative modes of activating Trk receptor tyrosine kinases in the absence of neurotrophin binding at the cell surface and that receptor signaling may occur and persist inside of neuronal cells
PMID: 15282267
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 48230

A unique pathway for sustained neurotrophin signaling through an ankyrin-rich membrane-spanning protein

Arevalo, Juan Carlos; Yano, Hiroko; Teng, Kenneth K; Chao, Moses V
A major question in cell biology is how molecular specificity is achieved by different growth factor receptors that activate apparently identical signaling events. For the neurotrophin family, a distinguishing feature is the ability to maintain a prolonged duration of signal transduction. However, the mechanisms by which neurotrophin receptors assemble such a sustained signaling complex are not understood. Here we report that an unusual ankyrin-rich transmembrane protein (ARMS+kidins220) is closely associated with Trk receptor tyrosine kinases, and not the EGF receptor. This association requires interactions between transmembrane domains of Trk and ARMS. ARMS is rapidly tyrosine phosphorylated after binding of neurotrophins to Trk receptors and provides a docking site for the CrkL-C3G complex, resulting in Rap1-dependent sustained ERK activation. Accordingly, disruption of Trk-ARMS or the ARMS-CrkL interaction with dominant-negative ARMS mutants, or treatment with small interference RNA against ARMS substantially reduce neurotrophin-elicited signaling to ERK, but without any effect upon Ras or Akt activation. These findings suggest that ARMS acts as a major and neuronal-specific platform for prolonged MAP kinase signaling by neurotrophins
PMID: 15167895
ISSN: 0261-4189
CID: 46151

Structural biology. The p75 NGF receptor exposed [Comment]

Zampieri, Niccolo; Chao, Moses V
PMID: 15131296
ISSN: 1095-9203
CID: 46202

Brain-specific deletion of neuropathy target esterase/swisscheese results in neurodegeneration

Akassoglou, Katerina; Malester, Brian; Xu, Jixiang; Tessarollo, Lino; Rosenbluth, Jack; Chao, Moses V
Neuropathy target esterase (NTE) is a neuronal membrane protein originally identified for its property to be modified by organo-phosphates (OPs), which in humans cause neuropathy characterized by axonal degeneration. Drosophila mutants for the homolog gene of NTE, swisscheese (sws), indicated a possible involvement of sws in the regulation of axon-glial cell interaction during glial wrapping. However, the role of NTE/sws in mammalian brain pathophysiology remains unknown. To investigate NTE function in vivo, we used the cre/loxP site-specific recombination strategy to generate mice with a specific deletion of NTE in neuronal tissues. Here we show that loss of NTE leads to prominent neuronal pathology in the hippocampus and thalamus and also defects in the cerebellum. Absence of NTE resulted in disruption of the endoplasmic reticulum, vacuolation of nerve cell bodies, and abnormal reticular aggregates. Thus, these results identify a physiological role for NTE in the nervous system and indicate that a loss-of-function mechanism may contribute to neurodegenerative diseases characterized by vacuolation and neuronal loss
PMID: 15051870
ISSN: 0027-8424
CID: 46188

The p75NTR-interacting protein SC1 inhibits cell cycle progression by transcriptional repression of cyclin E

Chittka, Alexandra; Arevalo, Juan Carlos; Rodriguez-Guzman, Maria; Perez, Pilar; Chao, Moses V; Sendtner, Michael
Schwann cell factor 1 (SC1), a p75 neurotrophin receptor-interacting protein, is a member of the positive regulatory/suppressor of variegation, enhancer of zeste, trithorax (PR/SET) domain-containing zinc finger protein family, and it has been shown to be regulated by serum and neurotrophins. SC1 shows a differential cytoplasmic and nuclear distribution, and its presence in the nucleus correlates strongly with the absence of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in these nuclei. Here, we investigated potential transcriptional activities of SC1 and analyzed the function of its various domains. We show that SC1 acts as a transcriptional repressor when it is tethered to Gal4 DNA-binding domain. The repressive activity requires a trichostatin A-sensitive histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity, and SC1 is found in a complex with HDACs 1, 2, and 3. Transcriptional repression exerted by SC1 requires the presence of its zinc finger domains and the PR domain. Additionally, these two domains are involved in the efficient block of BrdU incorporation by SC1. The zinc finger domains are also necessary to direct SC1's nuclear localization. Lastly, SC1 represses the promoter of a promitotic gene, cyclin E, suggesting a mechanism for how growth arrest is regulated by SC1
PMID: 15051733
ISSN: 0021-9525
CID: 66612

A novel p75 neurotrophin receptor-related protein, NRH2, regulates nerve growth factor binding to the TrkA receptor

Murray, Simon S; Perez, Pilar; Lee, Ramee; Hempstead, Barbara L; Chao, Moses V
Nerve growth factor (NGF) functions as a ligand for two receptors, the TrkA tyrosine kinase receptor and the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR). The Ig-like domains of Trk receptors and the cysteine-rich repeats of p75NTR are involved in binding to the neurotrophins. Recently, a closely related gene to p75NTR called neurotrophin receptor homolog-2 (NRH2) was identified; however, the function of NRH2 and its relevance to neurotrophin signaling are unclear. NRH2 contains a similar transmembrane and intracellular domain as p75NTR but lacks the characteristic cysteine-rich repeats in the extracellular domain. Here we show that NRH2 is expressed in several neuronal populations that also express p75NTR and Trk receptors. NRH2 does not bind to NGF; however, coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that NRH2 is capable of interacting with TrkA receptors. Coexpression of NRH2 with TrkA receptors resulted in the formation of high-affinity binding sites for NGF. These results indicate that a transmembrane protein related to p75NTR is capable of modulating Trk receptor binding properties
PMID: 15028767
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 46201

Mechanisms of neurotrophin receptor vesicular transport

Yano, Hiroko; Chao, Moses V
Accumulating evidence has indicated that neurotrophin receptor trafficking plays an important role in neurotrophin-mediated signaling in developing as well as mature neurons. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms and the components of neurotrophin receptor vesicular transport. This article will describe how neurotrophin receptors, Trk and p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), are intimately involved in the axonal transport process. In particular, the molecules that may direct Trk receptor trafficking in the axon will be discussed. Finally, potential mechanisms by which receptor-containing vesicles link to molecular cytoskeletal motors will be presented
PMID: 14704956
ISSN: 0022-3034
CID: 42625