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Does a preoperative medically supervised weight loss program improve bariatric surgery outcomes: A pilot randomized study [Meeting Abstract]

Dasari M.; Ayo D.; McMacken M.; Ogedegbe O.; Parikh M.
Introduction: Participation in a medically-supervised weight management (MSWM) program before bariatric surgery is mandated by several insurance payers. However, this requirement is not evidencebased and serves as a barrier to medically necessary treatment. We conducted a pilot randomized trial funded by SAGES to determine the effect of an insurance-mandated MSWM prior to surgery. Our hypotheses are: (1) There is no difference in BMI between patients who have participated in a medically-supervised weight management program and those who don't. (2) MSWM does not change self-reported adherence, physical activity, eating behavior, and health beliefs. Methods & Procedures: 55 patients were scheduled for laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) and consented to enroll in an ongoing prospective pilot study in a large public hospital. of these, 12 patients cancelled surgery and 10 patients have been enrolled for less than 6 months. Thus, 33 patients were included in the analysis, with 17 randomized to MSWM (defined as monthly visits over 6 months directed by a physician or nutritionist) and 16 randomized to usual care. Measures of weight, height, adherence, activity level, health beliefs, and eating behavior were obtained at enrollment (ie, baseline) and 6 months after enrollment (ie, MSWM program completion and 2 weeks prior to surgery). For categorical and continuous data, Fisher's Exact Test and t-test were used to compare groups at the 2 time points before surgery. Results: Mean age was 45.5 (SD = 12.5) years. Majority were female (97%) and non-Caucasian (85%) with an income of less than $20,000 (64%). No significant differences were found between MSWM and usual care for age, gender, ethnicity, education, and income, indicating that the 2 groups were evenly matched for demographic variables. Mean BMI for the MSWM group was 46.3 kg/m2 at baseline and 46.0 kg/m2 at 6 months. Mean BMI for usual care was 44.7 kg/m2 and 44.6 kg/m2 (see Table 1). After 6 months of eitherMSWMor wait and at pre-surgery, no significant differences in BMIor patient behaviors were found between the 2 groups. Preliminary analysis of available 3-month post-operative data (n = 13) showed similar mean BMI when comparing MSWM (41.3 kg/m2) and usual care (41.2 kg/m 2). Conclusion: Our preliminary results indicate that MSWM does not affect BMI changes or patient behaviors prior to or after LAGB surgery
ISSN: 0930-2794
CID: 135628


Wu, S; Altman, D; Deza, C; McMacken, M
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 111923

Attitudes and preferences among hispanic bariatric surgery candidates [Meeting Abstract]

Jones V; Jay M; Caldwell R; McMacken M; Randlett D; Singh M; Parikh M
ISSN: 1550-7289
CID: 177800

Physicians' attitudes about obesity and their associations with competency and specialty: a cross-sectional study

Jay, Melanie; Kalet, Adina; Ark, Tavinder; McMacken, Michelle; Messito, Mary Jo; Richter, Regina; Schlair, Sheira; Sherman, Scott; Zabar, Sondra; Gillespie, Colleen
BACKGROUND: Physicians frequently report negative attitudes about obesity which is thought to affect patient care. However, little is known about how attitudes toward treating obese patients are formed. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of physicians in order to better characterize their attitudes and explore the relationships among attitudes, perceived competency in obesity care, including report of weight loss in patients, and other key physician, training, and practice characteristics. METHODS: We surveyed all 399 physicians from internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry specialties at one institution regarding obesity care attitudes, competency, including physician report of percent of their patients who lose weight. We performed a factor analysis on the attitude items and used hierarchical regression analysis to explore the degree to which competency, reported weight loss, physician, training and practice characteristics explained the variance in each attitude factor. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 63%. More than 40% of physicians had a negative reaction towards obese patients, 56% felt qualified to treat obesity, and 46% felt successful in this realm. The factor analysis revealed 4 factors-Physician Discomfort/Bias, Physician Success/Self Efficacy, Positive Outcome Expectancy, and Negative Outcome Expectancy. Competency and reported percent of patients who lose weight were most strongly associated with the Physician Success/Self Efficacy attitude factor. Greater skill in patient assessment was associated with less Physician Discomfort/Bias. Training characteristics were associated with outcome expectancies with newer physicians reporting more positive treatment expectancies. Pediatric faculty was more positive and psychiatry faculty less negative in their treatment expectancies than internal medicine faculty. CONCLUSION: Physician attitudes towards obesity are associated with competency, specialty, and years since postgraduate training. Further study is necessary to determine the direction of influence and to explore the impact of these attitudes on patient care
PMID: 19552823
ISSN: 1472-6963
CID: 100613


Mcmacken, M; Freeman, M; Lobach, I; Torgersen, C; Shah, NR
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 99163


Freeman, M; Mcmacken, M; Lobach, I; Torgersen, C; Shah, NR
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 99170

Do internists, pediatricians, and psychiatrists feel competent in obesity care?: using a needs assessment to drive curriculum design

Jay, Melanie; Gillespie, Colleen; Ark, Tavinder; Richter, Regina; McMacken, Michelle; Zabar, Sondra; Paik, Steven; Messito, Mary Jo; Lee, Joshua; Kalet, Adina
BACKGROUND: Physicians must effectively evaluate and treat obesity. To design a needs-driven curriculum intended to improve patient outcomes, physicians were surveyed about their self-perceived knowledge and skills. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the expressed needs of residents and faculty regarding obesity care training across three specialties. DESIGN: The study used a survey given to faculty and residents in General Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry. METHODS: Survey questions were generated from comprehensive nutrition curriculum and clinical recommendations, administered online, and then organized around a validated behavioral health framework-the 5As (assess, advise, agree, assist, arrange). Analyses were conducted to evaluate differences in perceived knowledge and skills between specialties and across training levels. RESULTS: From an overall response rate of 65% (65 residents and 250 faculty members), nearly 20% reported inadequate competency in every item with 48% of respondents reporting an inability to adequately counsel patients about common treatment options. Internists reported the lowest competency in arranging referrals and follow-up. Psychiatrists reported the lowest competency in assessment skills. CONCLUSIONS: This survey demonstrated a critical need for training in specific areas of obesity care. The proposed curriculum targets these areas taking into consideration observed differences across specialties
PMID: 18612746
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 82919