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Neighborhood-Level Socioeconomic Status and Prescription Fill Patterns Among Patients With Heart Failure
Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Blecker, Saul; Li, Xiyue; Kronish, Ian M; Chunara, Rumi; Zheng, Yaguang; Lawrence, Steven; Dodson, John A; Kozloff, Sam; Adhikari, Samrachana
IMPORTANCE/UNASSIGNED:Medication nonadherence is common among patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and can lead to increased hospitalization and mortality. Patients living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas may be at greater risk for medication nonadherence due to barriers such as lower access to transportation or pharmacies. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To examine the association between neighborhood-level socioeconomic status (nSES) and medication nonadherence among patients with HFrEF and to assess the mediating roles of access to transportation, walkability, and pharmacy density. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS/UNASSIGNED:This retrospective cohort study was conducted between June 30, 2020, and December 31, 2021, at a large health system based primarily in New York City and surrounding areas. Adult patients with a diagnosis of HF, reduced EF on echocardiogram, and a prescription of at least 1 guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) for HFrEF were included. EXPOSURE/UNASSIGNED:Patient addresses were geocoded, and nSES was calculated using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality SES index, which combines census-tract level measures of poverty, rent burden, unemployment, crowding, home value, and education, with higher values indicating higher nSES. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES/UNASSIGNED:Medication nonadherence was obtained through linkage of health record prescription data with pharmacy fill data and was defined as proportion of days covered (PDC) of less than 80% over 6 months, averaged across GDMT medications. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Among 6247 patients, the mean (SD) age was 73 (14) years, and majority were male (4340 [69.5%]). There were 1011 (16.2%) Black participants, 735 (11.8%) Hispanic/Latinx participants, and 3929 (62.9%) White participants. Patients in lower nSES areas had higher rates of nonadherence, ranging from 51.7% in the lowest quartile (731 of 1086 participants) to 40.0% in the highest quartile (563 of 1086 participants) (P < .001). In adjusted analysis, patients living in the lower 2 nSES quartiles had significantly higher odds of nonadherence when compared with patients living in the highest nSES quartile (quartile 1: odds ratio [OR], 1.57 [95% CI, 1.35-1.83]; quartile 2: OR, 1.35 [95% CI, 1.16-1.56]). No mediation by access to transportation and pharmacy density was found, but a small amount of mediation by neighborhood walkability was observed. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE/UNASSIGNED:In this retrospective cohort study of patients with HFrEF, living in a lower nSES area was associated with higher rates of GDMT nonadherence. These findings highlight the importance of considering neighborhood-level disparities when developing approaches to improve medication adherence.
PMID: 38095897
ISSN: 2574-3805
CID: 5589372
Preoperative Risk Factors for Adverse Events in Adults Undergoing Bowel Resection for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 15-Year Assessment of ACS-NSQIP
Fernandez, Cristina; Gajic, Zoran; Esen, Eren; Remzi, Feza; Hudesman, David; Adhikari, Samrachana; McAdams-DeMarco, Mara; Segev, Dorry L; Chodosh, Joshua; Dodson, John; Shaukat, Aasma; Faye, Adam S
IntroductionOlder adults with IBD are at higher risk for postoperative complications as compared to their younger counterparts, however factors contributing to this are unknown. We assessed risk factors associated with adverse IBD-related surgical outcomes, evaluated trends in emergency surgery, and explored differential risks by age.MethodsUsing the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) database, we identified adults ≥18 years of age who underwent an IBD-related intestinal resection from 2005-2019. Our primary outcome included a 30-day composite of mortality, readmission, reoperation, and/or major postoperative complication.ResultsOverall, 49,746 intestinal resections were performed with 9,390 (18.8%) occurring among older adults with IBD. Nearly 37% of older adults experienced an adverse outcome as compared to 28.1% among younger adults with IBD (p<0.01). Among all adults with IBD, the presence of preoperative sepsis (aOR, 2.08; 95%CI 1.94-2.24), malnutrition (aOR, 1.22; 95%CI 1.14-1.31), dependent functional status (aOR, 6.92; 95%CI 4.36-11.57), and requiring emergency surgery (aOR, 1.50; 95%CI 1.38-1.64) increased the odds of an adverse postoperative outcome, with similar results observed when stratifying by age. Further, 8.8% of surgeries among older adults were emergent, with no change observed over time (p=0.16).DiscussionPreoperative factors contributing to the risk of an adverse surgical outcome are similar between younger and older individuals with IBD, and include elements such as malnutrition and functional status. Incorporating these measures into surgical decision-making can reduce surgical delays in older individuals at low-risk and help target interventions in those at high risk, transforming care for thousands of older adults with IBD.
PMID: 37410929
ISSN: 1572-0241
CID: 5539322
Age and sex differences in the association between neighborhood socioeconomic environment and incident diabetes: Results from the diabetes location, environmental attributes and disparities (LEAD) network
Uddin, Jalal; Zhu, Sha; Adhikari, Samrachana; Nordberg, Cara M; Howell, Carrie R; Malla, Gargya; Judd, Suzanne E; Cherrington, Andrea L; Rummo, Pasquale E; Lopez, Priscilla; Kanchi, Rania; Siegel, Karen; De Silva, Shanika A; Algur, Yasemin; Lovasi, Gina S; Lee, Nora L; Carson, April P; Hirsch, Annemarie G; Thorpe, Lorna E; Long, D Leann
OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:Worse neighborhood socioeconomic environment (NSEE) may contribute to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). We examined whether the relationship between NSEE and T2D differs by sex and age in three study populations. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We conducted a harmonized analysis using data from three independent longitudinal study samples in the US: 1) the Veteran Administration Diabetes Risk (VADR) cohort, 2) the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort, and 3) a case-control study of Geisinger electronic health records in Pennsylvania. We measured NSEE with a z-score sum of six census tract indicators within strata of community type (higher density urban, lower density urban, suburban/small town, and rural). Community type-stratified models evaluated the likelihood of new diagnoses of T2D in each study sample using restricted cubic splines and quartiles of NSEE. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Across study samples, worse NSEE was associated with higher risk of T2D. We observed significant effect modification by sex and age, though evidence of effect modification varied by site and community type. Largely, stronger associations between worse NSEE and diabetes risk were found among women relative to men and among those less than age 45 in the VADR cohort. Similar modification by age group results were observed in the Geisinger sample in small town/suburban communities only and similar modification by sex was observed in REGARDS in lower density urban communities. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:The impact of NSEE on T2D risk may differ for males and females and by age group within different community types.
PMID: 38021462
ISSN: 2352-8273
CID: 5617172
Demographic, social and geographic factors associated with glycaemic control among US Veterans with new onset type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study
Lee, David C; Orstad, Stephanie L; Kanchi, Rania; Adhikari, Samrachana; Rummo, Pasquale E; Titus, Andrea R; Aleman, Jose O; Elbel, Brian; Thorpe, Lorna E; Schwartz, Mark D
OBJECTIVES:This study evaluated whether a range of demographic, social and geographic factors had an influence on glycaemic control longitudinally after an initial diagnosis of diabetes. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS:We used the US Veterans Administration Diabetes Risk national cohort to track glycaemic control among patients 20-79-year old with a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. PRIMARY OUTCOME AND METHODS:We modelled associations between glycaemic control at follow-up clinical assessments and geographic factors including neighbourhood race/ethnicity, socioeconomic, land use and food environment measures. We also adjusted for individual demographics, comorbidities, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) at diagnosis and duration of follow-up. These factors were analysed within strata of community type: high-density urban, low-density urban, suburban/small town and rural areas. RESULTS:We analysed 246 079 Veterans who developed a new type 2 diabetes diagnosis in 2008-2018 and had at least 2 years of follow-up data available. Across all community types, we found that lower baseline HbA1c and female sex were strongly associated with a higher likelihood of within-range HbA1c at follow-up. Surprisingly, patients who were older or had more documented comorbidities were more likely to have within-range follow-up HbA1c results. While there was variation by community type, none of the geographic measures analysed consistently demonstrated significant associations with glycaemic control across all community types.
PMID: 37832984
ISSN: 2044-6055
CID: 5604382
Paradoxical Effects of Depression on Psoriatic Arthritis Outcomes in a Combined Psoriasis-Psoriatic Arthritis Center
Haberman, Rebecca H; Um, Seungha; Catron, Sydney; Chen, Alan; Lydon, Eileen; Attur, Malavikalakshmi; Neimann, Andrea L; Reddy, Soumya; Troxel, Andrea; Adhikari, Samrachana; Scher, Jose U
BACKGROUD/UNASSIGNED:Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic, inflammatory arthritis that, when left untreated, can lead to erosions, deformities and decrease in quality of life. PsA is known to be associated with multiple comorbidities, including cardiovascular, metabolic and mental health syndromes, all of which can increase its overall morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To characterize a cohort of patients with PsA and understand the impact of depression on PsA outcome measures. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:527 consecutive patients with PsA were enrolled in an observational, longitudinal registry that followed them prospectively at standard of care visits. Demographics, medical history, medication use, and clinical exam were all recorded. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Depression was reported in 22.8% of the population, anxiety in 18%, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in 4%. Depression was more common in female participants (P < .001). At baseline, individuals with PsA and concomitant depression had similar tender and swollen joint counts and RAPID3 compared to those without depression, and had lower body surface area affected by psoriasis (P = .04). At year one, all patients had improvement in clinical outcomes. However, patients with depression had a significantly higher tender joint count compared to those without depression (P = .001), despite similar swollen joint count and body surface area. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:In patients with depression, there is a discrepancy between improvement in physician assessed measures and patient reported outcomes. These observations underscore the importance of addressing depression and psychological distress as part of PsA treatment outcomes and points towards the need to address residual pain through co-adjuvant approaches.
PMID: 38188536
ISSN: 2475-5303
CID: 5755232
Disparities in routine healthcare utilization disruptions during COVID-19 pandemic among veterans with type 2 diabetes
Adhikari, Samrachana; Titus, Andrea R; Baum, Aaron; Lopez, Priscilla; Kanchi, Rania; Orstad, Stephanie L; Elbel, Brian; Lee, David C; Thorpe, Lorna E; Schwartz, Mark D
BACKGROUND:While emerging studies suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in routine healthcare utilization, the full impact of the pandemic on healthcare utilization among diverse group of patients with type 2 diabetes is unclear. The purpose of this study is to examine trends in healthcare utilization, including in-person and telehealth visits, among U.S. veterans with type 2 diabetes before, during and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, by demographics, pre-pandemic glycemic control, and geographic region. METHODS:We longitudinally examined healthcare utilization in a large national cohort of veterans with new diabetes diagnoses between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2018. The analytic sample was 733,006 veterans with recently-diagnosed diabetes, at least 1 encounter with veterans administration between March 2018-2020, and followed through March 2021. Monthly rates of glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) measurements, in-person and telehealth outpatient visits, and prescription fills for diabetes and hypertension medications were compared before and after March 2020 using interrupted time-series design. Log-linear regression model was used for statistical analysis. Secular trends were modeled with penalized cubic splines. RESULTS:In the initial 3 months after the pandemic onset, we observed large reductions in monthly rates of HbA1c measurements, from 130 (95%CI,110-140) to 50 (95%CI,30-80) per 1000 veterans, and in-person outpatient visits, from 1830 (95%CI,1640-2040) to 810 (95%CI,710-930) per 1000 veterans. However, monthly rates of telehealth visits doubled between March 2020-2021 from 330 (95%CI,310-350) to 770 (95%CI,720-820) per 1000 veterans. This pattern of increases in telehealth utilization varied by community type, with lowest increase in rural areas, and by race/ethnicity, with highest increase among non-hispanic Black veterans. Combined in-person and telehealth outpatient visits rebounded to pre-pandemic levels after 3 months. Despite notable changes in HbA1c measurements and visits during that initial window, we observed no changes in prescription fills rates. CONCLUSIONS:Healthcare utilization among veterans with diabetes was substantially disrupted at the onset of the pandemic, but rebounded after 3 months. There was disparity in uptake of telehealth visits by geography and race/ethnicity.
PMID: 36647113
ISSN: 1472-6963
CID: 5410652
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene ( IL1RN ) variants modulate the cytokine release syndrome and mortality of SARS-CoV-2
Attur, Mukundan; Petrilli, Christopher; Adhikari, Samrachana; Iturrate, Eduardo; Li, Xiyue; Tuminello, Stephanie; Hu, Nan; Chakravarti, Aravinda; Beck, David; Abramson, Steven B
OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:, the gene encoding the anti-inflammatory IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), on the cytokine release syndrome and mortality. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:gene were assessed for association with laboratory markers of the cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and mortality. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:rs419598 CC SNV exhibited lower inflammatory biomarker levels, and was associated with reduced mortality compared to the CT/TT genotype in men (OR 0.49 (0.23 - 1.00); 0.052), with the most pronounced effect observed between the ages of 55-74 [5.5% vs. 18.4%, p<0.001]. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:modulates the COVID-19 cytokine release syndrome via endogenous " anti-inflammatory" mechanisms. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT/UNASSIGNED:merits further evaluation in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.
PMID: 36711766
CID: 5602052
Applied machine learning to identify differential risk groups underlying externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors trajectories: A case study using a cohort of Asian American children
Adhikari, Samrachana; You, Shiying; Chen, Alan; Cheng, Sabrina; Huang, Keng-Yen
BACKGROUND:Internalizing and externalizing problems account for over 75% of the mental health burden in children and adolescents in the US, with higher burden among minority children. While complex interactions of multilevel factors are associated with these outcomes and may enable early identification of children in higher risk, prior research has been limited by data and application of traditional analysis methods. In this case example focused on Asian American children, we address the gap by applying data-driven statistical and machine learning methods to study clusters of mental health trajectories among children, investigate optimal predictions of children at high-risk cluster, and identify key early predictors. METHODS:Data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study 2010-2011 were used. Multilevel information provided by children, families, teachers, schools, and care-providers were considered as predictors. Unsupervised machine learning algorithm was applied to identify groups of internalizing and externalizing problems trajectories. For prediction of high-risk group, ensemble algorithm, Superlearner, was implemented by combining several supervised machine learning algorithms. Performance of Superlearner and candidate algorithms, including logistic regression, was assessed using discrimination and calibration metrics via crossvalidation. Variable importance measures along with partial dependence plots were utilized to rank and visualize key predictors. FINDINGS/RESULTS:We found two clusters suggesting high- and low-risk groups for both externalizing and internalizing problems trajectories. While Superlearner had overall best discrimination performance, logistic regression had comparable performance for externalizing problems but worse for internalizing problems. Predictions from logistic regression were not well calibrated compared to those from Superlearner, however they were still better than few candidate algorithms. Important predictors identified were combination of test scores, child factors, teacher rated scores, and contextual factors, which showed non-linear associations with predicted probabilities. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrated the application of data-driven analytical approach to predict mental health outcomes among Asian American children. Findings from the cluster analysis can inform critical age for early intervention, while prediction analysis has potential to inform intervention programing prioritization decisions. However, to better understand external validity, replicability, and value of machine learning in broader mental health research, more studies applying similar analytical approach is needed.
PMID: 36867610
ISSN: 1932-6203
CID: 5448552
A Type II hybrid effectiveness-implementation study of an integrated CHW intervention to address maternal healthcare in rural Nepal
Tiwari, Aparna; Thapa, Aradhana; Choudhury, Nandini; Khatri, Rekha; Sapkota, Sabitri; Wu, Wan-Ju; Halliday, Scott; Citrin, David; Schwarz, Ryan; Maru, Duncan; Rayamazi, Hari Jung; Paudel, Rashmi; Bhatt, Laxman Datt; Bhandari, Ved; Marasini, Nutan; Khadka, Sonu; Bogati, Bhawana; Saud, Sita; Kshetri, Yashoda Kumari Bhat; Bhatta, Aasha; Magar, Kshitiz Rana; Shrestha, Ramesh; Kafle, Ranjana; Poudel, Roshan; Gautam, Samiksha; Basnett, Indira; Shrestha, Goma Niroula; Nirola, Isha; Adhikari, Samrachana; Thapa, Poshan; Kunwar, Lal; Maru, Sheela
Skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum is essential to prevent adverse maternal health outcomes, yet utilization of care remains low in many resource-limited countries, including Nepal. Community health workers (CHWs) can mitigate health system challenges and geographical barriers to achieving universal health coverage. Gaps remain, however, in understanding whether evidence-based interventions delivered by CHWs, closely aligned with WHO recommendations, are effective in Nepal's context. We conducted a type II hybrid effectiveness-implementation, mixed-methods study in two rural districts in Nepal to evaluate the effectiveness and the implementation of an evidence-based integrated maternal and child health intervention delivered by CHWs, using a mobile application. The intervention was implemented stepwise over four years (2014-2018), with 65 CHWs enrolling 30,785 families. We performed a mixed-effects Poisson regression to assess institutional birth rate (IBR) pre-and post-intervention. We used the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance framework to evaluate the implementation during and after the study completion. There was an average 30% increase in IBR post-intervention, adjusting for confounding variables (p<0.0001). Study enrollment showed 35% of families identified as dalit, janjati, or other castes. About 78-89% of postpartum women received at least one CHW-counseled home visit within 60 days of childbirth. Ten (53% of planned) municipalities adopted the intervention during the study period. Implementation fidelity, measured by median counseled home visits, improved with intervention time. The intervention was institutionalized beyond the study period and expanded to four additional hubs, albeit with adjustments in management and supervision. Mechanisms of intervention impact include increased knowledge, timely referrals, and longitudinal CHW interaction. Full-time, supervised, and trained CHWs delivering evidence-based integrated care appears to be effective in improving maternal healthcare in rural Nepal. This study contributes to the growing body of evidence on the role of community health workers in achieving universal health coverage.
PMID: 36963046
ISSN: 2767-3375
CID: 5740482
Association Between Copayment Amount and Filling of Medications for Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitors in Patients With Heart Failure
Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Adhikari, Samrachana; Li, Xiyue; Dodson, John A; Kronish, Ian M; Shah, Binita; Ramatowski, Maggie; Chunara, Rumi; Kozloff, Sam; Blecker, Saul
Background Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI) reduce mortality and hospitalization for patients with heart failure. However, relatively high copayments for ARNI may contribute to suboptimal adherence, thus potentially limiting their benefits. Methods and Results We conducted a retrospective cohort study within a large, multi-site health system. We included patients with: ARNI prescription between November 20, 2020 and June 30, 2021; diagnosis of heart failure or left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%; and available pharmacy or pharmacy benefit manager copayment data. The primary exposure was copayment, categorized as $0, $0.01 to $10, $10.01 to $100, and >$100. The primary outcome was prescription fill nonadherence, defined as the proportion of days covered <80% over 6 months. We assessed the association between copayment and nonadherence using multivariable logistic regression, and nonbinarized proportion of days covered using multivariable Poisson regression, adjusting for demographic, clinical, and neighborhood-level covariates. A total of 921 patients met inclusion criteria, with 192 (20.8%) having $0 copayment, 228 (24.8%) with $0.01 to $10 copayment, 206 (22.4%) with $10.01 to $100, and 295 (32.0%) with >$100. Patients with higher copayments had higher rates of nonadherence, ranging from 17.2% for $0 copayment to 34.2% for copayment >$100 (P<0.001). After multivariable adjustment, odds of nonadherence were significantly higher for copayment of $10.01 to $100 (odds ratio [OR], 1.93 [95% CI, 1.15-3.27], P=0.01) or >$100 (OR, 2.58 [95% CI, 1.63-4.18], P<0.001), as compared with $0 copayment. Similar associations were seen when assessing proportion of days covered as a proportion. Conclusions We found higher rates of not filling ARNI prescriptions among patients with higher copayments, which persisted after multivariable adjustment. Our findings support future studies to assess whether reducing copayments can increase adherence to ARNI and improve outcomes for heart failure.
PMID: 36453634
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5374072