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Saturation behavior of ascites tumor cell chloride exchange in the presence of gluconate
Aull F
Steady state Cl- flux across the Ehrlich mouse ascites cell membrane was studied when gluconate replaced Cl- in the external medium. Saturation behavior was observed; K 1/2 was 23.9 mM Cl- and V was 758 micromol.g-1 dry weight.h-1. The cells lost K+, Cl- and H2O, consistent with relative impermeability to gluconate, and the Cl- efflux rate coefficient was elevated. The results indicate that a major portion of Cl- exchange occurs as a membrane transport process and suggest that the process is sensitive to intracellular Cl- levels
PMID: 486458
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 19703
Chloride self exchange in Ehrlich ascites cells. Inhibition by furosemide and 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid
Aull F; Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD
The effects of furosemide and 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS) on steady-state Cl- flux were studied in Ehrlich mouse ascites cells. At 10 mM, furosemide inhibited isotopically-determined Cl- flux by 86% without changing cell Cl- content, indicating that influx and efflux were depressed by the same amount. These results suggest that at least 86% of the steady-state Cl- flux may occur as a one for one exchange. Half of the inhibitory effect was not reversed by vigorous washing with albumin-Ringer. A smaller portion of steady-state Cl- flux was inhibited by SITS. The maximum effect of SITS was reached near 0.6 mM; at this concentration Cl- flux was reduced by 37% without an alteration in cell Cl- content. Possible competition of environment Cl- and SITS was investigated by replacing environment Cl- with acetate or NO3. These anions reduced the efficacy of SITS because they depressed cell Cl- turnover themselves, apparently acting on the same exchange process
PMID: 921986
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 18947
Nature of lectin-induced alteration of potassium transfer in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells
Aull F; Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD
The way in which the lectins concanavalin A (Con A) and Ricinus communis agglutinin (Ricin) alter the K+ content of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was investigated. Unidrectional and net fluxes were determined in unwashed cells during a time course following lectin addition. Total influx, ouabain sensitive influx, Mg++- and Na+-K+-ATPase activity were all unaffected. Cell ATP content was normal for at least 19 minutes after exposure to Con A. Early after contact with Ricin or Con A efflux was stimulated 2-3-fold, resulting in net K+ loss, but after 20 minutes efflux had returned to normal. Ricin and Con A acted similarly although Ricin was present at only 1/50 the concentration of Con A. When the findings are evaluated together with previous work it is suggested that a particular membrane glycoprotein may be concerned in the efflux alteration observed
PMID: 137911
ISSN: 0021-9541
CID: 18951
Aull, F; Nachbar, MS; Oppenheim, JD
ISSN: 0091-7419
CID: 29576
Interactions of lectins with plasma membrane glycoproteins of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell
Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD; Aull F
Several aspects of the interaction of various lectins with the surface of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells are described. The order of agglutinating activity for various lectins is Ricinus communis greater than wheat germ greater than or equal to concanavalin A greater than or equal to soybean greater than Limulus polyphemus. No agglutination was noted for Ulex europaeus. Using 125I-labeled lectins it was determined that there are 1.6 and 7 times as many Ricinus communis lectin binding sites for concanavalin A and soybean lectins. Sodium deoxycholate-solubilized plasma membrane material was subjected to lectin affinity chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The lectin receptors of the plasma membrane appeared to be heterogeneous and some qualitative differences could be discerned among the electrophoretically analyzed material, which bound to and was specifically eluted from the various lectin affinity columns. The characteristics of elution of bound material from individual lectin columns indicated secondary hydrophobic interactions between concanavalin A or wheat germ agglutinin and their respective lectin receptor molecules
PMID: 174730
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 18952
Aull, F; Nachbar, MS; Oppenheim, JD
ISSN: 0014-9446
CID: 29495
Cell surface contributions to the malignant process
Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD; Aull F
PMID: 4374086
ISSN: 0002-9629
CID: 18954
Purification of a hemagglutinin from Limulus polyphemus by affinity chromatography
Oppenheim JD; Nachbar MS; Salton MR; Aull F
PMID: 4209403
ISSN: 0006-291x
CID: 18955
Concanavalin A-induced alterations in sodium and potassium content of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells
Aull F; Nachbar MS
PMID: 4856654
ISSN: 0021-9541
CID: 18956
The effect of external anions on steady-state chloride exchange across ascites tumour cells
Aull F
PMID: 5016371
ISSN: 0022-3751
CID: 19704