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Learning sparse filter bank transforms with convolutional ICA

Chapter by: Ballé, Johannes; Simoncelli, Eero P.
in: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014 by
[S.l.] : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014
pp. 4013-4017
ISBN: 9781479957514
CID: 2873092

Representation of Naturalistic Image Structure in the Primate Visual Cortex

Movshon, J Anthony; Simoncelli, Eero P
The perception of complex visual patterns emerges from neuronal activity in a cascade of areas in the primate cerebral cortex. We have probed the early stages of this cascade with "naturalistic" texture stimuli designed to capture key statistical features of natural images. Humans can recognize and classify these synthetic images and are insensitive to distortions that do not alter the local values of these statistics. The responses of neurons in the primary visual cortex, V1, are relatively insensitive to the statistical information in these textures. However, in the area immediately downstream, V2, cells respond more vigorously to these stimuli than to matched control stimuli. Humans show blood-oxygen-level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI responses in V1 and V2) that are consistent with the neuronal measurements in macaque. These fMRI measurements, as well as neurophysiological work by others, show that true natural scenes become a more prominent driving feature of cortex downstream from V2. These results suggest a framework for thinking about how information about elementary visual features is transformed into the specific representations of scenes and objects found in areas higher in the visual pathway.
PMID: 25943766
ISSN: 1943-4456
CID: 1931262

A functional and perceptual signature of the second visual area in primates

Freeman, Jeremy; Ziemba, Corey M; Heeger, David J; Simoncelli, Eero P; Movshon, J Anthony
There is no generally accepted account of the function of the second visual cortical area (V2), partly because no simple response properties robustly distinguish V2 neurons from those in primary visual cortex (V1). We constructed synthetic stimuli replicating the higher-order statistical dependencies found in natural texture images and used them to stimulate macaque V1 and V2 neurons. Most V2 cells responded more vigorously to these textures than to control stimuli lacking naturalistic structure; V1 cells did not. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements in humans revealed differences between V1 and V2 that paralleled the neuronal measurements. The ability of human observers to detect naturalistic structure in different types of texture was well predicted by the strength of neuronal and fMRI responses in V2 but not in V1. Together, these results reveal a particular functional role for V2 in the representation of natural image structure.
PMID: 23685719
ISSN: 1097-6256
CID: 357512

Summary statistics in auditory perception

McDermott, Josh H; Schemitsch, Michael; Simoncelli, Eero P
Sensory signals are transduced at high resolution, but their structure must be stored in a more compact format. Here we provide evidence that the auditory system summarizes the temporal details of sounds using time-averaged statistics. We measured discrimination of 'sound textures' that were characterized by particular statistical properties, as normally result from the superposition of many acoustic features in auditory scenes. When listeners discriminated examples of different textures, performance improved with excerpt duration. In contrast, when listeners discriminated different examples of the same texture, performance declined with duration, a paradoxical result given that the information available for discrimination grows with duration. These results indicate that once these sounds are of moderate length, the brain's representation is limited to time-averaged statistics, which, for different examples of the same texture, converge to the same values with increasing duration. Such statistical representations produce good categorical discrimination, but limit the ability to discern temporal detail.
PMID: 23434915
ISSN: 1097-6256
CID: 362852

A model-based spike sorting algorithm for removing correlation artifacts in multi-neuron recordings

Pillow, Jonathan W; Shlens, Jonathon; Chichilnisky, E J; Simoncelli, Eero P
We examine the problem of estimating the spike trains of multiple neurons from voltage traces recorded on one or more extracellular electrodes. Traditional spike-sorting methods rely on thresholding or clustering of recorded signals to identify spikes. While these methods can detect a large fraction of the spikes from a recording, they generally fail to identify synchronous or near-synchronous spikes: cases in which multiple spikes overlap. Here we investigate the geometry of failures in traditional sorting algorithms, and document the prevalence of such errors in multi-electrode recordings from primate retina. We then develop a method for multi-neuron spike sorting using a model that explicitly accounts for the superposition of spike waveforms. We model the recorded voltage traces as a linear combination of spike waveforms plus a stochastic background component of correlated Gaussian noise. Combining this measurement model with a Bernoulli prior over binary spike trains yields a posterior distribution for spikes given the recorded data. We introduce a greedy algorithm to maximize this posterior that we call "binary pursuit". The algorithm allows modest variability in spike waveforms and recovers spike times with higher precision than the voltage sampling rate. This method substantially corrects cross-correlation artifacts that arise with conventional methods, and substantially outperforms clustering methods on both real and simulated data. Finally, we develop diagnostic tools that can be used to assess errors in spike sorting in the absence of ground truth.
PMID: 23671583
ISSN: 1932-6203
CID: 362842

Efficient and direct estimation of a neural subunit model for sensory coding

Chapter by: Vintch, Brett; Zaharia, Andrew D.; Movshon, J. Anthony; Simoncelli, Eero P.
in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems by
[S.l.] : Neural information processing systems foundation, 2012
pp. 3104-3112
ISBN: 9781627480031
CID: 2873082

Efficient and direct estimation of a neural subunit model for sensory coding

Vintch, Brett; Zaharia, Andrew D; Movshon, J Anthony; Simoncelli, Eero P
Many visual and auditory neurons have response properties that are well explained by pooling the rectified responses of a set of spatially shifted linear filters. These filters cannot be estimated using spike-triggered averaging (STA). Subspace methods such as spike-triggered covariance (STC) can recover multiple filters, but require substantial amounts of data, and recover an orthogonal basis for the subspace in which the filters reside rather than the filters themselves. Here, we assume a linear-nonlinear-linear-nonlinear (LN-LN) cascade model in which the first linear stage is a set of shifted ('convolutional') copies of a common filter, and the first nonlinear stage consists of rectifying scalar nonlinearities that are identical for all filter outputs. We refer to these initial LN elements as the 'subunits' of the receptive field. The second linear stage then computes a weighted sum of the responses of the rectified subunits. We present a method for directly fitting this model to spike data, and apply it to both simulated and real neuronal data from primate V1. The subunit model significantly outperforms STA and STC in terms of cross-validated accuracy and efficiency.
PMID: 26273181
ISSN: 1049-5258
CID: 1931272

Efficient coding of spatial information in the primate retina

Doi, Eizaburo; Gauthier, Jeffrey L; Field, Greg D; Shlens, Jonathon; Sher, Alexander; Greschner, Martin; Machado, Timothy A; Jepson, Lauren H; Mathieson, Keith; Gunning, Deborah E; Litke, Alan M; Paninski, Liam; Chichilnisky, E J; Simoncelli, Eero P
Sensory neurons have been hypothesized to efficiently encode signals from the natural environment subject to resource constraints. The predictions of this efficient coding hypothesis regarding the spatial filtering properties of the visual system have been found consistent with human perception, but they have not been compared directly with neural responses. Here, we analyze the information that retinal ganglion cells transmit to the brain about the spatial information in natural images subject to three resource constraints: the number of retinal ganglion cells, their total response variances, and their total synaptic strengths. We derive a model that optimizes the transmitted information and compare it directly with measurements of complete functional connectivity between cone photoreceptors and the four major types of ganglion cells in the primate retina, obtained at single-cell resolution. We find that the ganglion cell population exhibited 80% efficiency in transmitting spatial information relative to the model. Both the retina and the model exhibited high redundancy (~30%) among ganglion cells of the same cell type. A novel and unique prediction of efficient coding, the relationships between projection patterns of individual cones to all ganglion cells, was consistent with the observed projection patterns in the retina. These results indicate a high level of efficiency with near-optimal redundancy in visual signaling by the retina.
PMID: 23152609
ISSN: 0270-6474
CID: 362862

Modeling the impact of common noise inputs on the network activity of retinal ganglion cells

Vidne, Michael; Ahmadian, Yashar; Shlens, Jonathon; Pillow, Jonathan W; Kulkarni, Jayant; Litke, Alan M; Chichilnisky, E J; Simoncelli, Eero; Paninski, Liam
Synchronized spontaneous firing among retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), on timescales faster than visual responses, has been reported in many studies. Two candidate mechanisms of synchronized firing include direct coupling and shared noisy inputs. In neighboring parasol cells of primate retina, which exhibit rapid synchronized firing that has been studied extensively, recent experimental work indicates that direct electrical or synaptic coupling is weak, but shared synaptic input in the absence of modulated stimuli is strong. However, previous modeling efforts have not accounted for this aspect of firing in the parasol cell population. Here we develop a new model that incorporates the effects of common noise, and apply it to analyze the light responses and synchronized firing of a large, densely-sampled network of over 250 simultaneously recorded parasol cells. We use a generalized linear model in which the spike rate in each cell is determined by the linear combination of the spatio-temporally filtered visual input, the temporally filtered prior spikes of that cell, and unobserved sources representing common noise. The model accurately captures the statistical structure of the spike trains and the encoding of the visual stimulus, without the direct coupling assumption present in previous modeling work. Finally, we examined the problem of decoding the visual stimulus from the spike train given the estimated parameters. The common-noise model produces Bayesian decoding performance as accurate as that of a model with direct coupling, but with significantly more robustness to spike timing perturbations.
PMID: 22203465
ISSN: 0929-5313
CID: 362872

Hierarchical spike coding of sound

Karklin, Yan; Ekanadham, Chaitanya; Simoncelli, Eero P
Natural sounds exhibit complex statistical regularities at multiple scales. Acoustic events underlying speech, for example, are characterized by precise temporal and frequency relationships, but they can also vary substantially according to the pitch, duration, and other high-level properties of speech production. Learning this structure from data while capturing the inherent variability is an important first step in building auditory processing systems, as well as understanding the mechanisms of auditory perception. Here we develop Hierarchical Spike Coding, a two-layer probabilistic generative model for complex acoustic structure. The first layer consists of a sparse spiking representation that encodes the sound using kernels positioned precisely in time and frequency. Patterns in the positions of first layer spikes are learned from the data: on a coarse scale, statistical regularities are encoded by a second-layer spiking representation, while fine-scale structure is captured by recurrent interactions within the first layer. When fit to speech data, the second layer acoustic features include harmonic stacks, sweeps, frequency modulations, and precise temporal onsets, which can be composed to represent complex acoustic events. Unlike spectrogram-based methods, the model gives a probability distribution over sound pressure waveforms. This allows us to use the second-layer representation to synthesize sounds directly, and to perform model-based denoising, on which we demonstrate a significant improvement over standard methods.
PMID: 25356065
ISSN: 1049-5258
CID: 1931282