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Role of Ring6 in the function of the E. coli MCE protein LetB

Vieni, Casey; Coudray, Nicolas; Isom, Georgia L; Bhabha, Gira; Ekiert, Damian C
LetB is a tunnel-forming protein found in the cell envelope of some double-membraned bacteria, and is thought to be important for the transport of lipids between the inner and outer membranes. In Escherichia coli the LetB tunnel is formed from a stack of seven rings (Ring1 - Ring7), in which each ring is composed of a homo-hexameric assembly of MCE domains. The primary sequence of each MCE domain of the LetB protein is substantially divergent from the others, making each MCE ring unique in nature. The role of each MCE domain and how it contributes to the function of LetB is not well understood. Here we probed the importance of each MCE ring for the function of LetB, using a combination of bacterial growth assays and cryo-EM. Surprisingly, we find that ΔRing3 and ΔRing6 mutants, in which Ring3 and Ring6 have been deleted, confer increased resistance to membrane perturbing agents. Specific mutations in the pore-lining loops of Ring6 similarly confer increased resistance. A cryo-EM structure of the ΔRing6 mutant shows that despite the absence of Ring6, which leads to a shorter assembly, the overall architecture is maintained, highlighting the modular nature of MCE proteins. Previous work has shown that Ring6 is dynamic and in its closed state, may restrict the passage of substrate through the tunnel. Our work suggests that removal of Ring6 may relieve this restriction. The deletion of Ring6 combined with mutations in the pore-lining loops leads to a model for the tunnel gating mechanism of LetB. Together, these results provide insight into the functional roles of individual MCE domains and pore-lining loops in the LetB protein.
PMID: 35077766
ISSN: 1089-8638
CID: 5154422

Mechanics of Microsporidian Polar Tube Firing

Jaroenlak, Pattana; Usmani, Mahrukh; Ekiert, Damian C; Bhabha, Gira
As obligate intracellular parasites with reduced genomes, microsporidia must infect host cells in order to replicate and cause disease. They can initiate infection by utilizing a harpoon-like invasion organelle called the polar tube (PT). The PT is both visually and functionally a striking organelle and is a characteristic feature of the microsporidian phylum. Outside the host, microsporidia exist as transmissible, single-celled spores. Inside each spore, the PT is arranged as a tight coil. Upon germination, the PT undergoes a large conformational change into a long, linear tube and acts as a tunnel for the delivery of infectious cargo from the spore to a host cell. The firing process is extremely rapid, occurring on a millisecond timescale, and the emergent tube may be as long as 20 times the size of the spore body. In this chapter, we discuss what is known about the structure of the PT, the mechanics of the PT firing process, and how it enables movement of material from the spore body.
PMID: 35544005
ISSN: 1664-431x
CID: 5214442

Targeting allostery in the Dynein motor domain with small molecule inhibitors

Santarossa, Cristina C; Mickolajczyk, Keith J; Steinman, Jonathan B; Urnavicius, Linas; Chen, Nan; Hirata, Yasuhiro; Fukase, Yoshiyuki; Coudray, Nicolas; Ekiert, Damian C; Bhabha, Gira; Kapoor, Tarun M
Cytoplasmic dyneins are AAA (ATPase associated with diverse cellular activities) motor proteins responsible for microtubule minus-end-directed intracellular transport. Dynein's unusually large size, four distinct nucleotide-binding sites, and conformational dynamics pose challenges for the design of potent and selective chemical inhibitors. Here we use structural approaches to develop a model for the inhibition of a well-characterized S. cerevisiae dynein construct by pyrazolo-pyrimidinone-based compounds. These data, along with functional assays of dynein motility and mutagenesis studies, suggest that the compounds inhibit dynein by engaging the regulatory ATPase sites in the AAA3 and AAA4 domains, and not by interacting with dynein's main catalytic site in the AAA1 domain. A double Walker B mutation of the AAA3 and AAA4 sites substantially reduces enzyme activity, suggesting that targeting these regulatory domains is sufficient to inhibit dynein. Our findings reveal how chemical inhibitors can be designed to disrupt allosteric communication across dynein's AAA domains.
PMID: 34015309
ISSN: 2451-9448
CID: 4877532

Genetic variation of staphylococcal LukAB toxin determines receptor tropism

Perelman, Sofya S; James, David B A; Boguslawski, Kristina M; Nelson, Chase W; Ilmain, Juliana K; Zwack, Erin E; Prescott, Rachel A; Mohamed, Adil; Tam, Kayan; Chan, Rita; Narechania, Apurva; Pawline, Miranda B; Vozhilla, Nikollaq; Moustafa, Ahmed M; Kim, Sang Y; Dittmann, Meike; Ekiert, Damian C; Bhabha, Gira; Shopsin, Bo; Planet, Paul J; Koralov, Sergei B; Torres, Victor J
Staphylococcus aureus has evolved into diverse lineages, known as clonal complexes (CCs), which exhibit differences in the coding sequences of core virulence factors. Whether these alterations affect functionality is poorly understood. Here, we studied the highly polymorphic pore-forming toxin LukAB. We discovered that the LukAB toxin variants produced by S. aureus CC30 and CC45 kill human phagocytes regardless of whether CD11b, the previously established LukAB receptor, is present, and instead target the human hydrogen voltage-gated channel 1 (HVCN1). Biochemical studies identified the domain within human HVCN1 that drives LukAB species specificity, enabling the generation of humanized HVCN1 mice with enhanced susceptibility to CC30 LukAB and to bloodstream infection caused by CC30 S. aureus strains. Together, this work advances our understanding of an important S. aureus toxin and underscores the importance of considering genetic variation in characterizing virulence factors and understanding the tug of war between pathogens and the host.
PMID: 33875847
ISSN: 2058-5276
CID: 4846982

Design of multi-scale protein complexes by hierarchical building block fusion

Hsia, Yang; Mout, Rubul; Sheffler, William; Edman, Natasha I; Vulovic, Ivan; Park, Young-Jun; Redler, Rachel L; Bick, Matthew J; Bera, Asim K; Courbet, Alexis; Kang, Alex; Brunette, T J; Nattermann, Una; Tsai, Evelyn; Saleem, Ayesha; Chow, Cameron M; Ekiert, Damian; Bhabha, Gira; Veesler, David; Baker, David
A systematic and robust approach to generating complex protein nanomaterials would have broad utility. We develop a hierarchical approach to designing multi-component protein assemblies from two classes of modular building blocks: designed helical repeat proteins (DHRs) and helical bundle oligomers (HBs). We first rigidly fuse DHRs to HBs to generate a large library of oligomeric building blocks. We then generate assemblies with cyclic, dihedral, and point group symmetries from these building blocks using architecture guided rigid helical fusion with new software named WORMS. X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy characterization show that the hierarchical design approach can accurately generate a wide range of assemblies, including a 43 nm diameter icosahedral nanocage. The computational methods and building block sets described here provide a very general route to de novo designed protein nanomaterials.
PMID: 33863889
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 4858772

Affinity maturation is required for pathogenic monovalent IgG4 autoantibody development in myasthenia gravis

Fichtner, Miriam L; Vieni, Casey; Redler, Rachel L; Kolich, Ljuvica; Jiang, Ruoyi; Takata, Kazushiro; Stathopoulos, Panos; Suarez, Pablo A; Nowak, Richard J; Burden, Steven J; Ekiert, Damian C; O'Connor, Kevin C
Pathogenic muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK)-specific IgG4 autoantibodies in autoimmune myasthenia gravis (MG) are functionally monovalent as a result of Fab-arm exchange. The development of these unique autoantibodies is not well understood. We examined MG patient-derived monoclonal autoantibodies (mAbs), their corresponding germline-encoded unmutated common ancestors (UCAs), and monovalent antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) to investigate how affinity maturation contributes to binding and immunopathology. Mature mAbs, UCA mAbs, and mature monovalent Fabs bound to MuSK and demonstrated pathogenic capacity. However, monovalent UCA Fabs bound to MuSK but did not have measurable pathogenic capacity. Affinity of the UCA Fabs for MuSK was 100-fold lower than the subnanomolar affinity of the mature Fabs. Crystal structures of two Fabs revealed how mutations acquired during affinity maturation may contribute to increased MuSK-binding affinity. These findings indicate that the autoantigen drives autoimmunity in MuSK MG through the accumulation of somatic mutations such that monovalent IgG4 Fab-arm-exchanged autoantibodies reach a high-affinity threshold required for pathogenic capacity.
PMID: 32820331
ISSN: 1540-9538
CID: 4567342

Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters

Thomas, Christoph; Aller, Stephen G; Beis, Konstantinos; Carpenter, Elisabeth P; Chang, Geoffrey; Chen, Lei; Dassa, Elie; Dean, Michel; Duong Van Hoa, Franck; Ekiert, Damian; Ford, Robert; Gaudet, Rachelle; Gong, Xin; Holland, I Barry; Huang, Yihua; Kahne, Daniel K; Kato, Hiroaki; Koronakis, Vassilis; Koth, Christopher M; Lee, Youngsook; Lewinson, Oded; Lill, Roland; Martinoia, Enrico; Murakami, Satoshi; Pinket, Heather W; Poolman, Bert; Rosenbaum, Daniel; Sarkadi, Balazs; Schmitt, Lutz; Schneider, Erwin; Shi, Yigong; Shyng, Show-Ling; Slotboom, Dirk J; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Tieleman, D Peter; Ueda, Kazumitsu; Váradi, András; Wen, Po-Chao; Yan, Nieng; Zhang, Peng; Zheng, Hongjin; Zimmer, Jochen; Tampé, Robert
Members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily translocate a broad spectrum of chemically diverse substrates. While their eponymous ATP-binding cassette in the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) is highly conserved, their transmembrane domains (TMDs) forming the translocation pathway exhibit distinct folds and topologies, suggesting that during evolution, the ancient motor domains were combined with different transmembrane mechanical systems to orchestrate a variety of cellular processes. In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that the distinct TMD folds are best suited to categorize the multitude of ABC transporters. We therefore propose a new ABC transporter classification that currently comprises seven different types based on structural homology in the TMDs.
PMID: 32978974
ISSN: 1873-3468
CID: 4624642

Structure of bacterial phospholipid transporter MlaFEDB with substrate bound

Coudray, Nicolas; Isom, Georgia L; MacRae, Mark R; Saiduddin, Mariyah N; Bhabha, Gira; Ekiert, Damian C
In double-membraned bacteria, phospholipid transport across the cell envelope is critical to maintain the outer membrane barrier, which plays a key role in virulence and antibiotic resistance. An MCE transport system called Mla has been implicated in phospholipid trafficking and outer membrane integrity, and includes an ABC transporter, MlaFEDB. The transmembrane subunit, MlaE, has minimal sequence similarity to other transporters, and the structure of the entire inner-membrane MlaFEDB complex remains unknown. Here we report the cryo-EM structure of MlaFEDB at 3.05 Ã… resolution, revealing distant relationships to the LPS and MacAB transporters, as well as the eukaryotic ABCA/ABCG families. A continuous transport pathway extends from the MlaE substrate-binding site, through the channel of MlaD, and into the periplasm. Unexpectedly, two phospholipids are bound to MlaFEDB, suggesting that multiple lipid substrates may be transported each cycle. Our structure provides mechanistic insight into substrate recognition and transport by MlaFEDB.
PMID: 33236984
ISSN: 2050-084x
CID: 4680732

3-Dimensional organization and dynamics of the microsporidian polar tube invasion machinery

Jaroenlak, Pattana; Cammer, Michael; Davydov, Alina; Sall, Joseph; Usmani, Mahrukh; Liang, Feng-Xia; Ekiert, Damian C; Bhabha, Gira
Microsporidia, a divergent group of single-celled eukaryotic parasites, harness a specialized harpoon-like invasion apparatus called the polar tube (PT) to gain entry into host cells. The PT is tightly coiled within the transmissible extracellular spore, and is about 20 times the length of the spore. Once triggered, the PT is rapidly ejected and is thought to penetrate the host cell, acting as a conduit for the transfer of infectious cargo into the host. The organization of this specialized infection apparatus in the spore, how it is deployed, and how the nucleus and other large cargo are transported through the narrow PT are not well understood. Here we use serial block-face scanning electron microscopy to reveal the 3-dimensional architecture of the PT and its relative spatial orientation to other organelles within the spore. Using high-speed optical microscopy, we also capture and quantify the entire PT germination process of three human-infecting microsporidia species in vitro: Anncaliia algerae, Encephalitozoon hellem and E. intestinalis. Our results show that the emerging PT experiences very high accelerating forces to reach velocities exceeding 300 μm⋅s-1, and that firing kinetics differ markedly between species. Live-cell imaging reveals that the nucleus, which is at least 7 times larger than the diameter of the PT, undergoes extreme deformation to fit through the narrow tube, and moves at speeds comparable to PT extension. Our study sheds new light on the 3-dimensional organization, dynamics, and mechanism of PT extrusion, and shows how infectious cargo moves through the tube to initiate infection.
PMID: 32946515
ISSN: 1553-7374
CID: 4593522

Structure of MlaFB uncovers novel mechanisms of ABC transporter regulation

Kolich, Ljuvica R; Chang, Ya-Ting; Coudray, Nicolas; Giacometti, Sabrina I; MacRae, Mark R; Isom, Georgia L; Teran, Evelyn M; Bhabha, Gira; Ekiert, Damian C
ABC transporters facilitate the movement of diverse molecules across cellular membranes, but how their activity is regulated post-translationally is not well understood. Here we report the crystal structure of MlaFB from E. coli, the cytoplasmic portion of the larger MlaFEDB ABC transporter complex, which drives phospholipid trafficking across the bacterial envelope to maintain outer membrane integrity. MlaB, a STAS domain protein, binds the ABC nucleotide binding domain, MlaF, and is required for its stability. Our structure also implicates a unique C-terminal tail of MlaF in self-dimerization. Both the C-terminal tail of MlaF and the interaction with MlaB are required for the proper assembly of the MlaFEDB complex and its function in cells. This work leads to a new model for how an important bacterial lipid transporter may be regulated by small proteins, and raises the possibility that similar regulatory mechanisms may exist more broadly across the ABC transporter family.
PMID: 32602838
ISSN: 2050-084x
CID: 4504052