Searched for: in-biosketch:yes
Bastos, Juliana; Mankowski, Michal; Summer, Gentry; Massie, Allan; Bisi, Cellen; Duarte, Carlos; Colares, Vinicius; Segev, Dorry; Ferreira, Gustavo
ISSN: 0041-1337
CID: 5456212
Kidney Paired Donation in Brazil [Meeting Abstract]
Bastos, J.; Mankowski, M.; Gentry, S.; Massie, A.; Bisi, C.; Duarte, C.; Colares, V.; Segev, D.; Ferreira, G.
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5486602
Reducing Travel while Improving Geographic Equity: Continuous Distribution with "Gravity Functions" [Meeting Abstract]
Mankowski, Michal; Wood, Nicholas; Segev, Dorry; Gentry, Sommer
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5456172
Extensions of dynamic programming for multi-stage combinatorial optimization
Mankowski, Michal; Moshkov, Mikhail
ISSN: 0304-3975
CID: 5456202
Dynamic programming bi-criteria combinatorial optimization
Mankowski, Michal; Moshkov, Mikhail
ISSN: 0166-218x
CID: 5456182
Accelerating kidney allocation: Simultaneously expiring offers
Mankowski, Michal A; Kosztowski, Martin; Raghavan, Subramanian; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline M; Axelrod, David; Segev, Dorry L; Gentry, Sommer E
Using nonideal kidneys for transplant quickly might reduce the discard rate of kidney transplants. We studied changing kidney allocation to eliminate sequential offers, instead making offers to multiple centers for all nonlocally allocated kidneys, so that multiple centers must accept or decline within the same 1 hour. If more than 1 center accepted an offer, the kidney would go to the highest-priority accepting candidate. Using 2010 Kidney-Pancreas Simulated Allocation Model-Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients data, we simulated the allocation of 12Â 933 kidneys, excluding locally allocated and zero-mismatch kidneys. We assumed that each hour of delay decreased the probability of acceptance by 5% and that kidneys would be discarded after 20Â hours of offers beyond the local level. We simulated offering kidneys simultaneously to small, medium-size, and large batches of centers. Increasing the batch size increased the percentage of kidneys accepted and shortened allocation times. Going from small to large batches increased the number of kidneys accepted from 10Â 085 (92%) to 10Â 802 (98%) for low-Kidney Donor Risk Index kidneys and from 1257 (65%) to 1737 (89%) for high-Kidney Donor Risk Index kidneys. The average number of offers that a center received each week was 10.1 for small batches and 16.8 for large batches. Simultaneously expiring offers might allow faster allocation and decrease the number of discards, while still maintaining an acceptable screening burden.
PMID: 31012528
ISSN: 1600-6143
CID: 5129382
Accelerating Kidney Allocation: Simultaneously Expiring Offers. [Meeting Abstract]
Kosztowski, M.; Mankowski, M.; Raghavan, S.; Garonzik-Wang, J.; Axelrod, D.; Segev, D. L.; Gentry, S. E.
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5486582
Skipping Patients and Simultaneous Offers: Evaluating Novel Strategies to Accelerate Kidney Allocation [Meeting Abstract]
Mankowski, Michal; Kosztowski, Martin; Garonzik-Wang, Jacqueline; Axelrod, David; Segev, Dorry; Gentry, Sommer
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5456162
Estimated Impact of the Number of Simultaneous Offers on Kidney Delay and Discard. [Meeting Abstract]
Mankowski, M.; Raghavan, S.; Holscher, C.; Kosztowski, M.; Segev, D.; Gentry, S.
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5486572
Impact of the Number of Simultaneous Offers on Kidney Delay and Discard [Meeting Abstract]
Mankowski, Michal; Raghavan, S.; Holscher, Courtenay; Kosztowski, Martin; Segev, Dorry; Gentry, Sommer
ISSN: 1600-6135
CID: 5456142