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Auditory cortical plasticity in cochlear implant users

Glennon, Erin; Svirsky, Mario A; Froemke, Robert C
Cochlear implants are one of the most successful neuroprosthetic devices that have been developed to date. Profoundly deaf patients can achieve speech perception after complete loss of sensory input. Despite the improvements many patients experience, there is still a large degree of outcome variability. It has been proposed that central plasticity may be a major factor in the different levels of benefit that patients experience. However, the neural mechanisms of how plasticity impacts cochlear implant learning and the degree of plasticity's influence remain unknown. Here, we review the human and animal research on three of the main ways that central plasticity affects cochlear implant outcomes.
PMID: 31864104
ISSN: 1873-6882
CID: 4250432

The Effect of Hearing Aid Bandwidth and Configuration of Hearing Loss on Bimodal Speech Recognition in Cochlear Implant Users

Neuman, Arlene C; Zeman, Annette; Neukam, Jonathan; Wang, Binhuan; Svirsky, Mario A
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:(1) To determine the effect of hearing aid (HA) bandwidth on bimodal speech perception in a group of unilateral cochlear implant (CI) patients with diverse degrees and configurations of hearing loss in the nonimplanted ear, (2) to determine whether there are demographic and audiometric characteristics that would help to determine the appropriate HA bandwidth for a bimodal patient. DESIGN/METHODS:Participants were 33 experienced bimodal device users with postlingual hearing loss. Twenty three of them had better speech perception with the CI than the HA (CI>HA group) and 10 had better speech perception with the HA than the CI (HA>CI group). Word recognition in sentences (AzBio sentences at +10 dB signal to noise ratio presented at 0° azimuth) and in isolation [CNC (consonant-nucleus-consonant) words] was measured in unimodal conditions [CI alone or HAWB, which indicates HA alone in the wideband (WB) condition] and in bimodal conditions (BMWB, BM2k, BM1k, and BM500) as the bandwidth of an actual HA was reduced from WB to 2 kHz, 1 kHz, and 500 Hz. Linear mixed-effect modeling was used to quantify the relationship between speech recognition and listening condition and to assess how audiometric or demographic covariates might influence this relationship in each group. RESULTS:For the CI>HA group, AzBio scores were significantly higher (on average) in all bimodal conditions than in the best unimodal condition (CI alone) and were highest at the BMWB condition. For CNC scores, on the other hand, there was no significant improvement over the CI-alone condition in any of the bimodal conditions. The opposite pattern was observed in the HA>CI group. CNC word scores were significantly higher in the BM2k and BMWB conditions than in the best unimodal condition (HAWB), but none of the bimodal conditions were significantly better than the best unimodal condition for AzBio sentences (and some of the restricted bandwidth conditions were actually worse). Demographic covariates did not interact significantly with bimodal outcomes, but some of the audiometric variables did. For CI>HA participants with a flatter audiometric configuration and better mid-frequency hearing, bimodal AzBio scores were significantly higher than the CI-alone score with the WB setting (BMWB) but not with other bandwidths. In contrast, CI>HA participants with more steeply sloping hearing loss and poorer mid-frequency thresholds (≥82.5 dB) had significantly higher bimodal AzBio scores in all bimodal conditions, and the BMWB did not differ significantly from the restricted bandwidth conditions. HA>CI participants with mild low-frequency hearing loss showed the highest levels of bimodal improvement over the best unimodal condition on CNC words. They were also less affected by HA bandwidth reduction compared with HA>CI participants with poorer low-frequency thresholds. CONCLUSIONS:The pattern of bimodal performance as a function of the HA bandwidth was found to be consistent with the degree and configuration of hearing loss for both patients with CI>HA performance and for those with HA>CI performance. Our results support fitting the HA for all bimodal patients with the widest bandwidth consistent with effective audibility.
PMID: 30067559
ISSN: 1538-4667
CID: 3217482

Locus coeruleus activation accelerates perceptual learning

Glennon, Erin; Carcea, Ioana; Martins, Ana Raquel O; Multani, Jasmin; Shehu, Ina; Svirsky, Mario A; Froemke, Robert C
Neural representations of the external world are constructed and updated in a manner that depends on behavioral context. For neocortical networks, this contextual information is relayed by a diverse range of neuromodulatory systems, which govern attention and signal the value of internal state variables such as arousal, motivation, and stress. Neuromodulators enable cortical circuits to differentially process specific stimuli and modify synaptic strengths in order to maintain short- or long-term memory traces of significant perceptual events and behavioral episodes. One of the most important subcortical neuromodulatory systems for attention and arousal is the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. Here we report that the noradrenergic system can enhance behavior in rats performing a self-initiated auditory recognition task, and optogenetic stimulation of noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons accelerated the rate at which trained rats began correctly responding to a change in reward contingency. Animals successively progressed through distinct behavioral epochs, including periods of perseverance and exploration that occurred much more rapidly when animals received locus coeruleus stimulation. In parallel, we made recordings from primary auditory cortex and found that pairing tones with locus coeruleus stimulation led to a similar set of changes to cortical tuning profiles. Thus both behavioral and neural responses go through phases of adjustment for exploring and exploiting environmental reward contingencies. Furthermore, behavioral engagement does not necessarily recruit optimal locus coeruleus activity.
PMID: 29859972
ISSN: 1872-6240
CID: 3144272

Comparison of Skull Radiograph and Computed Tomography Measurements of Cochlear Implant Insertion Angles

Gallant, Sara; Friedmann, David R; Hagiwara, Mari; Roland, J Thomas; Svirsky, Mario A; Jethanamest, Daniel
BACKGROUND:Measurement of the angular depth of insertion (aDOI) of cochlear implant electrode arrays has numerous clinical and research applications. Plain-film radiographs are easily obtained intraoperatively and have been described as a means to calculate aDOI. CT imaging with 3D reformatting can also be used for this measurement, but is less conveniently obtained and requires higher radiation doses, a particular concern in pediatrics. The extent to which plain-film and 3D CT image-based measurements are representative of the true position of the electrode within the cochlea is unknown. METHODS:Cochlear implantation was performed on 10 cadaveric temporal bones. Five bones were implanted with perimodiolar electrodes (Contour Advance TM, Cochlear, Sydney, Australia) and five were implanted with lateral wall electrodes (Slim Straight, Cochlear). The insertion depths of the electrodes were varied. Each bone was imaged with a radiograph and CT. aDOI was measured for each bone in each imaging modality by a neurotologist and a neuroradiologist. To obtain a 'gold standard' estimate of aDOI, the implanted temporal bones were embedded in an epoxy resin and methodically sectioned at 100 μm intervals; histologic images were captured at each interval. A 3D stack of the images was compounded, and a MATLAB script used to calculate aDOI of the most apical electrode. Measurements in the three modalities (radiograph, CT, and histology) were then compared. RESULTS:The average aDOI across all bones was similar for all modalities: 423° for radiographs, 425° for CT scans, and 427° for histology, indicating that neither imaging modality resulted in large systematic errors. Using the histology-measured angles as a reference, the average error for CT-based measures (regardless of whether the error was in the positive or negative direction) was 12°, and that for radiograph-based measures was 15°. This small difference (12 vs 15° error) was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Based on this cadaveric temporal bone model, both radiographs and CTs can provide reasonably accurate aDOI measurements. In this small sample, and as expected, the CT-based estimates were more accurate than the radiograph-based measurements. However, the difference was small and not statistically significant. Thus, the use of plain radiographs to calculate aDOI seems judicious whenever it is desired to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure and expense.
PMID: 30741910
ISSN: 1537-4505
CID: 3656032

Duration of unilateral auditory deprivation is associated with reduced speech perception after cochlear implantation: A single-sided deafness study

Cohen, Samuel M; Svirsky, Mario A
OBJECTIVE:Examine the relationship between duration of unilateral deafness and speech perception outcomes after cochlear implantation in adults with single-sided deafness. METHODS:A systematic review of PubMed articles containing individual speech perception and duration of deafness data from single-sided deaf adults. Studies were selected for detailed review and duration of deafness and speech perception outcomes were extracted, with speech scores reported as percent correct. A linear regression as a function of study and length of deafness was performed. RESULTS:A statistically significant negative effect of duration of unilateral deafness on speech perception was found, but there was substantial uncertainty regarding the strength of the effect. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Existing data make it difficult to either support or reject a hard 5- or 10-year unilateral auditory deprivation limit on cochlear implant (CI) candidacy for patients with single-sided deafness. This is because the totality of available data are consistent with a very small effect, perhaps negligible in practical terms, and just as consistent with a very large effect. Regardless of effect size, the present results have important basic implications. They suggest that unilateral sound deprivation may have a deleterious effect on auditory processing even though more central parts of the auditory system have continued to receive input from a contralateral normal ear. CONCLUSIONS:Speech perception scores in SSD patients are negatively correlated with duration of deafness, but the limited amount of data from cochlear implant users with long-term single-sided deafness leads to substantial uncertainly, which in turn precludes any strong clinical recommendations. Further study of SSD CI users with long-term deafness will be necessary to generate evidence-based guidelines for implantation criteria in this population.
PMID: 30486762
ISSN: 1754-7628
CID: 3594642

Deactivating cochlear implant electrodes to improve speech perception: A computational approach

Sagi, Elad; Svirsky, Mario A
A potential bottleneck to improving speech perception performance in cochlear implant (CI) users is that some of their electrodes may poorly encode speech information. Several studies have examined the effect of deactivating poorly encoding electrodes on speech perception with mixed results. Many of these studies focused on identifying poorly encoding electrodes by some measure (e.g. electrode discrimination, pitch ordering, threshold, CT-guided, masked modulation detection), but provide inconsistent criteria about which electrodes, and how many, should be deactivated, and without considering how speech information becomes distributed across the electrode array. The present simulation study addresses this issue using computational approaches. Previously validated models were used to generate predictions of speech scores as a function of all possible combinations of active electrodes in a 22-electrode array in three groups of hypothetical subjects representative of relatively better, moderate, and poorer performing CI users. Using high-performance computing, over 500 million predictions were generated. Although deactivation of the poorest encoding electrodes sometimes resulted in predicted benefit, this benefit was significantly less relative to predictions resulting from model-optimized deactivations. This trend persisted when using novel stimuli (i.e. other than those used for optimization) and when using different processing strategies. Optimum electrode deactivation patterns produced an average predicted increase in word scores of 10% with some scores increasing by more than 20%. Optimum electrode deactivation patterns typically included 11 to 19 (out of 22) active electrodes, depending on the performance group. Optimal active electrode combinations were those that maximized discrimination of speech cues, maintaining 80%-100% of the physical span of the array. The present study demonstrates the potential for further improving CI users' speech scores with appropriate selection of active electrodes.
PMID: 30396747
ISSN: 1878-5891
CID: 3455692

A potential neurophysiological correlate of electric-acoustic pitch matching in adult cochlear implant users: Pilot data

Tan, Chin-Tuan; Martin, Brett A; Svirsky, Mario A
The overall goal of this study was to identify an objective physiological correlate of electric-acoustic pitch matching in unilaterally implanted cochlear implant (CI) participants with residual hearing in the non-implanted ear. Electrical and acoustic stimuli were presented in a continuously alternating fashion across ears. The acoustic stimulus and the electrical stimulus were either matched or mismatched in pitch. Auditory evoked potentials were obtained from nine CI users. Results indicated that N1 latency was stimulus-dependent, decreasing when the acoustic frequency of the tone presented to the non-implanted ear was increased. More importantly, there was an additional decrease in N1 latency in the pitch-matched condition. These results indicate the potential utility of N1 latency as an index of pitch matching in CI users.
PMID: 29508662
ISSN: 1754-7628
CID: 2992042

Effect of Pulse Rate on Loudness Discrimination in Cochlear Implant Users

Azadpour, Mahan; McKay, Colette M; Svirsky, Mario A
Stimulation pulse rate affects current amplitude discrimination by cochlear implant (CI) users, indicated by the evidence that the JND (just noticeable difference) in current amplitude delivered by a CI electrode becomes larger at higher pulse rates. However, it is not clearly understood whether pulse rate would affect discrimination of speech intensities presented acoustically to CI processors, or what the size of this effect might be. Intensity discrimination depends on two factors: the growth of loudness with increasing sound intensity and the loudness JND (or the just noticeable loudness increment). This study evaluated the hypothesis that stimulation pulse rate affects loudness JND. This was done by measuring current amplitude JNDs in an experiment design based on signal detection theory according to which loudness discrimination is related to internal noise (which is manifested by variability in loudness percept in response to repetitions of the same physical stimulus). Current amplitude JNDs were measured for equally loud pulse trains of 500 and 3000 pps (pulses per second) by increasing the current amplitude of the target pulse train until it was perceived just louder than a same-rate or different-rate reference pulse train. The JND measures were obtained at two presentation levels. At the louder level, the current amplitude JNDs were affected by the rate of the reference pulse train in a way that was consistent with greater noise or variability in loudness perception for the higher pulse rate. The results suggest that increasing pulse rate from 500 to 3000 pps can increase loudness JND by 60 % at the upper portion of the dynamic range. This is equivalent to a 38 % reduction in the number of discriminable steps for acoustic and speech intensities.
PMID: 29532190
ISSN: 1438-7573
CID: 2992622

A Smartphone Application for Customized Frequency Table Selection in Cochlear Implants

Jethanamest, Daniel; Azadpour, Mahan; Zeman, Annette M; Sagi, Elad; Svirsky, Mario A
HYPOTHESIS: A novel smartphone-based software application can facilitate self-selection of frequency allocation tables (FAT) in postlingually deaf cochlear implant (CI) users. BACKGROUND: CIs use FATs to represent the tonotopic organization of a normal cochlea. Current CI fitting methods typically use a standard FAT for all patients regardless of individual differences in cochlear size and electrode location. In postlingually deaf patients, different amounts of mismatch can result between the frequency-place function they experienced when they had normal hearing and the frequency-place function that results from the standard FAT. For some CI users, an alternative FAT may enhance sound quality or speech perception. Currently, no widely available tools exist to aid real-time selection of different FATs. This study aims to develop a new smartphone tool for this purpose and to evaluate speech perception and sound quality measures in a pilot study of CI subjects using this application. METHODS: A smartphone application for a widely available mobile platform (iOS) was developed to serve as a preprocessor of auditory input to a clinical CI speech processor and enable interactive real-time selection of FATs. The application's output was validated by measuring electrodograms for various inputs. A pilot study was conducted in six CI subjects. Speech perception was evaluated using word recognition tests. RESULTS: All subjects successfully used the portable application with their clinical speech processors to experience different FATs while listening to running speech. The users were all able to select one table that they judged provided the best sound quality. All subjects chose a FAT different from the standard FAT in their everyday clinical processor. Using the smartphone application, the mean consonant-nucleus-consonant score with the default FAT selection was 28.5% (SD 16.8) and 29.5% (SD 16.4) when using a self-selected FAT. CONCLUSION: A portable smartphone application enables CI users to self-select frequency allocation tables in real time. Even though the self-selected FATs that were deemed to have better sound quality were only tested acutely (i.e., without long-term experience with them), speech perception scores were not inferior to those obtained with the clinical FATs. This software application may be a valuable tool for improving future methods of CI fitting.
PMID: 28806335
ISSN: 1537-4505
CID: 2669212

Cochlear implants and electronic hearing

Svirsky, Mario
ISSN: 1945-0699
CID: 2675482