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Crossing the arms confuses the clocks: sensory feedback and the bimanual advantage

Studenka, Breanna E; Eliasz, Kinga L; Shore, David I; Balasubramaniam, Ramesh
The bimanual advantage refers to the finding that tapping with two fingers on opposite hands exhibits reduced timing variability, as compared with tapping with only one finger. Two leading theories propose that the bimanual advantage results from the addition of either sensory (i.e., enhanced feedback) or cognitive (i.e., multiple timekeeper) processes involved in timing. Given that crossing the arms impairs perception of tactile stimuli and modulates cortical activation following tactile stimulation, we investigated the role of crossing the arms in the bimanual advantage. Participants tapped unimanually or bimanually with their arms crossed or uncrossed on a tabletop or in the air. With arms crossed, we expected increased interval timing variance. Similarly, for air tapping, we expected reduced bimanual advantage, due to reduced sensory feedback. A significant bimanual advantage was observed for the uncrossed, but not the crossed posture in tabletop tapping. Furthermore, removing tactile feedback from taps eliminated the bimanual advantage for both postures. Together, these findings suggest that crossing the arms likely impairs integration of internal (i.e., effector-specific) and external (i.e., environment-specific) information and that this multisensory integration is crucial to reducing timing variability during repetitive coordinated bimanual tasks.
PMID: 23943555
ISSN: 1531-5320
CID: 5230072

When thoughts become actions: The detrimental effects of negative social-comparative feedback on performance, learning and self-efficacy beliefs in highly motivated learners [Meeting Abstract]

Eliasz, Kinga L.; Dubrowski, Adam; Rojas, David; Knox, Aaron D. C.; Haji, Faizal A.; Lyons, James
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230192

Positive social-comparative feedback enhances motor learning [Meeting Abstract]

Eliasz, Kinga L.; Wishart, Laurie R.; Lee, Timothy D.
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230182

Effects of perceptual- and motor-priming congruency on sequence learning [Meeting Abstract]

Ng, Helen H. L.; Eliasz, Kinga L.; Lee, Timothy D.
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230162

Crossing the hands diminishes the bimanual advantage in motor timing [Meeting Abstract]

Studenka, Breanna E.; Eliasz, Kinga; Shore, David I.; Balasubramaniam, Ramesh
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230172

Does verbal persuasion lead to changes in perceived and actual balance performance? [Meeting Abstract]

Lamarche, Larkin; Gammage, Kimberley L.; Eliasz, Kinga; Adkin, Allan L.
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230152

Verbal persuasion affects balance efficacy in healthy young adults [Meeting Abstract]

Lamarche, Larkin; Huffman, Jennifer L.; Eliasz, Kinga L.; Gammage, Kimberley L.; Adkin, Allan L.
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230132

Examining the effects of age on learner defined KR schedules for learning a two-part timing task [Meeting Abstract]

Sanli, Elizabeth; Patterson, Jae T.; Adkin, Allan; Eliasz, Kinga; Huffman, Jenn
ISSN: 0895-2779
CID: 5230142