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Germinal responses in murine Peyer's Patches are regulated by a subpopulation of microbiota-induced IL-21(high) Tfh cells [Meeting Abstract]

Jones, Leigh A; Ho, Wen Qi; Ying, Sze; Ramakrishna, Lakshmi; Srinivasan, Kandhadayar G; Yurieva, Marina; Ng, Wan Pei; Subramaniam, Sharrada; Hamadee, Nur H; Joseph, Sabrina; Dolpady, Jayashree; Atarashi, Koji; Honda, Kenya; Zolezzi, Francesca; Poidinger, Michael; Lafaille, Juan J; de Lafaille, Maria ACurotto
ISSN: 1550-6606
CID: 2220202

Inhibition of Gli1 mobilizes endogenous neural stem cells for remyelination

Samanta, Jayshree; Grund, Ethan M; Silva, Hernandez M; Lafaille, Juan J; Fishell, Gord; Salzer, James L
Enhancing repair of myelin is an important but still elusive therapeutic goal in many neurological disorders. In multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory demyelinating disease, endogenous remyelination does occur but is frequently insufficient to restore function. Both parenchymal oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and endogenous adult neural stem cells resident within the subventricular zone are known sources of remyelinating cells. Here we characterize the contribution to remyelination of a subset of adult neural stem cells, identified by their expression of Gli1, a transcriptional effector of the sonic hedgehog pathway. We show that these cells are recruited from the subventricular zone to populate demyelinated lesions in the forebrain but never enter healthy, white matter tracts. Unexpectedly, recruitment of this pool of neural stem cells, and their differentiation into oligodendrocytes, is significantly enhanced by genetic or pharmacological inhibition of Gli1. Importantly, complete inhibition of canonical hedgehog signalling was ineffective, indicating that the role of Gli1 both in augmenting hedgehog signalling and in retarding myelination is specialized. Indeed, inhibition of Gli1 improves the functional outcome in a relapsing/remitting model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and is neuroprotective. Thus, endogenous neural stem cells can be mobilized for the repair of demyelinated lesions by inhibiting Gli1, identifying a new therapeutic avenue for the treatment of demyelinating disorders.
PMID: 26416758
ISSN: 1476-4687
CID: 1789792

Reaginic antibodies

Lafaille, Juan J; Curotto de Lafaille, Maria A
PMID: 25763416
ISSN: 0070-217x
CID: 2410342

Biology of IgE production: IgE cell differentiation and the memory of IgE responses

He, Jin-Shu; Narayanan, Sriram; Subramaniam, Sharrada; Ho, Wen Qi; Lafaille, Juan J; Curotto de Lafaille, Maria A
The generation of long-lived plasma cells and memory B cells producing high-affinity antibodies depends on the maturation of B cell responses in germinal centers. These processes are essential for long-lasting antibody-mediated protection against infections. IgE antibodiesIgE antibodies are important for defense against parasites and toxins and can also mediate anti-tumor immunity. However, high-affinity IgE is also the main culprit responsible for the manifestations of allergic disease, including life-threatening anaphylaxisAnaphylaxis . Thus, generation of high-affinity IgE must be tightly regulated. Recent studies of IgE B cell biology have unveiled two mechanisms that limit high-affinity IgE memory responses: First, B cells that have recently switched to IgE production are programmed to rapidly differentiate into plasma cells,Plasma cells and second, IgE germinal centerGerminal center cells are transient and highly apoptotic. Opposing these processes, we now know that germinal center-derived IgG B cells can switch to IgE production, effectively becoming IgE-producing plasma cells. In this chapter, we will discuss the unique molecular and cellular pathways involved in the generation of IgE antibodies.
PMID: 25553792
ISSN: 0070-217x
CID: 1486802

PGRN protects against colitis progression in mice in an IL-10 and TNFR2 dependent manner

Wei, Fanhua; Zhang, Yuying; Jian, Jinlong; Mundra, Jyoti Joshi; Tian, Qingyun; Lin, Jiqiang; Lafaille, Juan Jose; Tang, Wei; Zhao, Weiming; Yu, Xiuping; Liu, Chuan-Ju
This study was aimed to determine the role and regulation of progranulin (PGRN) in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-, picrylsulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced, bone marrow chimera and CD4+CD45Rb(hi) T cell transfer colitis model were established and analyzed in wild-type and several genetically-modified mice, including PGRN, IL-10 and TNFR2 deficient mice. Elevated levels of PGRN were found in colitis samples from human IBD patients and mouse colitis models in comparison to the corresponding controls. PGRN-deficient mice became highly susceptible to DSS- and TNBS-induced colitis, whereas recombinant PGRN ameliorated the pathology and reduced the histological score in both DSS and TNBS colitis models. In addition, hematopoietic-derived PGRN was critical for protection against DSS-induced colitis, and lack of PGRN signaling in CD4+ T cells also exacerbated experimental colitis. PGRN-mediated protective effect in colitis was compromised in the absence of IL-10 signaling. In addition, PGRN's effect was also largely lost in the TNFR2-deficient colitis model. Collectively, these findings not only provide the new insight into PGRN's anti-inflammatory action in vivo, but may also present PGRN and its derivatives as novel biological agent for treating IBD.
PMID: 25387791
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 1345892

Focused specificity of intestinal T17 cells towards commensal bacterial antigens

Yang, Yi; Torchinsky, Miriam B; Gobert, Michael; Xiong, Huizhong; Xu, Mo; Linehan, Jonathan L; Alonzo, Francis; Ng, Charles; Chen, Alessandra; Lin, Xiyao; Sczesnak, Andrew; Liao, Jia-Jun; Torres, Victor J; Jenkins, Marc K; Lafaille, Juan J; Littman, Dan R
T-helper-17 (TH17) cells have critical roles in mucosal defence and in autoimmune disease pathogenesis. They are most abundant in the small intestine lamina propria, where their presence requires colonization of mice with microbiota. Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) are sufficient to induce TH17 cells and to promote TH17-dependent autoimmune disease in animal models. However, the specificity of TH17 cells, the mechanism of their induction by distinct bacteria, and the means by which they foster tissue-specific inflammation remain unknown. Here we show that the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) repertoire of intestinal TH17 cells in SFB-colonized mice has minimal overlap with that of other intestinal CD4+ T cells and that most TH17 cells, but not other T cells, recognize antigens encoded by SFB. T cells with antigen receptors specific for SFB-encoded peptides differentiated into RORgammat-expressing TH17 cells, even if SFB-colonized mice also harboured a strong TH1 cell inducer, Listeria monocytogenes, in their intestine. The match of T-cell effector function with antigen specificity is thus determined by the type of bacteria that produce the antigen. These findings have significant implications for understanding how commensal microbiota contribute to organ-specific autoimmunity and for developing novel mucosal vaccines.
PMID: 24739972
ISSN: 0028-0836
CID: 963022

Massive monoclonal expansion of functionally stable human regulatory T cells [Meeting Abstract]

Nowatzky, Johannes; Manches, Olivier; Bhardwaj, Nina; Lafaille, Juan
ISSN: 0022-1767
CID: 5340372

Massive Ex Vivo Expansion of Functionally Stable Behcet's Patient-Derived Regulatory T Cell Clones. [Meeting Abstract]

Nowatzky, Johannes; Manches, Olivier; Yazici, Yusuf; Lafaille, Juan
ISSN: 2326-5191
CID: 5340392

Microglia Promote Learning-Dependent Synapse Formation through Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Parkhurst, Christopher N; Yang, Guang; Ninan, Ipe; Savas, Jeffrey N; Yates, John R 3rd; Lafaille, Juan J; Hempstead, Barbara L; Littman, Dan R; Gan, Wen-Biao
Microglia are the resident macrophages of the CNS, and their functions have been extensively studied in various brain pathologies. The physiological roles of microglia in brain plasticity and function, however, remain unclear. To address this question, we generated CX3CR1(CreER) mice expressing tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase that allow for specific manipulation of gene function in microglia. Using CX3CR1(CreER) to drive diphtheria toxin receptor expression in microglia, we found that microglia could be specifically depleted from the brain upon diphtheria toxin administration. Mice depleted of microglia showed deficits in multiple learning tasks and a significant reduction in motor-learning-dependent synapse formation. Furthermore, Cre-dependent removal of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from microglia largely recapitulated the effects of microglia depletion. Microglial BDNF increases neuronal tropomyosin-related kinase receptor B phosphorylation, a key mediator of synaptic plasticity. Together, our findings reveal that microglia serve important physiological functions in learning and memory by promoting learning-related synapse formation through BDNF signaling.
PMID: 24360280
ISSN: 0092-8674
CID: 746582

The distinctive germinal center phase of IgE+ B lymphocytes limits their contribution to the classical memory response

He, Jin-Shu; Meyer-Hermann, Michael; Xiangying, Deng; Zuan, Lim Yok; Jones, Leigh Ann; Ramakrishna, Lakshmi; de Vries, Victor C; Dolpady, Jayashree; Aina, Hoi; Joseph, Sabrina; Narayanan, Sriram; Subramaniam, Sharrada; Puthia, Manoj; Wong, Glenn; Xiong, Huizhong; Poidinger, Michael; Urban, Joseph F; Lafaille, Juan J; Curotto de Lafaille, Maria A
The mechanisms involved in the maintenance of memory IgE responses are poorly understood, and the role played by germinal center (GC) IgE(+) cells in memory responses is particularly unclear. IgE(+) B cell differentiation is characterized by a transient GC phase, a bias toward the plasma cell (PC) fate, and dependence on sequential switching for the production of high-affinity IgE. We show here that IgE(+) GC B cells are unfit to undergo the conventional GC differentiation program due to impaired B cell receptor function and increased apoptosis. IgE(+) GC cells fail to populate the GC light zone and are unable to contribute to the memory and long-lived PC compartments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that direct and sequential switching are linked to distinct B cell differentiation fates: direct switching generates IgE(+) GC cells, whereas sequential switching gives rise to IgE(+) PCs. We propose a comprehensive model for the generation and memory of IgE responses.
PMID: 24218137
ISSN: 0022-1007
CID: 687432