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Looking "cherry red spot myoclonus" in the eyes [Meeting Abstract]
Riboldi, Giulietta; Martone, John; Rizzo, John Ross; Hudson, Todd; Toro, Camilo; Frucht, Steven; Rucker, Janet
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4561232
Saccadic Latencies in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy [Meeting Abstract]
Grossman, Scott; Ghosh, Sayak; Hudson, Todd; Rizzo, John-Ross; Rucker, Janet
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4560992
The Accuracy of Clinician Detection of Saccadic Slowing: A Corroboration with Eye Movement Recordings [Meeting Abstract]
Grossman, Scott; Calix, Rachel; Balcer, Laura; Galetta, Steven; Frucht, Steven; Rizzo, John Ross; Hudson, Todd; Rucker, Janet
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4561012
Visual-Spatial Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: an Exploratory Multimodal Biomarker Study [Meeting Abstract]
Cucca, Alberto; Droby, Amgad; Beheshti, Mahya; Acosta, Ikuko; Mania, Daniella; Sharma, Kush; Berberian, Marygrace; Bertish, Hilary C.; Hudson, Todd; Di Rocco, Alessandro; Ghilardi, Maria Felice; Inglese, Matilde; Rizzo, John-Ross; Biagioni, Milton; Feigin, Andrew
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4561632
Efficiently Recording the Eye-Hand Coordination to Incoordination Spectrum
Rizzo, John-Ross; Beheshti, Mahya; Fung, James; Rucker, Janet C; Hudson, Todd E
The objective analysis of eye movements has a significant history and has been long proven to be an important research tool in the setting of brain injury. Quantitative recordings have a strong capacity to screen diagnostically. Concurrent examinations of the eye and upper limb movements directed toward shared functional goals (e.g., eye-hand coordination) serve as an additional robust biomarker-laden path to capture and interrogate neural injury, including acquired brain injury (ABI). While quantitative dual-effector recordings in 3-D afford ample opportunities within ocular-manual motor investigations in the setting of ABI, the feasibility of such dual recordings for both eye and hand is challenging in pathological settings, particularly when approached with research-grade rigor. Here we describe the integration of an eye tracking system with a motion tracking system intended primarily for limb control research to study a natural behavior. The protocol enables the investigation of unrestricted, three-dimensional (3D) eye-hand coordination tasks. More specifically, we review a method to assess eye-hand coordination in visually guided saccade-to-reach tasks in subjects with chronic middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke and compare them to healthy controls. Special attention is paid to the specific eye- and limb-tracking system properties in order to obtain high fidelity data from participants post-injury. Sampling rate, accuracy, permissible head movement range given anticipated tolerance and the feasibility of use were several of the critical properties considered when selecting an eye tracker and an approach. The limb tracker was selected based on a similar rubric but included the need for 3-D recording, dynamic interaction and a miniaturized physical footprint. The quantitative data provided by this method and the overall approach when executed correctly has tremendous potential to further refine our mechanistic understanding of eye-hand control and help inform feasible diagnostic and pragmatic interventions within the neurological and rehabilitative practice.
PMID: 30958457
ISSN: 1940-087x
CID: 3799882
Did I do that? Detecting a perturbation to visual feedback in a reaching task
Gaffin-Cahn, Elon; Hudson, Todd E; Landy, Michael S
The motor system executes actions in a highly stereotyped manner despite the high number of degrees of freedom available. Studies of motor adaptation leverage this fact by disrupting, or perturbing, visual feedback to measure how the motor system compensates. To elicit detectable effects, perturbations are often large compared to trial-to-trial reach endpoint variability. However, awareness of large perturbations can elicit qualitatively different compensation processes than unnoticeable ones can. The current experiment measures the perturbation detection threshold, and investigates how humans combine proprioception and vision to decide whether displayed reach endpoint errors are self-generated only, or are due to experimenter-imposed perturbation. We scaled or rotated the position of the visual feedback of center-out reaches to targets and asked subjects to indicate whether visual feedback was perturbed. Subjects detected perturbations when they were at least 1.5 times the standard deviation of trial-to-trial endpoint variability. In contrast to previous studies, subjects suboptimally combined vision and proprioception. Instead of using proprioceptive input, they responded based on the final (possibly perturbed) visual feedback. These results inform methodology in motor system experimentation, and more broadly highlight the ability to attribute errors to one's own motor output and combine visual and proprioceptive feedback to make decisions.
PMID: 30640373
ISSN: 1534-7362
CID: 3594752
Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus
Optican, Lance M; Rucker, Janet C; Rizzo, John-Ross; Hudson, Todd E
Opsoclonus/flutter (O/F) is a rare disorder of the saccadic system. Previously, we modeled O/F that developed in a patient following abuse of anabolic steroids. That model, as in all models of the saccadic system, generates commands to make a change in eye position. Recently, we saw a patient who developed a unique form of opsoclonus following a concussion. The patient had postsaccadic ocular flutter in both directions of gaze, and opsoclonus during fixation and pursuit in the left hemifield. A new model of the saccadic system is needed to account for this gaze-position dependent O/F. We started with our prior model, which contains two key elements, mutual inhibition between inhibitory burst neurons on both sides and a prolonged reactivation time of the omnipause neurons (OPNs). We included new inputs to the OPNs from the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and the frontal eye fields, which contain position-dependent neurons. This provides a mechanism for delaying OPN reactivation, and creating a gaze-position dependence. A simplified pursuit system was also added, the output of which inhibits the OPNs, providing a mechanism for gaze-dependence during pursuit. The rest of the model continues to generate a command to change eye position.
PMID: 31325994
ISSN: 1875-7855
CID: 3986522
Eye-hand re-coordination: A pilot investigation of gaze and reach biofeedback in chronic stroke
Rizzo, John-Ross; Beheshti, Mahya; Shafieesabet, Azadeh; Fung, James; Hosseini, Maryam; Rucker, Janet C; Snyder, Lawrence H; Hudson, Todd E
Within the domain of motor performance, eye-hand coordination centers on close relationships between visuo-perceptual, ocular and appendicular motor systems. This coordination is critically dependent on a cycle of feedforward predictions and feedback-based corrective mechanisms. While intrinsic feedback harnesses naturally available movement-dependent sensory channels to modify movement errors, extrinsic feedback may be provided synthetically by a third party for further supplementation. Extrinsic feedback has been robustly explored in hand-focused, motor control studies, such as through computer-based visual displays, highlighting the spatial errors of reaches. Similar attempts have never been tested for spatial errors related to eye movements, despite the potential to alter ocular motor performance. Stroke creates motor planning deficits, resulting in the inability to generate predictions of motor performance. In this study involving visually guided pointing, we use an interactive computer display to provide extrinsic feedback of hand endpoint errors in an initial baseline experiment (pre-) and then feedback of both eye and hand errors in a second experiment (post-) to chronic stroke participants following each reach trial. We tested the hypothesis that extrinsic feedback of eye and hand would improve predictions and therefore feedforward control. We noted this improvement through gains in the spatial and temporal aspects of eye-hand coordination or an improvement in the decoupling noted as incoordination post-stroke in previous studies, returning performance toward healthy, control behavior. More specifically, results show that stroke participants, following the interventional feedback for eye and hand, improved both their accuracy and timing. This was evident through a temporal re-synchronization between eyes and hands, improving correlations between movement timing, as well as reducing the overall time interval (delay) between effectors. These experiments provide a strong indication that an extrinsic feedback intervention at appropriate therapeutic doses may improve eye-hand coordination during stroke rehabilitation.
PMID: 31325995
ISSN: 1875-7855
CID: 3986532
Eye position-dependent opsoclonus in mild traumatic brain injury
Rizzo, John-Ross; Hudson, Todd E; Sequeira, Alexandra J; Dai, Weiwei; Chaudhry, Yash; Martone, John; Zee, David S; Optican, Lance M; Balcer, Laura J; Galetta, Steven L; Rucker, Janet C
Opsoclonus consists of bursts of involuntary, multidirectional, back-to-back saccades without an intersaccadic interval. We report a 60-year-old man with post-concussive headaches and disequilibrium who had small amplitude opsoclonus in left gaze, along with larger amplitude flutter during convergence. Examination was otherwise normal and brain MRI was unremarkable. Video-oculography demonstrated opsoclonus predominantly in left gaze and during pursuit in the left hemifield, which improved as post-concussive symptoms improved. Existing theories of opsoclonus mechanisms do not account for this eye position-dependence. We discuss theoretical mechanisms of this behavior, including possible dysfunction of frontal eye field and/or cerebellar vermis neurons; review ocular oscillations in traumatic brain injury; and consider the potential relationship between the larger amplitude flutter upon convergence and post-traumatic ocular oscillations.
PMID: 31325998
ISSN: 1875-7855
CID: 3986542
Can Art Therapy improve signs and symptoms of Parkinson\s Disease? Preliminary Results from the "ExplorArtPD Study" [Meeting Abstract]
Cucca, Alberto; Sharma, Kush; Acosta, Ikuko; Beheshti, Mahya; Berberian, Marygrace; Bertish, Hilary C.; Feigin, Andrew; Jung, Jiyoon; Hudson, Todd; Mania, Daniella; Rizzo, John Ross; Biagioni, Milton
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 4028912