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Computer Vision-Based Assessment of Motor Functioning in Schizophrenia: Use of Smartphones for Remote Measurement of Schizophrenia Symptomatology
Abbas, Anzar; Yadav, Vijay; Smith, Emma; Ramjas, Elizabeth; Rutter, Sarah B; Benavidez, Caridad; Koesmahargyo, Vidya; Zhang, Li; Guan, Lei; Rosenfield, Paul; Perez-Rodriguez, Mercedes; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
Introduction/UNASSIGNED:Motor abnormalities have been shown to be a distinct component of schizophrenia symptomatology. However, objective and scalable methods for assessment of motor functioning in schizophrenia are lacking. Advancements in machine learning-based digital tools have allowed for automated and remote "digital phenotyping" of disease symptomatology. Here, we assess the performance of a computer vision-based assessment of motor functioning as a characteristic of schizophrenia using video data collected remotely through smartphones. Methods/UNASSIGNED:Eighteen patients with schizophrenia and 9 healthy controls were asked to remotely participate in smartphone-based assessments daily for 14 days. Video recorded from the smartphone front-facing camera during these assessments was used to quantify the Euclidean distance of head movement between frames through a pretrained computer vision model. The ability of head movement measurements to distinguish between patients and healthy controls as well as their relationship to schizophrenia symptom severity as measured through traditional clinical scores was assessed. Results/UNASSIGNED:= 0.04), primarily with negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Remote, smartphone-based assessments were able to capture meaningful visual behavior for computer vision-based objective measurement of head movement. The measurements of head movement acquired were able to accurately classify schizophrenia diagnosis and quantify symptom severity in patients with schizophrenia.
PMID: 33615120
ISSN: 2504-110x
CID: 5152872
Utilization of Machine Learning-Based Computer Vision and Voice Analysis to Derive Digital Biomarkers of Cognitive Functioning in Trauma Survivors
Schultebraucks, Katharina; Yadav, Vijay; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
Background/UNASSIGNED:Alterations in multiple domains of cognition have been observed in individuals who have experienced a traumatic stressor. These domains may provide important insights in identifying underlying neurobiological dysfunction driving an individual's clinical response to trauma. However, such assessments are burdensome, costly, and time-consuming. To overcome barriers, efforts have emerged to measure multiple domains of cognitive functioning through the application of machine learning (ML) models to passive data sources. Methods/UNASSIGNED:We utilized automated computer vision and voice analysis methods to extract facial, movement, and speech characteristics from semi-structured clinical interviews in 81 trauma survivors who additionally completed a cognitive assessment battery. A ML-based regression framework was used to identify variance in visual and auditory measures that relate to multiple cognitive domains. Results/UNASSIGNED:= 0.63), consistent with the high test-retest reliability of traditional cognitive assessments. Face, voice, speech content, and movement have all significantly contributed to explaining the variance in predicting functioning in all cognitive domains. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:The results demonstrate the feasibility of automated measurement of reliable proxies of cognitive functioning through low-burden passive patient evaluations. This makes it easier to monitor cognitive functions and to intervene earlier and at a lower threshold without requiring a time-consuming neurocognitive assessment by, for instance, a licensed psychologist with specialized training in neuropsychology.
PMID: 33615118
ISSN: 2504-110x
CID: 4793312
Sex Differences in Peritraumatic Inflammatory Cytokines and Steroid Hormones Contribute to Prospective Risk for Nonremitting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Lalonde, Chloe S; Mekawi, Yara; Ethun, Kelly F; Beurel, Eleonore; Gould, Felicia; Dhabhar, Firdaus S; Schultebraucks, Katharina; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac; Maples-Keller, Jessica L; Rothbaum, Barbara O; Ressler, Kerry J; Nemeroff, Charles B; Stevens, Jennifer S; Michopoulos, Vasiliki
Women are at higher risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to men, yet little is known about the biological contributors to this sex difference. One possible mechanism is differential immunological and neuroendocrine responses to traumatic stress exposure. In the current prospective study, we aimed to identify whether sex is indirectly associated with the probability of developing nonremitting PTSD through pro-inflammatory markers and whether steroid hormone concentrations influence this effect. Female (n = 179) and male (n = 197) trauma survivors were recruited from an emergency department and completed clinical assessment within 24 h and blood samples within ∼three hours of trauma exposure. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1
PMID: 34595364
ISSN: 2470-5470
CID: 5067592
Remote Digital Measurement of Facial and Vocal Markers of Major Depressive Disorder Severity and Treatment Response: A Pilot Study
Abbas, Anzar; Sauder, Colin; Yadav, Vijay; Koesmahargyo, Vidya; Aghjayan, Allison; Marecki, Serena; Evans, Miriam; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
PMID: 34713091
ISSN: 2673-253x
CID: 5042802
SIMON: A Digital Protocol to Monitor and Predict Suicidal Ideation
Sels, Laura; Homan, Stephanie; Ries, Anja; Santhanam, Prabhakaran; Scheerer, Hanne; Colla, Michael; Vetter, Stefan; Seifritz, Erich; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac; Kowatsch, Tobias; Scholz, Urte; Kleim, Birgit
Each year, more than 800,000 persons die by suicide, making it a leading cause of death worldwide. Recent innovations in information and communication technology may offer new opportunities in suicide prevention in individuals, hereby potentially reducing this number. In our project, we design digital indices based on both self-reports and passive mobile sensing and test their ability to predict suicidal ideation, a major predictor for suicide, and psychiatric hospital readmission in high-risk individuals: psychiatric patients after discharge who were admitted in the context of suicidal ideation or a suicidal attempt, or expressed suicidal ideations during their intake. Specifically, two smartphone applications -one for self-reports (SIMON-SELF) and one for passive mobile sensing (SIMON-SENSE)- are installed on participants' smartphones. SIMON-SELF uses a text-based chatbot, called Simon, to guide participants along the study protocol and to ask participants questions about suicidal ideation and relevant other psychological variables five times a day. These self-report data are collected for four consecutive weeks after study participants are discharged from the hospital. SIMON-SENSE collects behavioral variables -such as physical activity, location, and social connectedness- parallel to the first application. We aim to include 100 patients over 12 months to test whether (1) implementation of the digital protocol in such a high-risk population is feasible, and (2) if suicidal ideation and psychiatric hospital readmission can be predicted using a combination of psychological indices and passive sensor information. To this end, a predictive algorithm for suicidal ideation and psychiatric hospital readmission using various learning algorithms (e.g., random forest and support vector machines) and multilevel models will be constructed. Data collected on the basis of psychological theory and digital phenotyping may, in the future and based on our results, help reach vulnerable individuals early and provide links to just-in-time and cost-effective interventions or establish prompt mental health service contact. The current effort may thus lead to saving lives and significantly reduce economic impact by decreasing inpatient treatment and days lost to inability.
PMID: 34276427
ISSN: 1664-0640
CID: 4965882
Accuracy of machine learning-based prediction of medication adherence in clinical research
Koesmahargyo, Vidya; Abbas, Anzar; Zhang, Li; Guan, Lei; Feng, Shaolei; Yadav, Vijay; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
Medication non-adherence represents a significant barrier to treatment efficacy. Remote, real-time measurement of medication dosing can facilitate dynamic prediction of risk for medication non-adherence, which in-turn allows for proactive clinical intervention to optimize health outcomes. We examine the accuracy of dynamic prediction of non-adherence using data from remote real-time measurements of medication dosing. Participants across a large set of clinical trials (n = 4,182) were observed via a smartphone application that video records patients taking their prescribed medication. The patients' primary diagnosis, demographics, and prior indication of observed adherence/non-adherence were utilized to predict (1) adherence rates ≥ 80% across the clinical trial, (2) adherence ≥ 80% for the subsequent week, and (3) adherence the subsequent day using machine learning-based classification models. Empirically observed adherence was demonstrated to be the strongest predictor of future adherence/non-adherence. Collectively, the classification models accurately predicted adherence across the trial (AUC = 0.83), the subsequent week (AUC = 0.87) and the subsequent day (AUC = 0.87). Real-time measurement of dosing can be utilized to dynamically predict medication adherence with high accuracy.
PMID: 33242836
ISSN: 1872-7123
CID: 4702452
Computational causal discovery for post-traumatic stress in police officers
Saxe, Glenn N; Ma, Sisi; Morales, Leah J; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R; Aliferis, Constantin; Marmar, Charles R
This article reports on a study aimed to elucidate the complex etiology of post-traumatic stress (PTS) in a longitudinal cohort of police officers, by applying rigorous computational causal discovery (CCD) methods with observational data. An existing observational data set was used, which comprised a sample of 207 police officers who were recruited upon entry to police academy training. Participants were evaluated on a comprehensive set of clinical, self-report, genetic, neuroendocrine and physiological measures at baseline during academy training and then were re-evaluated at 12 months after training was completed. A data-processing pipeline-the Protocol for Computational Causal Discovery in Psychiatry (PCCDP)-was applied to this data set to determine a causal model for PTS severity. A causal model of 146 variables and 345 bivariate relations was discovered. This model revealed 5 direct causes and 83 causal pathways (of four steps or less) to PTS at 12 months of police service. Direct causes included single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for the Histidine Decarboxylase (HDC) and Mineralocorticoid Receptor (MR) genes, acoustic startle in the context of low perceived threat during training, peritraumatic distress to incident exposure during first year of service, and general symptom severity during training at 1 year of service. The application of CCD methods can determine variables and pathways related to the complex etiology of PTS in a cohort of police officers. This knowledge may inform new approaches to treatment and prevention of critical incident related PTS.
PMID: 32778671
ISSN: 2158-3188
CID: 4556122
Deep learning-based classification of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression following trauma utilizing visual and auditory markers of arousal and mood
Schultebraucks, Katharina; Yadav, Vijay; Shalev, Arieh Y; Bonanno, George A; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
BACKGROUND:Visual and auditory signs of patient functioning have long been used for clinical diagnosis, treatment selection, and prognosis. Direct measurement and quantification of these signals can aim to improve the consistency, sensitivity, and scalability of clinical assessment. Currently, we investigate if machine learning-based computer vision (CV), semantic, and acoustic analysis can capture clinical features from free speech responses to a brief interview 1 month post-trauma that accurately classify major depressive disorder (MDD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). METHODS:N = 81 patients admitted to an emergency department (ED) of a Level-1 Trauma Unit following a life-threatening traumatic event participated in an open-ended qualitative interview with a para-professional about their experience 1 month following admission. A deep neural network was utilized to extract facial features of emotion and their intensity, movement parameters, speech prosody, and natural language content. These features were utilized as inputs to classify PTSD and MDD cross-sectionally. RESULTS:Both video- and audio-based markers contributed to good discriminatory classification accuracy. The algorithm discriminates PTSD status at 1 month after ED admission with an AUC of 0.90 (weighted average precision = 0.83, recall = 0.84, and f1-score = 0.83) as well as depression status at 1 month after ED admission with an AUC of 0.86 (weighted average precision = 0.83, recall = 0.82, and f1-score = 0.82). CONCLUSIONS:Direct clinical observation during post-trauma free speech using deep learning identifies digital markers that can be utilized to classify MDD and PTSD status.
PMID: 32744201
ISSN: 1469-8978
CID: 4615002
A validated predictive algorithm of post-traumatic stress course following emergency department admission after a traumatic stressor
Schultebraucks, Katharina; Shalev, Arieh Y; Michopoulos, Vasiliki; Grudzen, Corita R; Shin, Soo-Min; Stevens, Jennifer S; Maples-Keller, Jessica L; Jovanovic, Tanja; Bonanno, George A; Rothbaum, Barbara O; Marmar, Charles R; Nemeroff, Charles B; Ressler, Kerry J; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
Annually, approximately 30 million patients are discharged from the emergency department (ED) after a traumatic event1. These patients are at substantial psychiatric risk, with approximately 10-20% developing one or more disorders, including anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)2-4. At present, no accurate method exists to predict the development of PTSD symptoms upon ED admission after trauma5. Accurate risk identification at the point of treatment by ED services is necessary to inform the targeted deployment of existing treatment6-9 to mitigate subsequent psychopathology in high-risk populations10,11. This work reports the development and validation of an algorithm for prediction of post-traumatic stress course over 12 months using two independently collected prospective cohorts of trauma survivors from two level 1 emergency trauma centers, which uses routinely collectible data from electronic medical records, along with brief clinical assessments of the patient's immediate stress reaction. Results demonstrate externally validated accuracy to discriminate PTSD risk with high precision. While the predictive algorithm yields useful reproducible results on two independent prospective cohorts of ED patients, future research should extend the generalizability to the broad, clinically heterogeneous ED population under conditions of routine medical care.
PMID: 32632194
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 4518092
Utilization of machine learning to test the impact of cognitive processing and emotion recognition on the development of PTSD following trauma exposure
Augsburger, Mareike; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
BACKGROUND:Though lifetime exposure to traumatic events is significant, only a minority of individuals develops symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Post-trauma alterations in neurocognitive and affective functioning are likely to reflect changes in underlying brain networks that are predictive of PTSD. These constructs are assumed to interact in a highly complex way. The aim of this exploratory study was to apply machine learning models to investigate the contribution of these interactions on PTSD symptom development and identify measures indicative of circuit related dysfunction. METHODS:N = 94 participants admitted to the emergency room of an inner-city hospital after trauma exposure completed a battery of neurocognitive and emotional tests 1 month after the incident. Different machine learning algorithms were applied to predict PTSD symptom severity and clusters after 3 months based. RESULTS:Overall, model accuracy did not differ between PTSD clusters, though the importance of cognitive and emotional domains demonstrated both key differences and overlap. Alterations in higher-order executive functioning, speed of information processing, and processing of emotionally incongruent cues were the most important predictors. CONCLUSIONS:Data-driven approaches are a powerful tool to investigate complex interactions and can enhance the mechanistic understanding of PTSD. The study identifies important relationships between cognitive processing and emotion recognition that may be valuable to predict and understand mechanisms of risk and resilience responses to trauma prospectively.
PMID: 32576245
ISSN: 1471-244x
CID: 4511892