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Olive husk: an alternative sorbent for removing heavy metals from aqueous streams

Volpe, Angela; Lopez, Antonio; Pagano, Michele
Sorption properties of olive husk were investigated under equilibrium (batch tests) and dynamic (column tests) conditions in order to assess the possibility of using such a waste material for removing heavy metals from aqueous streams. Husk samples were contacted, at 25 degrees C, with aqueous solutions of nitric salts of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn. Sorption isotherms obtained from equilibrium data were fitted and interpreted by the Freundlich model. Metals-saturated husk samples resulting from column tests were air-dried and incinerated to simulate combustion in order to assess the fate of sorbed metals. The results demonstrated that, under both equilibrium and dynamic conditions, metal sorption capacity of the husk was in the sequence Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn. For all the metals, calculated Freundlich constants decreased by increasing initial metal concentration or decreasing solution pH. In dynamic tests, a significant reduction of sorption capacity was recorded (except for copper) when a metal was fed simultaneously to the others: Pb (77%); Cd (93%); Zn (68%). Combustion tests carried out on metals-saturated husk samples showed that the average losses of lead and cadmium, as volatile species, were always three to four times greater than the losses of copper and zinc, in both single-metal- and multimetal-saturated samples
PMID: 14512634
ISSN: 0273-2289
CID: 64227

Role of the SCFSkp2 ubiquitin ligase in the degradation of p21Cip1 in S phase

Bornstein, Gil; Bloom, Joanna; Sitry-Shevah, Danielle; Nakayama, Keiko; Pagano, Michele; Hershko, Avram
The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Cip1 has important roles in the control of cell proliferation, differentiation, senescence, and apoptosis. It has been observed that p21 is a highly unstable protein, but the mechanisms of its degradation remained unknown. We show here that p21 is a good substrate for an SCF (Skp1-Cullin1-F-box protein) ubiquitin ligase complex, which contains the F-box protein Skp2 (S phase kinase-associated protein 2) and the accessory protein Cks1 (cyclin kinase subunit 1). A similar ubiquitin ligase complex has been previously shown to be involved in the degradation of a related cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p27Kip1. The levels of Skp2 oscillate in the cell cycle, reaching a maximum in S phase. The ubiquitylation of p21 in vitro required the supplementation of all components of the SCF complex as well as of Cks1 and Cdk2-cyclin E. The protein kinase Cdk2-cyclin E acts both by the phosphorylation of p21 on Ser-130 and by the formation of a complex with p21, which is required for its presentation to the ubiquitin ligase. As opposed to the case of p27, the phosphorylation of p21 stimulates its ubiquitylation but is not absolutely required for this process. Levels of p21 are higher in Skp2-/- mouse embryo fibroblasts than in wild-type fibroblasts in the S phase, and the rates of the degradation of p21 are slower in cells that lack Skp2. It is suggested that SCFSkp2 participates in the degradation of p21 in the S phase
PMID: 12730199
ISSN: 0021-9258
CID: 64228

Altered expression of p27 and Skp2 proteins in prostate cancer of African-American patients

Drobnjak, Marija; Melamed, Jonathan; Taneja, Samir; Melzer, Kate; Wieczorek, Rosemary; Levinson, Benjamin; Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, Anne; Polsky, David; Ferrara, Jay; Perez-Soler, Roman; Cordon-Cardo, Carlos; Pagano, Michele; Osman, Iman
PURPOSE: The purpose is to investigate the clinical relevance of altered patterns of p27 and Skp2 expression in African-American patients with localized prostate cancer. The abundance of p27, an inhibitor of cell proliferation, is controlled by Skp2-dependent proteolysis. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A well-characterized cohort of 162 African-Americans who underwent radical prostatectomy at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of New York between 1990 and 2000 was studied. We analyzed p27 and Skp2 expression by immunohistochemistry. Altered expression of p27 (defined as <40% tumor cells expressing the protein) and Skp2 (defined as > or ==' BORDER='0'>20% tumor cells expressing the protein) were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and time to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence. RESULTS: Altered expression of p27 and Skp2 was observed in 112 of 162 (69.1%) and 93 of 162 (57.4%) cases, respectively. Inverse patterns of Skp2 and p27 protein expression were seen in 87 of 162 (53.7%) cases. A marginally significant association was found between Skp2 overexpression and extracapsular extension (P = 0.065). Moreover, patients with Skp2 overexpression had a 2.77 years decreased median time to PSA recurrence compared with patients with low Skp2 expression; however, the difference was not statistically significant. In multivariate analysis, only tumor grade and stage independently predicted PSA recurrence in this cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest a role for Skp2 overexpression in prostate cancer pathogenesis that might not be exclusively related to p27 degradation. More studies are needed to determine the mechanistic role of Skp2 in prostate cancer
PMID: 12855638
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 38153

Control of meiotic and mitotic progression by the F box protein beta-Trcp1 in vivo

Guardavaccaro, Daniele; Kudo, Yasusei; Boulaire, Jerome; Barchi, Marco; Busino, Luca; Donzelli, Maddalena; Margottin-Goguet, Florence; Jackson, Peter K; Yamasaki, Lili; Pagano, Michele
SCF ubiquitin ligases, composed of three major subunits, Skp1, Cul1, and one of many F box proteins (Fbps), control the proteolysis of important cellular regulators. We have inactivated the gene encoding the Fbp beta-Trcp1 in mice. beta-Trcp1(-/-) males show reduced fertility correlating with an accumulation of methaphase I spermatocytes. beta-Trcp1(-/-) MEFs display a lengthened mitosis, centrosome overduplication, multipolar metaphase spindles, and misaligned chromosomes. Furthermore, cyclin A, cyclin B, and Emi1, an inhibitor of the anaphase promoting complex, are stabilized in mitotic beta-Trcp1(-/-) MEFs. Indeed, we demonstrate that Emi1 is a bona fide substrate of beta-Trcp1. In contrast, stabilization of beta-catenin and IkappaBalpha, two previously reported beta-Trcp1 substrates, does not occur in the absence of beta-Trcp1 and instead requires the additional silencing of beta-Trcp2 by siRNA. Thus, beta-Trcp1 regulates the timely order of meiotic and mitotic events
PMID: 12791266
ISSN: 1534-5807
CID: 39205

Deregulated degradation of the cdk inhibitor p27 and malignant transformation

Bloom, Joanna; Pagano, Michele
p27 acts as a critical negative regulator of the cell cycle by inhibiting the activity of cyclin/cdk complexes during G0 and G1. Degradation of p27 is a critical event for the G1/S transition and occurs through ubiquitination by SCF(Skp2) and subsequent degradation by the 26S-proteasome. A tumor suppressing function of p27 has been demonstrated in mouse models and studies of human tumors. More recent evidence suggests that Skp2, the specific recognition factor for p27 ubiquitination, has oncogenic properties. This review will focus on the regulation of p27 proteolysis and its consequences for tumorigenesis
PMID: 12507555
ISSN: 1044-579x
CID: 39340

Novel p27(kip1) C-terminal scatter domain mediates Rac-dependent cell migration independent of cell cycle arrest functions

McAllister, Sandra S; Becker-Hapak, Michelle; Pintucci, Giuseppe; Pagano, Michele; Dowdy, Steven F
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling via its receptor, the proto-oncogene Met, alters cell proliferation and motility and has been associated with tumor metastasis. HGF treatment of HepG2 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells induces cell migration concomitant with increased levels of the p27(kip1) cyclin-cdk inhibitor. HGF signaling resulted in nuclear export of endogenous p27 to the cytoplasm, via Ser-10 phosphorylation, where it colocalized with F-actin. Introduction of transducible p27 protein (TATp27) was sufficient for actin cytoskeletal rearrangement and migration of HepG2 cells. TATp27 mutational analysis identified a novel p27 C-terminal domain required for cell migration, distinct from the N-terminal cyclin-cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) binding domain. Loss or disruption of the p27 C-terminal domain abolished both actin rearrangement and cell migration. The cell-scattering activity of p27 occurred independently of its cell cycle arrest functions and required cytoplasmic localization of p27 via Ser-10 phosphorylation. Furthermore, Rac GTPase was necessary for p27-dependent migration but alone was insufficient for HepG2 cell migration. These results predicted a migration defect in p27-deficient cells. Indeed, p27-deficient primary fibroblasts failed to migrate, and reconstitution with TATp27 rescued the motility defect. These observations define a novel role for p27 in cell motility that is independent of its function in cell cycle inhibition
PMID: 12482975
ISSN: 0270-7306
CID: 64229

Aberrant ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of cell cycle regulatory proteins and oncogenesis

Bashir, Tarig; Pagano, Michele
The ubiquitin pathway plays a central role in the regulation of cell growth and cell proliferation by controlling the abundance of key cell cycle proteins. Increasing evidence indicates that unscheduled proteolysis of many cell cycle regulators contributes significantly to tumorigenesis and is indeed found in many types of human cancers. Aberrant proteolysis with oncogenic potential is elicited by two major mechanisms: defective degradation of positive cell cycle regulators (i.e., proto-oncoproteins) and enhanced degradation of negative cell cycle regulators (i.e., tumor suppressor proteins). In many cases, increased protein stability is a result of mutations in the substrate that prevent the recognition of the protein by the ubiquitin-mediated degradation machinery. Alternatively, the specific recognition proteins mediating ubiquitination (ubiquitin ligases) are not expressed or harbor mutations rendering them inactive. In contrast, the overexpression of a ubiquitin ligase may result in the enhanced degradation of a negative cell cycle regulator. This chapter aims to review the involvement of the ubiquitin pathway in the scheduled destruction of some important cell cycle regulators and to discuss the implications of their aberrant degradation for the development of cancer
PMID: 12665054
ISSN: 0065-230x
CID: 39260

In vivo interference with Skp1 function leads to genetic instability and neoplastic transformation

Piva, Roberto; Liu, Jian; Chiarle, Roberto; Podda, Antonello; Pagano, Michele; Inghirami, Giorgio
Skp1 is involved in a variety of crucial cellular functions, among which the best understood is the formation together with Cul1 of Skp1-cullin-F-box protein ubiquitin ligases. To investigate the role of Skp1, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing a Cul1 deletion mutant (Cul1-N252) able to sequestrate and inactivate Skp1. In vivo interference with Skp1 function through expression of the Cul1-N252 mutant into the T-cell lineage results in lymphoid organ hypoplasia and reduced proliferation. Nonetheless, after a period of latency, Cul1-N252 Tg mice succumb to T-cell lymphomas with high penetrance (>80%). Both T-cell depletion and the neoplastic phenotype of Cul1-N252 Tg mice are largely rescued in Cul1-N252, Skp1 double-Tg mice, indicating that the effects of Cul1-N252 are due to a sequestration of the endogenous Skp1. Analysis of Cul1-N252 lymphomas demonstrates striking karyotype heterogeneity associated with c-myc amplification and c-Myc overexpression. We show that the in vitro expression of the Cul1-N252 mutant causes a pleiotrophic phenotype, which includes the formation of multinucleated cells, centrosome and mitotic spindle abnormalities, and impaired chromosome segregation. Our findings support a crucial role for Skp1 in proper chromosomal segregation, which is required for the maintenance of euploidy and suppression of transformation
PMID: 12417738
ISSN: 0270-7306
CID: 39375

Nutritional characteristics of a rural Southern Italy population: the Ventimiglia di Sicilia Project

Barbagallo, Carlo M; Cavera, Giovanni; Sapienza, Michelangelo; Noto, Davide; Cefalu, Angelo B; Polizzi, Francesco; Onorato, Francesco; Rini, GiovanBattista; Di Fede, Gaetana; Pagano, Michele; Montalto, Giuseppe; Rizzo, Manfredi; Descovich, GianCarlo; Notarbartolo, Alberto; Averna, Maurizio R
OBJECTIVE: Knowledge of alimentary habits among populations permits a better definition of appropriate public health interventions. We designed the epidemiological project 'Ventimiglia di Sicilia' to characterize the risk profile in a rural village with low total cholesterol levels and low early cardiovascular mortality but with a large prevalence of overweight and obesity, which previously have been significantly associated with total mortality. METHODS: 488 individuals of age 20 to 69 years were included in the dietary survey conducted by a seven-day food record. RESULTS: Alimentary habits were characterized by high consumption of total and complex carbohydrates (respectively 52.5 +/- 7.6% and 46.6 +/- 8.2% of daily energy) and by a low cholesterol intake (92.5 +/- 35.0 mg/1000 kcal/day). Fat intake was 34.7 +/- 7.7% of daily energy due to a higher consumption of monounsaturated fats in respect to saturated fats (respectively 20.5 +/- 5.1% and 10.2 +/- 2.9% of daily energy). In particular, in this population there was a large consumption of bread, pasta, fresh vegetables, olive oil and fruits. We also observed an excess of total calories (about 2900 kcal/day in men and 2100 kcal/day in women) not balanced by a high degree of physical activity levels. Furthermore we found a significant higher total and saturated fat consumption in the youngest individuals and in people with higher educational levels. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary habits of Ventimiglia di Sicilia still follow the nutritional characteristics typical of the Mediterranean diet. The high total calorie intake indicates a quantitative more than qualitative problem, which may account the large prevalence of overweight and obesity and may represent a public health issue that needs to be corrected in such a rural population
PMID: 12480797
ISSN: 0731-5724
CID: 64230

Three different binding sites of Cks1 are required for p27-ubiquitin ligation

Sitry, Danielle; Seeliger, Markus A; Ko, Tun K; Ganoth, Dvora; Breward, Sadie E; Itzhaki, Laura S; Pagano, Michele; Hershko, Avram
Previous studies have shown that the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p27(Kip1) is targeted for degradation by an SCF(Skp2) ubiquitin ligase complex and that this process requires Cks1, a member of the highly conserved Suc1/Cks family of cell cycle regulatory proteins. All proteins of this family have Cdk-binding and anion-binding sites, but only mammalian Cks1 binds to Skp2 and promotes the association of Skp2 with p27 phosphorylated on Thr-187. The molecular mechanisms by which Cks1 promotes the interaction of the Skp2 ubiquitin ligase subunit to p27 remained obscure. Here we show that the Skp2-binding site of Cks1 is located on a region including the alpha2- and alpha1-helices and their immediate vicinity, well separated from the other two binding sites. All three binding sites of Cks1 are required for p27-ubiquitin ligation and for the association of Skp2 with Cdk-bound, Thr-187-phosphorylated p27. Cks1 and Skp2 mutually promote the binding of each other to a peptide similar to the 19 C-terminal amino acids of p27 containing phosphorylated Thr-187. This latter process requires the Skp2- and anion-binding sites of Cks1, but not its Cdk-binding site. It is proposed that the Skp2-Cks1 complex binds initially to the C-terminal region of phosphorylated p27 in a process promoted by the anion-binding site of Cks1. The interaction of Skp2 with the substrate is further strengthened by the association of the Cdk-binding site of Cks1 with Cdk2/cyclin E, to which phosphorylated p27 is bound
PMID: 12140288
ISSN: 0021-9258
CID: 64234