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A role for sister telomere cohesion in telomere elongation by telomerase
Houghtaling, Benjamin R; Canudas, Silvia; Smith, Susan
Telomere length homeostasis is achieved by a balance of telomere shortening caused by DNA replication and nucleolytic attack and telomere lengthening by telomerase. The importance of telomere length maintenance to human health is best illustrated by dyskeratosis congenita (DC) a disease of telomere shortening caused by mutations in telomerase subunits. DC patients suffer stem cell depletion and die of bone marrow stem cell failure. Recently a new class of particularly severe DC patients was found to harbor mutations in the shelterin subunit TIN2. The DC-TIN2 mutations were clustered in small domain of unknown function. In a recently published study we showed that the DC mutation cluster in TIN2 harbored a binding site for heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and further, that HP1 binding to TIN2 was required for sister telomere cohesion in S phase and for telomere length maintenance by telomerase. We briefly review and discuss the implications of our findings in this Extra View, and present some new data that may shed light on how sister telomere cohesion could influence telomere elongation by telomerase
PMID: 22157096
ISSN: 1551-4005
CID: 149956
TIN2 stability is regulated by the E3 ligase Siah2
Bhanot, Monica; Smith, Susan
Telomeres are coated by shelterin, a six-subunit complex that is required for protection and replication of chromosome ends. The central subunit TIN2, with binding sites to three subunits (TRF1, TRF2, and TPP1), is essential for stability and function of the complex. Here we show that TIN2 stability is regulated by the E3 ligase Siah2. We demonstrate that TIN2 binds to Siah2 and is ubiquitylated in vivo. We show using purified proteins that Siah2 acts as an E3 ligase to directly ubiquitylate TIN2 in vitro. Depletion of Siah2 led to stabilization of TIN2 protein, indicating that Siah2 regulates TIN2 protein levels in vivo. Overexpression of Siah2 in human cells led to loss of TIN2 at telomeres that was dependent on the presence of the catalytic RING domain of Siah2. In contrast to RNAi-mediated depletion of TIN2 that led to loss of TRF1 and TRF2 at telomeres, Siah2-mediated depletion of TIN2 allowed TRF1 and TRF2 to remain on telomeres, indicating a different fate for shelterin subunits when TIN2 is depleted posttranslationally. TPP1 was lost from telomeres, although its protein level was not reduced. We speculate that Siah2-mediated removal of TIN2 may allow dynamic remodeling of the shelterin complex and its associated factors during the cell cycle.
PMID: 22064479
ISSN: 0270-7306
CID: 157613
A role for heterochromatin protein 1{gamma} at human telomeres
Canudas, Silvia; Houghtaling, Benjamin R; Bhanot, Monica; Sasa, Ghadir; Savage, Sharon A; Bertuch, Alison A; Smith, Susan
Human telomere function is mediated by shelterin, a six-subunit complex that is required for telomere replication, protection, and cohesion. TIN2, the central component of shelterin, has binding sites to three subunits: TRF1, TRF2, and TPP1. Here we identify a fourth partner, heterochromatin protein 1gamma (HP1gamma), that binds to a conserved canonical HP1-binding motif, PXVXL, in the C-terminal domain of TIN2. We show that HP1gamma localizes to telomeres in S phase, where it is required to establish/maintain cohesion. We further demonstrate that the HP1-binding site in TIN2 is required for sister telomere cohesion and can impact telomere length maintenance by telomerase. Remarkably, the PTVML HP1-binding site is embedded in the recently identified cluster of mutations in TIN2 that gives rise to dyskeratosis congenita (DC), an inherited bone marrow failure syndrome caused by defects in telomere maintenance. We show that DC-associated mutations in TIN2 abrogate binding to HP1gamma and that DC patient cells are defective in sister telomere cohesion. Our data indicate a novel requirement for HP1gamma in the establishment/maintenance of cohesion at human telomeres and, furthermore, may provide insight into the mechanism of pathogenesis in TIN2-mediated DC
PMID: 21865325
ISSN: 1549-5477
CID: 137073
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 3 (PARP3), a newcomer in cellular response to DNA damage and mitotic progression
Boehler, Christian; Gauthier, Laurent R; Mortusewicz, Oliver; Biard, Denis S; Saliou, Jean-Michel; Bresson, Anne; Sanglier-Cianferani, Sarah; Smith, Susan; Schreiber, Valerie; Boussin, Francois; Dantzer, Francoise
The ADP ribosyl transferase [poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase] ARTD3(PARP3) is a newly characterized member of the ARTD(PARP) family that catalyzes the reaction of ADP ribosylation, a key posttranslational modification of proteins involved in different signaling pathways from DNA damage to energy metabolism and organismal memory. This enzyme shares high structural similarities with the DNA repair enzymes PARP1 and PARP2 and accordingly has been found to catalyse poly(ADP ribose) synthesis. However, relatively little is known about its in vivo cellular properties. By combining biochemical studies with the generation and characterization of loss-of-function human and mouse models, we describe PARP3 as a newcomer in genome integrity and mitotic progression. We report a particular role of PARP3 in cellular response to double-strand breaks, most likely in concert with PARP1. We identify PARP3 as a critical player in the stabilization of the mitotic spindle and in telomere integrity notably by associating and regulating the mitotic components NuMA and tankyrase 1. Both functions open stimulating prospects for specifically targeting PARP3 in cancer therapy
PMID: 21270334
ISSN: 1091-6490
CID: 134153
Differential regulation of telomere and centromere cohesion by the Scc3 homologues SA1 and SA2, respectively, in human cells
Canudas, Silvia; Smith, Susan
Replicated sister chromatids are held together until mitosis by cohesin, a conserved multisubunit complex comprised of Smc1, Smc3, Scc1, and Scc3, which in vertebrate cells exists as two closely related homologues (SA1 and SA2). Here, we show that cohesin(SA1) and cohesin(SA2) are differentially required for telomere and centromere cohesion, respectively. Cells deficient in SA1 are unable to establish or maintain cohesion between sister telomeres after DNA replication in S phase. The same phenotype is observed upon depletion of the telomeric protein TIN2. In contrast, in SA2-depleted cells telomere cohesion is normal, but centromere cohesion is prematurely lost. We demonstrate that loss of telomere cohesion has dramatic consequences on chromosome morphology and function. In the absence of sister telomere cohesion, cells are unable to repair chromatid breaks and suffer sister telomere loss. Our studies elucidate the functional distinction between the Scc3 homologues in human cells and further reveal an essential role for sister telomere cohesion in genomic integrity
PMID: 19822671
ISSN: 1540-8140
CID: 104723
The SAGA the end [Comment]
Smith, Susan
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Atanassov et al. (2009) show that the GCN5-containing SAGA complex regulates telomere function via deubiquitination and stabilization of the telomere repeat binding factor TRF1
PMID: 19683489
ISSN: 1097-4164
CID: 101646
The long and short of it: a new isoform of TIN2 in the nuclear matrix [Comment]
Smith, Susan
PMID: 19279399
ISSN: 1551-4005
CID: 137817
Sister telomeres rendered dysfunctional by persistent cohesion are fused by NHEJ
Hsiao, Susan J; Smith, Susan
Telomeres protect chromosome ends from being viewed as double-strand breaks and from eliciting a DNA damage response. Deprotection of chromosome ends occurs when telomeres become critically short because of replicative attrition or inhibition of TRF2. In this study, we report a novel form of deprotection that occurs exclusively after DNA replication in S/G2 phase of the cell cycle. In cells deficient in the telomeric poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) polymerase tankyrase 1, sister telomere resolution is blocked. Unexpectedly, cohered sister telomeres become deprotected and are inappropriately fused. In contrast to telomeres rendered dysfunctional by TRF2, which engage in chromatid fusions predominantly between chromatids from different chromosomes (Bailey, S.M., M.N. Cornforth, A. Kurimasa, D.J. Chen, and E.H. Goodwin. 2001. Science. 293:2462-2465; Smogorzewska, A., J. Karlseder, H. Holtgreve-Grez, A. Jauch, and T. de Lange. 2002. Curr. Biol. 12:1635-1644), telomeres rendered dysfunctional by tankyrase 1 engage in chromatid fusions almost exclusively between sister chromatids. We show that cohered sister telomeres are fused by DNA ligase IV-mediated nonhomologous end joining. These results demonstrate that the timely removal of sister telomere cohesion is essential for the formation of a protective structure at chromosome ends after DNA replication in S/G2 phase of the cell cycle
PMID: 19221198
ISSN: 1540-8140
CID: 93576
Tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 are essential but redundant for mouse embryonic development
Chiang, Y Jeffrey; Hsiao, Susan J; Yver, Dena; Cushman, Samuel W; Tessarollo, Lino; Smith, Susan; Hodes, Richard J
Tankyrases are proteins with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity. Human tankyrases post-translationally modify multiple proteins involved in processes including maintenance of telomere length, sister telomere association, and trafficking of glut4-containing vesicles. To date, however, little is known about in vivo functions for tankyrases. We recently reported that body size was significantly reduced in mice deficient for tankyrase 2, but that these mice otherwise appeared developmentally normal. In the present study, we report generation of tankyrase 1-deficient and tankyrase 1 and 2 double-deficient mice, and use of these mutant strains to systematically assess candidate functions of tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 in vivo. No defects were observed in development, telomere length maintenance, or cell cycle regulation in tankyrase 1 or tankyrase 2 knockout mice. In contrast to viability and normal development of mice singly deficient in either tankyrase, deficiency in both tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 results in embryonic lethality by day 10, indicating that there is substantial redundancy between tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2, but that tankyrase function is essential for embryonic development
PMID: 18612384
ISSN: 1932-6203
CID: 88580
Tankyrase function at telomeres, spindle poles, and beyond
Hsiao, Susan J; Smith, Susan
Telomeres have special needs; they require distinct mechanisms for their protection, replication, and separation at mitosis. A dedicated six-subunit protein complex termed shelterin attends to these needs. But shelterin cannot do it alone and often relies on recruits from other cellular locales. One such recruit is tankyrase 1, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase that is brought to telomeres by the shelterin DNA binding subunit TRF1, where it functions in telomere length regulation and sister chromatid separation. An understanding of how tankyrase 1 functions at telomeres has been confounded by its complexity; it localizes to multiple subcellular sites, it has many diverse binding partners, and it has a closely related homolog (tankyrase 2) with which it may functionally overlap. This review summarizes our current knowledge of tankyrases focusing on their localization, binding partners, and function
PMID: 17825467
ISSN: 0300-9084
CID: 76329