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Motor cortex stimulation for enhancement of recovery after stroke: case report [Case Report]

Brown, Jeffrey A; Lutsep, Helmi; Cramer, Steven C; Weinand, Martin
We present a case report of a 65-year-old patient who had a subcortical infarct and a right spastic hemiparesis that occurred 19 months before being treated with an investigational therapy consisting of low frequency subthreshold epidural motor cortex electrical stimulation delivered during structured occupational therapy repeated daily for three weeks. Before treatment the patient's affected arm rested in a flexion posture and he was unable to flex or extend the fingers. After three weeks of treatment, the resting tone of his arm had improved and he was able to grasp a pen and write letters. The Fugl-Meyer motor scale score improved from 36 to 46 and this improvement was sustained for four weeks after the conclusion of rehabilitation therapy. This is the first patient to be entered into a randomized clinical feasibility and safety study assessing functional improvement in stroke patients treated with epidural cortical stimulation concurrent with occupational therapy (an investigational therapy).
PMID: 14669524
ISSN: 0161-6412
CID: 5013052

Mapping individual brains to guide restorative therapy after stroke: rationale and pilot studies

Cramer, Steven C; Benson, Randall R; Burra, Vijaya C; Himes, David; Crafton, Kit R; Janowsky, Jeri S; Brown, Jeffrey A; Lutsep, Helmi L
Some treatments under development to improve motor outcome after stroke require information about organization of individual subject's brain. The current study aimed to characterize normal inter-subject differences in localization of motor functions, and to consider these findings in relation to a potential treatment of motor deficits after stroke. Functional MRI (fMRI) scanning in 14 subjects examined right index finger tapping, shoulder rotation, or facial movement. The largest activation cluster in left sensorimotor cortex was identified for each task, and its center expressed in Talairach stereotaxic coordinates. Across subjects, each task showed considerable variability in activation site coordinates. For example, during finger tapping, the range for center of activation was 7 mm in the x-axis, 19 mm in the y-axis, and 11 mm in the z-axis. The mean value for center of activation was significantly different for all three coordinates for all pairwise task comparisons. However, the distribution of activation site centers for the finger task overlapped with the other two tasks in the x- and y-axes, and with the shoulder task in the z-axis. On average, the center of activation for the three motor tasks were spatially separated and somatotopically distributed. However, across the population, there was considerable overlap in the center of activation site, especially for finger and shoulder movements. Restorative therapies that aim to target specific body segments, such as the hand, in the post-stroke motor system may need to map the individual brain rather than rely on population averages. Initial details are presented of a study using this approach to evaluate such a therapy.
PMID: 14669523
ISSN: 0161-6412
CID: 5013042

Motor cortex stimulation for central and neuropathic pain: current status

Brown, Jeffrey A; Barbaro, Nicholas M
PMID: 12927615
ISSN: 0304-3959
CID: 5013032